
Mutual Feelings Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"This is an intense Soul connection that both of you feel; it's mutual."
"The feelings are mutual here. So if you know who this person is, they're definitely thinking about you."
"Chemistry: The attraction you feel is mutual."
"Your feelings are reciprocated; you won't be rejected."
"There is something between us. I knew it, and I knew you felt it too."
"If you're hurting, they're hurting. If you're happy, they're happy."
"I think I've got two people who are in love with each other."
"I feel like this person feels the same way about you."
"They're contemplating coming forward, but they feel like it would be a waste of time. And you're more than likely feeling the same way."
"She loved it, terrible. I loved it, she loved it, it was everything's been such a walk in the park."
"There's no question we feel the same way about each other. So as long as I don't mess up again, I'll be careful."
"And it's not only we are feeling the peace; they, too, are feeling the peace."
"They want to know, do you miss us the way that I do?"
"Mutual pining... god it's just something pulls at your heart when they're both like oh they'll never love me."
"I feel like if I like you and you like me and we have the mindset that we're gonna make something serious happen, then that's what it should be."
"They're feeling that loss too, they're wondering how you are."
"Both of you are so mirrored that if you're wondering if this person's thinking about you, the answer is yes."
"The feeling of love is mutual, I really appreciate it."
"Know that whatever you're feeling, this person is feeling it amplified."
"Y'all are marrying each other's emotions, thoughts, and just feelings overall."
"He reveals that he feels the same way about her."
"Amelia confesses her love to Hayato who accepts her feelings."
"If you're at that point with your person where you well and truly feel like, 'Okay, we're at that point now,' there's a good chance your person is experiencing something similar."
"I really enjoy being with you, you know I feel the same."
"But in this hug, their realizations of love are mutual."
"And I've been feeling crazy for thinking about it, but now that I know that you feel the same way too, I don't feel crazy anymore."
"Your person is really, really, really attracted to you. They think that you are smoking and they are, yeah if you're wondering if they can feel it too they can feel it too."
"When you finally confess to your crush and she admits she likes you back."
"Follow your heart, follow your intuition, feelings are mutual, this is your something better."
"Dreams involve the one you love. They're dreaming about you, too."
"There's somebody you're crushing on, and they feel the same way."
"Romantic love is not supposed to be imposed, it's supposed to be reciprocated."
"Love is a good enough answer. Love from both ends, this is wonderful."
"Feelings are mutual and their feelings for you are growing by the day."
"This person does see the possibilities with you. They absolutely do. I feel like you're both manifesting each other, it's just a matter of time."
"You share a bond. There is definitely magic between you and this connection."
"You're not the only one with a crush, they have feelings for you too."
"If you ain't feeling her like that, trust me she ain't feeling you like that."
"I was happy you know, can you let go of me now? Oh, um, me too."
"The feelings that you have are mutual and are reciprocated."
"They want wish fulfillment they feel very happy with you being around you and they're hoping you feel the same way."
"They really want you to know they feel these deep feelings of love and that they feel the same way about you."
"They want to know if all their feelings are validated, are right, that the passion is there the intensity is there that you feel the same way even if you're not fully showing it now."
"Outcome: happy ending, mutual feelings, attraction, and potential for a new beginning."
"You too would make a hell of a pair, I see it, you do too, you feel it, so do they."
"Two people love each other here, two of cups, other person feels for the other person."
"So we both kind of like each other. So what do we do now?"
"You both have this overflowing love for one another."
"This person cares deeply about you as you care about them. This person has feelings for you."
"They feel the same way about you."
"There's mutual feelings that are happening between you and this person."
"This person thinks about you just as much as you think about them."
"The feelings were mutual between us. It was never like, 'Oh, I didn't like him or anything like that.' Definitely, yeah."
"I just need to know the feeling's mutual. You chose me, and I believe you."
"They still feel the same way about you, and you feel the same way about them. You're both stuck with this double energy."
"You both might feel each other very strongly whenever you do spend time with one another."
"Your feelings are mutual; you don't have to worry."
"Spirit definitely wants you guys to know that the feelings between you and your person are mutual."
"Your person wants you to know that your feelings are mutual."
"Both of you were feeling these super strong emotions, and you didn't necessarily let the other one know that those emotions were there, but it's totally mutual."
"Your person's in love with you. You're in love with your person."
"I think we both really love each other."
"Do you think I broke your heart? You broke mine too."
"I still want you, and something tells me you still want me too."
"It's amazing how much you all mean to us as well. I know y'all talk about how much we mean to you guys but y'all don't understand the feeling is mutual."
"You deserve to love each other and all that but I love you. I do Mutual seriously I I I love you."
"They like each other. He likes her and she also likes him."
"'You like him, don't you?' 'Yes,' I said. 'He likes you too, more than you do, I think,' was this her impression? No, it was Oliver's."
"I didn't want to say anything to ruin it. Then come to find out, if you watch the story time, she did the same thing. She liked me, didn't want to ruin it."
"Do you feel the same way about this relationship? Absolutely."
"It's mutual, she looks at him, he looks at her, they both feel it."
"Robert likes Sarah, the feeling is mutual."
"The feelings that the two of you have for each other are gonna be very mutual."
"He feels the same way she does for him."
"There is something there; she loves Roy, and he loves her too."
"I heard you very clearly. I like you too."
"There is something powerful between you, that there's something real, something noticeable that each of you feel for each other."
"True unconditional love, pure emotions, knowing that the feeling is mutual here."
"I kind of think you get ideas too."
"It's true, I'm so glad you feel it too, nothing too falling in love to me it's perfectly clear we falling in."
"It's just amazing, and the feeling is mutual."
"I just never knew what it was like to be with someone that I also liked and that they liked me back."
"When you do find a person that you're truly compatible with, you'll both feel that way."
"The Two of Cups is having mutual feelings, mutual love, mutual compassion, mutual understanding, mutual respect."
"It's okay if you smile at each other, you both like each other, it's fine."
"In the moment I can feel that you feel that way too, is when I fall in love with you."
"I'm happy as long as we both feel the same way."
"This love is mutual; they have mutual feelings for you, they really care about you."
"You can't hurt your wife and not feel it too."
"We both thought the same thing: to be loved and to be in love."
"I like you. Really? Well, I do too."
"I loved her and I know she felt the same way about me."
"You guys have a mutual feeling and want when it comes to whatever this is."
"If you're feeling each other, you're feeling each other."
"Both of you guys are feeling very intense about one another."
"I lie awake every night wishing you were here with me. I wonder if you feel the same way or even think of me sometimes."
"If I trust someone, it's clear that the feeling is mutual; I'll be head over heels for you."
"Their feelings are mutual and love is manifested in attention."
"I want this, he clearly wants this, so why can't we just this once?"
"We mutually are enjoying the vibe 100%."
"Let him do all the pursuing. This is going to let you know for a fact that the feelings that you have for him is mutual and it's not one-sided."
"I had a crush on him, he probably had a crush on me as well."
"You're making me happy, are you happy?"
"Both of you guys are obsessing over each other."
"You both are feeling this in a powerful way, you both sense it, you both know it."
"I love the things you said, you said to me, to me it seems like you like me too, we can't take it slow, make sure we do this right."
"There's going to be a mutual of falling in love."
"Both of you feel the same way about this connection."
"I was overjoyed that he felt the same way about me too."
"I guess we're both full of surprises, huh?"
"These are two people here that have mutual feelings for one another."
"Emotional connection, unbreakable bond, reciprocated love, falling in love."
"The both of you are in love with each other."
"The feelings that they have for you are mutual."
"If you are longing for this person, if you're missing them, you can be reassured that this is a mutual feeling."
"They just want to make sure that this is the situation that you feel just as good about them as they feel about you."
"They're realizing they feel the same way about you that you feel for them."
"It's like the feeling is going to be mutual between you and this person."
"They have mutual love for you; they're very drawn to you."
"There's a caring connection here, and I do feel like there is somebody that you care about and they probably care about you."
"Your hopes and dreams, something's happening, two people are hoping and dreaming about each other."
"You both see each other as a wish come true, you're both thinking about each other."
"This person is in love with you, you love each other."
"A beautiful relationship which will bring the sense of belonging, happiness, fulfillment, and love and all those feelings will be mutual."
"The both of you feel very passionate about each other."
"You both still have great affection for each other."
"They recognize this love connection; the feelings are mutual between these two people."