
Acrobatics Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Congratulations, you two. They had acrobats come out and do all sorts of aerial acrobatics."
"Just look at how it pulls a few acrobatic skills before diving back into the water. That was amazing!"
"Khajiit take on a feline appearance with the talents to match—they are highly acrobatic, good climbers, and also quite intelligent, just like cats."
"Not only are these acrobats sleeping on trampolines just for the fun of it, these professional acrobats pull off so many impressive feats in this video that it's hard to even sum up in a sentence."
"Cirque du Soleil's new show, 'Drawn to Life,' is an acrobatic performance that Disney's calling a love letter to the art of Disney animation."
"It's pretty neat. A world-class acrobat performs all types of physical feats learning to mime."
"Acrobatics for sure, he's naturally quite talented at jumping around."
"So those are the most common mistakes that I see... anything else in acrobatics."
"Diving is something I think is really special to FPV drones."
"It's like a type of acrobatic maneuver that no other RC or any sort of aviation can do quite the same way."
"He almost hurt himself with his acrobatics there."
"He has already learned how to sell the call a little bit there as well with some acrobatics through the air."
"Snooki went on Monday Night Raw or one of those things and did a [__] backflip off like some [__]!"
"Overall, I really think the trio was great this week. It was very age-appropriate, for a change. It was cute, and the girls did some really hard tricks that a lot of girls their age can't do."
"Triple front evasive, attempt there, that was nuts."
"Here you are cruising along in a bt that's basic trainer to you and twisting your tail into a few acrobatics and loops and barrel rolls and snap rolls nice some fun huh."
"But as a flyer, I must have complete trust in my catcher."
"Without question, the absolute best-landed tumbling routine I've seen."
"Improving my shoulder flexibility has greatly helped me in learning through one arm handstand perform certain acrobatic movements and not be scared of getting hurt."
"You're acrobatic, this is this was amazing."
"The male shows off with acrobatic maneuvers in the sky and if this is not sufficient they will duel."
"You get incredible hangtime on the initial inline twist and the half twist on the dive loop."
"All of these guys are going to perform acrobatics just for you, just for your eyes only."
"Acrobats are amazing entertainers who perform spectacular gymnastic feats."
"It's fast, it's quiet, it's efficient, and the acrobatic ability of this drone is simply incredible."
"It's something that really unites people because you have to trust people when you're standing on them and when they're standing on you."
"The acrobatics are like nothing I've seen on a cruise ship before."
"It gives you pretty much everything you could want: you get to see them perform an ancient Mexican cultural ceremony mixed with some death-defying acrobatics."
"She is just sheer perfection in everything from the acrobatic skills."
"Shows entertaining. They can be different but there's a lot of highflying acrobatics and strength, impressive."
"What an acrobatic move by DeRozan."
"Some are incredible engineers, some are masters of disguise or mimicry, some are amazing acrobats."
"He's an acrobat, he's unbelievable, great play."
"Nightwing is a great detective, fighter, acrobat, and he has a great heart, which is part of the reason he's such an amazing hero."
"Acrobatic, holy cow, that's awesome!"
"It makes you more disciplined because acrobatics themselves are just really challenging to master."
"It's full of acrobats, you've got lots of high rope stuff going on, you've got fire effects, some really good dance routines."
"There's just a level of understanding of where you are in the air that only comes from being really good at tricking."
"If you're gonna do a flip, make sure it's awesome."
"Go acrobat go! Look at that, fantastic!"
"Jim was an instant star; his acrobatic skills drew the public's attention."
"That was clean, very clean, very nice in the air."
"Let's bounce on over to the best acrobats in the world's trampoline."
"He's got that acrobatic style of surfing that we just love."
"Never seen acrobatics like that on a ship before."
"This is a family of acrobats... their stunts are also incredibly unique."
"An expert helicopter drone pilot is piloting, controlling this helicopter drone to do various acrobatic maneuvers."
"He literally landed a standing double backflip in the grass."
"Imagine taking your body weight and doing like triple flips into the air."
"I'm doing my knife edge cartwheels, I'm doing the backflips, I'm doing the dives."
"Explore with unparalleled acrobatic freedom."
"You need to be so strong to be able to hold yourself upside down."
"You leap up into the air and do a double somersault backwards onto the deck and turn with panache."
"This quad is a beast in full acro."
"It's very easy for beginner pilots to fly it, and you can turn off the stabilization to do acrobatics."