
Guardian Quotes

There are 106 quotes

"The books, in a sense, have returned to the Guardian."
"She said she was there to watch me, so I called her my babysitter."
"The Verdugo, Salazar's personal bodyguard, embodies the perfect assassin designed to instill fear and enforce the cult's will."
"Every Guardian in the game is going to get to embrace that third elusive form of energy that they haven't had the pleasure to wield yet."
"The Caucasian Shepherd is the most powerful livestock guardian on the planet, absolutely fearless in the face of danger."
"A has become the strongest Guardian."
"He's a silent guardian, a dark knight."
"Only Michael stands between the devil and Men."
"Because he can take. He's a silent Guardian, a Dark Knight."
"Ho-Oh is considered the guardian of the skies and possesses the power to resurrect the dead."
"A guardian and a friend in a galaxy torn apart by war."
"You have protection from a powerful friend that watches over you while you sleep."
"I have different titles in different places, but the best way to describe my job would be a reality warden, a watcher between the worlds."
"The Doorway, said to be guarded by the mythical lord Janus, has been referenced in many cultures and across the millennia by scholars."
"The ultimate fantasy guardian figure."
"That guardian need not worry about running afoul of the uniform securities act."
"The Waitoreke is often seen as a guardian of the waterways, with the ability to bring good fortune or bad luck to those who encounter it."
"Pumpkin Rock, the guardian of the mountain."
"Heimdall, guardian of the Bifrost bridge!"
"Humbaba, the guardian of the forest, a monstrous giant or ogre with features both terrifying and awe-inspiring, embodying the sacredness of nature."
"The guardian of the forest invokes the Supreme spirits of Nature."
"Gamera is an intelligent creature, being able to respond to human speech and is especially reactive to the cries of children, where he will immediately come to their defense."
"Despite her terrifying appearance, she leaves us alone. Most of us believe her to be a guardian of sorts."
"That's the monster that guards the underworld."
"Not only were you my best friend but my angel."
"Dr. Chaos, an evil counterpart of Dr. Fate in Earth 1, was a guardian of the realm of Chaos."
"You'll be completely safe with this Guardian."
"In Greek mythology, Cerberus is a huge three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld, allowing the dead to enter but letting none out."
"James Webb is our new guardian of the galaxy."
"You earn the respect of the guardian spirit."
"He's like my guardian angel now and he's taking care of me."
"Whenever necessary, he would become the guardian of the granvel ready to destroy whatever harm there may be."
"You have claimed the hidden task, Guardian."
"...the guardian who saved them is really a magnificent and great being."
"My name's Pepper, and I'm your guardian angel."
"I fully believed he was my guardian angel of some sort."
"The Immaculate Moon is our guardian and protector."
"Most of us believe her to be a guardian of sorts."
"She's like all of that plus she's a guardian."
"To keep the status quo of the universe, Ichibe chose to be the final line of defense and guard the Soul King for millions of years."
"If you want an amazing, loving, stable temperament guardian, then yes, get an English Mastiff."
"I knew Chris was watching over us; he won't let us die down here."
"I've always had the idea that the Wendigo was sort of this watchful eye of the forest."
"What if your spirit guardian simply rang a bell as a warning?"
"He has been replaced with a true Guardian Angel type of spirit, someone that watches over me and protects me."
"Rosaline's Shadow reveals that it's here to protect the master of White Knight."
"Kong is the protector, he's not the bad guy."
"She truly was a hero and a guardian angel."
"My livestock Guardian dog Toby is a magical creature."
"Archangel Michael could be protecting someone."
"We've just got these amazing guardian angels protecting us now."
"Your guardian angels are definitely watching over you and protecting you."
"It's my job to save you. I'm your guardian angel."
"You're my Clarence from 'It's a Wonderful Life'. You're my guardian angel."
"He was a guardian. I never really had any reason to be afraid of him."
"My format: Guardian, to mend and defend."
"They are a pack guardian which means they will protect anybody in their family."
"This is what's called a gate guardian and I actually kind of like this."
"You literally save people as an Earth Angel."
"Gamera, the guardian of the universe, was reinvented as a bioengineered guardian created by the super ancient civilization that inspired the myth of Atlantis."
"This represented Nia merging with the ocean to uncover her true true potential and become the guardian of the ocean."
"Your mom will never leave you, she's going to be your special guardian angel."
"He's your angel now and will always be by your side."
"The Derukov guardian is notorious as a livestock protector, fighting off lions, cockatrices, leopards, and pterosaurs that pose a threat."
"I think he's my guardian angel, aren't you?"
"It's the most important gnome; he is the guard to the gnome kingdom."
"The massive flaming cat of the two-tails stood there majestically, like a guardian spirit."
"Let's just say for today that I'm your guardian angel."
"This is the ultimate form of being a guardian, to wield light and darkness at the same time."
"I think that dog was like my angel, just really a guardian protecting me."
"She was my guardian angel. Unfortunately, Jane didn't have her own Jane, and that makes me feel terrible."
"I feel like he was not a man or a ghost but some sort of forest spirit or guardian."
"We call him our angel, our angel, our angel."
"We all have an angel who looks after us."
"He was our guardian, vigilant and always ready."
"She is a protector, she is my bodyguard."
"The young guardian dragon was dozing, coiled around the pine tree."
"Protection angel in disguise, watching over you, kind warm heart."
"She's our angel looking over us, helping to get through these hard times."
"Wow, the guardian is even more beautiful up close."
"Thank you, Guardian. I really needed that."
"Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, like an older brother, has long been considered Earth's cosmic guardian."
"This being, the Jubai, was created for the sole purpose of protecting humanity and keeping peace on Earth."
"Saturnine possesses immense power in her role as omniversal guardian."
"For me, there was an angel that just came out and just grabbed me. That angel for me was Will that day."
"At the center of Otherworld, we have the Starlight Citadel, the headquarters of the Omniversal Guardian."
"I think that there's just some Guardian Angel watching."
"Sasquatch is a guardian of the Wilderness, a symbol of Nature's power, and an embodiment of the wisdom of the earth."
"You're very patient, you're an Earth Angel."
"It's like a guardian angel, somebody who is a protector, somebody who is from the other side."
"You have a guardian angel; you're heavily protected, and it's a holy love here that's heavily protected."
"You have a protective strong force with you that is a guardian angel."
"You have a guardian angel watching over you."
"You're being surrounded by your guardian, and the current situation is being governed by a higher power."
"She's kind of the guardian that helps you transfer from life to death."