
Mundane Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Our ability to create meaning and beauty in the mundane, in the absurd."
"Evil is enacted in very boring ways. Laws, rules, and orders."
"The majority of my day is basically like this, right? I wake up, get out of bed, eat my cereal, brush my teeth..."
"Finding subjects like supermarket doors is like discovering an unexplored continent of our common world." - James Gurney
"Only once and it happened to what one would think one of the most mundane environments possible."
"A slice of toast with nothing on it, just eating it dry."
"Is it more of a possibility that it's just some mundane thing? Infinitely so."
"With one of the fastest draw times in the west at 70 decks, it's a Wonderful example of finding Beauty and mundanity."
"Real love is the kind that does dishes together."
"Those walls are cheap plywood, it made its coffee over the stove this morning and it's just realized I forgot to turn the gas off..."
"Nothing happened today, it was probably the world's most boring vlog."
"Stay strong, my friends. Probably gonna be a boring week, but that's okay."
"Nothing exciting happened much outside the turmoil of small village gossip."
"A heavenly escape from the mundane world."
"There's a particular emphasis on how fantastical the mundane can be, and it's just so interesting and refreshing to me."
"Janana was cooking in his basement kitchen routine police patrols noticed nothing unusual."
"It's just another day, I do that on a regular."
"I love how horror has taken day-to-day things and just permanently put a little bit of spice on them."
"I'm getting ready to cross the street."
"There's so much magic laced in the mundane."
"How exciting is it that we're doing laundry?"
"I cut into a bell pepper with no seeds today."
"SEI's creativity in transforming mundane activities into sources of entertainment is highlighted."
"The most miraculous thing is recognizing the magic in the mundane and everyday life and finding the beauty in everything."
"...pick the person you want to do the mundane with or that you enjoyed to do that with..."
"Sometimes, it's the boring stuff that we remember the most."
"I'm totally getting excited over a paper towel holder... but for real, oh my gosh!"
"Imagine this: you're working your regular shift at a local Chinese food takeaway, just doing what you must to make a living. Minimum wage, minimum effort."
"There's enough stuff of like, 'Hey, this is the city. It's a big city.'"
"The strength of our relationship is found in the beauty of the mundane."
"I just wanted to pay my rent, go to Costco, and freaking eat hot $150 hot dogs."
"The show still manages to turn the mundane hilarious."
"The sacred is so much grander than the mundane."
"And how all the things that you once felt were mundane and regular everyday happenings that you never even noticed before are actually all the things that you end up missing the most."
"The viewer loves to see just the very normal, mundane stuff that we think's boring and not exciting or funny."
"It's about finding the extraordinary within the ordinary, the beauty in the mundane."
"Let's see what's inside this desk. Paper, notebook, post-it notes... nothing in there."
"It just doesn't get any better than WALL-E's reaction to mundane things."
"It's so ordinary, it's so regular, it's so just... is."
"There's not that much going on, it's a lot of sort of practical stuff isn't it? But like that is kind of what our days are made up of, you know?"
"Jennifer Walters might do with her life? What are her interests, her hobbies, her personal history, her aspirations, her hopes, fears, dreams? Well, she seems pretty boring."
"I never thought in my life that I would be so excited about a sink but here I am I guess that's what adulting is being excited about sinks."
"But since it's just they're always there, it's just not that interesting, you just walk out and pick one up."
"I genuinely it concerns me how excited grocery stores make me."
"It's astonishing, isn't it? It's such a mundane setting."
"This is probably the most uneventful cruise vlog."
"In this boring world where everything seems mundane, this regular girl learned to accept the side of her that made her exceptional."
"I finished up the lunch lady special, or at least everything except the green soup, and I took my tray to the trash can."
"I've been excited all day about the okra."
"Our relationship with the mundane is in direct correlation with how much we can source our own happiness."
"Our relationship with the mundane, those 'doing nothing' moments, is in direct correlation with how much we can source our own happiness."
"The mundane, our relationship with the mundane, is in direct correlation with how much we can source our own happiness."
"It's the trivial stuff that makes the world tick."
"SCP-7034 takes a very mundane scenario, being stuck in traffic for an extended period of time, and ratchets up the horror of the experience."
"Ninety to ninety-five percent of cases are prosaic objects that people misidentified."
"Corn farmer update: 800 corn everywhere."
"Absolutely epic. We had a day today. Added some shrimp to the pond, fed Fred, caught the shrimp. Epic, guys."
"Even mundane things like eating and drinking can be done to His glory."
"The lyrics talk about the pain of mundane living, but this problem is exacerbated by the singer's resistance to change."
"Being an experience is about making mundane things memorable and engaging."
"This is the best bin bag I've ever seen. I've had a few now and they're generally pretty rubbish. Not many people put too much effort into them."
"The number one relationship killer when it comes to communication is talking about mundane stuff."
"Love happens in the daily mundane."
"The exercise of the prorogation power is almost always mundane."
"I think I cried three different times yesterday, literally doing stupid things like watering the lawn and going to the grocery store."
"Thank God it's wash day. I decided to stop by Target since Target was right next to Walmart."
"Despair begins when the miraculous becomes mundane."
"I am still at Mormon girls camp and yeah, today we had bagels for breakfast again and sandwiches for lunch."
"It's mad when you think about it, but it could be anything. It could even be like, bro, there's even—it could even be a sense of, 'Oh yeah, like, washing the dishes or something like that.'"
"That's wild they just [__] like [__] groceries."
"Shoe leather is the mundane things that happen in reality but are deemed too boring for a film."
"This just looks like I'm putting on sunscreen and putting a lot on here."
"Holiness is to be found in our mundane day-to-day lives."
"We love to bring a sense of beauty to the otherwise mundane."
"Most of the time, I'm sitting on the couch."
"It's very windy out but we're walking in. Also, I have my leftover bag from breakfast this morning that I'm going to throw away."
"In the darkness of the night, even the most mundane objects can become harbingers of terror."
"Every once in a while something so amazing happens that it makes every previous mundane hour totally worth it."
"To do a boring or mundane thing with style, that is like art, you know."
"Meaning brings magic to the mundane."
"The cleaning ladies are here, yeah."
"Hello, it's me again. I'm still eating my lunch."
"There's something about watching you do the dishes."
"I want to feel like you know I'm at the checkout counter at Ralph's you know with the barcode behind my back."
"It's all in the little mundane things."
"Who knew watching somebody mow the lawn would be so satisfying?"
"Barbie got a new porsche... there's nothing really remarkable about this car."
"There's not really anything else exciting going on today."
"The mundane versus the magical world."
"Every time, some people may say why are you talking about cleaning toilets, cleaning doo, and cleaning pee?"
"I've got to go to Tesco's today because look I've literally just ran out of milk"
"Meanwhile, Boris said has taken his car to the garage."
"I just went to Starbucks, got my morning coffee."
"There's nothing in here that would surprise you or do anything interesting, I think."
"The mundane yet fascinating functions of the everyday life are often overlooked, continuously plugging away in the background as everything moves about around them."
"Some of the greatest sitcoms of all time are about really dull things."
"It's an invitation to break free from the mundane and embrace the extraordinary."
"...tomorrow I think is hair wash day."
"Everything in their lives from here on out is gonna be so mundane and boring after this."
"I was somewhere in the middle of the store looking at some random things."
"Not boring, not fun, just satisfying."
"So yeah, I went into Tesco, picked up a good old meal deal."
"That's part of the everyday line."
"Embracing the mundane is fundamental. It's groundbreaking because we don't do it enough."
"I’m like the king of unfolding sandwich bags."
"I'm back from using the bathroom."
"So come on back, we're going to finish up in a few minutes or so with our last bit of washes in the windows."
"So we go down the hallway and yeah in and of itself it's nothing really special."
"It's about balance, about the mundane and the esoteric, spiritual and the material."
"The mundane things can bring you tears of joy."
"He'd rather just be doing laundry and taxes with the person he loves as he has the ability to find joy in the mundane."
"The mundane parts of everyday existence may seem inconsequential, but there's beauty in them."
"I just have some cleaning and packing to do, that's kind of boring."
"The mundane is imbued with the spiritually divine and sacred energies too."
"Calvin's ability to make the most of a mundane situation with his imagination."
"Life's been pretty mundane and boring, which is how I like it."
"This is most definitely culture. Sure, it may seem mundane to those of you who've lived here all your lives, but to a European, for example, it's super exciting and exotic."
"Enjoy the little moments we have, even the ones that seem the most mundane."
"You know you've reached adulthood when you get excited about a trash can."
"For us to be able to open up to the extraordinary, we need to be able to firstly acknowledge the more ordinary mundane stuff that is magical."
"That's how you know you're an adult when you're excited about a damn vacuum."
"Enlightenment comes in the middle of your most mundane things."
"It was just a more super mundane and kind of grounded story which I actually liked because it made it feel a little more human."