
Show Business Quotes

There are 185 quotes

"Hugh Jackman is one of the nicest guys in show business."
"It's cute how they went from dating in the show to dating in real life to then getting married."
"The show must go on. So we're going to continue."
"Wendy's being used as a prop because she has a show to do."
"The idea of the show must go on was a recurring theme in the life of Freddie Mercury."
"That's like there's a makeup team and like that's not real, no you guys don't have that in SF."
"That's not how the world works, man. It ain't show friends, it's show business."
"Sometimes the best thing is for the show simply to stop so that people can live another day."
"Zuri was just always around show business; she's probably going to be a bigger star than I ever could."
"At a certain point during the filming of the third season of Chappelle's Show, Dave had a moment."
"Sometimes things just happen, folks, but the show must go on."
"It's show business and one of those words is bigger than the other."
"I think the bottom line is you gotta put out entertaining shows."
"As long as you continue to be entertaining, you'll make money."
"One of the hardest-working people in show business."
"Despite the unexpected mishap, the show went on."
"Given his looks, his likeable persona, his natural talent, and the fact his family has show business in their genes, Robert Downey Jr.'s path to stardom was inevitable."
"Biggest week of his life. It's the biggest week of his life, but also we got to finish the show here. That's right, yeah, good luck."
"Raheem deserves his own show... Raheem also highlight of the year."
"It's really hard to not separate yourself from the work. I know it is show business, not show friends."
"Dave Chappelle and Bill Burr greatly understand. I think Bill Burr actually worked on the Chappelle show."
"Two million in the show and that's what they be doing though."
"Show business is a business. [Expletive] got mouths to feed."
"Show business generally has a tremendous amount of pathos and angst and neuroses at the center of it."
"I think now, from the get-go, house shows I wouldn't focus on."
"We know wrapping up these shows has been a little difficult, San Francisco the Masonic and the Chicago Theater are two of my favorite venues in the world."
"This show would not survive if we weren't all working on our mental health consistently."
"I'm always in awe of people like you because I think I put you in the category of... people that were doing one thing in show business, they had to kind of redefine themselves and kind of almost start over, which is so hard."
"I've been in show business for about 15 years but I still get impostor syndrome."
"You guys are Show Business, you're entertaining."
"You guys are Show Business also like you're entertaining."
"Boxing: show business with blood."
"I enjoy what I'm doing. I really enjoy what I'm doing. I look at it as being somewhat creative. And I find this business to be show business, frankly."
"It's called Show Business and the business side of it is wicked sometimes."
"Some of the people in show business are the cruelest, most miserable, no-good that ever walked the face of the earth."
"The thing that I always had a hard time with was the point of the place was show business."
"I just wanted to learn everything about show business, everything. I'm gonna go into it. I got to learn everything about it."
"...it's not just a film about Judy Garland, it's a film about show business."
"Beyond talent is you also understanding the business. Like I said before, now the concept of show business is for you to have something to show for the business to come."
"I was going to be a hairdresser before I got into show business. I always wanted to be in show business and when I got in, I didn't try. I just went to the Amateur hour and in 2 weeks I was in Show Business. It shocked me to death and it took me a long time to get over that."
"The show must go on," said Nanny OG.
"And then Adam came on it's like, I saw these show was so funny it was like well Arnold you were in it we wanted you to do it right yeah yeah you know show business."
"So like, what am I prepared to do outside of show business? Nothing. Nothing."
"You just have to sort of put it out when you were a kid in school and you started acting so young. Were kids hostile to you in the sense that... Oh, big shot now? You know, you started out very young, your parents were in show business."
"When they're putting you on these shows, they want you to play up. So don't you think now you're in position, you should be showing them the opposite? That's exactly what we're doing."
"The film warns us about the price we pay for success in the wild, ruthless world of show business."
"I told my mom that show business, and the arts in general, it's kind of like having a friend with a terrible drinking problem."
"I had to do my little 'Oh, everyone in show business is friends,' you know? And I look in the front row and there's Paul M, looking up at me."
"He was the only person I've ever met in show business who absolutely loved being a star. He'd loved every minute of it."
"If it weren't for Johnny Carson and the Tonight Show, I'd probably be in show business. Yeah, I'd probably be hosting like the home show."
"36-year-old Kenny Easterday's unique body has given him a career in show business."
"The good thing is that another generation of people in Show Business who are lovely."
"The two believed in one another and lifted each other up through the rocky world of show-business."
"We play in a show with five parts."
"The show must go on with the Muppets."
"This is a book for people that want to go into show business, which is the toughest profession you can go in. It has an unemployment rate of well over 90 percent and I've written a book to try to help people to know what to do when they go into this impossible profession."
"There certainly is No Business Like Show."
"To pull it off in a showbusiness way where he tells you he's gonna do it, the very few can do that."
"Through his films, he celebrates performance and performers but demonizes show business. It's a curious contradiction that makes his movies so compelling to watch."
"Show business is a unique blend of art and business. It is beyond entertainment; it elevates and inspires us all."
"So much of show business, it's not real. Even stand-up comedy is not real. If I do it right, it looks like, 'Hey, I just thought this up.' But it's not real."
"It's not an industry like it used to be that now sure and I wonder if it really was I think it was a kind of I think it always was show business."
"There's no competition for that being the best job in show business."
"People aspire to be friends with or to enter the world of celebrity and show business. That's replaced royalty or politicians."
"Hey, you know what? You win some, you lose some. Sometimes they'll love you, sometimes they'll hate you. That's just show business, right?"
"We became a family. And it's a cliche but it's particularly true in show business."
"We had the happiest set. Everybody who came to visit said all our guests stars said, wow! It's always fun to be here because there's no problem. No ego going on no strive. Everything's lovely and it was. It was."
"We became a family and it's a cliche but it's true, it's particularly true in show business because you get to the inter-most part of somebody, be with them five days a week and for hours on end and just facing with each other."
"The future looks really bright and as they say in Show Business You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet."
"There are certain shows that we do... where the show is such a great show... you're okay with losing money from that show because then you'll make money again from the next show."
"The bailiffs are practically knocking on the door, but business, show business, is so strange."
"I've had my ups and downs, but the beautiful thing about show business is the opportunity to share all the love of my heart with you, my audience."
"If you can do anything else in your life besides Show Business do that only do that if you can't live without doing it."
"I am the most powerful man in show business."
"When I leave this show, I go 'whoo, man! I'm so depressed. Where do I appear next? Whoa!'"
"I'm Show Business yeah well conceded I'm show business I'm not a celebrity but I'm Show Business."
"It's such a rare and great gift to get a job in show business. It's very, very, it's not you're not going to get one."
"That's why it's called Show Business not show Friends."
"If I weren't a real pro at heart, London Town would have finished me. But when you're born into Show Business, you just go on."
"I never had confidence. Why do you think I'm in show business? That attracts the least confident people in the world that spend their entire life asking strangers for approval."
"There is no business like show business."
"Okay, so let's do that before we get to the Diamond Pythons. Honey, in show business, we call that a subtle tease. See what I'm trying to do is get people to watch longer, so they hang on and wait for the Diamond Python segment, right? That's what I'm trying to do."
"My dad was in show business and was constantly away performing and doing stuff."
"Thank God for show business, man. Thank God. Thank God I found this in you guys because, you know what, I was a D.F. student, man. I was horrible. If I didn't learn to misspell in joke form, I would be turning tricks in a Denny's parking lot right now."
"...there's no such thing as a democracy in show business, but that was the most democratic thing I've ever experienced."
"That's why the experience is unlike any other in Show Business."
"I'd see the tears in the aisles, but I had a lovely little robe with a lovely satin collar. Showbiz."
"I realized I was miscast as a child. I found dinosaurs interesting, but I wasn't going to memorize a PhD worth of information about dinosaurs or Tonka trucks or sports or nothing really interested me until I accidentally stumbled into show business."
"Well, let's say a famous person in show business is almost dependent on recognition."
"I kind of think of it as like bank robbers you know like there's just someone who's hot online and we just go in there and they're selling out shows and it's like you just Escape town with the money before anyone realizes that you're a fraud."
"Well, you know in Show Business they have, uh, ladies and gentlemen whose shows are a little bit subpar but their stage presence is always felt."
"The biggest revenge in show business is retiring."
"He evolved the show and certainly his own brand."
"There is no higher honor in show business than the Golden Globe."
"This is us, show business, sweetheart. Believe me, if I didn't feel in my heart that you are living every day for that moment when you'll stand on a stage... a solo flight into the moon."
"The great thing about the world of show business is you never know what's around the corner."
"You want to hear about a great story in show business? He had a deal where he always had to get paid as much as Helen Hunt."
"I have a Sentimental Feeling about this tuxedo; it's been with me since my start in show business."
"I got into Show Business through the way of digital content and now I can be successful in that space."
"I love you John, and that's real show business love, folks."
"They say that when you get into show business, you reach back and pull out every little trick from your childhood."
"It's Not Easy Being Green, can't we all relate to that in show business?"
"I work very hard to make the show better."
"To get on in show business, I think there's a certain amount of luck involved."
"Everyone involved with this show has been my friend at one point or another."
"You are the personification of what show business is supposed to be: talented, smart, lovely, personable, and eager to perform."
"To be honest in show business is a privilege, and you have to be very strong to tell the truth in this business."
"There's an old saying in show business: the show must go on."
"He's the hardest working bass player in Showbiz."
"Make sure you know the show you're auditioning for."
"The show must go on, he likely thought to himself."
"Anyone who understood how Show Business Works would realize that this is free publicity."
"When you're in show business, you always feel like... if your name gets in an article, it's exciting."
"Nothing ever intimidated him. He would not let show business intoxicate him or intimidate him."
"It's show business, it's a business. I need to create this mystique."
"I've been in show business since I was 14."
"The show is the show, will go on."
"You only get one chance in show business, that's all, just one chance."
"He was great at asking questions; it wasn't like most people in show business."
"The show has done so much for me."
"It's raining, but the show must go on."
"There's an ebb and flow even doing a show like this; you got to go up and you go down, but you can't stay down too long to get back up."
"I do believe that the show must go on."
"It's what I like about being in show business, you get access to things like that."
"That's what show business is, you see. You don't know where it's going to lead you."
"You know what they say in show business, if it works in the fall, it's going to work in the spring."
"It's all theatrics; it's all showbiz."
"Once you're in show business, you realize that people get paid pretty well sometimes, and if there's a year or two where you're not working, you're alright."
"Carl Perkins was one of the kindest and nicest people ever to be in show business."
"I love Broadway. There's no visual show business like it."
"The Show Must Go On. I'm sorry, we're... it's been two minutes."
"I knew from when I was six years old I wanted to be an actor, I wanted to be in show business."
"Being involved in show business these days isn't as glamorous as some people may think."
"That's show business, you have to love it and you have to be on time, and production deadlines, you have to make sure you make them."
"You know what they say, 'There's no people like show people'."
"Show business is a tough business, with its scales having a far heavier pile of unsuccessful acts than successful ones."
"The Tonys are an example of how art and commerce intersect in show business."
"He lied to get people in the door, but once they got in the door, showbiz, his museum later his circus, truly something wonderful."
"I ended up working on the show on some marketing anyway, so that was quite fun."
"Does that tumultuous applause mean that you are in show business in some way or other? Yes."
"He was the hardest working man in show business."
"The key to longevity in show business is not to age."
"Good show business is not all about necessarily mechanical gimmicks; it's all about heart and soul."
"You have to be really strong to be in show business or the business of show."
"When we get paid off in show business, it's supposed to cover all the years that you're not getting paid literally anything."
"You don't date people in show business if you're in show business."
"That's the amazing thing about show business."
"I love show business, when the man says 'Your car, Mr. First Nighter, another opening, another show'."
"I've been in show business since I was 15 years old."
"We also made a picture in our minds of the kind of life we wanted to lead, and it became a beacon that has guided us on our long journey in show business."
"It's very important to take care of your body, especially during a busy show season."
"This whole show means everything to me, it really truly does."
"I haven't had that much fun at any show business gig since I can remember."
"The only good reason to get into Show Business: millions of people happy."
"There's a lot of people in show business who are very down to earth."
"It's bizarre, this just doesn't happen in show business, The Show Must Go On."
"One of the great friendships in Show Business history."
"It's like show business, right? You got to be in the right place at the right time."
"My life isn't show business. My life is show business and the love of my family and friends. It grounded me."
"The first thing in show business is to have a love of the business."
"This love of the business is the thing that helps you in the negative parts."
"Show business 10% show 90% business."
"It's the most exciting fun gig I've ever done since I got into show business."
"The nicest people you'll meet in show business are the most talented."
"It's Disney MGM Studios, where show business takes center stage."
"Thank you so much for your support, for the show."
"My goal? I want to be a showrunner, that's the goal."
"It's really tough to make it out here, and show business is very unforgiving."
"The show must go on; that's the spirit."
"You have to be determined, perhaps obsessive, you have to be totally committed to a role in show business if you're going to succeed."
"The Show Must Go On, as always, that's what they say in Show Business."