
Witness Quotes

There are 992 quotes

"The homosexual is called to be a special, extraordinary witness to the triumph of love over feeling."
"This type of Christianity the Bible speaks about will change your whole life and our witness as Christians will be completely different."
"I have witnessed nothing short of complete transformations."
"We did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty."
"The witness of your life can have a huge impact."
"You're their star witness, and you don't even know the person you're testifying about."
"Persecution real persecution comes the lord's going to give you the ability to stand up and speak the right thing and say the right thing and know what to share to be his witness."
"They were part of the murder, they were right there contributing."
"They all said they saw the same thing corroborating the exact same details."
"Every single witness that we spoke to said they'd rather it hadn't happened because it just they wanted their life back when they realized it wasn't going to happen."
"I want to be known as a witness of this book."
"Investigators immediately followed up on the witness's tip."
"There are just no words... to see this unfold, to be a part of it is terrifying."
"You're here, you're a preacher, it's time to be a witness with more than just being a good preacher."
"Dozens of witnesses can confirm this living nightmare that the Gutierrez family was living in."
"God, I need to hear you clear. I need you to make me the best witness that I could be. Please God, make me a better witness so that people don't have to perish. They can know you now. God, please help me, help me step out in boldness."
"I saw this man kill somebody. It's just you and me here. What you're gonna do?"
"Our resolve is there. We will not surrender regardless of all the brutality that we witness in every village and city." - Ukrainian Ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markharova
"We have the opportunity to choose joy, to bear witness to joy."
"The last person they should have put on the stand."
"If people cannot see Jesus in you, what good is our theology?"
"You are looking at the real Witnesses, that's right, go ahead, because the Holy Ghost, go ahead, it makes us the witness, that's right, go ahead."
"We need to be the sort of people who can bear witness to the grace of Jesus Christ."
"May your Holy Spirit fill us afresh and empower us to be witnesses of your love and grace."
"This pilot who flew Barack Obama says UFOs are real and he's seen one firsthand."
"Witnesses from each different murder scene had all reported seeing an American soldier either in the company of the woman or in the scene of the murder."
"I saw the whole thing and this is wrong and I want to speak up against it. That's beautiful."
"Anytime we harass these people, it prevents others from coming forward. You have to stop the nonsense, let the people come forward, say what they think or saw or heard, and leave it be at that."
"I pulled my camera out. They killed this man. And I was right there."
"I'm sorry that you guys had to witness that."
"This experience happened and we were both completely sober."
"We are the light of the world, let your light so shine before men."
"I wish they would come forward and explain themselves and if you're not a suspect at least come forward and say what you've seen."
"Let Yahweh be true and faithful witness between us."
"I saw the bodies... it was in a desert area, and I'm almost positive it was in 1953." - Pilot witness
"His silence speaks volumes because Tommy Davis has witnessed crimes..."
"Consider yourself lucky to be alive today because you are a witness in history in the making."
"I saw his body, so like, I can be a witness that it happened."
"I hope we lived through this because people need to know what went on here."
"That's because we watched it happen right in front of our faces."
"We are all witnesses to this injustice! (crowd: yeah!) and we will not stop until the world sees it too!"
"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, attack [__]."
"Jeremiah was the only witness to his mother's brutal murder."
"The best apologetic we have is the visible apologetic of changed lives."
"You'd gasp at the horror you saw and the pain that this child went through."
"They would stand in just a short while from now knowing that they are witnessing infinitely more than they could ask or think."
"We must never again bear witness to the slaughter of innocent people."
"You want God to bear witness of what you're doing? Be led by scripture."
"Witnessing history, witnessing determination."
"Father Golaski concludes: 'I must bear witness to [the treasure of the holy rights of the church].'"
"Charles Brockles became a cooperating government witness."
"It doesn't help to lessen just how chilling it is to witness a crime taking place with our own eyes."
"I can't think of any witness over the last 50, 55 years in this subject that has had repercussions like that."
"You don't have to convince other Christians that it's there. You can just let the people that persecute you pick it."
"Let your light shine in such a way that it ministers your good works and glorifies your Father who's in heaven."
"May we continue to be bearers of the truth and witnesses to the love of Jesus Christ."
"Witness to death... people are fleeing from conflict... it's a humanitarian catastrophe."
"If after all of that God manifests in his glory shows signs and wonders does incredible things for the world to witness."
"This man started beating that boy. I stood by as a witness in horror."
"I'm thankful for you all having me here to witness this as well as the rest of the world out here who are seeing a great thing."
"The grand old city of Berlin has been witness to many moments that have been history-making events."
"God has raised this Jesus to life, and we are all witnesses of it."
"Greatness, you got a chance to witness greatness at its highest order."
"She's one of the last people to see Walt Disney alive and at work, which is really crazy to think about."
"To see it actually happen was one of the most amazing things to witness in MMA."
"That might be the most selfless thing I've ever witnessed in my life."
"Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
"Scoring record belongs to LeBron, and he was here to witness it."
"You shall be witnesses to me in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
"I will be a swift witness against sorcerers, adulterers, and against those who exploit wage earners."
"Never saw a dead witness that could identify you."
"Albert responded that he would be Avery's witness in court, confident in his influence to at least secure her release."
"You are witnesses of these things."
"Unity leads to effective witness."
"As we navigate through this story, bear witness to the relentless battles fought."
"A holy witness is someone that has the capacity to hold the story."
"This is my witness, for I have seen Him."
"May we live this day on fire for Jesus... until the world is illuminated by our witness."
"A nurse who witnessed the attack has not stopped vomiting."
"As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have the blessing and privilege to stand as Witnesses of the Lord and His name everywhere we are."
"We need to let our light shine. Christians need to shine brighter."
"I bear my witness of the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ and of His atoning sacrifice and mission."
"None of them feel manipulated, coerced, or guilted into doing the same thing you're doing, but they all feel emboldened to be more faithful to Christ and to be more faithful as a witness to Christ."
"Nature is a key witness, victim, and weapon of modern military conflicts."
"One of the most credible witnesses in the history of somebody who's witnessed a UFO, literally an identified flying object."
"I refuse to believe that people don't want peace... I've seen Shinobi fight and die begging for it."
"We are all witness to history being made at this very moment and it's freaking cool."
"The last one, what I recall hearing is, as I'm getting Johnny out, is, 'Yeah, just off you guys. You're covered, like you always do.'"
"So what do we do? Is the question. I have no idea. No, um, don't what we need to do, uh, is it's in the going towards each of us. We might not be poets like Natasha Trethewey, but each of us can bear witness."
"I have just witnessed history and I have been a part of history."
"Well now isn't this real nice we've got all three Witnesses together."
"Residents could do nothing but witness the terror as an almost catastrophic landslide threatened to engulf their entire town."
"I just witnessed the money seemingly materialized out of thin air none of it was missing and it was the original amount that I had given Emma 787."
"Trauma is not what happened to you, it's what happened to you in the absence of an empathetic fully present witness."
"Pain is not different from any other object, you are the witness of the pain."
"There's this higher level witness that is you, watching this entire event unfolding."
"You are the experience of the witness of the unhappiness in the mind. You are not unhappy."
"This situation is not only tragic because she was so young, but because her son witnessed it."
"if not you, who? You were there, you know the truth. I pray you will someday find wisdom and strength to speak the truth."
"This is the most noble and holy thing I could ever hope to witness in people."
"Witnessing the scene, Sur tried to help Sonan Wu, but during the commotion, he was abducted."
"Desire for food, desire for friendship, desire to hang out, desire to have sexual gratification, desire for smelling spring, desire for hot baths, desire for great luxurious softness, desire for pure food, for the light, desire, desire, desire. All we can do is witness."
"Preach Christ, live Christ, proclaim Christ, be a faithful witness."
"I saw him, he was glowing." - Caleb said in a panicky voice.
"Marriage is a witness to others, even unbelievers."
"None of it matters now, though. Now that they’ve killed someone and let the only witness go, they need to get down off this mountain as if their lives depend on it…because they definitely do."
"Everybody knows who it was that was there that night, who it was that pulled the trigger."
"God wants us to be public witnesses to the invisible God. Amen somebody."
"...witnessing the birth of a superstar."
"Witness such a harrowing sight and know how hopeless resistance truly is."
"It was terrible. I saw him fall like stone, cleared down into the ravine."
"God gives us the spirit to witness."
"But I don't want you to leave until you have power, not to do, but to be, my witnesses. Don't leave Jerusalem until you have dynamite power to be my witness."
"Jesus promised to be witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria."
"...christianity is also committed to the public good... we want to see peace we want to see people being good employees... that too can be can be a witness to the the truth of christianity."
"How lucky we are to be witnesses to this extraordinary basketball story."
"Effie Colbourne had the longest sighting of the creature yet."
"Thank you. I can't thank you enough for letting me witness these up close."
"The noticer who cannot be depressed, the noticer just is, the compassionate witness."
"He God allowed all the nations to walk in their own way. Yet he did not leave himself without witness."
"You will receive power. You're gonna be my witnesses. Witnesses of my kingdom. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached as a witness to every nation throughout all the world, and then the end will come."
"But what's the purpose? Is for you to have power, to be a witness."
"I've witnessed many public executions here," Aziz said. "Some were hanged, some were thrown off the towers like garbage and died on the concrete floor, and not always immediately."
"Christian marriage is an apologetic vehicle that is a visible window into the character and Life of Christ his work and his salvation and something which could astonish the world if we did it right."
"The most vividly eloquent witness to this immense catastrophe was the writer essence key."
"And so I just, yeah, I feel really grateful that I got to bear witness to that and that I feel safe enough that you could feel everything that you were feeling around me, that's like, that's the best gift to me as a woman."
"...living boldly the truth the Lord has given us and that witness alone will be enough to make us a challenge to others but it'll also be enough to call others out of Darkness out of suffering to a new way."
"The witness of the women - the witness of the women."
"Being a witness could place a person or his loved ones in jeopardy, to be a witness therefore required a person to have the highest level of integrity, commitment, and a willingness to sacrifice himself or his status to uphold the truth."
"The Holy Spirit glorifies him in us by making us witnesses to Christ, declaring him in our mind, in our actions."
"The crumpled tree, the shattered glass, still scattered on the ground, all silent witnesses of that horrifying night."
"Our guardian angel is our witness for good or for bad. He's seen everything."
"an unbelievable accomplishment but believe it it's true and you were here to witness it all"
"That was history and we got to be here for it."
"A woman has been attacked, I saw everything. We need to tell the police."
"I waited outside the hospital tent while he was being treated... he had one of the worst cases of shell shock the doctor had ever encountered."
"I can say without a word of a lie that across all the war I never saw a soldier fight with such ferocity as I saw in him that day."
"Yeah, I witnessed the whole thing. He snatched that child and tried to run away with him."
"One of the most powerful things you have is your witness, and if the devil can take that from you, he neutralizes your credibility."
"We saw his Majestic Splendor with our own eyes."
"Nobody knew it at the time, but Leo the loyal canine had not only been the sole witness to the killing but would largely be responsible for solving the case entirely."
"Would you ever allow yourself to be in a situation where your ex and his new girlfriend were sleeping in the same house with you, in the same bed with you?" "Well, they wouldn't be sleeping, and I would be on this witness stand for another reason."
"As we leave from this place, I challenge you, I urge you, I beseech you, be an incessant witness for the glory of God."
"The most powerful witness is when you have the capacity to sow into people with the love of God."
"You shall be my Witnesses telling people about me everywhere Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. Do you know how close they were to each other?"
"Thousands of people witnessed the lynching of two young men."
"'If this message was being read, it would mean that the war had begun and Crane's role as a witness would officially commence,' Washington's directive to Crane."
"The people who are rescued by the cross and the love which it reveals will be shaped by the cross and the love which it will reveal through them to the world."
"Snitching may be what led to the death of Maya Kelly. No wonder why certain witnesses are reluctant to cooperate or testify in cases like this."
"I'm just gonna tell you guys what I saw what I witness on this crazy ass day."
"I would say that I had a red SUV five feet from my hood and then I saw a red SUV drive through the parade and wanted to notify the police that I had seen that."
"Richard began to levitate, a sight that Rita witnessed."
"Alice Miller... talked a lot about the therapist serving as an enlightened witness to the individual's problems."
"There's nothing at all to suggest that the deaths of O'Connor and Keogh had anything to do with what they had witnessed, but as a postscript to his story, the surviving Mike Doyle said:"
"Beauty needs a witness, in the energy of a man being fully authentic and presenting himself to the world, in his authenticity, beauty arises."
"She's the only witness we've got."
"And we are all witnesses walking together."
"The witness tomorrow will be the caretaker from the boat rental shop."
"Only the most slender thread of energy connected him to his body, overwhelmed by a formless slime and writhing maggots. He was a silent, inconsequential witness to his own actions."
"He's putting you through what you're going through so that when other people see, they might see the power of God."
"John's interest is evidence. John's interest is testimony. John's interest is witness to the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"Eggs represent resurrection, and she's the witness to the resurrection."
"Witness that doesn't spare you from any of this, all it does is give you the context that you're suffering now for the right reasons."
"Reconciliation within the church is how the world will know that Jesus is."
"Be the person you're supposed to be for the witness you're supposed to be so light can shine in dark places."
"We are three Witnesses of these things."
"Albert, you've got to be a witness."
"Well, when the bomb went off, and I turned to look at Addie tying Denise's sash, and all of a sudden, all the debris just came rushing in."
"You're going to be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the Earth."
"Every time you hear the gospel... you're being placed as a witness of his love for you you won't be able to deny it."
"So many believed because of her personal witness. Many more believed because of His powerful word."
"Angels are not only worshipers and warriors, they are witnesses."
"I add my witness as an apostle of the Lord that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God."
"So was Paul an apostle? Yes, he had to have been a witness of the baptism of John, the death burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ."
"They can provide witness for your good character - or more specifically they provide a witness for if a number is prime or not. And there's nothing we enjoy more in mathematics than working out if a number is prime or not."
"But if a single witness says not prime, not prime. That's it, the number is kicked out of the court or whatever this the prime test place, they are turfed out they are not a prime number the moment of witness says no."
"There were shootings and hangings and there was no crematorium there only a hill where they used to burn the people and all the ashes used to fly over us every day."
"God chose the Jewish people... for the purpose of allowing the Jews to be a witness to the rest of the world."
"These two witnesses are going to have a dual purpose one is is to be a witness for Christ but the other is to be a witness against this evil Wicked generation"
"It stands as a silent witness to one of the greatest civilizations to have ever existed on planet earth."
"Many of these witnesses shared stories that were horrifying and sickening."
"If there is one God and if God wishes God's self to be known, I can't quite imagine God not having Witnesses outside the household of Christian faith."
"The camera is the witness that doesn't lie."
"I've never actually witnessed, oh [ __ ] that's crazy."
"We stand as witnesses of truth that people can indeed live righteous lives."
"This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. If you're here right now, you are witnessing an event that is unheard of, unfathomable."
"The main thing with 801 D-1 is just this idea: think about the policy behind hearsay and this trigger event when the declarant is the witness."
"The rest is a life of faithful witness."
"It's not about the things for the sake of things. It's about the things to make a witness to the world."
"Why? The apostles knew that a handful of men could not take the message of Christ to the whole world by themselves; they needed an army of witnesses to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom in every land."
"I've seen him do it. We've seen you do it."
"His power is just like beautiful to witness. He's more like a god just walking around."
"Basically all the family had was witnesses who were willing to come forward and possibly risk their life to talk about what they knew."
"Live unstressed lives as a witness to the rest of the world."
"Be my witnesses in the world. - Jesus"
"A lack of faith is a bad witness."
"It's an inspiring story where a small group of people entered into bearing witness to the nuclear tests not knowing what the outcome would be."
"God wants to restore you in front of people that don't believe you deserve restoration."
"Bear witness to what faith in something tangible can do."
"He swore that he saw the ship split until the day he died."