
Gotham Quotes

There are 133 quotes

"Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now."
"The victory belongs to the Riddler here, the most corrupt leaders of Gotham are now out of the picture."
"It wasn't just Thomas Wayne and his wife that died, it was the good that existed in Gotham."
"Gotham City is a character in its own right."
"Kate also is not as tied to Gotham as Bruce is."
"Barbara quarterbacks the team from their base in the Gotham clock tower."
"You society Gotham, the way it was portrayed, was the best Gotham I've seen."
"If you like the Marvel TV series, you're like, 'Gotham owns.'"
"Gotham feels like Gotham begins. It feels like hell and not Chicago."
"Nearly the entire city of Gotham evacuates overnight."
"In trying to completely sanitize Gotham of evil, Batman essentially created a supergerm, a kind of autoimmunity disease in the form of The Joker."
"Joker's the best representation of Gotham I've ever seen on the screen."
"Your father was going to give his fortune to the people of Gotham."
"We're doing what we can, Bruce, but there aren't a whole lot of contingency plans for what to do when your mayor starts blowing up the city."
"The absence of Batman has created a power vacuum in Gotham."
"Harvey was an extremely bright light for Gotham City."
"There's just too many good things you can do with Harvey as the new DA."
"Seeing everything that Jim Gordon has to deal with in the second movie alongside Batman."
"Batman stepping out of the shadows to become a literal beacon for the people of Gotham."
"I was born Bruce Wayne, citizen of Gotham. At too young an age, I lost my parents to the city's greatest enemy: crime."
"A better, brighter Gotham is one dream away."
"Beware the court of owls that watches all the time, ruling Gotham from a shrouded perch behind granite and lime."
"Terry ends up putting himself in a situation that he doesn't even know he can get out alive just to save Gotham."
"The decision to move on from being vengeance into becoming a symbol of hope for the people of Gotham is the single greatest thing that's ever been done with the character on screen."
"In this Gotham, there is room for both of us."
"Ladies and gentlemen, you have eaten well. You have eaten Gotham's wealth, its spirit. Your feast is nearly over."
"Maybe that's what Gotham really needs, a clean slate."
"Without Batman, what kind of city will Gotham be?"
"Gotham is burning, Gotham is burning."
"Gotham did a really great job at making me invest in these characters I otherwise was never too enthusiastic about typically speaking in Batman media."
"Gotham also gives us in my opinion the best live-action version of The Joker ever."
"Scarecrow wants to destroy the city that Batman has given everything to fight for, and he wants to be the ruler of Gotham after he destroys it. I guess he's not literally blowing Gotham to smithereens, he's poisoning the entire city to destroy it."
"Fear permeates every aspect of Gotham, dictating the actions of heroes and villains alike."
"A battle of ideas over the heart of Gotham"
"Gotham is beyond saving no i must be allowed to die just for the bus in case there's a chance to evacuate"
"I have TV now, I don't need to take over Gotham."
"The point of Gotham was to conquer. The last laugh was a strategy, a destiny."
"Zaz may be one of the most messed up characters in all of Gotham mentally at least"
"Here's the joke: I'm not dead, and Gotham is."
"The Long Halloween answered that question by positioning Batman and Bruce Wayne as part of a greater mechanism in Gotham."
"We're not just going to hell, we're going to Gotham. Wanna be ride?"
"Gotham is saved, the future finds hope, and the Dark Knight has returned."
"Road to No Man's Land is showing what the citizens of Gotham, what the villains of Gotham, what the heroes of Gotham are doing."
"Compassion, that's the foundation Gotham was built on."
"The rise of philanthropist power couple Thomas and Martha Wayne pulled Gotham out of its depression, but only in their deaths."
"Gotham police mirrors the real life origins of problems with policing"
"Gotham is corrupt inside and out, left to right, top to bottom."
"Bruce Wayne and Jim Gordon, two figures who would change Gotham at its very core, arrive in Gotham City on the exact same day. Over the course of the next year, they will both encounter and overcome Gotham's deep-seated corruption as well as their own personal battles."
"It's because I'm the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs."
"You want order in Gotham? Batman must take off his mask and turn himself in. Every day he doesn't, people will die. Starting tonight, I'm a man of my word."
"If I lived in Gotham, I'm moving out, okay? I'm moving out the city."
"If me and you were in Gotham City like, me and you, we could have taken on Bane, we could have took it on Ra's al Ghul's daughter, we could have taken them all out just me and you, okay?"
"Just make sure you wear something tight like Catwoman did and wear the heels like she wore too."
"There's just something in the air in Gotham. Something extra about it. The people, the hustle, even the terrible smell. It's home."
"The real problem in Gotham aren't the desperate criminals or the thugs who love chaos."
"20 years in Gotham, Alfred, we've seen what promises are worth. How many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?"
"No Man's Land: Gotham's divided, territories claimed, but slowly Gotham starts becoming a city again."
"...and then you have road to no man's land and this is pretty interesting because without spoiling anything there are different sectors now of gotham right it's almost like a gang it's almost like set in this mad max universe where everybody is out for themselves."
"Gotham feels real for those two hours and 56 minutes. I believe it exists totally intangibly and when I believe that I can believe the story more truthfully, feel it more immersively."
"Matt Reeves is the first filmmaker to tackle actually putting us inside his head, literally seeing Gotham through his eyes."
"The Batman has arrived in Gotham City!"
"The world's broken. Gotham's the only thing that's working."
"Crime is returning to Gotham and it needs the Batman again."
"The first movie is about Bruce Batman, the second movie is about the Joker, and then the third movie honestly is about Gotham, if we're being real. It's really about Gotham and Bane just fully exposing Gotham to what it is."
"Welcome to the most terrible superhero in all of Gotham."
"Gotham is like a factory cooking up the worst human beings known to the world."
"Gotham is home to the strange, corrupt, and evil."
"I think this is kind of the Guardians of Gotham right here."
"I can finally be the Batman Gotham needs."
"And you know… Gotham loves a comeback story."
"Gotham itself is as much a character in the mythos as any."
"He died a hero, giving his life for Gotham."
"A safer Gotham, Harvey. Just like you wanted."
"You're a hero, and I'm gonna make sure all of Gotham knows it."
"Gotham needs me, and I won't abandon the people of this city."
"Don't lose sight of the fact that you've done some real good for Gotham."
"You've helped this city tremendously, both as Bruce Wayne and Batman."
"I just want to see how this rogue vigilante is dealing with these psychopaths within this city."
"Crime is normal in Gotham, corruption is normal. The scum of the city have taken so much from us: our youth, our families. I've declared my war on crime."
"Gotham doesn't need vengeance; it needs a hero."
"This Gotham. After a lot of stylized, larger-than-life takes on the city, Christopher Nolan finally gave us something grounded and real."
"Gotham isn't just a setting, it's a character."
"This guy is a hero. This is a guy who saved Gotham."
"The Court of Owls is an ancient conspiracy that has controlled Gotham City for centuries."
"Their legend is told only through whispers and a nursery rhyme that bears their name."
"Batman White Knight by Sean Murphy is an alternate universe story that features a reformed Joker who is cured of his insanity doing his best to save Gotham City from crime."
"The Waynes are... the patron saints of Gotham but also the agents of destruction of Gotham."
"I'm the hero Gotham deserves, not the one it needs."
"Gotham does not need another monster."
"Did you really think I would risk losing the battle for Gotham's soul in a fistfight with you?"
"I took Gotham's White Knight and I brought him down to our level."
"Rain falls from a darkened Gotham sky."
"What if Superman did not crash land in a farmland but instead landed in Gotham?"
"The aesthetic of Gotham City, the reddish night sky... it's a bizarre but very unique and fitting aesthetic."
"Gotham has a personality all its own."
"The bat is one night across Gotham, as he has so many others, by knowing how to use fear."
"He took the city of Gotham for his own through fear, bribery, and blackmail."
"He's not Jim Gordon, not anymore. Right now, right here, he is Batman."
"The city of Gotham never gives anything back, but on that day, it gave Bruce a place and a purpose."
"This is Gotham, a city where brave new things are always being made."
"It's so cool seeing the snowy Gotham, reminds me of the snowy New York I just came from."
"Gotham City had been cut off from the rest of the world and declared a no-man's land where power was spread amongst the different factions and gangs."
"It's been over four months now in no-man's land. This winter has been one of the worst that Gotham has ever seen."
"This city is Gotham. The one who constructed this dark feed is the man known as Mr. Wax, the Architect."
"Now every night I watch over the city Gotham and I think of my sister still in the hospital bed, unmoving after all these years."
"The Bat Family is a network of like-minded crime fighters who operate in and around Gotham, with Batman as its head."
"He made a vow to dedicate his life to fighting crime in Gotham City."
"I want to expose the rich elite of Gotham as the predators that they are."
"When you see those gates in Gotham, you can be whoever you want to be. I know who I want to be now."
"I will fight every day for Gotham."
"Batman is an experiment to see if Gotham's rage can be channeled in a positive way to clean the city up."
"It can be a meditation on the struggle within all of us, and Gotham is a perfect microcosm of that."
"A city without all the pain and horror, a city that didn't need a Batman."
"Gotham is full of acts of goodwill and kindness, not just stealing, killing, and cheating."
"Gotham needs Batman; the heroes very much need Nightwing."
"This version of Gotham City is so atmospheric, and it feels like a real city with a pulse."
"He went from using fear as a tool to using hope to inspire Gotham City."
"If Batman's out, Superman takes Gotham."
"Save Crane for a main villain; the Scarecrow is just too good and fits perfectly into Matt Reeves's interpretation of Gotham."
"What would it be like if a Christian Bale Bruce Wayne became the Batman in a New York-Chicago looking Gotham?"
"Gotham's corruption will always be a theme."
"The events of this film act as an individually great story, yet one that opens up the world of Gotham to be explored in sequels and spinoffs."
"What a way to introduce Red Hood to Gotham."
"Yes, I think since they're in Gotham, they're gonna be most certainly fighting crime."
"I am excited and humbled to continue telling stories in the grimy world of Gotham City."
"Let's not pretend that Gotham didn't do things differently on almost everything."
"It's an actual mystery, something is killing off the villains of Gotham."
"Remember when we stood here all those years ago? Our story is Gotham."
"This epic history of corruption in Gotham... it also is incredibly personal for him."