
Exotic Pets Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Imagine trying to keep a living Lamborghini with feathers happy, and you'll see what was at stake for the royal falconer."
"Things were so stressful that they had to get a pet lion just to take the edge off."
"If you are currently keeping ball pythons you are now keeping an invisible arc so you have to fight like hell with everything you've got to protect your rights to keep them because in the end aren't they worth it?"
"I really wanted a hippo. Like, oh, the hippo. I really wanted hippo. Um, I also have always wanted a stingray which I have never heard of someone having a stingray as a pet."
"These aren't for everybody. No, definitely not."
"Our pets are our babies... so when chimps are kept as pets... many people will be going way beyond the breaking point..."
"As for those who dream of having a baby panda for their very own pet..."
"Tarsiers are illegal to own as pets, but you can get the next best thing via these utterly adorable tarsier replicas."
"If you're looking for exotics, freaking pay attention, they're everywhere!"
"Having this puma as a house cat is part of our destiny."
"Give us back the freedom to raise whatever kind of crazy exotic shit we want on our own. I ain't cray like everyone wants that."
"The dangers of keeping exotic animals in captivity can be deadly."
"Florida woman keeps Bengal tigers in her garden."
"Panther chameleons are interesting pets, they really should have never been kept as pets or domesticated really at all but they're they're really cool."
"There's often nowhere for them to go, with better equipped sanctuaries and zoos already overrun thanks to many owners buying a cute little easy to manage tiger cub."
"Tigers never stop seeing humans as prey, even the humans who raise them from their earliest life."
"Safari trips are exciting. You can drive around and see all the animals in their natural environments. However, it's easy to get confused between a zoo and the wild."
"Having a pet cat is pretty ordinary, but how many people do you know with pet pumas?"
"That's alarming. I think they probably just don't want to put on the care guide, 'Your iguana needs a 10-foot long enclosure that's 8 feet tall,' because then no one's gonna want to buy the iguana."
"Owning a Grey is like having a bird that's intuitive with your mind."
"Ben and Jerry, the two-headed snake. What a freaking awesome animal is that?"
"Nothing screams out 'insane' more than owning a deadly venomous snake."
"Owning a buffalo named Egypt is pretty soft."
"This tarantula is a burrower, meaning you'll need to provide it with very deep substrate."
"Rex the water monitor: this definitely isn't your average pet."
"We can't wait for baby red or yellow neonate green tree pythons. That's going to be really exciting when that happens."
"Linley decided to improve the family's financial situation by arranging to sell some rare reptiles for a significant sum."
"She's probably one of the rarest animals I've ever owned."
"Monitors are just incredible lizards and I'm so happy that some of them are at least moderately reasonable pets."
"Are you ready for this? Snakes are a grand grand total one thousand and ten dollars and 37 cents."
"I know I said I wouldn't buy any more animals but man I couldn't pass up the software these rattlesnakes that I just got or so unique and so hard to get that I couldn't pass up the offer."
"These guys are always popular for everybody who wants to do like a communal setup or keep them a few of them well and marbled newts are just cool yeah they are these guys i mean they're just cool."
"Yes you heard that right we're feeding this Burmese python to my king snake."
"We're very privileged to have the only two Sarabis in the UK."
"They're a formidable snake to handle but I love them."
"Prony is fed a selection of either pig or goat each month."
"If you want an emu, you probably won't have too much trouble finding one."
"In 2013, it was revealed that Argentinian conmen were injecting ferrets with steroids and primping their hair before selling them as exotic miniature poodles,"
"I didn't realize this uh to my knowledge I'm the only person in Canada that owns these frogs."
"We have successfully bought the Abba Abba night fish, the world's most aggressive fish. I am so freaking excited."
"Exotic animals aren't pets. They're not domesticated for a reason."
"Not many people keep these in captivity. They're really, really hard to even come across in the wild. They're really rare."
"It's worth noting that parrots are an extremely expensive type of pet."
"Chinese water dragons are freaking awesome."
"I got my first ever yellow anaconda, which was absolutely incredible."
"Owning the Scarlet Macaw is like owning a big dog with wings."
"Giant guinea pigs that are actually really friendly? Hell yes, that's the best ever."
"If you're new here, I make videos about specialty pets such as reptiles, amphibians, and different kinds of cool invertebrates."
"Who wouldn't want a prehistoric predator with the peaceful temperament of a lab?"
"How's it going folks? My name is Dakota, and I run DBCB Exotics for a full-time living."
"I love poison dart frogs... they're not poisonous in captivity."
"There's probably no snake that wows people more than my girl Perdita the cow reticulated python."
"This is Southern Vietnam, the native range of one of the world's most popular pet pythons, the Burmese python."
"I have three baby Madagascar giants."
"We're here at People's Pets Fish and Exotic Animals; time to go shopping for our pet."
"These were like dream snakes of mine."
"Lychee geckos are typically known as one of the coolest geckos that we can get here in America."
"They're really enamored with this urban dinosaur and this wonderful big pet crazy reptile."
"I never recommend any monkeys, big or small, as pets. They belong in specialized care."
"I would want a baby tiger, a baby white tiger that stays a baby."
"Stay beautiful, stay safe, and most of all, make sure you keep your king cobra nice and fed."
"If you keep a reptile, you're keeping an exotic animal."
"Chameleons are some of the most rewarding animals to work with."
"It's a lot of work to keep anacondas, I'm not going to lie to you, but it is so worth it because they are one of the coolest snakes on the planet."
"I love my anacondas, I couldn't imagine life without my anacondas."
"I got a reticulated python in one hand and I'm trying to be epic and cool."
"That's just the maintenance that you do when you have a big snake and kind of a crazy enclosure like this; it takes maintenance but it's so well worth it."
"I will one day own a Komodo dragon, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when."