
Commission Quotes

There are 209 quotes

"The Commission will comprehensively assess the most pressing issues confronting law enforcement today and will seek to provide substantive and actionable answers."
"The first commission which Jesus told the disciples: cast out demons, heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers."
"The president supports efforts to move forward with the commission to investigate the January 6th attack."
"Affiliate links: recommend a product, gain trust, earn commission."
"Point is though, all of them are wonderful examples of artists that you could potentially commission or enjoy their content in the future."
"The 1996 royal commission recommended action-based reconciliation."
"It cost them nothing extra, and you get a commission."
"You can earn a commission by promoting someone else's product or service."
"Affiliate marketing is the process of promoting a product or service for a commission."
"We drive shoppers to brands, make partnerships with those brands, and every time somebody buys something referred from our site, we make a commission."
"You're marketing a product for a company and in return you're getting a commission."
"With affiliate marketing, it's usually more like 10 to one return on investment for the brand because they dictate the commission rate."
"Every time someone clicks on one of those links and they go to Amazon, we're going to get a commission for every single sale that we drive."
"That's our commission. That's our whole job description right there. That we would love one another so much that there would be absolutely no doubt."
"You would never see seven different people getting paid commission on the same sale of a product or service in real estate, medicine, law. Never, never, never."
"He was actually commissioned to come out here to stabilize it for commercial interests."
"There's a thin line between inspiring people to do the will of God and charging people to do something they've never been commissioned to do."
"The son of man can do nothing of himself. Jesus came commissioned by the father. He was to destroy the works of the evil one. He came with authority because he came on a mission."
"The technical difficulties associated with this adaptation would prevent a full series from being commissioned for the intervening 30 years."
"I thought back to my grandmother's painting and wondered how much self-doubt she had. Could I make anything so beautiful that it would ward off a demonic entity? Was opening commissions a step forward?"
"The USS Midway was commissioned just over a week after the end of World War II."
"We are not like so many peddlers of God's word, but as men of sincerity, as commissioned by God, in the sight of God we speak in Christ."
"What percentage of your income as an artist would you say constitutes commissions?"
"As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world."
"Great persecution is the result of the great commission."
"God desires to set you free and commission you."
"Affiliate marketing is a form of online marketing where a person earns a commission for promoting other companies' products or services."
"Since the dawn of time people buy and sell goods and if you are the one who's able to connect those people then you can take a commission."
"I'm an artist I do commission portraits and I also sell prints of my work."
"Every saved believer is part of the great commission."
"You can literally make a grand commission per deal, maybe even more on these high ticket closing offers."
"Business people are the missionaries for the Great Commission of the 21st Century."
"I was still in the service and they offered certain reserve officers the possibility of taking an exam and accepting a regular commission"
"It's a win-win for both parties because they get the same deal and you as the affiliate marketer get a small commission."
"Christ commands the church to preach the gospel to all peoples."
"A buyer's agent can't refuse to show a property because of commission."
"Amazon just has to pay me a little bit of commission for sending you their way."
"The endgame for BNPL companies is to gain leverage, demand higher commission, and grab a bigger slice of the pie for themselves."
"Affiliate marketing is wonderful. It's a great way of being able to talk about products that you like, sharing it, and then having a small Commission because someone purchased it too because they really want to try what you love and recommend."
"This Creator who posted the review actually linked to the Pelt clout pens in her Tik Tok shop, and because of that Tik Tok placed a banner under her video letting people know that she was able to make a commission off of this product."
"Affiliate marketing is a simple marketing process where you help other people to sell their products in exchange for commission."
"Affiliate marketing can be done in both physical products and digital products as well."
"Somebody has to be getting a commission for this. You can't just be an independent customer of Optivia products without supporting that MLM business model."
"Sometimes I just feel like I have to buy something, you know? The sales associates are working on commission, they're trying to make a sale."
"...when you get that business a sale you earn a commission."
"If you have one of those god tier Commissioners which Manon basically is um that they just tell you hey I really just like your art can you just do your thing on this piece of paper and I will pay you for it."
"Brokers commission works this way."
"The Golden Haggadah was commissioned by wealthy Jewish patrons."
"The commission on the sale will be so big I'll be able to take a cruise with my family."
"...you're allowed to promote products or services that are not your own yet once you sell it to someone online or in real life you'll get a commission."
"...if you do go through those links and purchase I will get a small commission and I'll greatly appreciate it."
"...if the person clicks on your link and buys a different product within a 24-hour period you're going to be able to earn a commission for whatever product that they buy."
"When you shop from my links, I make a small commission, so that's just the FYI."
"Etoro doesn't charge any kind of commission for the trade so there's no trade fees, there's no account management fees, there's no monthly fees, there's no any of those kind of fees."
"Among the most prestigious was a commission from the U.N. who asked for a piece to celebrate their 25th anniversary, a piece called 'Cosmogony'."
"Jesus the Great Commission is not a great suggestion it's not Jesus saying you know I've got an idea and if you feel like it'd be great if you did another Great Commission is go into all the world and preach the gospel."
"Jesus has entrusted this mission to us, he's placed it in our hands, and we must be ready."
"Society6 is a print-on-demand marketplace and supplier that means that you upload your own art onto various different products and if someone orders them the platform actually makes a chipset to the client and you get commission."
"Affiliate marketing is when you recommend products to people and if they buy them through your affiliate link then you get paid a commission which is typically a percentage of the sale."
"This is Jesus' ministry, commissioned by him to carry on."
"As long as you have that 100 personal purchase in order to make commissions, they do make money when someone signs up for a premium starter kit."
"Create your own character, you know, like if you don't want to do commissions, just make this and then you can kind of create your own 'me' of yourself but with some person's style."
"A commission is a custom piece of art personalized for a customer or professional client."
"We have been called to a commission empowered by the Holy Spirit to confront the world with repentance and forgiveness as an escape from eternal judgment."
"Commission artists are not a lower level than normal artists."
"I'd rather have $10,000 of profit and pay a little commission than have nothing at all."
"Lead me to the Rock that helps me to see your perspective, your renewed commission, your new way for me."
"Some of the links in this book summary are affiliate links, meaning we will receive a commission at no additional cost to you."
"...everyone's happy. We're providing value, we're giving them services that are solving their problems, and we make a lot of commission. It's as simple as that."
"He'll commission you, speak to you like there's just no ends to any means."
"The most remarkable architectural commission this country had ever seen."
"To speak the truth is loving. This is what you're commissioned for."
"The Ty Improvement commission BR and the conet company had instituted a form of merrygoround operation of the or trains."
"Bring me a buyer, I'll pay you a three percent commission."
"It was a very high-profile commission that Eric designed for Josiah Wedgwood and Sons."
"Passive income: I put that video out there two years ago, and whoever decides to make a purchase, then I get a small commission from that. But a small commission adds up to a big commission when you know you have a lot of people who are making those purchases."
"Affiliate marketing, promoting products or services that you personally like, that you can literally put your stamp of approval on and earn a commission on the sales."
"If the product is $10, they're not going to go up and charge $12 to your people, no, they're going to give you a portion of their $10 for just referring them."
"They also offer plans for zero percent commission so that you can actually keep your hard-earned money."
"If you link to a Sephora concealer and then you go buy that concealer and then also add five more things to your cart, I actually get commission from the whole total of your cart."
"What we're saying is the percent of the sale equals the commission."
"Affiliate marketing is basically where you're promoting a product or service for somebody else and then you get a commission off of that."
"An exclusive right to sell guarantees the listing broker a commission if he/she or any other cooperating broker procures a ready, willing, and able buyer."
"We want to be a part of the accomplice for the Great Commission."
"...wish you all the best in your work with the Commission and I hope we've given you much food for thought."
"A ten thousand pound commission to paint one of our greatest living authors."
"Wouldn't you like to have that 20,000 in your trading account rather than having paid it to your broker in silent commission? Yeah, I thought so."
"Each commission he undertook brought significant financial relief."
"That Truth and Reconciliation Commission was profound. I wish they'd kept it going a bit longer."
"You can't focus on how much commission you're going to make in the first three years, you have to focus on the long term."
"Art was commissioned by churches, government officials, merchants, noblemen—really all walks of life."
"Your God calling will result in your commissioning."
"The problem you've been commissioned to solve is not bad marriages, strained relationships, hurt feelings, or societal injustices; ultimately, the problem you've been commissioned to solve is that the world is blind to the glory of Jesus."
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, so you must go and make nations into disciples."
"Book bolt pays a recurring Commission of 25% of the monthly subscription amount."
"If you use that discount code, I may make a very small commission which helps us make videos like this in the future."
"Affiliate links do not change the original price of the item; it's sort of like commission."
"As the Father sent me, now I'm sending you into the world."
"To create a piece celebrating the natural beauty of the North West and its industrial heritage."
"Their commission for surveying this planet was going to be huge, because even a tiny percentage of a planet is still incomprehensible wealth."
"I really want to buy a piece of art this year; I think I want to commission a painting to sit above the sofa."
"You know why you can make $100 a day with affiliate marketing? There are programs out there where companies sell a product and the commission on the sale for that product is so good."
"Commission rates are not fixed by law; they are negotiable between seller and broker."
"As ordinary as they were, they were given the highest calling, the highest commission ever held by any human being."
"Exclusive right to sell listing: commission gets paid to the broker if the property sells."
"You can be the connector and if you can connect those people who need products to those products, you can get paid."
"You've been commissioned by the Holy Spirit; you're being commissioned according to the word of God."
"All of our affiliates receive a generous twenty-five percent commission on the products they promote."
"An affiliate program is the method where other people promote your store's products, and when a sale is made through their link, they receive a commission from you."
"Having been commissioned of Jesus Christ, I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen."
"This bill would establish a Citizens' commission for clean air."
"His achievement in gaining a commission in the artillery should not be underestimated."
"We're not called to change the world, the Great Commission is to make disciples of all Nations."
"We've seen that happen through the work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission."
"Affiliate marketing is basically promoting other people's products in return for a small commission."
"This is a great example of a commission plan that incorporates both the percentage of a sales transaction and an add-on kicker for selling a warranty."
"When you make a sale through your unique affiliate link, you get a commission."
"What we have been proposed to us here is a commission that can help to drive and sustain reform in higher education over those two decades."
"Get up and stand to your feet, for I have appeared to you to reveal your destiny and to commission you as my assistant."
"The person who commissions the work of art is called a patron."
"If you charge, hypothetically speaking, a six percent commission, on average they could still net eight percent more by having you handle everything for them."
"Commission pay is definitely should be your goal after your first year or two getting your experience if you really want to make some real money."
"If I can show you a way where I can more than make up for that difference in commission, is that something you might be interested in looking at?"
"My commission would be an investment for you and not an expense."
"A lot of these leads will convert to paying customers, thereby earning us an affiliate commission."
"I want to grow that career and look at being a senior level consultant, developing my own region or team, and earning really healthy commission that builds over time."
"Nobody's holding a gun to your head; there's thousands of discount brokers who will list your home for 1% or less."
"Eager to commission a sculpture representing their bond, they searched for the sculptor who created the flowers."
"If the product blows up... the influencer will always receive a commission because they were basically the catalyst that made that product popular."
"This piece is titled River Light and was specifically commissioned by the MTA and the LIRR for the Madison Concourse."
"Affiliate marketing... you promote someone's product and you get a small percentage if somebody buys it."
"Affiliate marketing is simply referral marketing where you earn a commission."
"Affiliate marketing is just getting a commission for recommending a product, and if someone buys it through your referral link."
"High ticket affiliate links pay you really well, anywhere from thirty to three hundred dollars per sign up."
"Look at that, this chicken was the last commission I took, and it was a really fun commission."
"Affiliate marketing is an arrangement in which affiliates receive a commission for each visit, sign-up, or sale they generate for a merchant."
"Disney travel agents don't take a commission from you; they actually get paid by Disney once your trip has happened."
"If you're an affiliate of that product and someone buys that product through your link, you will get that 20% commission."
"The church has a Great Commission."
"We have a National Human Rights Commission to address human rights concerns of the people."
"Affiliate marketing is when you refer someone to a product or a service using a unique referral link, and if they make a purchase through your link, you earn a commission."
"David was the recipient of our Ray Kao commission which is a commission we put out to encourage glass artists to develop new work."
"With affiliate marketing, you earn a commission for promoting another company's products or services."
"She's so happy that her painting was commissioned for a book cover."
"We set up a national reconciliation commission for that purpose."
"The Grammarly affiliate program pays over ten dollars and fifty cents for a lead."
"Instead of making 15% commission on products, I get a hundred percent commission for my own products and services."
"This commission is established to do a serious job of establishing truth and forging reconciliation."
"Before disappearing completely, Aurora asks Shadow to find her main body to complete a secret commission."
"At its purest level, affiliate marketing is: I put a link on my website, you click on the link, buy the product, I get a commission."
"This is truth-seeking Commission and all we are looking for is the truth."
"Affiliate marketing is when you promote someone else's product and when someone signs up and purchases through your affiliate link, you'll earn a commission."
"Let's look at the TRC as a uniting force."
"Thank you so much, Emma, for coming to testify before the Commission."
"I've commissioned some paintings from Carrie Jean Goldsmith to go up on this wall."
"You did not choose me; I chose you and I have commissioned you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last."
"Go into all the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"What is the title of Jackson Pollock's vast work that Guggenheim commissioned in 1943 for her New York townhouse? Mural."
"This is a commission for the people of Trinidad and Tobago."
"The terms of reference permit the commission to hear the representations of the family."
"It would be an abdication of the responsibility of the commission not to allow the families of the deceased persons to say what they want to say on this occasion."
"...we pray that your Holy Spirit will be with this commission..."
"Affiliate linking and affiliate marketing... you will make a little bit of commission."
"Please Commission I'm appealing begging for that."
"I send people emails and when they buy, I actually get commissions."
"Thank you very much, Chairman, thank you very much for coming to testify before the Commission."
"This was commissioned for an exhibition in East London in the Siemens Crystal."
"Whenever someone clicks on that unique link and they buy that product or service, you're going to be given a commission."
"They offer people like you and me a percentage of the sale or any referral fee, and we can get people to buy their products or services."