
Centralization Quotes

There are 223 quotes

"We're living in a centralized world, and you just don't want to get sticky."
"Centralization is the overarching problem of the world today."
"The culture just has gotten so centralized. It's New York, DC, LA, and San Francisco. That's where the culture is."
"Either it's totally centralized, controlled by a small group of people, and that's a super dystopian Black Mirror world, or the spatial web is going to be open and free."
"The left wants to federalize everything, centralize control, centralize power, remove your individual rights."
"The more you centralized power, the more power you then have to centralize even quicker."
"All crypto basically centralized if the exchanges have KYC, it's centralized."
"Nobody was ever going to make Rome the center of the universe again."
"The trend of centralization is pushing towards zero growth."
"The process of centralizing the monarchy would take centuries."
"What intuition tempts us to believe: Someone needs to plan and the central planners know best. What reality taught me: No one knows enough to plan a society."
"Centralization doesn't work... it was called communism... it clearly doesn't work."
"The reason we're just finding out about it now... centralized information... wasn't an effective way."
"Having a hub, just a collection of everything about your business, is priceless."
"For us to truly have democracy we're going to have to have it in confederacy, not centralized systems of power which will always become corrupt."
"Centralized Authority and the dictatorial power that we grant to somebody under any circumstances should put horror in all of our hearts."
"Xi Jinping's continued centralization of power and crackdown on corruption since taking office has threatened the political and economic interests of the second generation of the Communist Party's elders."
"Centralization is what's killing the internet and is turning it into TV."
"Extreme political centralization over your individual rights..."
"Globalization is simply the ongoing centralization of power."
"Why would you centralize such a diverse group of interests? Who benefits from having one centralized government?"
"The supposedly decentralized nature of it is in fact highly centralized."
"On Linux, you have central repositories of software, curated by your Linux distribution."
"The world order as it's changing is going to be much more in favor of centralized applications."
"Is it really wise for four people or one person to decide what a billion people can think and say and do?"
"Powerful interests coalesce and then seek to empower themselves, and eventually you get centralized authority."
"Anything centralized is vulnerable to hacking, attack, or failure."
"It was all supposed to be centralized in the infamous black bar."
"If there's a few and you want to control the many, you have to centralize decision-making."
"If all of a sudden you're centralizing power at Number 10, it sounds like you're taking power away from the treasury."
"Long-term stagnation in rates of economic growth comes from massive concentration and centralization within the economy."
"The government and the big banks want every dollar in every asset for us to be on a centralized banking system."
"The benefits of centralization include cheaper promotion of tribesmen to Freeman."
"What do you think about Ripple? Well, I mean I think it's too centralized."
"Terror was marketed as decentralized, but it couldn't be more centralized."
"Hyper centralization of power in the US is a really, really bad thing."
"As governments continue to head towards the direction of one centralized worldwide government, we're going to continue seeing Tremors in the financial system."
"Imagine a world where there was a central government blockchain and all other chains sort of connected to it."
"A well-designed hub world is the central spoke on which memorable games turn."
"The incentive structure is to control, centralize, and 'get things done'."
"Like a pendulum swinging back and forth, the world swings towards centralization and then back to decentralization."
"The problem isn't blockchain, the problem isn't crypto or virtual reality, the problem is the centralized management and control of all those systems."
"A big winner of 2020 is centralized government and I think that makes all of us a big loser."
"Increasing centralization and bureaucratization of schooling."
"It's very evil, how much control it's like very centralized, and they control the whole world through the system of money."
"The conflict for this century is centralization versus decentralization."
"That's just centralization. That is centralization."
"Critical race theory means you centralize race and you understand everything as a function of white supremacy and systems working against each other."
"Every crisis seems to centralize the economy and especially the financial system more and more."
"This is meant to serve as a centralized reporting layer."
"Unitary states can quickly create and implement new laws and policies for the state."
"Global exception handling with the @ControllerAdvice annotation provides a centralized manner to handle exceptions."
"We have ample evidence that putting faith in a few central controllers is often betrayed."
"SDN: centralizing control planes to make network reconfiguration easier."
"...finding that place in between everything with Ashwini comes to centralizing the power so that it's not too much on this side too much on the other..."
"The nerve center of your campervan."
"Given that kind of problem, it makes sense that the experience of fighting the war convinced many people that there did need to be something stronger, something more centralized at the center of whatever kind of confederation was forming."
"There is not a chronic pain condition that doesn't have high rates of centralized pain."
"The gig economy isn't just killing careers, it will further centralize money and power."
"The centralization of power is happening so quickly."
"What was unique about China's model is that there was a very centralized state but that was not politically centralized but extremely economically decentralized."
"The only way they can get people to adopt central bank digital currencies is by making it very difficult to use anything else."
"You're removing the hard coding of the locators from the automation, so you're centralizing them, you're removing the hard coding."
"Now I would like to see some built-in method for knowing when the text is central."
"This increasing centralization of power also results in this increasing centralization of wealth."
"It's a social construct even with a central bank"
"You suddenly have one king, one coin, administration, and justice being the same all over the country."
"There was a central controller that was doing all of the smart work."
"Even though the argument against the big is that it makes things more centralized, yes because fewer people can run and know that verifies the chain."
"That's a pretty good central hub to find out."
"Managing everything through one central point makes things so much easier."
"If you choose to use a crypto dollar something that is centralized in the way that tether is, you're getting a product that does not have trustless guarantees."
"For centuries, we keep making money faster by centralizing it."
"Mao also centralized all of China onto one time zone."
"Centralized is generally more cost-effective for a higher number of endpoints."
"Instead what happened was the Ottoman ruler was able to centralize more and more power into his own hands."
"The hallway is like the center hub of everything in your house."
"Civil Society is therefore fractured and decentralized with a deep distrust of everyone while the state remains all-powerful and centralized."
"I think what we're boiling down to is there being one sort of crucial login."
"Government is basically just central planning. Government distorts and destroys everything it touches."
"Your entire environment is defined in one place."
"The fight for the bank was a fight to create a strong central government."
"The very shocking thing to hear is really just to make you realize how centralized the North American continent is within Canada, the US, and Mexico."
"Great British Railways looked to bring control of the railways under one central operator."
"It is all ruled from holy Terror, from Earth."
"Since Vault is being run centrally, it gives you an easy way to secure and audit all of the credentials within your organization."
"The nice thing about just the monorepo is that you sort of have a single source of truth for your project or team or potentially even company."
"By having all of this in a centralized location, we're able to get into a much higher level of detail inside of a mapping platform that really hasn't been seen before."
"Community empowerment... the power structures politically in Nepal have placed enormous centralization in the Kathmandu Valley."
"What we need is a central hub, one place that we can rely on."
"The ability to have a data warehouse is the center of the universe."
"Millions of people being urged to think the same thing by a central leadership is creepy rather than admirable."
"Central management from one single server."
"Active Directory is a central location for network resources."
"MEV is probably the biggest centralization risk for crypto."
"One of the key benefits of using a NAS unit is to centralize as well as protect your data."
"It's about having a common place, a trusted source of information."
"It gives me one centralized location... I can share all my assets across all my devices simply by uploading the file into the Eagle app."
"That's going to make it way easier for everyone to collaborate and have a central source of truth for this deliverable or for this project."
"What really makes MISP powerful is we get to bring a ton of feeds to one central location."
"That's really what makes this powerful."
"It's kind of a cool home lab dashboard that you could use to put all of your web interfaces for all your different devices and IoT devices where you can kind of access them from one central location."
"There's different softwares that can basically just integrate everything into one centralized backend."
"Version control system helps us to collaborate or put up all these source code into a single location."
"The real key thing is that these are centrally managed by IT because they're within SharePoint and SQL Server."
"The idea of a topic is that you can have a centralized location where you publish messages as a producer."
"We provide the leadership and the kind of central focus for this."
"So you're now only having to update a single source of truth, and that is really the power of variables."
"District cooling is when a group of buildings' cooling needs are partially supplied by a central plant."
"For 60 years, the Alice Springs Telegraph station was like a giant central server."
"The more centralized we became, the more individualistic we came and vice versa."
"Really consider having a blog or a website as a place to gather all your designs in one place."
"Find an API gateway product and centralize on it."
"It is recommended for you to store all your references in one single library."
"The centralization of capital means that capital steals from small producers the assets that they have."
"One major development within Egyptian religion was that much of its practice became centered around the role played by the Pharaoh."
"This can really create kind of one place to go to access everything related to this particular project."
"We can centralize common service dependencies to reduce complexity and cost."
"You can put this one box anywhere in your house that's centrally located, and you can control all kinds of things within your home assistant setup."
"Analysis Services allows us to centralize all that logic to a single version of the truth."
"How can this help your teams? Well, of course, central repository and dashboard for handling alerts and bringing cases."
"Having a website or a place that everyone goes to, the central hub, the bus station if you will, and then all the trains depart from there."
"Blocks are ways to securely store credentials and configurations from a centralized UI which is easy to work with."
"You can manage your workflow and your credentials all this stuff from a central location."
"All tags are managed in one place."
"If you're getting into cryptocurrency to kind of get away from the whole centralization of everything, and then you leave your coins in an exchange, it pretty much defeats the whole purpose."
"Backstage works as sort of a central hub but you always know that you can start in Backstage."
"The central function of a second brain is to give you a system that you trust."
"Having a centralized location you can dump all that is becoming more and more relevant in today's age."
"As long as it's situated in the center of the house, it will reach every single portion of the house."
"Once you're done, if you hit return to the residence details page, that residence page that's like your central hub that you're looking at for it."
"This Flask object implements a WSGI application and acts as the central object."
"Apple Business Essentials is moving us forward to it being a centerpiece where a user just has to go to one site to do everything and sync up all their data."
"Pierre became the new state capital of South Dakota because of its central location."
"There's huge amounts of data that are being contributed and collated in these central databases."
"By making it a separate component in the stack, it gives you the opportunity to centralize your business logic, centralize your governance logic."
"This bigger green sheet is the motherboard. It's sort of like the central hub for all the parts working together with the computer."
"It's a hub and spoke model, so the newsletter acts as the hub."
"A fascinating phenomenon has emerged from these recent studies: this archaeologically seemingly elusive imperial power seems to have operated a highly centralized and regulated production over a vast geographical expanse."
"If you want to visualize the logs, work with the logs in one central place, you want to use Splunk to facilitate the process of responding to incidents or investigating events."
"Don't think of this as a project management software, it's a ClientPortal, the one centralized location that your client can log into and access everything."
"The basic value question is centralization versus decentralization."
"We have been able to centralize and consolidate pretty much all of our infrastructure UI touchpoints into one single interface."
"Backups can be managed centrally, ensuring that all files are included."
"This is the controller, pretty much the brain."
"Weights and biases is a really helpful platform for centralizing all this information."
"The beauty of this program is that it has everything in one place."
"...the domination of Berlin in particular against Frankfurt and the centrality of Prussia in the new Germany..."
"I don't fear AI; I fear the concentration of AI in a few places."
"Every single time you run into a friction with money, the solution has been to centralize some aspect of it, trust an intermediary, and then solve that friction."
"It's not just one technology; it's potentially a whole reversal or whole another avenue to explore after centuries of centralization."
"All of this data can be contained in this single source and we often refer to it as a single source of truth."
"Data centers help organizations centralize the management of computing resources."
"We need to have a central place to encapsulate data operations."
"Content and search in Employee Center is driven centrally, removing silo departmental barriers."
"Create your own ID management system, a central place where all the auto IDs that you want can be centrally stored."
"The computer is the neurological center of CNC."
"Centralization is the concentration of decision-making authority in a few hands."
"Shopify makes everything very smooth from your marketing to fulfillment to shipping, everything is very centralized."
"You can have everything in one place, manage your chat alerts, interaction with your clients, your billing, and of course, your SEO."
"This planner serves as the hub of everything."
"What does power mean? What does highly centralized power mean? What does that do to an individual?"
"Decentralization is a better solution as compared to centralization."
"Maximize your efficiency within your organization to do design in one place."
"We have one central place, one central source of truth for the state of every room in the game world."
"The benefits of centralized systems are eliminates the duplication, discontinuity, and redundancy in data."
"The project master data is the central location for all things relating to a project."
"Control is centralized; you can go in and set up permissions for all the services in one place."
"I like to have all of my applications have their configuration information in one central location."
"Centralization is where a small number of managers make all the key decisions."
"We've created a central authorization point for data access."
"Rather than having silos with different kinds of data and different processing running on them, we have everything combined in one place."
"That's centralized row level security."
"One perfect solution for this is to create a portfolio website where you can tie everything together in one central place."
"We have all of our applications located and being able to be managed from one central location."
"You can manage all your content in one place."
"The system using the real-time is scalable, centralized, and replicable."
"Once you have this super centralized center... it tends to reproduce the same pattern of administration."
"France centralized intensely while Versailles became the most sumptuous court on the continent, with unprecedented cultural influence."
"Centralization of disbursements is very important because in that way we can monitor all the payments and satisfy obligations to the optimum time."
"The data lake acts as a single repository of data from multiple sources."
"It's kind of just one place that I can look for for everything that is going on in my life."
"We want everything to go through a single source of truth."
"You might imagine like in your home, the Raspberry Pi is kind of like the hub for all of your smart home things."
"There should be one main processor that collects information and controls everything in a global fashion."
"When too much power is aggregated in any one place, it's a bad thing."
"VueX provides a centralized data store."
"One of the really interesting opportunities is that we can actually have centralized configuration."
"We can actually centralize configuration and force all services to reload their own state based on that updated configuration."
"Centralization exists for optimization... decentralization exists for resilience."
"The centralization of agribusiness means that there are very few places where all the food passes, which makes them vulnerable to terrorism."
"During the whole medieval period, there was in Rome a single spiritual and temporal authority."
"Because we're centralizing where all the actions are happening, it opens up really nice developer workflows."
"What started off as an open internet has turned into this dystopic landscape that is super centralized in these data cartels."