
Terminator Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"Terminator was a surprise hit that surprised nobody more than its main villain, Schwarzenegger."
"Learning capabilities and self-awareness, the CPU of the T800 terminator can be switched between a read write mode and a read-only mode."
"It's like the longer it goes on, the less threatening Terminators appear to be."
"Now people often talk fondly of the almighty sequel that is Terminator 2 Judgment Day, but they seem to frequently forget how great the original movie actually is."
"It absolutely will not stop ever until you are dead."
"The Terminator is out there, can't be bargained with, can't be reasoned with."
"The selling point of the movie is Arnold as the Terminator, and Arnold really is the perfect Terminator."
"It wouldn't be a Terminator sequel if it didn't completely ignore the themes of Terminator 2: No fate but what we make."
"Because of a machine, a Terminator can learn the value of human life. Maybe we can too."
"I love lasers. Sent two Terminators back through time to destroy the leader of the human resistance. Myself as a baby."
"Arnold as Terminator cannot be stopped."
"Straight up Terminator. We want to watch the Terminator. Yeah, we do need to watch that. I love Arnold. Get to the chopper"
"Skynet brings us images of the Terminator movie where John Connor is being chased by drones with laser weapons and powerful robots called Terminators, all controlled by the central AI called Skynet."
"The name Terminator got built up."
"The phrase 'There is no fate but what we make for ourselves' is not said in 'Terminator 1984.' The phrase comes from a deleted scene and is a central point in this movie."
"Consider this like the force awakens of the Terminator."
"There's something about Terminator 1 that just always, every time I'm like, 'No, it's Terminator 2,' but it's Terminator 2."
"Honestly, other than the Terminator, I really ain't taking him in anything really action."
"You know, if a freaking Terminator can learn to appreciate human life, then maybe there's hope for us humans after all."
"It's still written around what the Terminator would actually do. We all know this cringy-ass scene 'talk to the hand,' but when you see where he got it from, it's surprisingly pretty clever."
"You are terminated. I think I underwrote the phone one in. I am the only thing you're gonna remember from this movie."
"The terminator theme is one of the best movie themes of all time."
"Out of all the Terminator movies, I think what makes this one my favorite... is that it's actually about something."
"...and godzilla in this movie starts doing really un-godzilla things and after he fights the real Godzilla who chips off some of his you know rubber skin you learned that it's a Terminator Godzilla like underneath..."
"Surely there's another kickass Terminator movie left in the franchise."
"I'm really excited to watch this Terminator, not only because it's from the 80s and I'm expecting it to be freaking cool."
"Terminator 2: Judgment Day, easily the number one sequel that is better than the original."
"But in terms of the overall performance, the black background, the able to pinpoint imaging, the overall soundscape, and the musicality, at least to me, objectively speaking, is better on the terminator and the terminator plus without a doubt."
"Last two Terminator films were absolutely great. First one was very good but the second one, Judgment Day, I gotta say probably one of my favorite action sci-fi films of all time."
"Terminator is out there. It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead."
"Arnold's job was to terminate and what Arnold did was that he learned, then he came back through time and he learned and he learned."
"The Terminator almost had a victory until it blew up in his face."
"I think it's just time we all admit Terminator needs a reboot."
"Terminator still holds up, man. It's one of the best films of that decade."
"The new Terminator in this was absolutely insane. I thought the first Terminator was hard to kill but this guy, Jesus Christ."
"The director wants Peter Weller to return in the role on Twitter, which is great, and of course, we're getting a new Terminator film."
"Terminator has always been primarily Sarah Connor's story."
"She's always been the most fascinating character."
"Living tissue over metal endoskeleton."
"The Terminator still stands as one of the best science fiction films of all time."
"A vengeful Sarah Connor devoting her life to hunting terminators with the help of the very terminator that killed her son, who now has a family of his own and is seeking redemption and forgiveness, that is infinitely more interesting."
"The skull itself has just a beautiful head; it looks just like a terminator endoskeleton should look."
"If you're a terminator fan, you would absolutely love this piece in your collection."
"The plan required something that felt no pity, no pain, no fear. Something unstoppable. They created the Terminator."
"One thing that's rather neat about this Terminator is it does have light-piping."
"This is from the first Terminator movie, the original Terminator one... just iconic goodness right there."
"He's looking like a Terminator right now. I've never seen a man wear pink and look more scary."
"The Terminator script was sold for a dollar."
"I like Terminator, T1 and T2, T2 is my juice."
"The Terminator franchise has certainly come a long way since James Cameron's original film hit theaters in 1984."
"It remains the highest-grossing Terminator movie to this day."
"Terminator 2: amazing sequel that just manages to top it."
"The bad guy of this movie is an updated terminator model, the T-1000, who spends his entire run time dressed as a cop."
"Terminator Salvation... puts a spotlight on elements of the franchise that have either previously been glossed over or only spoken in passing."
"What made Terminator 2 and by extension the first one work so well... was this learning cybernetic organism made to kill, learning to love."
"This one terminator... feels unique and special."
"The only sequel we universally care about is 1991's Terminator 2: Judgment Day."
"I'll be back. Hey, I said the thing."
"He's charging through like a terminator."
"Damage is basically Marvel's version of The Terminator."
"I'll be back, that was probably the most quoted line of all time."
"T2 Judgment Day is the best action film ever made."
"The premise is that in Terminator 2, Sarah and John actually managed to stop Judgment Day."
"I love the Terminator; that movie was so great."
"I love the Terminator movies and I love the ideas behind them."
"Like the Terminator 1 and 2 are so great because of the story."
"The first Terminator was so good because it's simple."