
Ruins Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"Nestled in the highlands of Bolivia, 13,000 feet above sea level on the Andean Plateau, there is a valley cradling the ruins of Tiwanaku."
"There must be at least a hundred thousand of these ruins."
"The flooding in Iran recently exposed the ruins of an ancient burial ground that may have been part of a lost civilization from the Bronze Age."
"These ruins tell you that the world changed, that some enormous tide of history went out and left these military work stranded like whales above the water line." - Brian Davidson
"The ancient ruins never lie if you let them tell the story."
"These crumbling, overgrown remains serve as a poignant reminder of the dreams of a nation and humanity's ongoing quest for a clean and limitless source of energy."
"Ancient Roxburgh simply vanished, leaving behind decaying castle remains."
"Searching ancient ruins for a guy. Back up. Oh, you know what are those machines ahead?"
"If you find an artifact, there is a reason it was made, and a reason no one who built it is still hanging around. If you find ruins, there’s a reason they are ruins."
"Walking alone in these ruins, it's easy to imagine what life would have been like here in its heyday."
"She wants me to there's a ruined grand building that she wants us to check out divine quest."
"The ruins around the world tell a very distinct story."
"This is a fascinating sight for me... All this rubble is leftovers from these casing stones, all the granite."
"The world is home to a plethora of fascinating ancient ruins, from crumbling cities to temples that have withstood the test of time."
"They hold hands as they watch their beloved hometown fall into ruins."
"The towering ruins of the Nabataean cities became warnings about excessive pride, and a reminder that the power of nature or the power of god can always undo the works of man."
"There are so many more stories unmarked ruins and abandoned industrial sites more history waiting to be revived before memories fade with the decades."
"The ancient ruins of temples and amphitheaters appear, whispering tales of history and mythology."
"The Suakin Island ruins are the broken remains of an abandoned coral city for three thousand years."
"Their civilization reduced to smoldering ruins and blowing Ash."
"Surrounding them is lush vegetation, with the city's ruins faded in the distance."
"Some people have reported having close encounters with this Spirit as they walk through the ruins they claim to have felt a strange chill as the ghost brushes past them on the staircase that leads down to the Castle's dungeons."
"The winds blew over them, pushing the ship away from the island. The Two Towers they had activated were electrified and shooting bolts of lightning all over the ruins."
"The next planet they visit turns out to be completely dead, a lifeless world filled with nothing but the crumbling ruins of former great cities."
"Humans thousands of years in the future would still look upon our ruins as those of a strange and powerful but lost civilization."
"Whenever I see a ruined castle, I won't be looking at the building itself, I'll be looking at the hundreds of craftspeople who were involved in that project."
"We're looking for signs that at one time, these ruins could have been the heart of a vast Atlantis empire."
"There is something truly beautiful about the fact that you can come here see these ruins."
"I love checking out old ruins guys, it's one of my favorite things to do when I'm out exploring, you know off the beaten path a little bit."
"Let's not disappoint Ground Zero today," after the trek towards the island, the both of you traversed its walkways until you reached the castle's courtyard, broken and in disarray, surrounded now by some of the natural elements that overgrew its stone and granite.
"The ruins still lay standing and deserted. The government has attempted to transform it into a tourist destination, even rebuilding structures to their former glory."
"It's like living in... It's like exploring the ruins, you know? Like what's the difference between going to see in the Acropolis in Greece or exploring this old cement plant?"
"The hospital's ruins stand as a testament to the past and the human suffering that occurred within its walls."
"These expansive city ruins were rediscovered by a daring Pathfinder who also stumbled upon a vast network of catacombs concealed beneath its dilapidated surface."
"All these 500 600 700 800 year old castle ruins that are here."
"I love the exploration of ruins, I love the rediscovery of magic and lost history."
"The silence was immense. The only sound was the constant keening of wind through the ruins."
"The fact that this has remained in a ruined state for around 500 years is quite remarkable."
"If all you see is rubble, you might assume the ruins had been a small house, but if among the rubble you spy a column, doorway, or buttress, you know that whatever stood there must have been of monumental scale."
"Where reality ends and where one may dwell among its ruins."
"These ruins are truly amazing, Commander."
"The ruins were even more impressive and imposing up close."
"It was a world of mystery, scattered with the enormous crumbling ruins of a bygone age."
"The ruins of the temple sit in the jungle where nature has all but taken over, weaving its way in and out of the stone structure."
"The reign of stars scarred the land, scattering strange technological ruins and deadly perils across the land."
"Here in the ruins of the Heidelberg Castle you really get feeling for the Middle Ages and the early Renaissance."
"The ruins of Simbabwe meaning the heart of the lion, it is constructed of brick-shaped granite rocks all exactly alike as if produced in a factory."
"The wind howls among the broken stones of the ancient elven tower."
"This place looks like ruins from ancient times."
"The ruins of a 3,600 year old settlement in the middle of the desert."
"You could easily walk right outside of town and visit the space remains of one of the greatest powers in the history of the classical world."
"Only the melancholic wind howling through grotesque ruins broke the silence."
"These ruined walls in Quebec City are the broken bones of one of North America's earliest settlements."
"The anchor ruins is the world of Gods on Earth."
"Ruins are absolutely fascinating, and it's so quiet and peaceful."
"It is precisely through the ruin that a symbol appears."
"These ruins... elude recreation even by our modern-day technology."
"Most of the ruins that we can see today date from the 13th century, a period when Barnard Castle was growing in significance and so began to grow in size too."
"It's been a ruin for centuries; it's a fantastic place."
"'Did you know I have ruins up at Barony Alaw dating back to the Old Ones?'"
"Glastonbury is almost more beautiful in its ruined state because it's so poignant."
"The sun blazed relentlessly overhead as I scavenged through the remnants of a once thriving city."
"The scene is a landscape of a ruined city, the fogs are forming all of the worn-out buildings that make them hard to see."
"The site today has many remains still intact."
"The shadows of the ruins loom above, filling you with determination."
"What's left is a plane of ancient ruins and only your imagination can fill the gaps now."
"Around the surrounding forest, there are various ancient decaying ruins and runestones."
"Ruins are hope because hope is something what you don't expect."
"It's crazy that we're walking through the remains of what once used to be Roman structures."
"We've got to Greenhalgh Castle, it was built in 1460, and this is what's left of it."
"There are the ruins of human-made pyramids and possibly even more structures."
"The ruins of Christian churches, temples used by Zoroastrians, and crumpled structures archaeologists can't even identify litter the hilltop city."
"It felt like walking around the ruins of a once great but long forgotten civilization."
"The ruins here are not only one of the oldest archaeological sites not on any Heritage list but also one of the most mysterious."
"The ruins of Nan Madol are composed of at least 750,000 tons of black rock."
"Pretty cool to find ruins like this out here."
"It started with the echoes, eerie wordless whispers that seemed to come from the ruins themselves."
"A romantic meditation on classical ruins."
"The ruins are such a magical mix of nature and people."
"Frozen in place, I watched as it began to explore the ruins, circling the structure in a deliberate pattern."
"This ruin here is five meters wide, and a gorgeous view looking over there."
"All that's left in the desert is two trunkless legs of stone and a shattered visage."
"There is a poetic nature to this grand ruin: first with humanity conquering nature to swiftly create, and then nature once again conquering humanity to gradually dismantle."
"These ruins of a massive alien structure resemble the one on the island."
"It's really cool to see ruins, but you got the ruins and you just got the amazing view."
"It's like ancient ruins of industry."
"A civilization lost to history, their works brought to ruin and their name eroded by time."
"We're living in the ruins of an older, more advanced civilization."
"Its busted columns and crumbling ruins poking out of the sand like the bones of some dead colossus."
"The ruins of this abandoned place is home to broken temples dedicated to gods like Poseidon and Apollo."
"Usually when there's old ruins somewhere, there's a path that leads to them."
"A beautiful ruin alluring those who dared to tread upon its grounds."
"We just smash outputs on top of each other, but because our game is about ruins that have been smashed out on top of each other, that's great."
"The ruins of Thundertree section, I'm a huge fan of."
"The humans look out in astonishment as they fly over ruined skyscrapers."
"Imagine someone from another world walking through dense forest to this clearing, to these ruins."
"I alone was left, dreaming of old times among the ruined temples."
"If you ever go there today, the place to go is a place called Humpty; it's an extraordinary landscape because you see these large ruins, possibly the largest metropolis in ruins in the world today."
"This was an amazing sight to explore, from those old stone ruins to all that creepy mining stuff up on the hill."
"The ruins of the Stone City are extremely strange, with walls towering over 11 feet tall."
"You can see a lot of the fallen stone down here, the block work that's come off the bridge."
"This is America's version of ancient ruins."
"Hidden not far from the Old Glen lies the ruins of Milner Field Mansions, and it's said to be cursed."
"Hello and welcome. The ruins behind me were once a private chapel, but the ghosts that roam here are anything but private."
"What you're looking at is the largest cluster of stone ruins found anywhere in the world today."
"The kingdom fell into ruins, leaving behind a sorrowful tale."
"The ruins of Ayutthaya indicate the impressive dimensions of the former capital of ancient Thailand."
"Falling deep into a mysterious cavern, a seemingly long abandoned ruins is found."
"It's just fascinating because sometimes when you see ruins, it's just like, 'Oh, this is three of the four walls and just imagine a city being here'."
"God looks at my ruins with a heart of compassion and love."