
Nanotechnology Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"I read all your research on nanotechnology. Really brilliant."
"Some scientists suggest it operates at near 100% energy efficiency, all of this on a microscopic scale that is hard to imagine."
"The origin of these exquisite examples of nanotechnology is a mystery that has generated heated controversy among biologists over the past two decades."
"These lines... were made out of silk strands that were so thin, just tens of nanometers thin, that they caught insects using Van der Waals forces."
"Nanobots are the real concern about wiping out humanity because they can be weapons of mass destruction."
"Nano medicine: through this all of us will have the capacity to receive individualized therapeutic treatments."
"Nanomedicine: medicine performed at the smallest level. It's becoming reality, changing the way we understand and treat illness entirely."
"Nanobots: microscopic machines that work on a molecular level. Cure cancer, attack viruses, and help humans live long and healthy lives."
"Nanotechnology: the science of building machines and materials at the molecular level."
"One red blood cell is seven thousand nanometers wide."
"Nanotechnology: manipulating matter tens of thousands of times smaller."
"Wood that creates electricity when you step on it, thanks to nanotechnology."
"Combining nanotechnology with artificial intelligence to create precision cancer medicine."
"Nanotechnology making strides in manipulating biological micro machines."
"Nanotechnology improving everyday products in surprising ways."
"Nanotechnology: the promise of revolutionizing medicine, the environment, and engineering."
"The positive applications of nanotech are virtually limitless."
"Now nanotechnology itself are tiny tiny robots that are used to carry out specific functions."
"Nanoparticles detecting cancer inside your body: not science fiction."
"Making new materials with nanotechnology: playing with atoms."
"It's extremely important I think, developments of an application of nanotechnology."
"The real innovation of this nanomachine system is the ability of the suit to automatically upgrade itself with new upgrade modules and devices."
"Nanotechnology really has the potential to do great things for the conservation of our planet and the human race."
"Nanotechnology can also improve the way vaccines are delivered and how successful they are."
"Nanotechnology sounds like a solid solution to many modern medical and technological issues."
"There's plenty of room at the bottom where he imagined constructing smaller and smaller robotic arms until one could write out the Encyclopedia Britannica on the head of a pin."
"Nanorobots could totally change the healthcare game."
"All of the new Ryzen 3000 CPUs announced today are 7 nanometer."
"Vantablack uses an arrangement of carbon nanotubes."
"One of the areas scientists are most interested in is using nanobots to potentially repair brain tissue neurogenesis with a cybernetic twist."
"Nanotechnology: Is there any problem you can't solve?"
"This type of technology relies on nanomachinery that is able to read and write DNA."
"These Nanobots... They'll put our brains on the internet and they'll also enable us to enter a virtual reality environment from within the nervous system."
"Nanobots are being studied so that they can help assist in medicine and Healthcare including cancer treatment."
"Biology is self-assembling nanotechnology with a built-in programming language."
"Nanobots infusing matter with intelligence, multiplying our civilization's intelligence trillions of times."
"Machines can build and organize at the atomic level. Humankind can reshape matter, creating the very building blocks of life in our laboratories. The singularity is upon us. Is humanity prepared for this brave new world?"
"Making structures the size of your DNA is incredibly difficult, but researchers at a company like Horizon Black do so with a highly technical process called chemical vapor deposition."
"Medicine will be revolutionized by nanotechnology."
"The tiny structures found in the Ural Mountains appear to be the byproducts of an ancient civilization that developed nanotechnology 300,000 years ago."
"The full flourishing of nanotechnology turns all of matter into a programmable medium... The full flourishing of biotechnology turns all of life into something for the aesthetic artists to manipulate."
"We're not that far off from having nanobots that could be at a one-to-one ratio with every cell inside our body."
"Transcendence: nanotechnology almost connected to everything on the world. A roller coaster ride of artificial intelligence and human psychology."
"Atomic layer deposition is a really cool technique to build up a layer on something like a microscope slide or a piece of glass, atom by atom."
"1 nanometer is 10 atoms wide, on average."
"Tiny technologies are going to be hugely important in the near middle term future."
"it's nanotech you like it I love it none of these people are afraid to put themselves In Harm's Way good do you plan on helping out I'm trying you won't come out they're all so brave come out I'm sorry what me."
"Duke kisses her and realizes that Anna has been modified with the nanomites, which is why she was acting like an enemy."
"By the year 2029, computers will exponentially get small enough to where they will be smaller than cells that go inside of our bodies."
"Why aren't we making everything out of carbon nanotubes?"
"A microscopic mechanism consisting of two silicon plates spaced 100 nanometers apart was able to generate a small amount of energy literally from nothing."
"We will reach the ability to have medical nanorobots, devices the size of blood cells."
"What we learned from that is that matter at the Nano scale can be very, very different structurally and regarding its properties from matter in a big bulk Crystal."
"Medical nanor robots can get into your brain and improve your mood. You can become joyful, angry, funny, sad all in a matter of seconds."
"If we had mature nanotechnology brain-computer interfaces trivial, like it becomes a very simple problem."
"Among prominent research projects are those in the areas of space science and nanotechnology."
"Bringing people back to youth: nanotechnology."
"Life is all about nanotechnology."
"Even 20 years ago, genome sequencing, the ability to read the DNA using nanobiosensors were simply nonexistent."
"The promise of nanobiosensors is that it will be able to integrate these nanosensors with mobile devices, allowing anyone to have complete continuous monitoring of biophysical activity of that person."
"Why plasmonic nanoparticles really are artificial molecules."
"But you can do something else. You can take your vessel of water and you can put light-absorbing nanoparticles in the water."
"Nanobots are very tiny robots. Someday we might have nanobots that clean up different kinds of hazardous waste."
"Technology can bring problems – nanotech brings many itself – but it also offers solutions."
"You're telling me that something that is 1/1,000, the thickness of my hair, is deposited on the surface of this wafer and is absorbing all this light? That's pretty cool."
"We're the only people who could make atomically precise pores that you could thread a piece of DNA through to read its sequence."
"Atoms, the tiniest building blocks of everything, could potentially store data at a scale a thousand times smaller than today's hard drives."
"It's the dawn of a whole new era of using nanotechnology to deliver drugs."
"This may change our view of things of what's happening at the nanoscale."
"The combination of the size effect in nanomaterials and the architectural constituents allows us to create entirely new classes of materials."
"This is repairing things at the extraordinarily tiny level."
"Nanotechnologies could potentially turn bricks into batteries."
"We're already seeing some of nanotechnology's benefits in the world around us today."
"Nanotech may have been an overused and blanket term that's lost a bit of its meaning to some of us, but there's real progress being made."
"Carbon nanotubes could begin production."
"Nanotechnology is leading the charge for solar energy."
"Directly manipulating atoms one by one to create useful tools."
"There's this little thing called nanotechnology, and that's pretty much the entire reason why superheroes these days are able to conjure their suits and equipment with relative ease."
"Nanotech isn't something that grows on trees."
"The nanotech idea is so oversaturated, it isn't a novelty anymore."
"Nanotechnology: the deaf hear, the lame walk, the blind see."
"Smart nanom medicines capitalize on three things to release the cancer treatment with more precision."
"Quantum dots are particles of matter so extraordinarily small that their properties, including their color, are governed not by the conventional rules of chemistry, but by quantum phenomena."
"Carbon dots have a crucial role to take light and transform it into heat."
"Quantum dots show size-dependent optical, electrical, and mechanical properties."
"Quantum dots have attracted considerable attention for photovoltaic application due to their perfect crystallinity and unique optoelectronic properties."
"A million times thinner than a human hair but 200 times stronger than steel."
"The Eon is a nanoscale brain implant."
"In less than two days, the runaway nanomachines could take apart the entire earth, working one molecule at a time."
"Nanorobots... capable of constructing or destroying anything that the programmers see fit."
"The whole field of plasmonics is really exploiting these small changes to detect certain things about either the shape of the particle or what's around it."
"Gold nanorods can effectively tune the resonance over a wide range as you change the aspect ratio."
"By designing the nanoparticles of different lengths and diameters, we can then control their properties."
"We can control spatial orientation patterns of nanorods by controlling liquid crystal using the so-called commanding surfaces."
"You can use nanoparticles to convert light to heat, and this heat that you generate on the nanometer scale can be potentially very useful."
"The interaction of tiny metal nanoparticles with light leads to delocalization of electron clouds, giving rise to new types of material properties that are not present in bulk materials."
"I highly encourage anyone really interested in nanoscience to take that course and become more familiar in a hands-on way with the tools of nanoscience."
"Electron microscopy laid the foundation for a lot of what we understand about nanoscience."
"TM gives you an opportunity to see atomic structures of very small objects."
"Nanotechnology is reshaping the world at a molecular level."
"Nanoscience is the science of the small, and we're using that to solve big problems."
"Our solution that we've proposed is that we're gonna use magnetic nanoparticles that have been coated with silica and then functionalized with a chelating agent."
"The electro spun fiber presents an interesting property as high surface volume to volume ratio leading to low density, high pore volume, and outstanding mechanical strength."
"Polymer nano composites exhibit superior property in mechanical, thermal, barrier, optical, etcetera, over conventional materials."
"Nanotechnology is a fundamental discipline in delivering the next set of innovations for the 21st century."
"DNA origami is the nanoscale folding of DNA to create arbitrary two or three-dimensional shapes at the nanoscale."
"The DNA is an appropriate nanotechnological material for several reasons: it is relatively stable, can form very long molecules, and has a well-defined and repetitive structure."
"The DNA nanostructures can be used to build targeting units for diagnostic as well as therapeutic purposes."
"The DNA nanopores can be locked and opened by using signals like temperature, light, or pH."
"The DNA origami nanopores can mimic sodium channels, selectively acting like potassium or sodium channels."
"Self-assembly is a spontaneous organization of molecules or objects into well-defined aggregates."
"Gold nanoparticles can absorb certain wavelengths from white light, which is why you usually see a red color."
"The peak width at 75% of the y-axis is a measure of how spherical the particles are."
"Nanophotonics is the study and engineering the manipulation and use of the interaction between light and matter."
"We're making Nano assemblers that build cells, micro assemblers that build integrated circuits, macro assemblers that build jumbo jets."
"Proteins themselves, I think, are magical and incredible little bio nano machines."
"If I can understand the properties that these virus capsules have, I can make synthetic analogues of them to transport drugs to anywhere in the body."
"This type of structure is considered to be the cutting-edge of nanotechnology."
"The living cell is like sort of bag of nano machines, incredibly efficient in most cases."
"Nanorods will be investigated in a more in-depth way."
"We need to make sure that all of the nanomaterial is recovered after treatment."
"By using nanotechnology, we can go for early detection of cancer and protect the person from cancer death."
"Biology is the nanotechnology that works."
"Nanotechnology is the dominant force on this planet in living systems."
"We are all made from nanotechnology."
"At this scale, these cylindrical molecules exhibit extraordinary properties that go against the laws of classical physics."
"A billionth of a meter is a nanometer, which gets you into almost atomic dimensions."
"If you have that basic understanding, you'll be able to follow the course and, I think, learn some new and interesting things about nano devices and nano transistors in particular."
"The idea of gray goo is a chilling and bizarre scenario that explores the potential dangers of molecular nanotechnology."
"Nanotechnology... deals with the creation of functional nanomaterials devices and systems through control of matter on the nanometer length scale."
"The stability of the nanoparticle can be studied by using zeta potential measurement."
"The atomic force microscope monitors the force of attraction and repulsion between a probe and the sample surface."
"This field needs a lot of research to explore the potential application of nano machines in various fields."
"Nanoparticles can offer multifunctionality, combining both diagnostic and therapeutic features."
"We can take the idea from the cell and mimic such kind of nano scale machines."
"Nanotechnology may help in increasing the solubility and bioavailability of the drugs."
"I hope this nanotechnology will play a major role in protecting the patients from this dreadful disease."
"The design of smart multifunctional nanosystems for intracellular imaging and targeted therapeutic applications require a thorough understanding of the mechanism of nanoparticles."
"Nanoparticles are considered one of the important delivery vehicles for delivering drugs and genes."
"Nanomaterials in general have two advantages: one is the shorter lithium diffusion distance, so lithium can come in very fast into the center of the material."
"You have this single crystal core function as a mechanical backbone, efficient electron transport pathway, allow you to run many many cycles without breaking and allow you to do extremely fast charging and discharging."
"In this lecture, we are going to learn various In Vitro methods to study the antibacterial and anticancer properties of nanomaterials."
"This positively charged nanoparticle will come and bind through electrostatic interaction and it will induce reactive oxygen species."
"It's as close as I think we will come in the near future to purpose-built nano machinery to circulate around our bodies and hunt down disease."
"I shoot the tumors with a laser, and the laser activates the nanoparticle and creates reactive oxygen species."
"Nanoparticles are such good catalysts because their surface area to volume ratio is a lot larger than macroscale materials."
"So, the 22 nano-meter, the last column there, that really represents the state of the art in the marketplace today."
"We're working on 14 nanometers which is the next node after that."
"Nanotechnology is absolutely fascinating; it is taking atoms and rearranging them into specific locations or specific sizes."
"When we have full-scale nanotechnology, we'll be able to email a wide range of objects that can then be assembled out of molecular fragments with sort of three-dimensional printers."
"In recent years, people developed nano magnetic particles that are used in drug delivery or even cancer treatments."
"Using nanotechnology in the manufacture of batteries offers the following benefits: Reducing the possibility of batteries catching fire by providing less-flammable electrode materials."
"We're made of nano strings; all the constituents that make you and make me are nano-sized molecules."
"Meta surfaces and metal lenses are typically periodic structures that consist of one or more layer, maybe two or more layers of material, and then some sort of nanoparticle structure on top."
"The basic idea behind molecular nanotechnology is it is the physical underpinning for the singularity."
"The use of nanoparticles has been increasing significantly for applications such as protein immobilizations, biosensors, biofuels, and microbial metabolic activity for hydrogen production."
"The recent development in nanotechnology has opened up new frontiers by creating new materials and structures for different energy storage."
"If you control the phase, you have full control over light propagation with structures much smaller than the wavelength."
"Nanorods are one of the most popular structures for doing biological imaging in the near infrared."
"Meta designs and manufactures advanced materials and performance functional films which are engineered at the nanoscale to control light and electromagnetic waves."
"It's a pretty cool trick they have on a nanoscale."
"The book has a range of topics... origin of ideas, a very concrete sense of the look and feel of the nanoscale world in a mechanical sense."
"The nano world is very different than the macro world."
"In this miniaturization, when we talk about length scales in nanometers, then we are getting to a point where we are questioning the validity of classical principles."
"Through nanotechnology, engineers at MIT have transformed spinach into sensors capable of detecting explosive materials."
"As materials become smaller, from submicron scale to nanoscale, their electric, optical, and magnetic properties change extensively."
"The greatest and most important kind of nanotechnology today is the one that we're using right now."
"This Nano design is not just about esoteric things; it's actually about things that matter very much."
"Being able to Nano design those and to do the chemical modifications and understand as we move through Cas space how the energy varies is a very important aspect."
"The whole of the Nano engineering area is a combination of microstructural effects and macrostructural effects."
"Suppose you have some nanoparticle drug delivery agent that you want to add a protein or a ligand or a drug to or something; you need to be able to functionalize the surface."
"Nano means tiny, so it's science and engineering on the scale of atoms and molecules."
"Nanotechnology will allow us to remove oil and other contaminants from the water far more effectively."
"If you do nanoscale transport, this could be a foundation to understand a lot of papers in literature."
"Nanotechnology could also revolutionize the way that we generate power."
"Viruses are the most amazing nanomachines you've ever seen."
"We now have atomic force microscopes that allow us to build atom by atom."