
Chivalry Quotes

There are 872 quotes

"I'm married, I hold the door for my wife, I believe in chivalry... I do believe in treating women respectfully."
"Vala, honor, compassion, wisdom, generosity—these are the five chivalric virtues revered by knights the world over."
"It is so refreshing to know that chivalry and acts of human decency still mean something in some parts of the world."
"An outrageously sexy knight, all clad in green, bust through the door on his horse."
"He kept his word by returning the kisses he gained from the lady to the lord, but by hiding the gift of the green girdle, he didn't keep his word."
"Can I recommend a YouTube video: 'The Necessity of Chivalry' by C.S. Lewis doodle."
"The most attractive trait that a guy can have is if they're funny and chivalrous."
"A noble must above all: Serve the lady of the lake; Defend the domains entrusted to him; Protect the weak and fight for the right; Always fight the enemies of virtue and order; Never give up the fight until the foe has been defeated; Never break faith with a friend or ally; And always display honor and integrity."
"If every morn brings a noble chance, every chance brings out a noble knight."
"The church...attempts to take the Warrior Ethos out of the idea of a knight and seeks to redirect it towards the concept of love, service, honor, and bravery."
"The chivalric code...redirects the same intensity of the Warrior Ethos for things that are better, things that are more noble."
"Suppress it, push it down, fight against those base desires, and fight instead for virtue and nobility and all the virtues of chivalry itself."
"A knight is not only a sword but also a shield for the common people."
"He surrounded himself with the enormously wealthy nobility and modeled his court on the glory of the ancient and mythical Camelot of King Arthur, a celebration of the cult of chivalry."
"Chivalry used to mean something. It used to be a code of honor that a man could aspire to. But fast forward to the modern day, men are actively punished for being chivalrous."
"A part of chivalry is his conversation with me. Is there kindness and warmth in his voice?"
"I do care about being a gentleman because I think the gentlemen are people who understand that women and children are to be protected."
"Chivalry is Christian. It means you understand that's God's daughter and she needs to be treated as such."
"I really enjoyed seeing the patio and the living room because it just makes it seem like your living room is that big if you want it to be."
"When you come to a stop, you tell the young lady that's in the seat next to you, your girl, your date, 'Stay here, I'll get the door for you.'"
"Sometimes some knights decided to participate in disguise, presenting themselves as the red knight, the white knight, the black knight."
"Helping others is the greatest quality of a knight."
"He saves Anne from a kid that's harassing her and asks if she had any dragons that needed slaying, implying that he wants to be her prince charming: 'You're welcome.'"
"People say chivalry is dead, but I don't believe it, 'cause every time I'm walking down the street and there's a couple comin' towards me, the man will move his lady to the safe side."
"Born into a family of knights, destined to become one himself, the boy couldn't resist saving the destitute and forsaken."
"Thanks for walking me home, my knight in shining armor."
"They want to be like that knight in shining armor for you."
"I would like my faithful brothers ability. What is a knight without his steed, but what is a steed without his knight?"
"Was combat and warfare technology really as primitive as we imagined? Did knights act as chivalrously as depicted in Victorian times?"
"I've seen a man stand up for his wife, which we don't see that much anymore."
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight... it's about honor, it's about religion, it is just a world."
"Ser Arthur Dayne died the greatest knight who ever lived."
"The system of chivalry is an invention almost entirely poetical."
"He uses his sword to protect the vulnerable and does so with unwavering loyalty."
"Richtofen insisted on entertaining captured Allied pilots with dinner and drinks before they were sent to prisoner of war camps."
"I'd probably come pick you up with a bouquet of flowers and um, open the door for you."
"The code of conduct amongst the knights of the air isn’t dead."
"I open doors for everybody. To me, it's just simply a nice thing to hold open the door for a person that you're with."
"You must be something more than just a worker bee to have such chivalry."
"Be a gentleman by opening doors for her, picking her up from her place, etc."
"This person wants to come off as a knight in shining armor. They want to be really romantic."
"The valor of your deed is worthy of the name of Knight."
"A man should always send the car for you, always."
"Treat her like a princess, open her door, pull out her chair."
"Some of these qualities that the knights have got, loyalty, chivalry, honor, valor."
"A knight is nothing without their trusty steed."
"We have real knights, and that's what I want to serve you."
"But above all, it was the Age of Chivalry. Think saintly nobles, jousting champions and pure maidens. Think battles and bravery. Think deeds of derring-do."
"He got on his knees raised his sword and told her she was his everything."
"There are some really good guys out there, kind and respectful ones that still believe in dates."
"Masculine chivalry is very magnetic to the high quality woman."
"Saying that you don't want somebody to be chivalrous to you is almost like saying you don't want someone to be kind to you."
"If chivalry dies, nothing is sacred, not even the bearers of life."
"Being her Knight is an honor that everyone dreams of."
"Raise your son to become a modern-day Knight. It's up to us as parents to raise young men to become protectors."
"The original concept of chivalry had nothing to do with women. It was honor amongst men."
"Our understanding of chivalry in a post-feminist world: men should qualify themselves to women, open doors, pay for the date, while also expecting egalitarianism. But denying them the egalitarian side is setting the frame in masculine terms."
"One of the greatest knights of all time, raised by the Lady in the Lake."
"Being a gentleman makes you stand out in the absolute best way, trust me, great women notice this."
"I really like a gentleman... when someone is chivalrous it's just very, very, very sexy to me."
"Prince Charming is the archetype of the chivalrous Christian man... who will lay down his life for the women and for the children and for the people that he loves the most."
"Prepare to embody chivalric values in Romance of the perilous land."
"Draw your swords and bow before the knight, the ultimate protector, chivalrous and honorable to those in need."
"The knight was powerful and quick in a fight, but most importantly, he was gallant."
"They're knights of old but they're changed and tweaked just enough to make them kind of new and exciting."
"The knights are witnesses, they will tell that it's you who I talk about in my sleeps."
"A knight is sworn to Valor, his word speaks only truth, his might upholds the weak."
"It's so important to you to see the window that you're going to let your girl, whether it's your girl, sister, or mother, you let her be on the outside."
"A knight in shining armor, sworn to defend the innocent and the vulnerable, dedicated to justice and righteousness."
"Those are some of the memorable things. I'll tell you what: he was absolutely a perfect gentleman."
"As the 12th century progressed, chivalry began to encompass more courtly preoccupations."
"When you're going into a restaurant, he should definitely be opening the restaurant door for you."
"I believe that on a first date, a man should pay. I don't think they should have to pay, but I would take it as they don't want to see me again."
"I went into this date with the expectations to keep you safe, to respect you, and to treat you like a gentleman."
"Chivalry is about respect, about doing the right thing."
"As foolish as it often is, men sometimes attempt to defend the honor of the women in their lives."
"Right or wrong, your actions themselves will demonstrate the best interpretation of chivalry."
"Being a knight meant doing what was right."
"No good man will ever complain about a woman being treated well."
"She was a knight and asked them to stay for one night."
"Real masculinity is chivalry, it's chivalrous."
"I feel like this person, especially if it's a masculine, they are going to want to be a gentleman and pay for you."
"We've lost being a gentleman. We should treat all women with respect and love."
"Let me treat you right, let me take you home tonight."
"A man who risks his life to protect a woman is the partner she wants to marry."
"A good man would take care of her, no matter what."
"Sanji's finisher came after stating he was so sick of Sori's constant talk about challenge this and challenge that and that there were some damsels waiting. See, sometimes Sanji's woman thing is a strong motivator."
"Rohan immediately gave her his coat like what a gentleman."
In chivalric literature, he became "What is best in men," as Arthur calls him in the 1981 classic film, Excalibur.
"The Reach is known for being the home of chivalry; it is said that chivalry was born in the green fields of the Reach."
"Templar knights regarded themselves as chivalier, and a key component of that identity was the horse."
"Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80s movies?"
"It's impossible for me to express my feelings in this moment, especially when a lady is present."
"Women are queens, we must be kings or be gentlemen like me, very chivalrous."
"A woman's comfortability is the most important thing to me. I will not go outside if a woman is uncomfortable."
"I still believe in chivalry in this world and I like to take care of a woman."
"Let her go, Butch. You don't grab a woman, you treat her like a queen."
"Let me help you. You look too pretty and too fragile to be doing this sort of chore."
"What kind of a man would I be if I let my girl pay for my food, right?"
"It was like a prince charming, it was opening doors and doing all the right things. What some of us women like, being treated like a lady."
"Guys, chivalry is so gone, it is dead, and it is because women killed it."
"If a man likes you enough, he will take you where you want to go on the first date because he's trying to impress you."
"I don't look at it as a gender role to open the door for my wife."
"Men feel like they just want to put in a lot of effort and do things for you that are going to make you feel good."
"Women deserve a real man who pays for everything on a date."
"...you can't demand chivalry and traditionalism from a man if you really believe in equality."
"To impress the lady, Chema opens the door for her and ends up paying for her expensive coffee, even promising to buy it for her every day."
"If a guy sees you struggling with something heavy and just walks away, that would be a red flag."
"Real men protect women. Let me say that again for the ones in the back here, real men protect. When men protect women, period."
"I think girls' standards are a little bit more lowered than what they used to be because before like when you look at like the like videos from like the 50s and [ __ ] like people used to get their jackets and put it over rain puddles and [ __ ] so the girls could walk over it."
"Do you guys think that chivalry still exists today?"
"Men will put themselves in front of bullets for women they don't even know."
"What would a man be if he didn't take care of his girl?"
"I'm your knight in shining armor."
"Shad stepped in and picked them up and threw him on the ground: 'Don't put your hand on a woman. That's wrong with you.'"
"When he opens the car door for you."
"...I do have one rule: I say this at the risk of being cold old-fashioned, but it's important to me that my lady never pays for anything."
"You're the sort of man I had always hoped that she might marry. A true knight, Sir Duncan, a true knight."
"If you're a guy who doesn't seem like he wants to save women, women aren't going to like you."
"Chivalry is alive, get ready to get treated like a real lady here in Texas."
"He quickly pulled back and gave her a helping hand then looked away."
"A man wants to fight for a woman and save her and keep her."
"Marshall is remembered as a legendary figure, a master of chivalry and a profoundly talented Knight."
"Women instinctually love to see a man stick up for their wife."
"More wearily yonder knight should have been made a duke, a gallant leader of men is he."
"Then spake the lady to the knight: 'Ye deserve blame if ye hold not that lady who sits beside ye above all else in the world...'"
"He defended Duncan the tall in a seven versus seven trial by combat just because of how rare these kind of things are and he wanted to be involved."
"I think that's quite chivalry. I'm a complete feminist, I make no apology for that at all but that doesn't mean that someone can't open a door or whatever. I think that's just manners."
"He was a big guy, a shaved head, quite handsome, very well dressed, very well dressed, immaculous, open the door for you, a proper gentleman."
"He made me believe that chivalry wasn't dead."
"If a man held the door for me and carried my shopping bags, I'd love it. I'd absolutely love it."
"Healthy men want to protect women and children always, remember that. That's one of the biggest signs."
"Ordering a girl an uber after hookup power move"
"Always hold the door open for your lady."
"She's at just 14 percent now. Like, come on, can't you see a damsel in distress here? Be a gentleman."
"And they say chivalry is dead. Now it's a musical."
"A real gentleman would have just handed the lady his coat."
"Balian sees Sibylla along the march of the people and offers a ride to his horse as a queen who should never walk, which she declines renouncing herself from being the queen of Jerusalem and walks hand in hand with Balian."
"For me, you should always show a woman respect. Very old school in that sense."
"When you're ordering food, find out what she wants and then order for the both of you. It's an absolute classy move."
"Gentleman: opening the door for you, being quiet, offering to pay when he doesn't have to sometimes."
"Every man wants to be the hero, right? And this is probably over the top, and I've said this before, but no man wants a woman he can't save from a castle and a dragon, right? That's the good stuff about it, yeah."
"Chivalry is dead and women killed it."
"If you're the man, you gotta treat her like a queen."
"I always believed a strong man should always do things for a lady."
"Chivalry is preferential treatment to a woman because she's a woman, which battles against feminism because feminism fights for equality."
"A man opening the door for his woman."
"Chivalry is dead just means like oh if I'm walking up and the girl I'm seeing wants to open the door for me I'm not gonna like stop her and be like don't do that that's for boys."
"Knights aren't only strong but they're kind and they like to help."
"A knight is sworn to Valor, his heart knows only virtue, his blade defends the helpless and his might upholds the week."
"Women and children were first to board these lifeboats."
"Doing these simple things: opening doors for women, pulling out their chair at the restaurant—she's going to blush, her heart is yours."
"This man treats me like a porcelain doll like I'm not kidding like if if he opens every single door like it's like the fairy tale stuff ties my literally will bend down and tie my shoe."
"A man is only as good as his word. A man holds the door open for a woman."
"I believe in chivalry. I get the door for Nikki. That shit will scream at me and I'll still open the door."
"Men are willing to die to protect their girl."
"What has become of chivalry? When men used to open doors for you, pull out your chair, tip their hat, kiss your hand, help you down outta your carriage."
"The code of chivalry tries to regulate knightly behavior and courtship rituals."
"As I, a knight, doth haste to her rescue."
"Pretty girls like you shouldn't be out here all alone and you definitely shouldn't have to do this by yourself, let a man help you baby."
"This person is like Captain America, very chivalrous and traditional."
"Give her your jacket if it's cold outside and she's got a short sleeve dress on. Give her your suit jacket if it's pouring rain outside when you're leaving the restaurant or wherever you're in your date."
"Each man has to take one woman and rise her above the rest, so she can show the world how precious she truly is."
"Is chivalry really the root of all sexism today? No."
"Do I consider men who don't pay for dates dusties? I feel a man should pay when in the presence of any woman of course they're dusties, what they there for?"
"Many dramatically describe the battle as the death of chivalry, as so many French Knights were brutally slain by lowborn archers."
"A gentleman who opens doors for ladies."
"A gentleman never leaves a lady; he helps her, no matter what."
"Chivalry ends up being something like a coded version of the honorable way to fight if you have to."
"Being kind or a gentleman makes you stand out in the absolute best way."
"He extended his hand to her and said he would be happy to accompany her if she needed to go anywhere."
"Grayson happy for the girl takes her by the face and says that thank the gods the girl was unharmed because he wouldn't know what to do if he hurt the beautiful lady even the slightest bit."
"Zion I remember he used to be a chivalrous gent he would hold the door open for ladies one time someone didn't hold the door open for a woman and Zion went that's not very good."
"Showcasing how to be a good husband too, did you see every single post was like, 'Excuse me? Excuse me? Who made that? That was awesome to watch. Romance's still thriving. Chivalry is not dead, especially with the football dudes."
"So yeah, you know I don't know what the [__] is wrong with chivalry these days like chivalry does don't exist anymore single is fun exactly exactly."
"They want to know that they're saving somebody because they have this chivalrous sort of people."
"A real man respects a woman who offers to pay her half."
"According to a recent survey by match.com, 73% of women believe that chivalry is dead."
"As a man, when you understand that a woman's physical nature can feel uncomfortable instantaneously, you'll say, 'Let me walk you to your car.'"
"The concept of a guy being chivalrous wasn't even a thing, right?"
"Men will overwhelmingly step in for women to protect them."
"It's ingrained in men to protect those who are less able."
"If the Lord of Winterfell idolized the men of the Mad King's Kingsguard, then surely they epitomized virtue and chivalry."
"He's so nice. He opens every door for me, still."
"Most women want men that are chivalrous and gentlemen."
"Don't be a f***ing chump. You open the door for her. You lead her in. You pull a chair out. Girls f***ing love this stuff."
"Every guy wants to be masculine until it's time for him to take over the bill, that's when he's like, 'Oh well actually... women, actually, shut up bro, shut up. If you want a girl to be feminine then you pay for the bill."
"They were incredibly Brave and they also had this chivalric code that respected each other."
"Chivalry and equality cannot coexist."
"If a woman wants chivalry from a guy, she's got to earn it."
"Alpha males are true gentlemen, they know how to make women feel good about themselves."
"I know the story. Do you? We became Knights, honored to stand above our subjects, our chivalry their shield."
"Chivalry is not about the door, it's about anticipating her needs."
"Tee jumps into the carriage to assist a woman inside."
"I am a knight of sorts myself, sworn to a champion of life."
"I am the little boy who went into the sea to rescue your scarf."
"Women punish you for being that way. Chivalry is dead, and women killed it."
"A gentleman has no right to hurt a woman under any circumstances. I beg your pardon."
"Opening the car door for your girlfriend is something you should do every time you get into the car. If it's a date night, then yeah, you know, a special occasion."
"Chivalry isn't given, it's earned."