
Ransomware Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The data stolen has been deleted as the ransomware organization delete any stolen government data."
"If cyber War were to really kick off it'd be worse than you realize Cyber attack continues to plague Montana pharmacies hackers behind the change Healthcare ransomware received a $22 million payment."
"A lot of residents in Baltimore were like, 'Why the hell didn't you pay the 76,000?'"
"Ransomware: today, almost anyone can get their hands on ransomware technology for as little as $39."
"That's some good ass coordinated hacking and by the way aren't we actually kind of seeing this like the ransomware?"
"Ransomware has gotten kind of over the over the past few months... it's a [ __ ] up system let me tell you."
"There have been more ransomware attacks in the last year than we've had publicly."
"This might be the biggest ransomware attack in history."
"The average cost of recovery from ransomware attacks ballooned to 1.85 million in 2021."
"Ransomware protection is now included with Windows Defender."
"This was actually a great beta test for a new FBI program in getting ransomware, and they're talking like the DOJ is talking about treating ransomware basically at the same priority as terrorism."
"Ransomware accounted for 41 percent of all cyber insurance claims in the first half of 2020."
"This flash drive brought down one of the most scariest ransomware groups in the country."
"This is quite possibly one of the largest ransomware groups in the world."
"Ransomware can happen to anybody, including you. It can destroy people's life savings, it can destroy businesses large and small, it can destroy lives."
"Canon confirms ransomware attack and internal memos."
"There are many threats, it's constantly shifting. Certainly, ransomware isn't going away."
"That's the whole point of ransomware, they block you from using your computer basically."
"ZFS snapshots: effective against ransomware."
"That's why you hear so many of these ransomware attacks happening to companies."
"At the end of the day, our evil, the ransomware as a service, would provide not only the malware but also the decryption functionality."
"Our evil continued to infect companies and make millions of dollars from these ransoms."
"Fin7 had totally quit robbing banks and turned into a ransomware as a service business because of how profitable they saw our evil was."
"I've heard from ransomware negotiators and incident response people that these ransomware teams have much better customer service than most companies do."
"There's a whole industry out there helping people negotiate and pay ransom. This is madness."
"The money it generated? Researchers at Cisco Talos believe the Angler ransomware was making around sixty million dollars a year for hackers."
"Ransomware is a type of malware that blocks victims from accessing personal files and demands ransom to regain access."
"For ransomware attacks on critical infrastructure, nations should be proactive and invest in end-user training and tabletop exercises."
"Some people were asking, 'Is this attack, do you need to know about coding to do it?' No, there's plenty of people who go on online forums and purchase pre-made ransomware tools, which are terrible, they're the lowest quality, but they work."
"Ransomware tries to get you to pay to decrypt your files."
"Financial institutions have experienced ransomware that has grown over 90% in the past year."
"14 seconds: how often a business will fall victim to a ransomware attack."
"The payments for ransoms have gone down."
"Have you ever seen a trusted insider with malicious intent or physical access used in ransomware? Yes, yes, yes, and yes."
"Will it be a major impact to ransomware? Theoretically, oh heck yeah, yeah, exactly."
"How do you know when you have a ransomware actor in your environment?"
"Ransomware will essentially encrypt all of your data so you're not able to access it."
"The malware author will leave you the decrypt binary which depends on a private key that you have to buy from them."
"Let's talk a little bit about ransomware."
"So let's talk a little bit about ransomware, a pretty popular topic today."
"There's a difference between human-operated ransomware and commodity ransomware."
"Make sure that users are logging in with the lowest required permissions. I think one of the main reasons we're getting hit by ransomware is how many administrators out there check their email with global administrative rights."
"It's a terrifying situation for these organizations because they're completely shut down and the only recourse they have is to pay these ransomware groups."
"Technically the amount of money being drained from the DeFi space is actually larger than the ransomware industry."
"Over 50% of ransomware today steals your data."
"The ransomware game say if you don't pay us we're going to release all this data publicly or to hackers."
"Ransomware encrypts your data and asks for ransom money before giving you the decryption key."
"If you do get hit with ransomware, you'll always have your backups of your data."
"Ransomware attacks, in which a hacker encrypts the victim's data and withholds a decryption key in exchange for a ransom, have skyrocketed in recent years."
"I'm a PhD student studying at Queen's University and I've just got a PhD looking at ransomware."