
Pompeii Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"What happened to Pompeii and its people is a stark reminder of the destructive power of volcanoes."
"Pompeii might be among the most well-known lost cities, but the amazing thing about this city is the degree of preservation of the items found there."
"Archaeologists working in Pompeii uncovered more remains of two men who died in the volcanic eruption."
"The remains of a man and a woman were found in the House of the Craftsman in Pompeii in 1914."
"It took just 18 hours for Pompeii to be buried under millions of tons of volcanic ash and pumice."
"Pompeii: an open book on Roman civilization."
"Pompeii is the most important archaeological site in the Roman World."
"Unlike today when having money means you can eat out, if you are rich in Pompeii, you are dining at home surrounded by opulence."
"It might have looked like a small provincial Italian town by the sea but there's plenty of evidence of some of it from the skeletons in the cellar of just how far Pompeii's international connections stretched."
"Archaeologists are still busy at work trying to unravel the secrets of Pompeii."
"Pompeii has become world renowned for its casts of the volcano's victims."
"If we lose the city of Pompeii... what we lose is the greatest single place to walk into the past."
"Definitely 100% go to Pompei. Very worth it, very cool, very cool."
"These statues here, these aren't recreations, these are actual bodies of the victims who died nearly 2,000 years ago."
"The house of the Tragic Poet in Pompeii contains some of the best preserved frescoes and mosaics from ancient Pompeii."
"In Pompeii you can see private houses very vividly and I think people relate very closely to that because they can imagine what was life like for a family in antiquity."
"The story of Pompeii is that it was a wealthy Roman town which in 79 A.D was blanketed by 20 feet of Ash that fell when the nearby Mount Vesuvius erupted."
"The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii suffocated thousands, covering their corpses with lava, a terrifying event."
"From a cast of a mother and son to the dogs of Pompeii, here are 20 shocking things recently discovered in Pompeii."
"Overall, it is one of the most impressive gardens of Pompeii."
"...one of the most celebrated archaeological discoveries of 2021 was a chariot found in the fabled city of Pompeii."
"The mysterious graffiti in Pompeii provides intimate glimpses into the lives and humor of ancient Romans."
"I completely forgot that Pompeii wasn't actually destroyed by lava, it was buried under ash."
"This is no ordinary city; this is a very special city. The city we will be concentrating on today is Pompeii."
"All of this work, all of this 17 years of hard work was all for naught because on that fateful day of August 24th in 79 AD, the long dormant volcano of Vesuvius erupted."
"One of the main reasons Pompeii is so interesting to us today is because it tells us so much about the daily life not only of the Pompeiians but of the Romans in general."
"I know of no more moving human document from the ancient world than these bodies of these Pompeiians kept in perpetuity and for us to commiserate with and to understand even today."
"The preserved human remains have allowed scientists to study the physical characteristics, health conditions, and personal stories of the people of Pompeii."
"The amphitheater at Pompeii is the model for our own amphitheater, and that is the Yale Bowl."
"In a swift maneuvering campaign that lasted less than four months, Caesar annihilated the loyal forces of Pompeii in Spain."
"Wow, Pompeii, what an amazing place."
"Looking at Pompeii from a human perspective, it was most likely one of the biggest tragedies in ancient Rome."
"Our very best examples of fourth style Roman wall painting all come from a single house in Pompeii."
"Pompeii was the Las Vegas of ancient Rome."
"For centuries, the city slept under pumice and ash, perfectly preserved, awaiting rediscovery."
"It takes you right back to 79 AD."
"In 79 AD, the eruption of a volcano caused the destruction of the Roman cities of Pompeii, Stabiae, and Herculaneum."
"Near which volcano was the city of Pompeii? Vesuvius."
"Pompei was basically buried under more than 30 ft of volcanic ash."
"The sator square in Pompeii is one of the oldest ever found at almost 2,000 years."