
Green Technology Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"With nations around the world trying to move away from their reliance on fossil fuels, huge amounts are being invested into green alternatives and new technologies."
"Green cars aren't shouty about how green they are. They look like normal cars, they operate like normal cars, but they are way more fuel-efficient."
"Electric Jets have the ability to regenerate energy as they descend for landing."
"We have solar panels that attach directly to roofs."
"Electric vehicles look like a sustainable option."
"The first commercial application of the P-Volt, a battery electric system developed by Rolls-Royce, will have a capacity of about 600 kilowatt hours."
"Bloom foam: a mix of algae waste and sugarcane."
"This will make people more environmentally conscious... a hybrid cars initiative with 97% popularity with voters."
"Those hospitals are good examples of how green hydrogen is already getting used today, but it’s far from widespread."
"I do think green innovation, like actual green innovation, is a worthwhile endeavor."
"Hydrogen fuel cells produce plenty of electric power while emitting pure water as waste exhaust."
"Apprenticeships in green technologies are absolutely vital."
"America will be completely energy independent by switching to Green Technology."
"Our future depends on us making the switch to clean, green electric cars today."
"Induction priority lanes are embedded with magnetic fields that can charge your vehicle while it's in use... helping to save the environment."
"Electric flight companies like EasyJet, Boeing, and Simons are among the companies making electric aircraft as aviation explores new ways to go green."
"I just get a lot of fun out of just driving the vehicles in pure electric mode."
"We should do a new new deal where we build the technology of the future renewable energy revolution."
"Gasoline burns cleaner in our vehicles than it does in the factories that manufacture green vehicles."
"Freight rail is the most environmentally friendly way to move goods over land."
"An innovative method of breaking styrofoam down into shorter carbon chains could make recycling plastic a whole lot greener and easier."
"Electric vehicles are just more efficient from translating the initial power."
"A hydrogen electric supercar promising a thousand miles on a tank of hydrogen."
"NextEra Energy is definitely a refreshing sight for energy companies in my opinion. They are cementing their place in the future of renewable energy by investing in research for green hydrogen."
"Our channel... focuses on cleaner, greener, safer, smarter, and more equitable forms of transportation."
"Anyone can build a house. I get to do that and help reduce the carbon footprint, thanks to this technology."
"All of our units are designed to be a demonstration of different elements of sustainability and green building."
"If you actually cared about being green then you would not be pushing people to adopt technology that is anything but green."
"You can get any car with a combustion engine inside it... from point a to point b using nothing but pure electrical power... without emitting a single gram of CO2."
"Retiring fossil fuel power plants with software, this particular product."
"Your fuel costs go to zero and then actually end up going negatively."
"Electrical propulsion... holds the promise to significantly help us with the climate question."
"The opportunity in front of us is absolutely enormous. Anybody getting into battery storage, solar, electric vehicles, etc., is looking at an enormous expanding market over the next decade. The opportunity is phenomenal."
"Regenerative braking takes the energy from braking and puts it back into the battery."
"UCL published a report recently that describes in detail the work that they've done to analyze the different layer ones, and they concluded that the Hedera Hashgraph is the greenest."
"This technology is a miracle, the most environmentally friendly."
"Legislatures around the world risk derailing the adoption of clean green personal mobility machines."
"We're speaking to CEO and founder Matthew Sabatini who's developing a system for strapping an electric backpack onto single axle semis, turning them into fully electric or hybrid powered machines."
"Homes with solar panels sold for a 4.1 percent premium over comparable homes."
"Hydrogen cars are marketed as green, easy, energy-efficient vehicles, much like the Toyota Prius."
"From the ashes of one of the world's largest coal power plants, we are building a sustainable green housing factory."
"We're using more renewable energy sources."
"That's like one of the dreams in making environmentally friendly plastic."
"...green hydrogen, what's next for the energy transition's secret weapon."
"...it's been amazing to see how mainstream the debate over green hydrogen incentives has gone."
"We're at the forefront of delivering technologies that enable large-scale manufacturing from renewable inputs instead of hydrocarbons."
"My hope is that we can get rid of greenhouse gases in the same way with carbon-free substitutes for the things our lifestyles depend on."
"We need really low-cost electrolyzers, we need really cheap green electricity, but we sure need a whole lot more people who understand this stuff."
"Green Tech that's a no-brainer because Chinese technology and their supply chain and their capacity on Green Technology is two or three generations further along in most areas than the US and EU now."
"Anything that helps improve urban transportation and make that green is great."
"We know that the wind and solar and other renewable energy sources are right now the best pathway out of this."
"The United States will be completely energy independent by switching to green technology by 2035."
"On many days of the year, you could absolutely run 100% on renewables from the surrounding area."
"The 21st century economy will be very much driven by cities and city regions as the early adopters of green technology and new transport."
"Hydrogen powered train, zero pollution, carrying thousands of people."
"Invest in holistic companies or green technology."
"Green renewable energy sources are becoming competitive."
"These metal structures in the shape of a tree are called super trees."
"Regenerative braking... puts that energy back in the battery."
"Jericho is green because of artificial irrigation from a large natural spring in the city."
"The ASAP hybrid helicopter concept is a visionary design proposing a greener future for helicopters."
"The race towards the future has begun; major nations are investing in new technology, hoping to establish themselves as leaders and major global centers for green technology."
"Green technology is going to be the industry of the 21st century."
"An anaerobic digester really helps take care of that."
"Perovskites find a lot of applications in really green environmentally friendly sectors."
"Local economic development is promoted and encouraged by a focus on green technology."
"The wall is warmer there; it is soaking up that heat of the Sun and storing it like a battery stores energy."
"Everything's going with green technology and innovation, that's going to be huge and needed."
"Our mission is accelerating a safer and greener energy future."
"Toyota's focus on eco-friendly technologies highlights the intriguing proposition of hydrogen powered internal combustion engines."
"Investment in areas like EV buses and EV charging stations and some of the components that are essential to investing in industries of the future and ensuring that we're creating millions of jobs while also doing it in a way that protects our climate."