
Electrons Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"Modern society is entirely built on our ability to get electrons to do what we want them to do."
"If we could magically swap every electron in your body with some other electron, there would be no change; you would still be you."
"Atoms were made up of three things. A dense nucleus of protons and neutrons, surrounded by a fuzzy cloud of electrons."
"Metals love to lose electrons, but here the case is opposite."
"Everything in the universe made of atoms is built up from just quarks and electrons."
"Muons are about 200 times heavier than electrons which makes them more sensitive to new physics."
"Transition metals are really good catalysts because they are good at receiving and donating electrons."
"Less resistance means more electrons will move."
"Atoms embark on a quest for stability, aspiring to achieve a complete valence shell of electrons."
"In general, electrons like to go down to the lowest potential energy."
"The higher number of coulombs per second is literally the number of charged electrons moving past a point every second."
"Plasma is the fourth state of matter, where atoms have been stripped of their electrons."
"Chemistry: rearranging swarms of electrons, not nuclei, to form molecules."
"Valence electrons are located on the outermost shell of an atom readily available to participate in chemical reactions."
"Most of chemistry is really just the behaviour of these electrons."
"Electrons are quantum particles, they're not classical particles."
"Electrons will individually be in energy igen states."
"What in the world is it? It is the clearest possible description of the nature of photons and electrons, of the matter which makes up the universe and everything in it."
"If RJ’s problem is electrons being extracted from the iron in his blood, how is one supposed to replace those electrons?"
"Your job is not to ask electrons what they're going to do, your job is to run experiments that reveal the behavior of electrons."
"Charging occurs due to the transfer of electrons."
"It's meaningful to say two electrons cannot have the same quantum state."
"The periodic table reminds us how many electrons are in each shell."
"Every time an electron's wave function collapses back to its ground or lower energy state, it produces another wave or light to compensate for this loss of energy."
"Electrons orbit nuclei in a discrete set of possible orbits."
"Graphite conducts electricity due to delocalized electrons."
"Electrons can't just appear out of nowhere or disappear into nowhere so we need a source or a sink for the electrons."
"... if the electrons and protons were freely moving and not bound into atoms then they would be efficient scatterers."
"Delocalization means the electrons can be in multiple locations at the same time."
"Any electrons left over at this point would always go on the central atom."
"Copper is the number of protons in the nucleus because that means there's also 29 electrons surrounding that nucleus."
"There is a second discrete group of very great importance in understanding atomic structure, which is based on the fact that electrons are all the same... and therefore, a system containing two or more electrons must be indifferent to their interchange."
"All of chemistry really boils down to what is happening with the electrons."
"Electrons absolutely are not and do not behave like planets going around a solar system."
"We can better understand what the electron is and apply that to developing modern technology."
"The whole concept in the field called quantum mechanics is basically talking about what is an electron, how does it behave."
"When you excite the electrons and when the electrons fall back down, that's when things start to glow."
"The electrons that come off, we now know, electrons are everything."
"Electrons don't decay because there are no less massive charged particles than an electron."
"You might not you may not have known the electron has a big brother called a muon a muon is identical in every way to an electron except it's 200 times heavier."
"There are only certain energies that the electrons around an atom can have."
"All atoms want is a full outer shell of electrons."
"Instead of donating and accepting electrons, they share electrons."
"Electrons exist in energy levels outside the nucleus and that when they change energy levels, they give off radiation."
"Circulating around or in a cloud or in orbits around the nucleus are the electrons, which are negatively charged."
"Atoms get their size and shape from electrons; electrons are spin 1/2, therefore they are fermions, therefore they take up space."
"Covalent bonding is a sharing of electrons."
"When you hug someone, you never really get close to them; it's just the electrons repelling each other."
"A radical is a molecule that has one or more unpaired electrons."
"It's so cool that we can just watch those electrons move like that."
"Now he proposed that the electrons move around the nucleus in circular orbits."
"Every orbital can hold at most two electrons and they have to have opposite spins."
"No two electrons in an atom can have the same four quantum numbers."
"Electrons are basically the building blocks of life, and electrons are also electromagnetism which is fundamentally light."
"Electrons are negative; they don't want to hang out too close to other electrons if they can avoid it."
"High spin means you have more unpaired electrons and they have this property of angular momentum."
"Atoms can lose and gain electrons."
"You can think of these as like parking spots for electrons or like theater seats for electrons."
"Energy levels or shells arrange electrons into different groups that are varying distances from the center."
"The valence electrons are the electrons in the energy level that is the furthest out from the nucleus."
"If you know which of these columns a particular atom is in, you can figure out how many valence electrons it has."
"Lowering your energy means happiness for electrons."
"Electrons are lazy; they will take the path of least resistance."
"Every electron has a unique set of four quantum numbers."
"I always imagined the electrons painstakingly orbiting a chunk of ice."
"You're creating a connection between you and the earth, and the electrons are pouring into your body."
"In oxidation, a substance loses electrons, which we call being oxidized."
"In reduction, a substance gains electrons, which we call being reduced."
"Energy is released as the electrons associated with hydrogen ions are transferred to oxygen, which has a lower energy state."
"There is a one-to-one interaction between electrons and photons."
"In every atom there is a perfect balance of protons and electrons."
"The quantum Hall effect describes 2D electrons in a strong magnetic field."
"The number of electrons on it will be an integer number, and therefore charge will necessarily be quantized."
"The energy versus momentum relation is an important relation for electrons in semiconductors."
"The integer quantum Hall effect and topological insulators are kind of the original topological phases of electrons."
"Atoms use their unpaired electrons to form bonds."
"A classic example of this would be say a Diels-Alder reaction where six electrons move around at one time and you get new bonds."
"Electrons occupy orbitals which are arranged in energy levels."
"Electrons are negatively charged, and whether we have bonding or non-bonding electrons around some sort of central atom in a compound, they want to spread out as far as possible to minimize the repulsion between them."
"As you increase the number of the carbon chain, you're going to get more electrons on the molecule itself."
"Electrons can be in more than one location; we draw these resonance structures, they don't really exist."
"A nucleophile is nucleus loving, something that itself has a lone pair of electrons."
"It all comes back to absorption of electrons by atoms and molecules."
"The flow of electrons from one atom to another is called electricity."
"It's not just sharing of electrons, but due to the nature of the sharing, it stores energy."
"Metals are generally good conductors of electricity because they have many free electrons."
"Considering the electrons in a conductor to be free particles in a box, you could get a reasonable impression of the quantum mechanical behavior of those electrons."
"Electrons for example, as far as we know, are an elemental particle; there's nothing smaller inside an electron that makes an electron."
"That's a real picture, do we use X-rays? No, what do we use to see atoms that well? Electrons."
"Valence electrons are the ones involved in making and breaking bonds; they're the ones involved in chemical reactions."
"If the gate voltage is positive enough, then we attract electrons to this interface and they serve as the channel."
"Electrons, the negatively charged particles that reside around an atom's nucleus, can move charge from one place to another."
"The chemical behavior of an atom depends on the number of electrons in its outermost shell."
"For every electron that was released from a bond, we have left behind a hole."
"The best place for an electron to hang out is the most likely place for an electron to hang out."
"If we look at our periodic table, calcium is in group two, being in group two means it has two electrons in the outer shell."
"This spare electron floats around in between the layers, which means it can conduct electricity."
"Paramagnetic molecules have unpaired electrons."
"Diamagnetic molecules have all paired electrons."
"Cooper pairs in all conventional superconductors are bound states of electrons."
"Atoms are most stable when they have eight electrons in their outermost shell."
"Electrons carry a form of angular momentum, demonstrably."
"To understand atoms we must know their structure in terms of electrons and nuclei."
"Graphite conducts electricity because it has free moving delocalized electrons."
"The group numbers tell you also valence electrons."
"Electricity is us applying energy to matter, knocking an electron off."
"Lithium has three electrons like so, and don't forget it's positively charged."
"The average number of electrons in that quantum state is the Fermi-Dirac distribution."
"Modern society is predicated on the continuous flow of electrons."
"Atoms and molecules have their various properties because their electrons are bound by the laws of quantum physics."
"When electrons are allowed to fly in straight lines for large distances, you can see very interesting effects."
"Electrons really make perfect circles as they travel."
"These interference fringes are quantum wave interferences of electrons with themselves."
"You have this sea of mobile electrons that are able to migrate throughout the entire substance."
"Metallic bonding is represented by the positive metal ions surrounded by a sea of delocalized electrons."
"All the electrons in the universe are identical."
"The Pauli Exclusion Principle teaches us that electrons cannot overlap with other electrons and so for this reason, this filled-filled overlap dominates repulsion."
"Electrons are negatively charged."
"Quantum numbers are like an address to an electron."
"This thing that the atoms were doing was because of the electrons."
"The discovery of electrons was by the man called J.J. Thomson."