
Humidity Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Low humidity gives increasing transmission of the virus, high humidity is giving reduced transmission of the virus."
"Increased relative humidity was associated with decreased cases in both epidemic phases."
"Could increasing relative humidity contribute to reduction in the SARS Coronavirus 2 infection?"
"It's so hot and humid inside that our cameras immediately fog up."
"Humidity: promoting a more humid environment at the base can help with root production."
"The virus didn't seem to like 50 percent humidity."
"I'm just radiating so much, you're a moist man right now, I don't like it."
"It's just really nice to have a humidifier especially during the winter time when you have the heater on, it just helps keep the whole room feeling nice and hydrated."
"Fear so thick here with humidity that you cough up the water that accumulates in your lungs."
"Optimize your environment by using a good quality humidifier. This is especially important if you live in desert environments or if you're spending time indoors with an indoor heater because that's where you'll be exposed to drier conditions."
"Humidity sensors measure the amount of moisture in the air. If there's too much moisture, it can lead to condensation which can damage sensitive equipment."
"Watch out for your heating. Be mindful of your heater because they do lower the humidity and that creates impetus for water to exit your skin."
"But if you're in Hawaii somewhere, you're like Baltimore East Coast, you know, it has to be more humid than it"
"Layering your gel stylers, foams, gels, mousses, the products that are going to give you the most hold, will keep your curls together in high humidity."
"Use a humidifier to raise the relative humidity in your environment to 45%."
"Once you apply a varnish, then it prevents the wood from having that benefit of buffering the humidity, right?"
"The weather out here is immaculate like normally it's almost always humid but today for some reason it's not so I'm kind of loving it you can actually stand outside without suffocation."
"Bearded dragons come from an arid environment. They don't need 99% humidity. In fact, that much humidity will cause bearded dragons to get respiratory infections."
"I don't necessarily feel like you need to stress about the humidity levels with this plant."
"Humidity is super important, this plant prefers very moist conditions."
"Just as long it's a tropical substrate that is going to help retain the humidity for the tropical gecko."
"So I can spray this down and this can be the gecko's humid hide."
"but the humidity feels way better than yesterday 78 percent is only 59 today the cold front breezed through and made it way nicer"
"If I cool this down from 70 to 50 when I get to 50 at that point the air is saturated it can't hold any more water vapor."
"The drier the air is relative to the amount of moisture that it can hold...the faster the water will evaporate on your finger."
"I've never experienced humid weather to that capacity, like I was walking through the ocean, I was walking in liquid."
"This is the panoramic mascara I have been really enjoying it because well first of all it looks great but second of all it doesn't smudge or smear even in this insane humidity"
"Often we hear about avix needing a very very high humidity, and this is one of the things that's caused problems in the past."
"I heard humidifiers are good for like anti-aging too because it keeps everything nice and moist."
"Besides looking amazing it also allows the walls to breathe and it prevents any humidity issues."
"I've kept it in a range between 40 and 50 degrees, typically humidity around like 65, 70-ish."
"...humidity does not affect the condenser specifically."
"Once a month if you live in a humid area, you can do twice a month. That way you're not drying out their skin."
"Use a wet towel to increase humidity in your house. Your plants will really thank you for it."
"This is perfect for those warm nights when you're in a tent and it's just too muggy and too sticky to sleep."
"Humidifiers are great, especially in a winter city like ours."
"We've got to keep the humidity for the ones that are hatching."
"In solving problems, relative humidity is meaningless to us."
"We're getting the humidifier set up right now."
"Honestly, this is the most humid place I've ever been."
"It definitely loves consistently high humidity and warm temperatures."
"The thing that these plants really, really, really love is humidity and this is why having a cabinet for your plants is so brilliant."
"This is really great for houseplants that prefer higher humidity. It really does wonders for them."
"These are the kinds of plants that really enjoy a lot of humidity... I recommend a humidifier."
"This seems like a plant that would appreciate a little bit more humidity."
"Each species of chameleon has different humidity level requirements."
"The way that you can measure your humidity is with what's called a hygrometer."
"When there's less humidity, like in the winter time with the heat on, the droplets tend to dry out and travel farther."
"Temperature and humidity influence influenza virus transmission."
"It's really quite clever... maintains a sense of humidity in here because it literally seals the whole thing in. It's really really quite clever."
"It's a little sweaty, it's a little humid, and it's a whole lot muddy because we're doing a lot of farm work."
"Subtropical climates have long, hot, and humid summers with temperatures reaching the highest seen in temperate zones."
"It's going to be a hot muggy day today."
"The L-shaped pool is right next to the living room which provides more humidity inside and the feeling of integration of the rooms."
"It's quite humid today, so we're getting this little bit of spray from the water, which is lovely."
"With the Monstera dubia, it absolutely loves humidity."
"It's going to get very hot in Florida today, very humid, very hot."
"If relative humidity is 100%, it means that the air is saturated with water vapor and cannot hold any more."
"The presence of water immediately comes into the picture when we talk about humidity."
"If the air surrounding the bulb is already saturated with water, there will not be any evaporation from the surface of the bulb."
"Seoul will see hot sunny and humid weather for the next five days."
"It is definitely hot and it is very humid outside."
"While humidity is going to affect a device's ability to work at all or not work at all, temperature could affect its efficiency."
"Gutation is more likely to happen in humid conditions versus transpiration which is more likely to happen in dry conditions."
"Lack of humidity is often cited as the number one thing that causes crispy brown leaf tips on plants."
"The ones a little bit drier closer to that 65% are giving me a lot more flavor."
"Bread baking is not an exact science when it comes to flours because it's more about how dry or humid your air is that day."
"Under 50 percent relative humidity is what you should be looking for inside to have a good environment that does not promote mold and mildew."
"We were able to come up with propellants that were reasonable energy, slightly reduced performance, but still reasonable energy and no smoke unless the humidity was very high."
"Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of water vapor actually present in the air to the greatest amount possible at the same temperature."
"At the end of the day, the weather is not cold, it's humid here tonight."
"This plant can also do quite well in the bathroom, so it also doesn't mind that elevated humidity."
"It's going to take the moisture out of the air and it's going to bring it into your skin, while keeping your skin really hydrated and plump."
"It's not even that it's hot, it's humid like you legit cannot walk outside without sweating to death."
"It's a very hot place to be in general, very similar to Texas but it's like more humid for some reason."
"It's very hot and humid out here."
"Peace lilies absolutely love humidity."
"With the bow, it gives you a mechanical advantage if you have moisture, dampness, or humidity because physically you have an advantage."
"Temperature and humidity can affect the actual material properties of your part."
"Humidity between 40 and 60 is very beneficial for Fiddle Leaf Fig trees."
"It's 31° today, not quite as hot as it's been in Perth, and the weather's a little bit more humid here."
"Wear gloves, for oils in your hands on bare metal will rust, especially in weather like today where it's humid."
"These plants love humidity, and if you could get that humidity up, then it's perfect."
"This is really cool; it actually shows you the current humidity which is 56."
"40 degrees in Florida feels like negative 17 in Colorado because we've got so much humidity; it's just ice cold down to the bone."
"The flavor does change though with the humidity... that really gonna help improve the flavor of the figs."
"The bees are living and breathing and they're bringing honey in, which has water content in it, so hives can hover around fifty to sixty percent humidity."
"Then you should get the Taylor Sense, I found the app to work great."
"If you don't have a Taylor and you want to monitor your humidity in your case and particularly with multiple instruments, I think this is a very valuable tool."
"Basically, all the air has moisture in it, and warm air can hold more moisture than cold air."
"They prefer a more humid environment."
"Having a lower humidity in your house is going to make a big difference in your air quality; it's going to lower mold and allergens from reacting in your house, and it's just going to feel really good."
"Oh, it's humid today, you can just feel it in the air."
"I'm from New Orleans, Louisiana, my whole life, I tell you what, I don't miss sweating at the bus stop at 6:00 a.m., it's just ridiculous down south."
"They are perfect terrarium plants as well because they can handle and really appreciate the higher humidity."
"It's very humid, very lush, very vegetated."
"The humidity as compared with water, so like watering is more so for the roots, but humidity is for the health of the leaves."
"You know how you take a shower, you go outside and feel like you have to take another one?"
"Raise the humidity; usually a full water dish is enough to give them the humidity that they need to molt."
"That's right, how about this humidity."
"Wouldn't it be cool if I could take some of the moisture out of the air?"
"The steam lasts for so much longer on humid days and you get this lovely plume behind the train."
"High humidity affects mold and dust mite growth, keeping dust mite colonies in check and minimizing mold growth will improve your indoor air quality."
"The perfect temperature to store your seeds is between 35 and 40 degrees with humidity levels below 40 percent."
"Higher humidity is ideal for your banana plants."
"This was a lifesaver when I was in Vietnam and in Thailand. I am definitely not used to the humidity over there."
"You want to aim for humidity levels of at least 50 percent for Calatheas."
"It's not the heat, it's the humidity. I think it's both here, honestly."
"It's been really humid over here, like almost hard to breathe."
"Drying well-spun washing indoors on a rack adds humidity to the air and makes the air seem warmer."
"Humidity refers to one of any number of ways to specify the amount of water vapor in the air."
"It's not the heat that kills you; it's the humidity."
"You can totally get away with 60-70% humidity; you'll just have to run a little bit higher of temps."
"So now the house will be able to keep a nice 30 to 40 percent humidity."
"You seriously open the door and it's like you just stepped into soup."
"People with asthma seem to do a lot better in a low humidity state."
"We're used to 110 degree weather with 215% humidity."
"It's windy, the humidity has broken, so it feels perfect."
"It's great for high humidity, you know, super warm summer days."
"Check out how much water is in the dehumidifier. Wow, that was all in the air."
"Temperatures were in the low 30s, but apparently the temperatures and the humidity were just perfect."
"The rain has stopped but the humidity is real."
"I love wearing it straight, but in summertime, it's hard because it's so humid."
"The snakes love it because the thing about these tubs is they hold humidity very well, they hold in the heat very well."
"Monstera really likes it between like 55 and 65 percent relative humidity in the air."
"The added moisture to your room is going to help not only with stopping nosebleeds or dry skin but it's gonna help relieve coughs, colds, flu symptoms."
"Even just a little bit of added humidity into the air can really help you stay comfortable and sleep as long as you possibly can."
"The London and its humidity in the summer is nightmarish, folks. A lot of people say, 'Oh, 30° is not hot.' Want to bet?"
"I feel like it's dry... I feel like for the skin, so what if we got a humidifier with that home."
"We have a cool front; it's not a cool front, it's a decrease in humidity, which is very exciting."
"It is slowly starting to warm up, and you can actually feel quite a lot of humidity especially after the rain."
"If you have 100% humidity mixed in with your normal air, your air density is actually going to get lower."
"We will show you how to factor in humidity for extreme range shots if that's something you do want to adjust for."
"I highly recommend buying hygrometers... if the humidity is too high in the container, mold occurs."
"Science has actually shown that when flour is stored within proper humidity levels, flour can achieve up to 15% more terpene retention."
"One of the most important factors in human comfort is the humidity level."
"If you have humidity in your air, it'll pull water from the air and it'll pull it into your skin, which is fantastic."
"It's really good for your skin to have a humidifier in the room that you sleep in."
"I appreciate humidity, I grew up in Tallahassee, Florida where humidity is a thing."
"It started to get more warm, it started to get more humid, right, and that's storm fuel."
"It gets very humid here, you know, when you take a very hot shower and then you go out of the bathroom and then you go back in a couple minutes later because you forgot something in there, and it's still steamy. That's pretty much Florida all day during the summer."