
Centrism Quotes

There are 150 quotes

"My goal at the end of the day is to pull people away from extremism. I want people to be rational centrists."
"Radical centrism is the ideology of people who define their politics in radical opposition to the extremes on both the right and the left."
"The radical centrist is capable of using any policy position from any ideology across the political spectrum in a non-partisan, pragmatic way to solve individual issues."
"The individual policy of creating a universal basic income is a radically centrist idea."
"Centrism: the worst thing about politics. Radicalism: the best thing about politics. Radical centrism."
"I'm against extremism in all its forms. I'm one of those radical centrists who actually thinks that we should work within our democratic system and vote for the things that we want."
"The horseshoe centrist doesn't see a difference between red and yellow."
"It's not centrist; it is the place in which you can have a conversation and you can compromise."
"If the middle is Mansion, that is very right-wing. If the middle is Huntsman, he's a lifelong Republican, that is also very right-wing."
"We need something in the center which brings people from left, right, conservatives, libertarian, all the rest of it, where we can share ideas."
"Extremism never wins, and centrism is the value maximizing function."
"Balance, moderation, centrism, pragmatism, it wins."
"The far left just like the far right will be a part of our society, what's the strength in our society is the middle."
"The Senate needs the threat of the filibuster to force a president to appoint judges who will occupy the sensible center."
"There's no point being a Centrist anymore, there's no point because conservatives will attack you no matter what." - SunnyV2
"Unity is about giving voice to the patriotic center and providing safe haven for people from all parts of the political spectrum who wish to meet in that center."
"The left has gone far left leaving me standing confused in the middle of a field."
"The left and the right combined form one large Center."
"If we have tunnel vision in only one way we're so far from the middle ground that we're unaware of what middle ground is."
"Reagan said something it's quite a famous quote and this is something that many people who are considered Centrist or you know 2010 era liberals say today."
"I'd rather be soy than wrong, I guess. If there's any topics that you should be a Centrist on, I feel like allegations with people that you don't know on the internet would be the thing."
"I actually think that the future of the country does not rest with conservatives or people on the left I think it actually rests with the people in the middle and which way they're going to go."
"I really believe that the self-silencing majority of this country is broadly in the center wants a different choice other than Laura Ingraham and Rachel Maddow at night."
"The two parties must now compete over the same centrist voters to have any chance of winning."
"Imagine being in the time of slavery and being like trying to be a Centrist where you're like well, you know, I personally think it's wrong but I'm not gonna abolish it."
"The dissident right is terrible branding. We must become the sensible center."
"We represent the center. Someone like Dave and his views represent extreme outliers."
"The best part about people in the middle is that I think that people in the middle are willing to think, they're willing to change their mind."
"Being in the center isn't such a bad thing either, as being down the middle does increase stability for all of your cities."
"This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank."
"Being in the middle is such a beautiful place to be. It requires a ton more work, and that's our challenge."
"It's time for critical thinking. It's time to fight for the middle, for the truth. The time is now." - Wash!ngton Clo$e$
"Supporting the green new deal and basically medicare for all is now moderate and centrist fantastic I'll take it."
"You don't need to win the left or the right, you need to win the middle."
"There's a growing return to Center politics, away from rabid right-wing movements."
"Everything on the left is just as crazy as everything too far to the right. Let's meet in the middle." - Mainstream media narrative
"I'd rather fight centrists than reactionaries." - Astra Taylor
"To be a centrist... obviously I'll take that over everybody to the right of centrism."
"I'm someone in the middle, somewhat nuanced."
"Your mission: not left, not right, but forward."
"Being in the middle is not really a coherent position."
"If you've got people on the fringes on both sides upset then you're doing something right."
"Look here, we're not left, we're not right, we're stuck right in the middle of America."
"There's a level of self-righteousness that comes from these centrist positions."
"Regardless of exactly where you want to try to pinpoint me down on the left or on the right or in the middle, take the red pill means rejecting these ideological categorizations."
"Apparently folks, we're all centrist now, right? We can own the center." - Joshua Phillip
"But the hope is that there have been in the last two or three years a couple of elections that have been sort of center-right sort of sensible governments."
"I believe in balance. That's why I'm like a centrist, I lean center-left typically because I believe there's a role for government in regulating industry and in education and healthcare."
"The real fight is over what happens in the middle, unfortunately, it's the centrist dance."
"Do you think this means some centrists will change their minds?"
"It's very important for somebody who is reasonable in the middle to own one of the big social media companies. It would be revolutionary."
"Debate is what we need... it brings us together... and the further we get to the center the more reasonable we are."
"There has to be a political alignment of people who are in the middle."
"Maybe he's straight up the middle where the change happens."
"That's what's healthy for America, man, when you're talking earlier about everybody kind of being in the middle."
"The great part about being not being right or left but just kind of being in the center state is that I can call out the [ __ ] on both sides."
"The vast, the normies are in the middle. The extremists are the outliers."
"Politicians need to create new ground not search for the center ground."
"I understand why everybody who's in the middle would ride for this dude."
"There's going to be a new major political party occupying the middle."
"There has to be this politically homeless, you know, this centrist kind of weird encampment of people just pitching tents outside of the main structures."
"Everyone's stupid. I don't care if that makes me sound like some radical Centrist."
"Four years ago I came to Washington as the only true outsider ever to win the presidency."
"Centrists are always the ones who tipped the balance of power."
"The middleness of it all that makes America great."
"We need to pull the culture back to the center because if we can pull the culture back to the center, we can actually have a conversation."
"Centrists have more political power than anyone and the idea that your political perspectives are taking a back seat to ideologically driven extremists just seems laughable to me."
"Senators want the truth. Whatever side the truth is on, you will find the enlightened centrist right there."
"The extreme center in the political systems of Europe was the symbiosis, the linking together of big money and small-time politics."
"You can't say in today's politics... that the only way to victory is through the center."
"I don't like to be real liberal, I don't like to be real conservative, I like somewhere dead in the middle."
"We are neither left nor right, we are neither liberal nor conservative. We have our own values."
"Politics is like the road, the left and the right is the gutter and the center is drivable."
"If you go all the way to the left you're on the extreme left, you're a communist, right? If you go to the extreme right you're a Nazi, I guess. I don't know, right? If you're in the middle, kind of a Social Democrat, nice."
"When push comes to shove, the moderates or the centrists always side with the establishment, with reactionary forces."
"Even in that American election, where the majority want to be, but you've got to give them the belief that the Center ground is the place that can provide change."
"If you want to get back into a position of being a competitive opposition with a chance of winning power you've got to go back to the centre definitively and clearly."
"They make you think everyone in our country is either on the far left or the far right and I don't think that's the case."
"We need people in the center who can speak sanely about the untenability of both extremes."
"There's a cowardly center and a very terrifying fringe, and the fringe is going around the whole thing, right, left and right."
"The extremes win and the center collapses."
"The center parties have no understanding of the widespread alienation, leading to their weakening."
"I would love personally to see a third political party that was effective and kind of Centrist."
"Centrists monopolize the perspective of being reasonable."
"God forbid I have anybody that's not even far right but just slightly right of center and I get, 'Why are you platforming them?'"
"Libertarians represent a moderate, reasonable middle-of-the-road stance."
"There's no left, there's no right, in the middle, we sleep."
"If I can do something on YouTube that even if I can convince a few people, yeah, that the center is a much better place to be and if they can convince a few other people, it becomes contagious."
"Get out of the wings, come back to the center, where you can have rational conversations."
"Politics is won on the center ground."
"We tried to bring people together in the center ground of politics rather than drive them out to the extremes."
"The middle ground is where most Americans are."
"We know that there's a vast center."
"Centrism to me is the concept of picking and choosing on each individual issue, never toeing the party line."
"The center is not the center of the country; it's the center of the Beltway, right? Or it's the center of Wall Street."
"Promotional representation encourages compromise, it allows new parties to emerge in the center ground."
"The solution is not to go to the far right, the solution is to keep a moral center."
"We need a political alliance of the left and the center."
"For the last 25 years, the party that has persuaded the British public that it is on the center ground of British politics has been the party that's won the election."
"I find that like most of America, I fall more in the center than I do either the right or the left."
"America is not extreme left or extreme right."
"My position is always be in the middle... not trust everything on the right not trust everything on the left."
"Our democracy is more focused on the center, and that's a very good thing."
"Elections are won by parties that try and go for the center ground, that try and go for the one nation agenda."
"If you find common ground in the middle, in the center, it doesn't matter, you're unfazed by either."
"Centrism: both sides attacking you means you're on the right page."
"We try to keep the sensible center always our eye on the sensible center."
"A formidable third party that's more middle of the road."
"We need to move closer to the center and learn to deal with one another and engage in a level of decency and compromise."
"Instead of the center ground being the middle of a long stick of wood, it should be the string that pulls those two ends together like a bow."
"The majority of people in the country aren't far left or aren't far right, they're in the middle."
"It's absolutely ridiculous and I think more people need to meet in the middle."
"Our notion of what constitutes a ‘sensible’ centre is inherently rooted in various cultural, economic and historical perspectives."