
Zoology Quotes

There are 192 quotes

"What I wanted to be was a zoologist discovering new species of butterflies and insects in the Amazon jungle."
"If you didn't do medicine, what do you think you'd be doing right now? Well, I'd like to think I was doing something on that zoological front."
"Identifying animals with the basis in folklore or fossil evidence is absolutely science."
"Teaches world geography, zoology, all that good stuff, fauna as Tom said. That's your number one."
"The species is found in both male and female and all reported to have piercing orange or red eyes."
"The platypus is among nature's most strange creatures... one of only two mammals that lay eggs."
"The world's first fluorescent frog discovered in Argentina."
"All crocodilians have long elongated bodies with powerful tails, short limbs, and armor-like scales known as scutes."
"I am a firm believer in setting up my animals as naturally as possible."
"The sandhill crane is considered one of the most incredible living fossils in the world."
"Living fossils are rare creatures that so closely resemble organisms thought to be extinct that you'd think said extinct creature made an unexpected return to the world."
"The creature in question is an actual parasitic species called a sea lamprey."
"The bonobo is a member of the great ape family, cousin of the chimpanzee."
"I was so obsessed with animals and in particular reptiles."
"Pinocchio lizards, also known as the horned and ol, are lizards with short limbs and a long pinocchio-like proboscis."
"The turtle shell is made of about 60 small bones."
"What sort of elephant was it it's called a straight tusked elephant it didn't have the curly Chester the mammoths have a very long straight tusks a very big elephant 1012 feet at the shoulder so that's at least as big or bigger than an African elephant today."
"Animals were named after the color of their plastron being black and the cryptic leaf-like shape of their shell."
"Tigers are the largest natural big cat."
"I learned something really interesting about frogs' tongues."
"Hi Zena, can you guess why they call them two-toed sloths?"
"What is a marsupial? A marsupial is a mammal that has a pouch."
"Those are river dolphins, they're very closely related, and you can kind of see that with the elongated snout and the lower eye down here."
"This tiny bird is actually part of the rat type family, and this cookout includes ostriches, emus, cassowaries, and the rhea."
"This is actually the world's largest scorpion species."
"Listeners, you can tell us: are pandas actually bears or are they not bears?"
"I like zoos. I think that zoos get a bad rep."
"These are green keel-bellied lizards and they're from Tanzania."
"This species is roughly the same size as the black wildebeest."
"Some zoologists now actually theorize that the monster's home, Loch Ness, may be connected by underwater channels to the sea."
"There's a kind of engagement that these animals display when you interact with them."
"...brown hyenas aren't unknown at all but out of the four species of them the brown hyena is by far the rarest..."
"A species of carnivorous marsupial native to a certain part of Australia is known by the satanic sounding name Tasmanian what devil?"
"An ape isn't a monkey, oh, it's an orangutan."
"Grouping animals according to their size, fitness, and sex is important."
"Studying Cryptids and zoology... I absolutely love."
"Did you know that a group of kangaroos is called a mob?"
"Fat-tailed geckos are in the yubel ferris family of geckos and they are more commonly known as eyelid geckos because they are the only geckos in the world that retain movable eyelids."
"I found Komodo dragons to be a perfect species to study due to their size and vulnerability to injury; they're a fascinating example of evolution's delicate balance."
"A really interesting fact about red-eyed crocodile skinks is that they're one of the only reptiles that have vocal cords."
"This is a more ancient kind of Genera of Turtle."
"Good boy snails and slugs are gastropods from the Greek word gastro, meaning stomach and pod meaning foot."
"Nocturnal houses are famous for having some of the coolest creepiest in a good way and the rarest animals in the world."
"The Memphis zoo's animals of the night has been around since 1995 and it's still one of the few nocturnal houses in America."
"I mean, right here we got one of the rarest catfish in the world, the lens catfish."
"A group of giraffes is called a tower."
"Love all the statues they got all around the zoo."
"Zoos are the invisible Ark of our future."
"Animals in Zoological institutions generally speaking live much longer lives than they would in the wild."
"It would easily be considered one of the most innovative and educational zoological attractions ever built."
"I've seen these in so many zoos but I never tire of them, they're just so cute and characterful."
"If this thing existed, it would be the zoological discovery of the century."
"I just completed my three-year degree in zoology."
"Zoological gardens would be excellent for the education in natural history for the people of the area."
"Zoo Knoxville has a long track record as a leader in amphibian and reptile conservation."
"We wouldn't have some of the blood pressure medicines that we have without snakes."
"I wanted to be a zoologist, right, but then I wanted to be as well just like Steve Irwin."
"Disney's Animal Kingdom is a zoological theme park that happens to be the largest in the world."
"There's new species waiting to be discovered, and there's good evidence for it even more so than Bigfoot."
"A group of zebras is called a dazzle."
"Great apes are some big lads, at least compared to the other primates."
"All apes have an incredibly reduced vestigial tail bone; this is easily the most simple way to tell apes and monkeys apart."
"Apes have broader but flatter rib cages and a shorter spine, making their torso wider but also not as long as monkeys."
"The apes' longer arms compared to their shorter legs give it a hunched over gait."
"Apes also generally live twice as long as monkeys."
"Please support your local zoos, guys. Every single one of them needs every voluntary helper they can get."
"What is the common name of Nasalis larvatus, a Borneo monkey that has the largest nose by far of any primate?"
"We knew immediately that the bat we had captured was unusual and remarkable."
"That made Yaki the first known female troop leader in the history of the Takaseyama Natural Zoological Garden."
"The African hippo is actually the closest living relative of whales and dolphins."
"It's true, Ken was the first person in the world to breed the congales Frog himan ayis curtipes in captivity."
"I believe that animals do have emotions, yes."
"His current research focuses on an enigmatic area of the animal tree of life: the early evolution of a group of animals known as the hemichordates."
"A polar bear's white fur is actually translucent."
"The Somali sengi is a little-known species of elephant shrew, more genetically similar to elephants."
"The African elephant is actually two different species."
"Cryptozoologists investigate undiscovered animals that have eluded the science of traditional zoology."
"The Formosan clouded leopard was a subspecies of clouded leopard that was first described by science in 1862."
"A good example of osteoderms today are the scoots on crocodiles and alligators."
"Hello L46, the zebra pleco, probably one of the most recognizable catfish in the world."
"Snakes are limbless predatory lizards on Earth; they are a highly successful clade with as many as 4,000 species throughout all continents but Antarctica."
"A group of zebra is called a dazzle, a group of pandas is called an embarrassment."
"Does anybody know what a group of rhinos is called? A crash."
"Turtles have webbed feet, tortoises have claws for digging and climbing."
"These animals are incredible; they're very small but they have bones that resemble wings."
"These are American crocodiles and these range from South Florida to here in Costa Rica, all through the Caribbean."
"If you don't have an elephant, you can't call yourself a zoo."
"Komodo dragons are the largest extant lizard species."
"The Arctic sge sliders are massive organisms, bipeds standing 10 m or 33 ft tall and adapted to life in the cold polar environments of their home world."
"We're not the Kondra Cranium crew, we're the Skeleton Crew, and we can talk about animals with bones."
"Let's go hard after the animal theme, so all of you aspiring zoologists out there can get more involved."
"Not only do they carry the wills of living animals within them but some, like the Hito Hito no Mi, Model: Nika even carry the will of a god within…"
"Captive breeding involves reproducing animals in zoos and aquariums with the aim to increase the number of endangered species."
"The large mountain gorillas of the African Highlands were not discovered by Europeans until 1918."
"In San Diego, we have a very unique climate situation... with this great number of visitors, we are able to have a very fine collection, in fact, the largest collection of animals in the world in both numbers and in species."
"Every toad is technically a frog, but not every frog is technically a toad."
"...the zoology of archipelagos will be well worth examining for such facts undermine the stability of species."
"Search Alaska for killer monkeys might seem a bit far-fetched, but new monkey species are being discovered all the time and all around the world."
"What's the only mammal that can truly fly?"
"This is Nigel Marven, he's a zoologist and an expert in tackling dangerous animals."
"Her ultimate goal was to work in a zoo one day."
"The possibility that it was Maui who brought the kiore to New Zealand from eastern Indonesia is strengthened by the fact that some of the earliest kiore bones come from places that Maui visited."
"These colossal canines might constitute another species of animal entirely."
"He is credited with the discovery of two different cryptids or hidden animals yet unknown to the civilized world."
"Bison have large humps at their shoulders and bigger heads than buffalo."
"Koala bear is misnamed; it's not a bear, it is a marsupial."
"Animals are split between odd-toed individuals including tapirs and rhinos, and even-toed individuals which include bovids, giraffes, regular deer, mouse deer, and rather bizarrely, whales."
"The okapi is sometimes included among the small class of creatures that are called living fossils."
"This is actually a cape file snake from South Africa, and I think they are some of the coolest snakes that I'm working with."
"Birds and Crocs are each other's closest living kin."
"We are living in the era of the largest animal ever."
"As the researchers noted, the quadrupeds typically live in trees and employ all four limbs in climbing."
"What color is a giraffe's tongue? Purple."
"Their scientific name, Ophiophagus hannah, partially translates to 'snake eater'."
"A rock hyrax is the closest relative of elephants that we have."
"A baby porcupine is called a porcupette."
"The great thing about zoos is that all of an animal's basic needs are taken care of: food, safety, shelter."
"She was an exceptional student who gained a first-class honors degree in Zoology."
"I have a doctorate of Science in Zoology and specialize in herpetology."
"The rhinoceros horn isn't really a horn at all; it's made of hair."
"Sloths are the only mammal whose hair grows in the opposite direction from the hair of other mammals."
"This is one of the more popular zoos in the country, and one we've never been to, so I'm really excited."
"Cryptozoology is the hunt and study of hidden creatures."
"Modern kangaroos originated in Australia; there has never been any evidence of a kangaroo existing outside of Australia without humans having brought them there."
"Spiders are different from insects in that they have two body parts... and spiders have eight legs and they're predatory."
"Centipedes can be distinguished by having one pair of legs per segment... and they have venom so a centipede will bite, it doesn't sting."
"Millipedes can be distinguished by having two pairs of legs per segment... they're also very slow compared to centipedes and they will roll up defensively."
"A collective noun for all zebras together is called a dazzle of zebras."
"I'm graduating. I'm getting my degree, my official award, so I officially have a degree in Zoology, which is just... oh, it's such a dream come true."
"Is a baby goat known as a lamb or a kid? A kid."
"Of course, now we know that snakes are a group of highly specialized lizards without legs, and that spiders are a group of highly specialized arachnids without tails."
"She's the first artificially inseminated rhino baby ever."
"Possum and opossum are two different animals."
"The closest living relative to whales is the hippopotamus."
"These blind snakes are the smallest known species in the world and they can either lay eggs or bear live young of up to eight offspring at a time, which are all female and all genetically identical."
"I always loved animals and wanted to be a zoologist."
"Turtles are fully aquatic, tortoises are fully terrestrial, and Terrapins are semi-aquatic, somewhere in between."
"I am a doctor of zoology and biodiversity with strong interests in the marine life of this planet."
"Alligators and caiman have tongues, crocodiles do not; interesting little fact."
"The word zooplankton is derived from the Greek word 'zune' meaning animal and 'planktoes' meaning to wander or drift."
"Now the softshell turtles, their Latin name is Apollone ferox, which means soft but ferocious."
"The clade of modern snakes is in the taxonomic suborder Serpentes that covers all the snakes there are."
"We are animals, we're mammals, and we belong to the same mammal grouping as these zebras."
"All gazelles are antelopes, but not all antelopes are gazelles."
"The first carnivore species to be discovered in the American continents in 35 years."
"Elephants cannot be different colors, they are all grey, but sometimes you get a very very rare condition called albinism."
"Chimpanzees belong to the Hominidae family together with gorillas, orangutans, and indeed humans."
"I studied science and I studied zoology and I thought this was the greatest thing since sliced bread."
"So here, in essence, we have the world's first zoo."
"We have different types of animals."
"Why do they have stripes? Well, this is a great question and a rather complicated one."
"Probosidians are an order of Afrotherian mammals consisting of only one surviving family: the elephants."
"The last captive passenger pigeon, a female named Martha, died in the Cincinnati Zoo."
"Zoo keepers are a special group of people. They are so dedicated to working with animals."
"Elephants are the most wonderful animals; they have lots of ways of communicating that we're not even really sure about."
"Many experts will tell you there are about 8,000 basic kinds of animals in the world."
"This will be so far up beyond what anyone else is doing privately for these animals, and in most cases for zoos as well."
"Keeping the animals mentally and physically stimulated is another high priority of zoos to ensure their residents are happy and healthy."
"Zoos continue to play a very important role in the survival of many different species."
"A gorilla is an ape. It's a great ape, isn't it?"