
Cognitive Therapy Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"The goal of journaling is not cognitive; it's not to logically decide at the end. The goal is to give our minds some more of that time and space to actually do that deep emotional work, which it'll do on its own."
"Thinking can change thought... Thought can change those subcortical structures about anxiety and depression."
"Thoughts are not always truths, and feelings are not facts."
"CBT deals with recognizing irrational thoughts that maybe a person is having."
"Cognitive distortions create a reality where change isn't possible, they make you feel trapped and hopeless when the reality is that with the right help or with the right skills or support or effort, you can change your life."
"Don't believe everything you think, challenge your thoughts, look for exceptions or evidence to the contrary."
"Health literacy is part of cognitive behavioral therapy, helping people understand the connection between their thoughts and their symptoms."
"Catch your negative automatic thoughts, look for evidence, and replace them with empowering alternatives."
"You cannot take a thought out of your mind, you can only replace it with a greater thought."
"Our thoughts are just our thoughts not necessarily useful, not necessarily true, and when we have a mistaken thought we don't need to hold on to it, we can toss it aside, or better yet, correct it."
"By assessing your thoughts, writing down what's holding you back, and testing them, you can overcome all sorts of negative ideas."
"Question those stressful thoughts instead of identifying with them."
"CBT is an incredibly effective therapy technique for coping with irrational fears and beliefs."
"It wasn't until I started challenging those thoughts and recognizing them that I made those changes."
"CBT [Cognitive Behavioral Therapy] is a really great thing... it helps you change negative thought patterns to more positive, helpful, useful, healthy thoughts."
"Our emotions are often fueled by our thoughts, and by changing the way we think about a situation, we can alter our emotional response."
"Cognitive restructuring involves learning how to make our thoughts and underlying beliefs more realistic, helpful, and compassionate."
"Labeling cognitions that are causing clients distress helps clients identify their distorted thinking patterns."
"The adaptive response is the counter to an automatic thought. It actually fully acknowledges the automatic thought but then it disputes it."
"There's no real way to directly stop while iMac thoughts but there is a way to stop them and it's this indirect method where the clients consciously thinking of pre-planned thought an adapter response and applying it in situations they recognize."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy is about battling negative thought patterns."
"Cognitive flexibility may be a potential therapeutic target of psychedelic drugs."
"Cognitive diffusion is the whole idea that thoughts are thoughts; you don't create your thoughts."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy... helps to stop feeling drowned in those thoughts that continually repeat themselves."
"If we can change the way we think and modify our thoughts to make them less negative and pessimistic, we change the way we feel."
"The cognitive reversal technique is my number one favorite strategy for managing catastrophic thinking."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy, which interestingly also is the gold standard for depression and anxiety."
"We're actually targeting cognitive process and cognitive content—how you think, rather than what you think."
"Cognitive diffusion is... to practice mindfulness work... that sort of pop the illusion of literal meaning."
"Cognitive restructuring is the psychotherapeutic process of learning to identify and dispute irrational or maladaptive thoughts."
"Cognitively, we want to address our thoughts and this is where mindfulness can come in really, really handy."
"Changing negative thinking early on."
"I used a lot of cognitive behavioral techniques in terms of overcoming my social anxiety."
"One strength of the cognitive approach is its application to the treatment of depression."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy would look at the way you make judgments like attributions and see whether or not they're reasonable."
"The importance of not just working with the cognition when it comes to helping someone heal from traumatic experiences."
"I never had intended 'Feeling Good' to be a self-help book... I was simply very excited about cognitive therapy for the first time and seeing some pretty remarkable developments."
"Cognitive therapy owes you a big debt in a way because it was practically unknown when you published the book, and shortly afterwards, it became a boom."
"Dr. Burns is a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavioral therapy and the creator of the new TEAM therapy."
"We start to address what are called your negative sleep thoughts or NSTs."
"You learn how to develop positive sleep thoughts that are positive but realistic."
"Cognitive therapy is addressing people's worries and anticipation of what might happen to them if they don't sleep well that night."