
Mesopotamia Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"Ishtar would become the most famous goddess in Mesopotamian history."
"An iridescent rainbow luminosity was the key identifier of divinity in Mesopotamia."
"The Stele of the Vultures is one of the best-preserved examples of a stela from the Early Dynastic period and also among the earliest historiographical texts known in ancient Mesopotamia."
"The surviving standard comprises one of the true masterpieces of early Mesopotamian art."
"The earliest actual organized civilized community that has been discovered is here in Mesopotamia, hence it's sometimes called the cradle of civilization."
"The Library of Ashurbanipal provided an enormous wealth of information relating to ancient civilizations of the Middle East."
"Bronze making has developed uniquely in many places on earth, but arguably the earliest and the most important for our story was in Mesopotamia."
"If in this people led to Mesopotamia we can find them if Mesopotamian people came to the Indus we can find them."
"The evil eye belief complex originated in ancient Mesopotamia and spread to the rest of the world."
"It is odd that today in 2020 that all of that history and all of those carvings that have been in Mesopotamia would throughout the evolving history of humans with humans it always was relegated to mythology."
"The ancient Sumerian city-state of Ur was founded in 3800 BC."
"The royal tombs of Ur revealed Mesopotamia's golden splendor."
"Ancient ritual sites of Mesopotamia: 'a temple complex was found which was likely dedicated to the god of war.'"
"The Euphrates river along with the Tigris are the two greatest rivers in an area that was the cradle of ancient Mesopotamian civilization."
"Nippur had religious importance because it could bestow legitimacy upon royal rulers in Mesopotamia."
"The Mesopotamians used a number system with the base 60, just like we use base 10."
"For thousands of years, all that was known about Mesopotamia essentially came from the bible itself."
"Nevertheless, not only do they remain a valuable record of Mesopotamian artistic practices, they also reveal a great deal about the political, social, religious, and cultural developments of the ancient Near East."
"It's the place where over 5,000 years ago we see the earliest true writing, monumental architecture, vast man-made systems of canals, as well as extraordinary literature, art, mathematics, astronomy, and much else absorbed as it was by the Greeks."
"The monsters and demons of Mesopotamia are integral to the cultural and religious landscape, representing the constant interplay between balance and turmoil, protection and destruction."
"Pazuzu's role as a protector despite his fearsome nature highlights the complex relationship between the Mesopotamians and the spiritual world."
"Scholarship focused on the seals because as I have said before Mesopotamia is basically a massive floodplain lacking in stone there is none of the monumental stone architecture or quantities of stone sculpture that attest to the achievements of Egypt, Greece, and Rome."
"Clocks was invented by the ancient Mesopotamians in ancient Mesopotamian times."
"Nebuchadnezzar II was one of Mesopotamia's most illustrious Kings."
"There was nothing like the temple at Eridu... it was the religious hub center of all of Mesopotamia."
"Excavations at era do reveal an extensive sequence of temples, dating back to the earliest periods of Mesopotamian history."
"The astrology practiced today was born over four thousand years ago in the fertile crescent of Mesopotamia."
"Minoan finished goods have been found as far afield as Mesopotamia."
"The concept of a heavenly journey and its revealed knowledge held profound significance for Mesopotamian scholars."
"The astrology of today is descended from an astrology that developed in Mesopotamia between 3,000 and 2,000 BC."
"Astronomy and astrology was very important in Mesopotamia."
"The earliest cities in Mesopotamia began to coalesce around powerful tribal chieftains."
"The potter's wheel began being used in Mesopotamia and would stick with us until today."
"The land of Mesopotamia is quite flat and really consists of thousands of years of silt spread across the plain by the constant flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."
"For millennia, the southern part of Mesopotamia has been a wetland region generated by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."
"The importance of the Library of Ashurbanipal in the study of the history and people of ancient Mesopotamia cannot be overstated."
"The word Mesopotamia is an old Old Testament ancient word that means land between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates."
"I had in mind that I would give you a very sweeping overview of 3000 years of Mesopotamians dealing with climate change."
"The Sukkalmah seems to have had the role of arbitrator in Mesopotamia and was called 'father' by the Mesopotamian kings who referred to one another as 'brother'."
"Elamite culture served to preserve and then transmit earlier Mesopotamian craftsmanship and culture to the Achaemenids."
"The Euphrates is the bedrock of ancient Mesopotamia and ancient Babylon."
"The most famous piece of literature from Mesopotamia was the Epic of Gilgamesh, a story we only know of because it was written down."
"It's the oldest kind of writing... more than 5,000 years ago, probably before 3000 BC, in southern Iraq."
"...the story in the Bible... derives from a Mesopotamian forerunner, an earlier version of the story."
"Aramaic became more and more used... it was to be adopted by all the peoples of Mesopotamia."
"...urbanism's origin is southern Mesopotamia and the time period of its origin is the Uruk period."
"These finds help us understand how people lived, what they believed, and how they built things in Mesopotamia a long time ago."
"The ancient region known as Mesopotamia was bordered by the Euphrates and what other river?"
"Ancient Mesopotamia went back 3500 years, okay. Ancient Texas goes back three, 000 years."
"The name of the ancient region of Mesopotamia comes from the Greek for 'between rivers' because it sits between two important rivers: the Tigris and the Euphrates."
"Life flourished in this part of Iraq between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers."
"The Mesopotamians had naturally irrigated farmland."
"Priceless relics from Mesopotamia were stolen, these were artifacts from the cradle of civilization."
"The great civilization of the Sumerians flourished in Mesopotamia."
"Inanna is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess of love, war, and fertility."
"The name Mesopotamia means 'land between the rivers'."
"In the ancient lands of Mesopotamia lays the cradle of our civilization."
"The straw reinforced bricks... were so much better in comparison to the bricks at that time in the Mesopotamian civilization."
"Mesopotamia, a land between the two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, is where civilization itself is really the product of Sumer."
"Civilization was born on the bank of two rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates."
"The ancient Mesopotamia, literally the origins of human civilization, is mind-blowing."
"The first orchestras, first musical ensembles, they come down to us from Mesopotamia."
"The Code of Hammurabi, a lot of the rules and laws that were created in ancient times and some of the ones that we're still living with today, all started here in Mesopotamia."
"The importance of this cultural and economic context in Mesopotamia cannot be overstated."
"The Stela of the Vultures takes us back in time all the way to the Early Dynastic Three period in Mesopotamia, some 4,600 years ago."
"Let's dive into a time machine and head back to around 2700 BCE, right into the heart of Mesopotamian civilization."
"King of the four quarters, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of Babylon."