
Microorganisms Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"You have 10 times more microorganisms in your body than you have actual cells that make up your body."
"When I looked into a microscope for the first time, I saw an amoeba moving around and a Paramecium darting about. In my little child mind, I thought, 'Oh my gosh, they're not like pinballs bouncing around; they have intentions. They're like little people.'"
"Frost flowers aren't just made of water; they have a variety of microorganisms within, making them a small temporary ecosystem."
"Antibiotics are extreme derived from microorganisms and the growth of or the death of bacteria is controlled by them."
"In a small Spanish Town, it has rained blood. Yes, standing in the street when it rained blood would have been absolutely terrifying while it was happening but luckily it was just some microorganism kind of stuff."
"There's bugs living in your eye and your eyelashes right now."
"Scientists have found that microorganisms like bacteria fungi and actinomycetes can help get rid of waste plastic on Earth."
"Some Russian scientists have been working with a microscopic organism that seems to have been brought back to life after a deep freeze for over 24,000 years."
"These incredibly small plants not only grow but perform the astonishing feat of photosynthesis, transforming light and nutrients into intricate organic chemicals."
"Human beings are actually holobionts; we're made out of trillions of living organisms inside of us."
"It's a crucial stage in composting where microorganisms, particularly heat-loving bacteria, dominate the decomposition process."
"To be bioactive, you need two micros: you need your microflora and your microfauna."
"The secret is microbes. Microbes take large molecules and turn them into small molecules."
"Antibodies protect you...kill...give those microbes hell."
"In any ecosystem, the organisms that have all the tough jobs are microorganisms."
"Cover cropping is going to help benefit microbes by giving it more carbon, more root fibers entering the soil, which is going to result in eventually more oxygen."
"Once these microorganisms are finished with their job, then I set my compost aside to cure."
"Many of these microorganisms will decompose the chemical or synthetic materials that we have put into the soil."
"Recipes are often written okay do a final proof for x amount of hours and that's fine I suppose but it doesn't really factor the fact that we're dealing with living microorganisms in this process."
"Our agriculture and our management strategies must necessitate an environment that fosters soil microorganism growth."
"Microorganisms in soil are much the same as the wolf, they fill an ecological role."
"Humans, animals, and insects, right the way down to germs that were so small they couldn’t be seen unless under a microscope."
"Biochar is like a condominium for microorganisms."
"We can't forget about the fact that all of those organisms that are in our digestive system come from the surfaces of the plants that you eat."
"Microbes need it moist, they need it warm."
"10 million virus particles per milliliter in sea water."
"These two microbes have been on the earth for 1.5 billion years. These are survivors and these are difficult to kill."
"These microorganisms have the ability to bioluminesce or generate light, especially when disturbed by external factors."
"The purpose of disinfection is to inactivate microorganisms in water, especially pathogenic, disease-causing organisms."
"Soil is alive if you allow the microorganisms to live."
"Antibiotics are chemicals produced by bacteria and fungi that help inhibit or kill other microbes."
"Rabbit manure improves the life cycle of microorganisms into your soil which is extremely beneficial."
"Praise the Lord all you atoms and molecules, protons and electrons, protozoa and radiolera."
"That Harmony in the soil comes from all the microorganisms contributing their unique functions and roles."
"Microorganisms form the basis of every food chain on earth."
"The Earth's toughest living thing is so small you can't see it: water bears."
"Sterility is the total absence of any microorganisms or their remnants."
"You don't want to disturb the microbes and the beneficial living biology beneath the surface."
"The smallest teeny tiniest living things in the world standing up to the authority of a world Noble."
"There's more living organisms in that teaspoon than there are people on the planet."
"Utilizing microorganisms in the garden."
"Micro Plus is a consortium of microorganisms, fungus, yeast, and bacteria used for bioremediation and nutrient cycling."
"The activated sludge process is a biological process that uses microorganisms to speed up the decomposition of wastes."
"There's five different kinds of soil; if you were to pick up a handful of soil, there would be more microorganisms in that handful than there are people on the planet."
"These microorganisms were also independent life forms."
"It was all due to these microorganisms' presence and the potential harm they could cause."
"Microorganisms are responsible for causing the spoilage of food."
"One of the great things that microorganisms do is change the environment around them."
"Microorganisms and viruses might be the most powerful forces on Earth."
"These little guys are actually eating and digesting and breaking down all of that pollution."
"These microorganisms are not just sitting idly in ourselves or in plants but they are affecting our biology in ways that we are just beginning to fully appreciate."
"This is the name given to millions of minuscule photosynthetic organisms that spend their whole lives floating in the atmosphere of Darwin 4."
"A pathogen is any microbe that has the ability to cause disease."
"Cytotoxic T cells help to kill foreign microorganisms directly."
"Some microorganisms perform important functions in your body."
"The cell is the smallest unit of biological life."
"Antibiotics are produced by natural metabolic processes of some other microorganism because they don't want to compete."
"We're gonna see what sort of plankton, algae, little single-cell organisms there are, and what it is that our little teeny young fish are eating."
"It's not the actual microorganism that's making you sick, but it's the toxin that's making you sick."
"The soil harbors tiny creatures existing in their own little universe."
"...life is teeming inside of us with 200 bacterium in every single cell of your body, 2000 in every single neuron of your brain."
"In a single drop of lake water, there are millions of viruses, bacteria, and amoebas."
"You can have self-sacrifice and altruism literally in a microorganism."
"It's a microbe organism which basically is one of the toughest entities on this planet."
"Biodegradable substances can be broken down and eaten up by microorganisms like bacteria."
"Molasses generally acts as one of the better food sources for microorganisms."
"The plant is working in concert with the microorganisms and the organic materials that are around it."
"80 percent of the world's iron supply comes from old microorganisms that used to use iron atoms as a molecular switch for their ATP/ADP mitochondrial reactions."
"The soil needs those bacteria and microorganisms that will bring life to the soil."
"80% of the efficacy of this system is the indigenous microorganisms that you're collecting and adding to your soil."
"A successful biological conversion of biomass to hydrogen depends strongly on the processing of raw materials to produce feedstock which can be fermented by the microorganisms."
"These cells are dead and form an impenetrable barrier for microorganisms like bacteria."