
Full Circle Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"It feels like we're now going back to one of our first destinations, which feels like a very big full circle."
"The wheels of Justice may turn slowly, but they do ultimately come full circle."
"It was such a full-circle element for all of us with the Malick wedding season 1."
"Life is a wonderful thing, it comes full circle on you."
"The world talks about completion, things coming full circle, reaping a very big reward."
"Things will come full circle for you, you have the Ten of Cups here."
"I miss him. I had just been invited to be a keynote speaker at an International Convention on wrongful convictions and we marveled at how my whole circumstance had come full circle."
"Bringing their extraordinary journey full circle."
"It's just so fun to be able to like go back and like have this full circle moment."
"Someone here is coming full circle, there could be closure or reconciliation."
"It's just like everything is coming full circle."
"Things come full circle, you know? I never would have thought that I would have this car and be taking it to them to fix it."
"Everything comes full circle because this is the first gift that I got."
"It did come full circle, I think it was 100% worth it. All the money we paid for the tickets and stuff, that benefited the Flamboyan Arts Fund, which we actually had met one of the founders."
"This is the gun that we started the channel with... it's crazy that we've come full circle back to this point."
"This season brings everything full circle in an incredibly satisfying way."
"It's wild how it's come full circle, but it's absolutely thrilling."
"Maybe it's like full circle, no matter what we do, no matter how far we try to seek for the answer, we always come back to where we began."
"I mean it's so dumb that it actually goes full circle into genius territory."
"They played their final show on February 4, 2017, at the Genting Arena in…you guessed it…Birmingham. It had come full circle."
"Perhaps taking on this new adventure would lead to the complete full circle moment I’d been yearning for, and the answers to one will undoubtedly connect me to the other."
"Things can unfold in unexpected ways, leading to full circle moments you never predicted."
"It's kind of crazy how it came full circle."
"It's cool to come full circle after all these years and traveling and whatnot."
"Some of those memories surfaced but it's been quite a ride for me and it's gone full circle hasn't it? It really has gone full circle."
"I feel like I learned some things and then also learned nothing. So we've all come back full circle to our starting point."
"This is the culmination of everything coming full circle."
"For myself, you know, I had the opportunity to come here in 2005 after we won the college World Series, so 16 years later coming back as a World Champion kind of completes the full circle for me."
"It's definitely exciting to see that this is all kind of starting to come full circle."
"We always wanted the game to feel like it was coming around full circle at the end."
"It's so full circle, yeah, it's really beautiful."
"Everything that we saw in the entire movie, all of it made sense, all of it came back around, everything feels like it came full circle."
"I guess everything comes around full circle."
"Love from the beginning, love at the end."
"That's a beautiful full circle to be snapped, swearing at the train stopping you from getting on with your work to end up buying the actual locomotive."
"I've been watching him since he won the PGA, and now I terrify him. It's like a full circle."
"It's full circle, you know? I used to work in shoe retail, it was my first job from the age of 18."
"It's pretty wild, it all came back full circle."
"I've been thinking a lot about how full circle my career is and my life has been a lot recently."
"That really shows that, you know, things can come full circle before you know it."
"This is like a full circle moment. I'm not going to get emotional. We love you."
"It was like a really cool full circle moment because we were born and raised in the South Bay."
"It's a non-stop Ferris wheel over here, full circle."
"I'm such a big fan, so it's all a full circle moment for me."
"When people see the full circle of the farm, they just gasp."
"I've kind of come full circle now, I'm back in a home studio again."
"It's a full circle moment and yeah, I don't take it for granted."
"It's hard to even fathom that it's become full circle like this."
"I'm happy I'm passionate like I just go back to my roots and kind of things do come full circle."
"Everything I did came full circle, and she's doing really well now."
"It's really important because obviously as many great stories do, that comes full circle."
"We're doing like a full circle thing here."
"I'm so glad we live in home, and it's like for those that know about my backstory, my Nana and Granddad lived here, so I kind of feel like I've gone full circle."
"It's crazy after all these years, it's come full circle."
"I definitely have come full circle on a great number of pens."
"Guys, this right here is a real full circle moment."
"It's sort of come full circle, which is super cool to see."
"What if AJ, in a way, wants to bring his career full circle... with total non-stop action, help elevate them with rebrand before I say goodbye and retire and spend time with my family?"
"Completing the circle from his mom's death, him being there as that Flash, stopping the season one finale Flash from intervening and preventing his mom's death, the full circle moment, it was so beautiful."
"It's all coming full circle, baby."
"It was like a full circle moment."
"So many left turns that it eventually became full circle."
"Crazy fantastic ending. I like how it came full circle."
"The story would then come full circle."
"Ain't that something? Full circle."
"If we go all the way around, we're at 360 degrees."
"This is one of those full circle moments."
"This fueled my desire to pursue a creative career in themed entertainment, making this a true full circle moment."
"It was such a beautiful full circle moment."
"It's a full circle redemption moment."
"It's funny how everything works full circle."
"That's just dope, I love the full circle."
"We spend our life exploring and at the end of our explorations, we come back to where we started and know it for the first time."
"To come full circle and be working with them again is just a dream."
"It's crazy that now we're coming full circle and having a kid of our own."
"It's really kind of cool to go full circle and take all of the parts that we've designed, dreamed, and built over the last number of years and put them back on the car that started motion."
"It's crazy how life comes around full circle."
"Now it kind of comes full circle."
"Even though our plan didn't start off in this direction, it has led us here in a full circle."
"Something is coming a full circle, something's coming to harvest, to completion."
"They're living as wild Dukes, so it's a complete story."
"Everything I've been talking about is about to make sense, it's about to come full circle."
"Kind of crazy, kind of full circle moment still gets me every time."
"This is a happy ending; things coming full circle."
"That is so full circle, it makes me so happy."
"The ending really went full circle."
"Everything that you have done in the past is about to come full circle for you."
"You're coming full circle, which means there's no going back."
"Something that you started years ago may be coming full circle and you're like, oh that's why I did that because now I'm doing this."
"Hometown boy returns a hero, you know his career has come full circle."