
Like-mindedness Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"Find other like-minded people and build a community together."
"Jokes on them, this list can actually help us find like-minded allies."
"Seek out people that are like-minded, I think is a really big important thing."
"Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord."
"We need to find our families and our friends and our community of like-minded people to support each other."
"Liquidate your assets, get around like-minded people."
"Surround yourself with good, positive people. People who are like-minded."
"It's very valuable to find the like-minded person."
"That's the best part... to be around like people that you genuinely like and enjoy."
"Light Seekers all around will want to come together cuz they're likeminded."
"You're going to find your soul tribe, like-minded people who vibe at the same frequency as you."
"Let's throw some stuff back and forth and because we're like-minded, we're all going in the same direction."
"At the end of the day, the more you're surrounded by like-minded neighbors, then probably the more balanced of a lifestyle you're going to have."
"Becoming magnetic and attracting like-minded people."
"It's exciting to partner with people that are like-minded in some ways because they've already sought out the right way to give back and do the right thing."
"When you have a choice, it seems to me reasonable that you want to hang out with people of like mind and like heart."
"It was really just about trying to find people that were like-minded."
"The more of yourself that you are, the more you attract like-minded individuals."
"My culture is like-minded people that have a good soul that lead by love, not money."
"It's awesome to be surrounded by that type of people, that group of people, just because we're all very like-minded, and when you put yourself in a room with like-minded people, you're gonna excel at what you're doing."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people and create partnerships off of that."
"Be yourself because that way like you'll attract like-minded people."
"Like-minded is the number one key to successfully building bonds and relationships with other people."
"Being able to gather together with like-minded people is one of the most beneficial practices that we could enter into."
"You just gotta mix and mingle with the right people if you want to be successful. You gotta keep like-minded people around you."
"It's interesting how like-minded people find each other."
"It's cool to be surrounded by a lot of like-minded people."
"Connect with other like-minded souls."
"There's something cool about them being free, them being, you know, 'I don't care, I'm out 100% who they are', yeah, because I'm like a very 'I don't care' person, so when I find someone with that same energy, we just naturally click."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people."
"Having like-minded parents and kids really helps."
"I think you've surrounded yourself with people who are like-minded, who are good, and you've weeded them out over the years."
"It's very important to have like-minded people in life."
"You will then begin to attract a new group of people who are going to be wanting to do the same things as you."
"It's the gathering and getting together of like-minded people."
"Finding the like-minded people is difficult but you have to search for it."
"it was rejuvenating psychologically great to spend time with some like-minded people in a setting that's very relevant"
"You gotta surround yourself with like-minded people for success."
"I feel like you're gonna meet like-minded people."
"It's always great to connect with like-minded people."
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people."
"So the idea of the ability to find and coordinate among like-minded folks is beautiful."
"This is where you meet the like-minded people."
"Your intention is the magnet that draws other people with similar intention to you."
"You'll meet people who are like-minded, people who are into the stuff that you're into."
"I think it's always worthwhile being around people who are like-minded who like the same culture and stuff you like because...it will bring more out of you."
"I found it somewhat reassuring to be in the same class with like-minded individuals."
"They want to grow, they're going towards like-minded individuals, people that share the same drive, the same ambition, the same passion."
"I just want to create opportunities for like-minded people."
"If you cooperate with a like-minded person or any group of people that think and operate as you do, then your success and satisfaction are assured."
"Align yourself with people that are like-minded so that you can keep yourself motivated."
"Just finding the right like-minded person, that's quite key."
"Surround yourself with people who are like-minded, who want the same things that you do."
"I love finding an audience of people that are like-minded and that like what I do."
"When you're on that righteous path, you're going to be attracting like-minded individuals."
"Hang out with like-minded people that encourage you."
"I want to build a community because I like to have like-minded people around me."
"Be impressed by yourself and support your success with people that have the same mentality for themselves."
"It's great to be surrounded by like-minded individuals."
"This is how change happens: like-minded people."
"Keeping like-minded people around you is directly related to your success."
"We attract to us like for like the vibration that we're holding."
"You just meet people everywhere that are on the same wave length, and I think that's really good for us right now."
"Surround yourself around people that think like you."
"You find the people that are like-minded, you find people that are into what you're doing, and you have your own community and off you go."
"Link with people that are where you are at and are like-minded with you."
"I'm trying to grind for my future, okay? You cannot be with nobody that's not on the same mind path as you."
"Being around people so like-minded really helped with this process of healing."
"It's a fabulous community of like-minded people."
"It's very important for you to connect and reconnect with people that are thinking like you."
"When you're around people who are kind of doing the same thing as you, you're going to be a lot more successful."
"Easy conversation when you get like-minded folks around."
"Get in a community with people that are like-minded."
"You've got a gated community, super safe, all like-minded people here."
"I was just elated, I guess you might say, sometimes quite speechless to think that I was in the presence of so many different people who were like-minded."
"Surround ourselves with like-minded people."
"Surrounding yourself with like-minded people is super important."
"We're supposed to be unified with people that are like-minded for a common goal."
"I encourage you to create your own space, your world where you can find people who are just like you."
"It's bringing all like minds together."
"It is important to attract people who bring you up, lift you up, and are like-minded individuals."
"If you truly throw a party that you enjoy, all the people that come to it and enjoy it are your people."
"If you wait long enough and you put yourself around the people who are similar to you in beliefs... somebody's going to gravitate to you."
"It can be a lonely road when you invest, especially if you're not around people who are like-minded."
"This is the whole idea of being part of a community of like-minded people."
"She's really in company that thinks exactly the way she does."
"Once I started following my passions and really pursuing them, I just started meeting like-minded people."
"It has also connected me with people from across the world that have the same mindset as me."
"Have friends with the same mindset as you."
"I feel like we're very like-minded individuals, we both love academics and doing well."
"You're going to be in a community of people that are like-minded."
"If you're that type of person, other people that are like that are gonna want to be around you."
"Make sure you know who you are and associate with people like minds."
"It just hits different when you're with somebody like-minded about what you're working on."
"True and lasting friendship is found when two minds think alike and help each other in the darkest of moments."
"Get connected to a community of like-minded people that understand you."
"You always learn something from talking to like-minded people."
"If you have no friends, then you need to go to places where people who are like-minded will be."
"You've created a great community of like-minded people."
"I'm in community with very, very like-minded and pleasant people."
"It's always nice to be around like-minded people; iron sharpens iron."
"This network, this community of people that are like-minded... that's incredible."
"I like the fact that it's like-minded people around me."
"There's a sense of common ground, which means that there are like-minded people and individuals."
"It's very important to build teams with like-minded people."
"We need to be able to build amongst like-minded people."
"It's always a blessing building with like-minded people."
"The goal should be to build a brand around people who think like you."
"What a comfort it would be to have a community of like-minded individuals."
"There's a whole world of people out there, the people who are like you, who love ideas, who love adventure, who love challenge."
"It makes such a big difference to talk to like-minded people who believe in what you're doing."
"I think it's about finding a couple of like-minded people who are interested in what you're interested in."
"It's important for me to be around people who are similar in thought and in heart."
"What an honor and a blessing to be amongst the likeminded."
"I'm making it for myself first, and then if like-minded people enjoy it as well, that's awesome."
"It's really cool to connect with a lot of like-minded people."
"It wasn't a social ladder, it was a group of like-minded people."
"He'll surround himself by a decent group of guys that he's like-minded individuals."
"It's just nice to be around people who are like-minded, where I just have never really had that and that's been awesome."
"You're going to be around a community of like-minded people."
"The most motivating thing for me is to be around like-minded people."
"If you have that chance to be with like-minded people, do that."
"It's really important to meet people who are like-minded so you don't feel alone."
"It's all about being around like-minded individuals."
"It's very important at times to be around people who are positive and who have like-minded ideas."
"Remember how important it is to have fun in life, how important it is to connect with people who think like you."
"You want to meet kindred spirits, like-minded individuals."
"You're going to be guided towards people who think like you."