
Rebound Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"In 2019, we saw one of the strongest rebounds in crypto markets ever witnessed before in history."
"Maybe we should consider buying the dip because look at this, we got close to that 23.6 yesterday and we hardcore bounced off of it today."
"The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."
"You get to be the victim, you have people feeling bad for you, you get to have rebound sex, you get bangs."
"Knives is more than a rebound and she's more than a victim."
"The harder something falls, the higher it might bounce back."
"Only the black rocks are going to go buy the entire marketplace."
"I feel like men just hop into the next relationship to try to like feel a void."
"I just scored dates with five different chicks on the rebound."
"We have a rebound in the Chinese names, severely oversold Alibaba for example, popping higher."
"It's early, but these matches, especially if you've taken a loss, you know you want a rebound."
"I think she'll realize she's trying to cover up her pain with a new relationship, but that's not how it works."
"You could have lost someone and then met this person and maybe you thought it was a rebound but then you realized wait a minute I'm still thinking about this person."
"We're made of rubber, we bounce back."
"It's the last of the five biggest US tech firms to reach an all all-time high in that rebound from that post-pandemic selloff."
"It's great to see people like, you know, like they struggle, they rebound."
"The farther back into darkness you pull the rubber band when you finally let go it's going to fly that much faster and that much farther into the light."
"Happy Friday afternoon two hours ago heading into the weekend here we are dealing with quite the rebound once again."
"What I think if they've only been broken up for like two months and she [ __ ] somebody else, that's exactly right."
"The best way to get over a man is to find another man."
"The person who starts to date someone the quickest after a breakup is the one who's not over it."
"You were a rebound when we met, going through a lot of pain. But you're a healer, even now."
"Designed within that seven-day period to get that sting out of the breakup."
"A cheap stock can always get cheaper finding the cheap stocks to buy right now the ones ready for a rebound means using technical analysis to find those inflection points in a Stock's price."
"Proceed with Extreme Caution when dating people who are on the rebound or you're going to get burned."
"The awful run of four consecutive league defeats for Liverpool ended with a two-nil triumph over Sheffield United."
"Eating a low calorie diet very often leads to gaining the weight back again."
"Hope can rebound from anything so long as there's space for it."
"Isaac Okoro grabbed a big-time rebound after Purifoy knocked this ball out."
"People going through a divorce are often afraid to be alone, so they often jump into a relationship right after leaving their partner."
"...adam green can rebound because he's one of my favorite modern directors."
"I actually like the rebound aspect because it saves the energy."
"Seduction is almost like a skill, it's almost like being able to hit a baseball and bat .300. The best thing you can do after a bad relationship is go back in the game and try and meet other women."
"Coming off of a bad loss last week and getting back on track, it's a good solid win for us."
"Just because your ex is in a rebound relationship doesn't mean that they don't love you anymore."
"They may go from relationship to relationship and actually like not even really heal or process a past breakup before getting into a relationship with another person."
"It's a rebound rather than anything that will be sustainable."
"The shares of medical device companies have been rebounding from that sell-off this year."
"If you shortcut it and you err on the side of too little, you end up having a high chance of rebound and pissing away almost the entire fat loss phase."
"Guys, you really need to take longer than a month before getting in with somebody else, yep."
"So, it's nice to see a little bit of a rebound, so that's good."
"Detroit did go through a lot of bad years but now they are really starting to see a rebound."
"You might as well just use them for fun or for your rebound until you meet the guy who's going to worship the ground you walk on, okay?"
"In conclusion, do not ever let a guy rebound you. You better do better."
"Larry at his peak couldn't run faster than I could move today yeah with all these guys playing above the rim and just dominating everything there was larry grabbing every rebound every single rebound."
"Generally speaking, things go in one direction and they tend to rebound in some capacity."
"If you experience loss of what you desire and you're able to do that with the right attitude, then it's like a trampoline or a new ground on which you can reach higher."
"If it has good impact protection and a little bit of rebound back and a little bit of bounce, that adds to the responsiveness."
"Rebound relationships don't work."
"NFT activity will rebound to an all-time high, gravitating towards the top collections on ETH, better crypto games, and new bitcoin-based offerings."
"We might also see one of the quickest rebounds in history."
"Gentlemen who have been discarded by one young lady are often apt to attach themselves without delay to another, sir. It is what is known as a gesture."
"It can all change with one rebound."
"Utilizing rebound is a huge part of playing drums."
"The harder you throw them down, the higher they rebound."
"We execute a stroke by throwing the stick on the drumhead and letting it come up again by the rebound, just like dribbling a ball."
"The core common denominator of a rebound relationship is that the person is in the relationship for reasons other than normal deep compatibility with a partner."
"Our mind should rebound off the thought and back onto the object of meditation."
"I might miss, but I'm going to work hard to get the rebound."
"You should always think twice before getting into a rebound relationship."
"The noise I made was something like 'Ahhhh,' and then I shot back up again."
"So, the glaciers leave, and the Earth’s crust starts bouncing back."
"No matter how much you pull the bow string, it always comes back with more force."
"I shot my shot and I missed, but then it came back and it worked out."
"The potential for Rebound should not deter clinicians from prescribing life-saving antiviral treatments."
"A rebound relationship means starting a new relationship before emotionally healing from a recent breakup."
"By restricting the use of pesticides that were hazardous to birds such as DDT, we've seen a tremendous rebound in the populations of bird species."
"The business has thankfully rebounded in the month since the initial hit of social distance and regulations."
"Don't jump into a relationship with a person who is freshly out of another relationship."
"Rodman a big night off the boards, 21 rebounds."
"I've been single now for 3 years. I've tried to find love again, but rebounds don't work."
"Dead cat bounces are the most epic."
"There is potential for a Chinese rebound depending on the consumer."
"I like my coffee black, my women on the rebound, and my opera Italian."
"Whatever they're throwing to you, it has backfired on them."
"He's got that moonwalk from a rebound, that's one of the things that Max D is known for."