
Organic Chemistry Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"The basis of life, certainly life as we know it on Earth, is organic chemistry dissolved in water."
"So much of organic chemistry... is the fact that we can create great degrees of complexity."
"When you have something like a methoxy group on a member of the carboxylic acid family, the reaction doesn't stop. Things go on."
"So retrosynthetic analysis is kind of like thinking your way through a chess game."
"Organic chemists love arrows, curved arrows, equilibrium arrows, resonance arrows. This is a retrosynthetic arrow."
"Life as we know it can exist only when based on organic compounds that would never have formed but for carbon."
"Organic compounds found in the plumes of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus."
"Here is the chemical structure of epinephrine. This is what organic chemistry looks like."
"Organic chemistry is not something to be afraid of. It is, at its core, a window through which the beauty of the natural world looks richer."
"Remember for Ethers we said it's either OR, that's it. It's R and O R, nothing else."
"Stereochemistry is a really important part of our organic chemistry toolbox."
"These incredibly small plants not only grow but perform the astonishing feat of photosynthesis, transforming light and nutrients into intricate organic chemicals."
"Structure function relationships are key. If we can leverage organic chemistry to change the chemical structure of a surface or of a biomaterial, we can control both the macroscopic and the molecular interactions of biomaterials with the body."
"The whole theory behind using melting point to check the purity of an organic solid is that pure organic substances have very sharply defined melting point ranges."
"Miller had created organic molecules called amino acids, the protein building blocks of all living things."
"These are your quick introductions to organic chemistry."
"Aldehydes they can be readily oxidized. However, ketones can't be oxidized."
"Tollens reagent can be used to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones."
"Ketones can be reduced to form secondary alcohols."
"Grignard reagents: the unsung heroes of carbon-carbon bond formation."
"A really important thing to understand is when the first organic oil droplet emerges that acts as a crucible or a nursery in which other oil droplets are born and that just happens with no information in the environment just spontaneously."
"Trying to figure out the products of an ozonolysis reaction can be tricky, but if you know what you're looking for, it's easy to come up with the products."
"...any secondary carbons when broken become primary will form an aldehyde."
"Now, I don't have a chloride or bromide leaving group anymore. I now have a carboxylate leaving group."
"As good as organic chemists are, there are still lots of molecules that are just impossible or impractical to make in the lab but organisms can make them."
"Thanks for studying with me and making it all the way to the end of the video. I hope that this helped you understand the difference between enantiomers, diastereomers, constitutional isomers, and help you understand what a meso compound is."
"This concludes the Lillie Woodward synthesis of lysergic acid."
"This synthesis exemplifies the power of cycloadditions."
"In organic chemistry, we use three of these five geometries: linear, trigonal planar, and tetrahedral."
"If you get a grip over the reaction mechanisms and the basic underlying building blocks, you will have an extremely good time studying organic chemistry."
"In general, organic chemistry deals with carbon-containing compounds, emphasizing the study of their structure, synthesis, and reactions."
"An organic compound is going to contain carbon."
"We can piece together fragments to figure out the structure of the organic molecule."
"Carbon 13 NMR tells us information on how carbon atoms are arranged."
"The major product is formed from a secondary carbocation, which is more stable."
"The UPAC nomenclature is used to make it easier to identify millions of organic chemicals."
"Nowadays, JOC says, 'Look, tell us about the functional groups and report just the peaks.'"
"The only thing that has a signal between 6.5 and 8 is a benzene ring."
"If you ever have a hydrogen deficiency index of four or bigger, chances are you have a benzene ring."
"Grignard reagents are the equivalent of a carbanion."
"They allow us to make a new carbon-carbon bond, something that we don't have a whole lot of ways for doing."
"This is probably one of the top two reactions you'll probably learn in all of organic chemistry."
"These Grignard reagents are super duper important when it comes to synthesis."
"Primary halogenoalkanes react the slowest, and the tertiary ones react the quickest."
"Alcohols have the functional group OH, which we call hydroxyl."
"Primary alcohols have the OH bonded to a carbon which is bonded to one alkyl group."
"Tertiary alcohols have the OH bonded to a carbon which is bonded to three alkyl groups."
"Health has always been an important part of organic chemistry."
"Organic chemistry is extremely important."
"Organic chemistry is ubiquitous in the solar system."
"Titan is just covered in carbon-bearing material—it's a giant factory of organic chemicals."
"One of my favorite go-to places is the Compendium of Organic Syntheses."
"Organic chemists love control and we love to be able to choose how a reaction goes."
"To communicate with each other, insects often use organic chemistry."
"You should always be focused on where the functional groups are in the target molecule because that's what a functional group is, it has function."
"Organic chemistry really is about thinking, it's about understanding, it's about visualizing."
"Stereochemistry is one of the big areas, one of the defining areas that makes organic chemistry."
"Organic chemistry is the study of compounds that contain carbon."
"Hydrocarbons are found in organic molecules such as fats as well as fuels."
"Functional groups are the components of organic molecules that are most commonly involved in chemical reactions."
"The field of organic chemistry is a dynamic field; this is not a frozen body of knowledge."
"Drive thy business and invest in your career by learning organic chemistry."
"So much of organic chemistry is about synthesis and about control."
"If you spend Monday morning doing organic chemistry, you will feel so good in the afternoon and so accomplished."
"By the end of the Chem 51 series, you should be able to assemble molecules like this using organic synthesis."
"Organic chemistry, although we can carry out a million different reactions, we can combine one of any dozens of ketones or esters to make the enolate with any dozens of ketones or aldehydes to act as an electrophile and we can predictably make the product."
"Carbohydrates are the most common organic molecule and the primary energy source our body needs."
"Friedrich Wöhler... was able to turn something inorganic into something organic."
"The recipe for life is clear: you need a petri dish with which to mix up the chemicals, the organic molecules."
"I really love and am attached to organic chemistry; it's so central to life and the whole of its functions."
"Once you learn proton NMR, it makes it very powerful to help you deduce the structure of organic molecules."
"Organic chemists are control freaks; we want to control the molecules and make them do stuff."
"You've generated your one five octane dial."
"When we say organic, we're referring to any molecule that is carbon-based."
"If you have catalysts that can sense these differences and exploit them, you can achieve predictable and separative site selectively C-H oxidation without directing groups."
"Think of organic pathways as being like rearranging Lego bricks."
"If R1, R2, R3, and R4 are alkyls, so in other words, hydrocarbon groups, then we make a ketone. And if one of them is a hydrogen, then we form an aldehyde."
"Hexane has weaker intermolecular forces than two hexanone, so it's going to have a higher vapor pressure."
"Here we are finding smaller and soluble organic building blocks – potential precursors for amino acids and other ingredients required for life on Earth."
"The number one reason why you should care about organic chemistry is that this is the way we cure diseases in the United States."
"Our future technology relies on organic chemistry."
"The most resonance stabilized is going to be a carboxy group."
"Reduction of the carbonyl is the loss of carbon oxygen double bond and gain of carbon hydrogen."
"Organic chemistry is where all the action is."
"Most important to organic chemistry are covalent bonds: electron pairs shared between atoms."
"If you want to generate a cis double bond, then you use Lindlar catalyst."
"That's exactly why aryl amines are so reactive in electrophilic aromatic substitution."
"If you're interested in making bonds like an organic chemist, then this is the picture that matters to you."
"These sorts of molecules that we're seeing here are the sorts of molecules that get me excited about organic chemistry because they're pretty, they're complex, and they show a whole bunch of ideas about how carbon and other atoms can be put together in myriad ways."
"This is one of the great achievements of organic chemistry... it reduces something that otherwise seems mysterious to a simple set of rules from which you can derive many reactions."
"The chemistry of Grignard reagents is dominated by the fact that you just generate a really strong organic nucleophile."