
Celibacy Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"I'm practicing celibacy because I think like really, it's more about a connection for me."
"Celibacy is like a choice. With asexuality, I've kind of felt this way my whole life. I've always felt this way."
"The celibacy is still a requirement for that so I think it's more of a thing where we just kind of hold our priests in the West up to a maybe a more of a higher standard."
"If priests were leading good, celibate lives, we wouldn't be having a scandal right now."
"Removing celibacy will not solve the problem, it will simply add more problems to the mix."
"There are two fundamental ways of committing your whole life to being a gift: marriage or celibacy for the kingdom."
"I'm almost a year into celibacy, okay? Celibacy club, where you at?"
"If y'all don't remember last year I also had a boyfriend and last year I was also celibate all this isn't adding up."
"For the Christian, being single means not just being unmarried, but being sexually abstinent. It's designed to be a way of serving and blessing other people."
"I've been practicing celibacy to be honest with you, Kendra, and yes I want to be married before I actually go into that sex thing because of the fact that it does something to your mental and it messes with your emotion..." - Pat
"The discipline of celibacy is not a Dogma, it's a discipline."
"I've been celibate because I'm tired of like fixing people and honestly it's I can't be like oh no one fixing me there's there's no one on this planet that could fix me but God."
"Celibacy is also an invitation to intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"Celibacy is a discipline, but it opens you up for the most fruitful ministry and intimacy with Jesus Christ."
"Come out to my Mass, it's a little sin not to."
"We choose men who willingly chose the gift of celibacy."
"I made the mental decision that I would not have sex with anyone unless I really wanted to, and I have not had sex since then."
"Celibacy was not a practice of purity, it was a practice of convenience."
"I'm practicing self-love and self-control, and I'm being celibate."
"In a world that places such an emphasis on sex and finding a partner, what happens when you stop trying?"
"I've been on a 5-year semen retention journey."
"If I wasn't a virgin, we probably would have. Yeah, for sure. That's what kept me in God."
"Clap for me because I'm freaking doing great. Yeah, I'll give you two claps for the amount of years you've been celibate."
"I think that each of us are our own soul mates. I think that celibacy should be done for us, not for others."
"Celibacy is the most amazing thing I've ever done for myself ever. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't be as strong, focused, and successful as I am this year."
"If you can stay single, it simplifies your life and you can pour your solo life into the Kingdom."
"I'm really grateful that I am going to go on a date tomorrow night—not stepping out and I might break my celibacy."
"The absence of sexual attraction toward or sexual Temptation toward women is what has made it remarkably clear that I'm called to singleness."
"The best protection is celibacy, I heard that but it is lonely."
"My oldest friend is a Catholic and is same sex attracted but he's celibate, he's chased, he is really one of my heroes because he has carried a heavy burden throughout his life."
"I ain't kissed no man in 20 years."
"There's millions of people that are sexless and married in the Church of Jesus Christ, and they go to bed alone, they feel disconnected, they feel ugly, they feel unwanted."
"Marriage has many pains but celibacy has no pleasures."
"If they're celibate, two reasons: either they've been celibate for a long period of time and now want to take a break, or they're just playing out lying and selling purity to me."
"I wish that everyone were single like me, a simpler life in many ways. But celibacy is not for everyone, any more than marriage. God gives the gift of the single life to some, the gift of the married life to others."
"Temples were full of sexually frustrated monks walking around with muscular forearms, ready to explode at any moment."
"To be chased is hard you know people you know people fail to understand to be celibate is a manly thing it's a hard thing."
"You could be celibate and that's why they're mad because you're dedicated to your spiritual beliefs and values, you respect yourself."
"There is nothing wrong with being an involuntary celibate. Absolutely nothing wrong. Because we have all been involuntary celibates at one point or another."
"Y'all will take a vow of celibacy so fast and want them men to just put up with it."
"I don't have to self-stimulate. Let me repeat that. I don't have to have sex. I'm taking it like a nightly vitamin."
"It's very important to me that the main word in that phrase is not celibate nor gay, it's Christian."
"...and you have to draw a line that says I'm not having sex no more until I get married."
"In order to fulfill scripture or the will of God for my life, I should be single. If you think this teaching is too strict, maybe you're supposed to choose the choice of the single life in order to serve the Lord."
"I feel a deep sense of shame about my past and have decided to remain celibate until I find someone with whom I want to spend my life."
"I haven't been with someone this entire year I kid you guys not I haven't done nothing with nobody this entire year."
"Either we modify the Christian teaching on celibacy or we revisit the doctrine of celibacy, because we are dealing with new information about same-sex orientation and we have to respond to that."
"I'm going to be like a little turtle going back in my shell. I'm going to be really terrible, and then I'm going to just go back to being celibate."
"Priests are celibate because they need the time to take care of us. The priest has a bride—his bride is the Church."
"Sex is out of the picture, there's no sexiness there's no sex."
"Celibacy is a recognition of a virgin birth that we belong to the kingdom of God and not to nature."
"I never had sex with another girl, I never even flirted with another girl. I stayed celibate and I stayed strong."
"He was chaste. You mean he was celibate? Yes."
"Celibacy is a sign of our sick culture."
"Consider celibacy as a viable, real-life option."
"Celibacy is a fullness of sexuality."
"I am celibate I am allowing the universe to bring all wonderful things to me."
"I can genuinely go five years without having sex with anyone and still live a very fulfilling life."
"If you ask why, it's just like, 'I'm manifesting.' And in order to manifest, I need to be celibate. Well, what are you manifesting? A ring. I have to have my full attention on this ring."
"Celibacy, of course, is the big issue..."
"I'd rather go celibate for life rather than let him touch me again."
"Sometimes I think those priests who take vows of chastity understand what a drain it is to be constantly thinking about who you're going to bed with," Nakor mused.
"I think it's important to consider the psychological and emotional labor needed, not just the physical act of having sex, when discussing involuntary celibacy."
"I'm celibate; I can look attractive and still keep my legs closed."
"I don't know if God can make me attracted to a woman, but I don't care. The point is, I'm happy being celibate."
"Damaging these children for the rest of their life in the name of celibacy."
"Fastings and celibacy will level you up on another like they'll level your ass up."
"Priests, when they're all in black to show that they are dead to the world, they're alive in Christ. They've renounced everything to follow the kingdom. Celibacy is a very good thing."
"In my lifetime, I have known so many men who have left the priesthood to marry and I think it really diminishes the church."
"The growing Catholic Church always had as its official position celibacy is superior to sexuality."
"Desire and passion redirected to a desire and a passion precisely for celibacy."
"Avoiding sex and family: the answer to experiencing the resurrection."
"Cheers! I didn't make eye contact with you. That means we're gonna have bad sex. Not me and you. I'm not having sex. It's fine. I'm actually celibate right now."
"Why is that? Like they want gay people to be celibate forever but that's really just doesn't make any sense."
"...love and companionship are some of the most basic needs for a human being yet the church teaches that a gay person needs to live a life of celibacy in order to be worthy in the eyes of god."
"I'm refusing celibacy, yep, celibacy is the way. Screw that, I ain't smashing no potato, that's mad weird."
"Chastity, abstinence, refraining from sex, celibacy, self-restraint. All that means the same thing, basically."
"Jesus commends celibacy and points forward to no marriage in the resurrection."
"I think there's plenty of room under the Evangelical tent for people who are same-sex attracted and who have chosen to live a celibate life out of faithfulness to Christ."
"Being celibate is powerful because all of that energy will be harnessed."
"Being celibate is freedom; it puts you in the driver's seat, it puts you in control."
"Let him go and concentrate on your celibacy for at least a year while you're on your spiritual path."
"Being celibate will save you from a lot of heartbreak and manipulation from men who only want sex."
"Being on your spiritual path and being celibate, the universe will lead you to your spiritual growth and understanding."
"Celibacy for me has been the most joyful aspect of my life as a monk because it is implied and is brought with it a very deep relationship with Christ."
"We are free in Christ to choose marriage or to stay celibate service for His glory."
"Stay celibate, start with your affirmations every day, and meditate."
"We can live without sex, Jesus did, but we're not designed to live without intimacy."
"I practiced celibacy and I'm not mad because I'm not dating or having sex, they might even know I'm not, I'm not mad, I just actually like practicing celibacy."
"Celibacy hands-down was the most important decision I made in my life."
"Celibacy saves you from a lot. It gives me a lot of clarity and really makes me think with my head very clearly."
"A woman cannot be involuntarily celibate. Yes, she can, because she has standards."
"Celibacy is a gift given to breathe life into the body of Christ, the church."
"Anybody being celibate, go with that journey; it's an amazing journey."
"Gandhi took a vow of celibacy at the age of 37 and observed that vow until the last day of his life, which was 40 years later."
"If you have the gift of celibacy, that is a good thing."