
Endangered Species Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"The Northern White Rhino is critically endangered, currently, there are only two known surviving individuals, both of whom are female."
"Leatherback sea turtle populations along the Pacific coast have declined by over 90% in the past decade from illegal poaching."
"Red pandas are adorable and highly endangered."
"The wild axolotl is teetering on the brink of extinction."
"The extinction of animal species must be one of the saddest things on the planet, especially if it comes from humanity. Significant ecological challenges have recently led to more animals being endangered by habitat loss."
"The Tasmanian Tiger, falsely accused by European colonizers, slaughtered thousands, but reported sightings have continued, sparking hope for its existence."
"The Javanese tiger, once declared extinct, was accidentally rediscovered in 1995, sparking ongoing sightings and hope for its survival."
"The night parrot, thought extinct for about 100 years, was rediscovered in 2013 in Australia, sparking conservation efforts to protect its habitat."
"The Fernandina giant tortoise, thought extinct since 1906, was rediscovered alive in the Galapagos Islands, prompting conservation efforts."
"Finland is home to the highly threatened Saimaa ringed seal."
"Like most threatened species on today's list, human activities are largely responsible for driving this unique creature to the brink of extinction."
"I'm afraid that you know in my lifetime we won't have Elephants or rhinoceroses anymore."
"This is an animal whose life is endangered, and we will step forward and do what we can do to save that animal."
"Shoebill: a huge, terrifying bird facing habitat destruction."
"Flora and Fauna International seized the opportunity to save the Antiguan racer."
"Positioning matters. Positioning 100 matters."
"These same scales meant to protect the pangolin expose it to the highest kind of risk."
"Humans really do meet the qualification of an endangered species."
"This is an animal which is on the brink of extinction in this area."
"The world's last surviving mountain gorillas are confined to just two small pockets."
"Endangered species are on the brink of disappearing forever."
"If you really want to help the environment, find out how you can help endangered species across the world."
"It's a race to keep the rusty patched bumblebee from becoming extinct."
"We can somehow be able to help endangered species by using our cloning process."
"Conservationist Olivier Sengimana wants to save the iconic gray crowned crane bird from extinction."
"She is paranoid, endangered species headed into extinction. She is one of a kind. Well, she's the last of the American girls."
"Tigers have been an endangered species for a long time now. Recently, remote camera traps have captured three young Indo-Chinese tigers roaming around free in the forest."
"Because the sand is white, it retains far less heat than the sand that's a darker color. This has resulted in the White Desert becoming a refuge for a number of endangered species."
"I'm inspired by the bald wakari monkey, they're in danger so they're a part of the conservation."
"Endangered turtle nests: 'Why now? Why this time?'"
"Are we going to allow the Sumatran tiger to go extinct?"
"I feel a duty to black-footed ferrets because as humans, we were one of the causes of their near extinction, and I think we owe it to the species to try and recover them if we can."
"Leatherback sea turtle: the biggest turtle in the world, with individuals reaching almost a ton."
"Yangtze giant softshell turtle: the rarest turtle on Earth, with only two or three individuals left in the wild."
"Snow leopards have become pretty much a byword for rarity."
"The last two northern white rhinos on the planet are both female."
"Steve viewed it as his life’s mission to work tirelessly to save the world’s endangered species."
"The Iberian Lynx: once on the brink of extinction, now recovering thanks to conservation efforts."
"The psychedelic frogfish's future is uncertain... these fascinating fish could vanish from our oceans forever."
"The giant otters are seriously endangered, back in the 1950s and 60s its pelt became very popular and so excessive hunting and poaching caused a massive decline in numbers."
"Consider yourself lucky because it's considered to be rare and critically endangered in some countries."
"Following its 172-year hiatus, the black-browed babbler has been spotted in the wild for the first time, revealing a pair of birds in the limestone highlands of Indonesian Borneo."
"Should scientists spend more time conserving endangered species rather than bringing back extinct ones?"
"The species is the most critically endangered out of the whole family of tinosaur which are the spiny till iguanas and I know what you're thinking."
"Koalas in New South Wales could become extinct by 2050 unless the government immediately intervenes to protect them and their habitat."
"The Taiwanese white dolphin, which is actually pink, is one of the rarest species of sea creature in the world."
"The iucn labeled the golden-headed tamarin as endangered in 1982."
"The Darwin's fox... one of the rarest foxes on our list."
"Orangutan czar very smart and very gentle nature of creatures but the World Wildlife Fund has class them as critically endangered and this is because of poor chin and because of them losing so much of the habitat from deforestation."
"One less black rhino in the world. They're an endangered species."
"At one point humpback whales came dangerously close to disappearing off the face of the planet."
"The ivory-billed woodpecker: a relatively high chance that it is still out there."
"Charlie Winterbauer found himself surrounded by hundreds of Venus flytraps and felt protective of these delicate plants."
"This turtle may not be crazy pretty with colors but this is one of the most endangered turtles in the world."
"Lord Howe Island stick insects are critically endangered wingless nocturnal insects that only feed on one shrub species."
"We can help save Africa's oldest national park and its endangered mountain gorillas."
"Salata tortoises are endangered in the wild, one reason is the pet trade because they're after another the wild for the pet trade."
"Turtles and tortoises are the most endangered group of vertebrates on the planet."
"German scientists have turned to in vitro fertilization to help save the White Rhino species. They finally successfully impregnated a rhino."
"Breeding programs for endangered species are important."
"Indigo snakes are facing some pretty big difficulties in the United States at the moment mostly due to habitat loss."
"Doing experiments with turtles is tricky I guess, because a lot of sea turtles are endangered or threatened as species, right?"
"Even skeptics believe that any technology developed to bring back extinct species could be useful to help endangered species."
"Orangutans are not just fascinating creatures; they are also critically endangered. The urgency to protect and conserve them has never been greater."
"Game keepers are the last line of defense between these species and possible extinction."
"Now these are one of the most, if not the most endangered turtle in the world from Madagascar. So it really is cool to actually have one of these guys here at the house."
"There are only about 300 breeding pairs of this red-billed crow left in Britain."
"...keeping something that's endangered in the wild."
"Everywhere in Africa, these magnificent creatures are under threat."
"They don't just say why an animal is endangered; they use subtle, entertaining, and positively odd methods that will make anyone stop and realize that these animals need our help."
"The federal wildlife registry has listed the bushy-tail red fox on the endangered species list."
"African bush elephants and Asian elephants are listed as endangered."
"You're actually looking at one of the most endangered crocodilian species on earth."
"This animal rebounded and so the huge success story for conservation."
"Approximately 41% of the world's amphibian species are threatened, and giant salamanders are no exception."
"Along with being critically endangered, the Kemp's Ridley is also the rarest sea turtle on the planet."
"The golden lion tamarin must double its current population in order to be taken off the list of endangered animals."
"So there are five animals that have been saved from extinction by humans."
"Conservation organizations with the help of different governments across the world have in many cases managed to save endangered species from extinction."
"Unfortunately, woodpeckers are endangered which means there are far less now than there were before."
"Did you know that the American alligator was almost extinct in the 1950s?"
"I'm passionate about creatures which are endangered."
"What a privilege that is, one of the most endangered species on the planet."
"The main purpose of zoos, people, is this critically endangered species that would otherwise be wiped out due to habitat loss or poaching."
"Did you know that all three species of orangutan are critically endangered?"
"Green turtles have been on the endangered species list since 1978."
"These hispid hares are one of the world's most endangered mammals."
"The story's revelation that mutant kind is a truly endangered species."
"This bird is officially considered to be as endangered as the elephant and the panda."
"Conservation efforts are crucial for this beautiful species because red pandas are critically endangered."
"That's gotta be one of the most endangered species in the world, right?"
"The world that we live in needs bold solutions; we need genetic rescue tools in order for us to save critically endangered species that exist on the planet."
"This area is also home to the endangered Kirkland's warblers, so it's famous for bird watchers as well."
"Only time will tell if the Fernandina giant tortoise will be with us in decades to come."
"This is a European pond turtle, a new threatened species that has a great time in this wetland, eating animal matter and plants."
"With less than 160 individuals left, the kakapo is one of the world's most threatened species."
"This is the Geochelmys Hamiltoni, the Indian spotted turtle. These guys are found in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and of course India, but they're critically endangered."
"They're also known as Timber rattlesnakes; they're the same species, but in certain areas they're found, they're actually endangered."
"In the Philippines lives the rarest species of hornbill and one of the rarest birds in the world: the Sulu hornbill."
"This is actually a threatened species in Europe, seeing massive declines across its range."
"This is what it's all about, giving animals a new home that need it, and especially some endangered turtles."
"Grizzlies in the lower 48 were listed as threatened under the federal Endangered Species Act."
"The sanctuary is more a resort than an orphanage for the world's most endangered ape."
"These animals are not doing well, thankfully there are conservation and breeding efforts in China and Vietnam."
"Look how beautiful this Utila Island iguana is, critically endangered from the Utila Island right off of Honduras."
"Endangered species like these are symptoms of endangered biological resources."
"This is an exciting new tool in conservation breeding and bringing species back from the brink of extinction."
"Green turtles are threatened by overharvesting of their eggs and degradation of nesting sites."
"The WAAC Bennett Dam and climate change have created drought conditions that threaten the largest population of free-roaming wood bison in the world."
"Sumatran rhino rescue is a coordinated effort of five international conservation organizations working to save this critically endangered species from extinction."
"When we talk about endangered species, you can't really talk about that without also talking about the success stories out there."
"The Attenborough pitcher plant is only found on Mount Victoria and is classified as critically endangered."
"The artificial revitalization of the reef is possible the same way we've sheltered endangered animals and returned them to the wild in greater numbers."
"The bald eagle population in the lower 48 was down to fewer than 1,000 mature birds, but no one could figure out why."
"We're running out of polar bears are dying, save them."
"Look below the surface of any creek, and you just might catch a glimpse of the endangered Southern California steelhead."
"That's actually a Sumatran tiger, to be exact, and there's only about 300 left on this entire planet in the wild."
"Our whole goal is to promote this breed, being that they're endangered."
"There are thought to be fewer than 8,000 brown hyenas left in the wild."
"Everyone says how terrible it was, the story of the thylacine, but there's trees that are 100 meters tall out here which have endangered quolls and Tasmanian devils living in the forest that surrounds them, and we're cutting them down still to this day."
"They're highly endangered animals, and we need people to see them and to spread the word that they're not bad animals; they're amazing animals."
"Captive breeding involves reproducing animals in zoos and aquariums with the aim to increase the number of endangered species."
"Less than 30 Vancouver Island marmots remain in the wild. Oh wow."
"I think that they should be conserved because they are very close to extinct."
"By this year, there are less than 100 left in the world."
"In the last 50 years, black rhino numbers have dropped from 70,000 to five and a half thousand."
"The whale shark is on the endangered species list; the Yucatan Peninsula is home to around 1,100 specimens from an estimated 7,000 left in the world."
"DDT thins the eggshells of eagles and it almost drove our national icon, our national bird, to extinction."
"The Cuban crocodile, once a proud symbol of Cuba's natural heritage, is now facing a dire threat from its relatives."
"Turtles and tortoises are the number one threatened air-breathing vertebrate facing extinction today."
"The aye-aye is in danger, but another big reason is habitat loss."
"The area is also well known for its Australian sea lions, which are classified as endangered as the population continues to decrease over time."
"Ruma National Park is the only sanctuary in Kenya where you can find the endangered Roan Antelope."
"Less than 80 Sumatran rhinos left alive."
"The future for this guy is helping his species; yellow-foot rock wallabies are endangered."
"Madagascar big-headed turtle, the world's most endangered turtle, look at this incredible guy."
"It's pretty cool like it's giving some awareness to an endangered species."
"With any luck at all, our efforts will have prevented the whooping crane from becoming extinct."
"Those owls are a threatened species and have state protections."
"Komodo dragons are an endangered species."
"Through a love of wild creatures, the fire salamander mustn't become a legend that burned out."
"The golden toad was a small frog that lived in the high altitude forests of Costa Rica's Monteverde region."
"The Yangtze River dolphin used to live in large numbers in the Yangtze River in China."
"It was highly respected in Chinese culture and was often called the goddess of the Yangtze."
"There is a real movement to save these last survivors."
"There are possibly less than 80 Sumatran rhinos left alive."
"We wouldn't want to lose this critically endangered iguana."
"All these radiateds are critically endangered species."
"Assuming the preservation of an endangered species is such a noble and important task."
"A pangolin is an anteater with scales on its back and it is critically endangered in the wild."
"Christmas Island flying foxes, yeah, critically endangered."
"Our objective for today is to be able to explain how a species becomes endangered."
"The Endangered Species Act... gives the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service the power to... protect [species]."
"Kulus in some parts of the country are endangered; that means these chicks form an important part of a captive breeding program."
"The giant panda is one of the most beloved bears in the world yet tragically it is by far the rarest."
"These sharks are critically endangered... they're essentially the future of the entire species."
"Manatees have been shown to have extremely low diversity on par with other critically endangered species."
"An endangered species is going to be those that either their numbers have dropped or they're basically very close to extinction."
"The Endangered Species Act... ends up setting criteria for us as a nation to label a species endangered or threatened and protect them and their habitats."
"With only a few thousand Florida manatees remaining in the wild, the clock is ticking in efforts to save these amazing creatures from extinction."
"North Atlantic right whales are a species in crisis; they're one of the most endangered species on the planet."
"It would be so damaging to the ivory bill's prospects if the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service declares it extinct."
"It's a fantastic experience and opportunity to be able to work with some species endangered as a Bongo."
"Why do you do this? Sea turtles are endangered, the Kemp's Ridleys are critically endangered, and if they disappear, they're gone forever."
"At Disney, every animal birth is important, but there's something extra special about an odds-defying critically endangered baby."
"Scientists are hoping to save Lake Titicaca's endangered scrotum frog."
"Chinese traditional medicine... stop eating parts of endangered animals."
"It’s a small victory in a battle to bring them back from the brink of extinction."
"But tigers are endangered animals and we have a duty to protect them."
"Less than 500 of these guys in the wild, they're critically endangered and threatened species."
"Lemurs are among the most endangered primate group in the world, largely due to habitat loss."
"The giant panda clings precariously to life on this planet."
"Now it's true, the axolotl was endangered, but now, we're the ones who are in danger."
"Endangered species, like Black Rhinos, leopards, and elephants, remind us of the fragility of our natural world."
"Protecting their habitats is a major way we can protect threatened or endangered species."
"The southern resident killer whales are an endangered species."
"It's important to realize that some endangered species are now bred so prolifically in captivity by aviculturists that in fact it is justifiable to put these birds into almost a pet situation."
"There are only 20,000 or fewer than 20,000 of these magnificent creatures left in all the world."
"Chester Zoo, home to seven thousands of the world's most endangered animals."
"What makes these birds so special is because they're one of the most endangered species of birds in Africa."
"Their populations throughout Africa are not good; they're an endangered species."
"Almost one in four mammal species, including four of the six remaining species of great apes, and one in eight bird species were considered at significant risk of extinction at the start of the 21st century."
"A lot of conservation goes on here, and they're trying to build the populations back up for a lot of these endangered animals."
"Every one of the eight species of pangolin is headed for extinction."
"We have the most endangered carnivore that we see here, so super excited to have these guys."
"This is a highly endangered species now, he can't have the Lions knocking them off willy-nilly."
"I could end up with six chicks instead of two, now for a species that's endangered, that's got to be a good thing."
"It's often the species that the public doesn't know about that don't have enough conservation efforts put towards saving them."
"This is the host plant for the monarch butterfly, which is considered endangered."
"The red wolf is a critically endangered species, a species that was really saved from extinction by zoos and aquariums."
"I think anybody that cares about these magnificent animals, of which there's only 340 left, should be very concerned about what we document in this film."
"Our big goal today is to find Africa's second most endangered carnivore, and that is the African wild dog or painted wolf."
"These two tiny balls of fluff are of huge significance for a species that's critically endangered in the wild."
"The challenges of conserving threatened species is something that really drives me."
"The African elephant and rhinoceros have become endangered because of the value of their tusks."
"Endangered species are animals that are in danger of disappearing from the Earth."
"Red pandas are endangered, which is a real big bummer."
"Our national bird is rapidly becoming an endangered species."
"The endangered wildlife trust fights at the forefront of conservation across the vast Karoo and sweeping grasslands."
"Wild dogs are the second most endangered carnivore in the whole of Africa."