
Pharmacy Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"The development of the modern Pharmacy was a milestone for human health."
"Pharma's pharmacy did not discriminate against commoners or nobles, rich or poor."
"The performance of the Otherworldly Pharmacy was truly astonishing."
"As a pharmacy technician, you will have a hand in the prevention. In essence, you act as the eyes and ears of the pharmacy."
"Pharmacies have sold out of fever and cold medicines."
"Our job as a pharmacist is to make sure the safety of the patient is first as well as therapy to be optimal and make sure that you guys get healthy."
"In the end I feel like now that I've gone through a lot of my rotations I do find that pharmacy is the career that I would have picked if I had to pick all over again as a health care provider."
"He wanted to open a pharmacy that would cater both rich and poor, Noble and commoner."
"He plans to offer the best medicines at the cheapest prices."
"Pharma shared the mission and vision of his Pharmacy with the public."
"I've been practicing pharmacy for almost 20 years."
"I hate me, the ick. Pharmacies are--I saw a guy's poop on the floor at a Rite Aid, okay, poop, human poop."
"For years pharmacists were ranked among the most trusted professions. That changed when Robert Courtney took advantage of that trust and became the FBI's top priority."
"Think about all your relevant experience. Obviously, you want to focus on any work in pharmacies or as a pharmacy technician. That's going to be the focus of your answer."
"...you go to the pharmacy sometime just get a tablet and just use it."
"So that's how I did my Maya what's it called flash cards and also I did so for me I did have kind of based off me I'm like how I feel in how I am the pharmacy."
"Pharmacy should always begin in the kitchen."
"My main pharmacy guy was owned the main pharmacy on Revolution."
"I'm confident in my ability to resolve customer complaints efficiently and effectively and I appreciate the significance of ensuring that every client leaves a boots Pharmacy pleased with their purchases and service."
"It's officially the oldest pharmacy in Texas and to this day, it still helps customers with their ailments."
"Pharma is given a badge to indicate his status and granted special permission to open a pharmacy in the capital."
"Great job security and the ability to specialize in an area are some pros of clinical pharmacy."
"Managed care pharmacists make sure that patients are on the most cost-effective medications for their conditions."
"Community pharmacists ensure that patients have access to their medications efficiently and accurately."
"Community pharmacists have multiple touch points with the community, ensuring patients have access to care."
"A career in pharmacy would be hugely rewarding to me since it offers a chance to face academic challenges as well as providing a service to the community."
"There are so many different types of careers and roles that you can pursue once you graduate with your PharmD."
"Clinical pharmacists are such an integral part of the healthcare system."
"The earlier that you educate yourself about these options, the more informed of a decision you can take both during and after pharmacy school."
"Everyone can find their niche and find what they're interested in with a PharmD."
"On the corner of happy and healthy."
"The microbiome is like your personal pharmacy, dispensing these drug-like compounds that have incredible effects on your physiology."
"As a pharmacy technician, you will be working with pharmacists to prepare and dispense hundreds if not thousands of different medications."
"Pharmacists are healthcare professionals who focus on the safe and effective use of medications."
"The United States pharmacopoeia is a reference book required to be in every pharmacy."
"A complete natural pharmacy in your backyard."
"My ambition is to go to the University of Manchester and study pharmacy."
"It's an honor to bring up our next speaker who will be addressing diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in pulmonary arterial hypertension through pharmacist intervention."
"We're placing the patients at the center in our clinic after comprehensive medical assessment by physicians and there's a pharmacist."
"At Pharmace, we see you, and we care."
"Guess who just passed this injection practical? This soon-to-be pharmacist."
"We don't just count pills and put labels on bottles. I know more about drugs than most other health professionals."
"Technological advancements have dramatically changed the way that pharmacies fill their prescriptions and the way that pharmacists interact with their patients."
"As the scope of pharmacy practice continues to evolve, pharmacists like yourselves will be tasked with changing their workflow models."
"Liberty Home Pharmacy delivering better health."
"The goal of pharmacy practice is to help patients make the best use of medication."
"A pharmacist's unique role is ensuring the safe, effective, and appropriate use of medications."
"You need to be careful, you are responsible for yourself here, but you can get most basic medicines at a pharmacy, and they are usually very cheap."
"For every one dollar we spend on clinical pharmacy services, we're going to return approximately ten."
"I became a patient care pharmacist."
"We are currently at a crossroads within community pharmacy."
"A good technician makes me a better pharmacist."
"Pharmacy First is brilliant for patients, brilliant for the pharmacy sector."
"Of course, life isn't always perfect, so there's Walgreens, open every day, many 24 hours, with everything needed for the holidays."
"My long-term goal is to be a Doctor of Pharmacy."
"I love Pharmacy cleansing balms... it literally melts into a cleansing oil and then washes off completely."