
Internship Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Healthcare workers suffer a lot of these things... to all the interns who are posted over there, just please take care of yourself first."
"Happy to give you a summer internship on my team."
"He offered me pretty much an internship to come there every summer during school break and kind of just sit under and learn."
"Normally, we are charging nearly 1000 rupees for the one single internship, but we are giving only 5.99."
"So I got this internship at the Smithsonian."
"I will work harder and smarter than anyone you've ever met and I will do it for free for 90 days."
"If you did a fuckin' Instagram story right now and said, 'I'm taking an intern to be my videographer,' you know how many people would rip their arm off?"
"Join our internship to dive deeper into data science concepts and gain hands-on experience with projects like credit score classification and stress prediction models."
"Internship programs are a great way to get your foot in the door."
"The only way to get a job is to get an internship, and the only way to get an internship is to apply for like 30 banks."
"Stark extended an official internship offer to him, soon after Parker and Stark had a meeting during which they posed for a photo."
"I think it's more interns bantering with other interns."
"The internship is going to be worth more than the degree if the internship is under somebody that teaches you how to do your own research."
"Ideally everyone wants to pick a job that has something to do with what they want to study later so that it looks good on their resume through like a paid internship or anything that's just like in that sector."
"It'd be dope if you did an internship program one day. Free help and people get to learn."
"Turned a six-month internship into a full-time job."
"I think doing an internship will really allow you the opportunity to know what you like, what you don't like when you're working. It'll also give you experience so that you have something tangible for your resume."
"I think an internship would be like a really good route if you have the time to allocate towards that."
"I tried to move on with life, focusing on my education, my sports, attending social events with my friends, and applying for various internships over the summer. This worked, and I ended up getting an internship that taught me a lot of valuable skills."
"Getting an internship between that freshman sophomore summer is huge because it allows you to truly get immersed into a field and internship is very much a make or break experience for whether you enjoy something or not."
"I really appreciated making the friends that I did at both my Disney and Dreamworks internships."
"Just get ready to showcase everything that is unique that you have to bring to the table for this internship."
"Interning was very valuable to me."
"My hope for this video is to help you guys understand how the process works better and maybe even help some of you get internships."
"It's definitely still possible to receive an internship offer from a big tech company."
"If you are currently looking for an internship, then good luck!"
"I'm really excited about what I'm going to do. It's a remote internship so I'm going to be doing it from home, and it's at one of the hospitals of Harvard Medical School, which is still a wild concept to me, but I'm really excited about it."
"Now a few months ago a man by the name of Karim messaged me and said that he had to do an internship as part of his university studies and he was wondering if he could do it for Hazel with me and I was like absolutely."
"She finally got an internship at Disney in 2014, the internship was a project manager intern for Walt Disney imagineering and it turned out that she was going to work on the most important projects that Disney has ever done possibly in the history of the company's 100 years."
"Getting an internship is a skill. It's something you have to practice."
"When you're not in class you should be doing an internship that'll help your chances a lot when it comes to getting a job after you graduate."
"A lot of people off they're doing their internships realize you're not really in a courtroom all that often. And you spend a lot of time sitting behind your desk doing paperwork and research."
"It's much better to figure out early on from doing an internship, as opposed to joining the police force and then realizing, boy, I don't do all that training."
"If you're fortunate enough to secure an offer you've done your interviews you've done your assessment centers and you've aced them you've got an offer for a march or april spring week great go and do your spring week and focus on converting that into a summer internship."
"I'm going to Amazon to be a business operation analyst as a full-time after my internship."
"You don't want to leave your internship with any regrets. So leave your internship with no regrets."
"Don't miss deadlines. Very, very important as an intern. You're going to want to impress everyone, right? And so you're going to want to take on this piece of work, that piece of work, you're going to want to do this, that, and the other for lots of different people."
"That knowledge won't get you what you need. You got a cult internship."
"I really did convince myself that the first application I put in specifically with the UNICEF internship program because my friends will blast me if I have you guys believing that this was my first day for un application it was not it was not."
"Love and I'm like Mom I had just secured an internship, a paid summer internship in California. I was hyped. I'm like, 'I'm about to get, I'm thinking about money, taking care of my family.' I'm like, 'Girl, ain't nobody think about did he?'"
"Use this first year to intern, learn about the league, officiating, teammates, yourself, what you need to work on, get more confident. They're giving him the keys to Portland, let him make mistakes, grow as a player, grow as a kid, grow as a man."
"Strong interns are often the ones who are curious and want to learn from their seniors."
"Your laptop is going to be your greatest tool in applying for these internships."
"Best of luck in applying for step and any other internship programs you may be looking into."
"The internship really allows you to apply all these concepts that you've learned in the classroom and allows you to apply it in a real world scenario where people are depending on you and where there are actual consequences."
"So then I got this internship at um the Colorado State Treasurer's office, which was so hilarious, it was so awesome."
"I want to choose the right intern."
"Doing well in your summer internship can really change the course of your entire career."
"I received exactly 2,320 as a bonus for my unpaid internship."
"About 80% of the people that do an intern with a company get a job offer."
"You get an option to do work experience within the fashion industry for a year before your final year."
"If you present well and you answer questions well, you're likely to get an offer to join their summer internship."
"I was a paid research intern in a neuroscience lab investigating the effects of temperature on viral infection rates in zebra finches."
"If you do well on your spring week, you're likely to get an offer to stay with that company."
"The highlight of my internship at Microsoft was they invited all of the interns out to Bill Gates' house on Lake Washington."
"Interns, buckle up your seat belts; we're off to an explosive start."
"I have to do an internship at some point for the summer in spring, and I would absolutely love to do an internship with like BBC for journalism or something."
"Congratulations, you got an internship at Microsoft."
"In 2018, I lived in London for two and a half months and did my internship there as part of the Erasmus Plus traineeship program."
"I highly recommend going on an internship abroad, just for this reason alone: finding yourself, understanding yourself, learning who you really are."
"Learn the skill, build a portfolio, get an internship."
"It's a lot easier to get an internship than an entry-level programming job."
"I'd like to thank this video's sponsor, Jane Street, whose summer internship program is currently accepting applications."
"I convinced them to let me be an unpaid intern, because they were so small they didn't know how to say no to me coming in and offering to work for free."
"Cindy had turned in an application for a spring graphic design internship, and she just had a lot to look forward to."
"I always go into an internship hungry, ready to learn, and always asking questions."
"I would gladly do the internship again."
"Making your work valuable to others when you see a problem, solving it with your own skills is, I mean, this project might very well be what landed him his first internship."
"Go to internship with an open mind and with the expectation that you are going to work and you're going to learn."
"I like your interviews, so come in next week to start your internship."
"Florida Tech has given me the opportunity of a lifetime to be able to intern, and work at my dream job."
"As a political science major in the college of arts and sciences, I currently have an internship with an environmental nonprofit that was made possible through the college of arts and sciences."
"Next summer, there is a happy ending, I did end up getting my first choice internship."
"It's definitely more of a real-life experience than an internship."
"What could go wrong? Everybody give a warm welcome to our summer intern, Payton."
"This resume got me my first real paid engineering internship."
"I love how passionate you are talking about your internship experiences."
"Internship is difficult, but it's an experience like nothing else."
"I managed to get my internship as an international medical student in the UK."
"I got a place for my internship today, I went for an interview in the city teaching hospital and they said I was successful."
"It was my first day as an intern at Nickelodeon."
"If you really want this internship, then invest your time and energy into getting it."
"Especially with a longer internship, you're not only able to be immersed in the company culture but you're able to make a real tangible impact in the team that you're assigned to."
"I participate in academic Bowl, do a bit of swimming, MUN, and then I've got this ATP internship that I'm really excited about."
"I hope you leave feeling happy and fulfilled in this internship."
"You may be among the greatest interns of all time."
"Having a six-figure salary as an intern, that's completely mind-blowing."
"The three most important things of getting or securing a freshman internship, in my opinion, would be first a good resume, legal practice, and referrals which is optional."
"I really want this internship, and if I don't get it, this is going to be so embarrassing."
"If you're watching this, you can immediately go and get an internship."
"If you prepare well during your final year, your internship years are going to be easy."
"I really appreciate the work you're putting in, not all interns are pulling the same weight as you. You're a real go-getter."
"Olivia has been our intern; she is fantastic. We love Olivia."
"Miraculously, I passed 3 rounds of interviews and I became the only person actually to get the internship."
"Good luck for your internship, and that's what we're talking about."
"I'm Deku, I'm an intern from UA, I came to help."
"I already have a job, I have an internship right now."
"I'm so happy to be here; my online virtual internship starts tomorrow."
"I want to be able to really give my all to this next month and a few weeks being at home and to this internship and make the most of it."
"I was invited for an internship in the theater of Moscow."
"Thank you everyone for watching, I'm Isaac, and thanks to Tom for hosting me as an intern. See you all soon."
"It's going to be a strenuous journey, but I'm sure you can have fun during this internship."
"I'm currently interning at NASA headquarters in Washington, D.C."
"One of the perks of doing an internship at a publisher is that you end up getting a lot of free books."
"Catherine was so excited to receive this internship; this was her top choice."