
Court Quotes

There are 299 quotes

"In Britain, you're not allowed to do this because they are afraid that it will bias the jurors if you actually film people outside."
"It's difficult to imagine a more shocking and fundamentally undemocratic act than to ask the court to overturn the expressed will of an entire state simply because the contestant's preferred candidate didn't win the election."
"That's very bad advice from her attorneys because they're telling her that she has to connect with the jury and look at them at any moment she can."
"She brings a lot of different things to the court."
"February 27th, 2014, the court declared Brian and his uncle guilty for the murder of Ruth Talia."
"You're here to expose that secret and prove paternity, is that correct? Yes, Your Honor. Mr. Leavon, are you denying this child because you're trying to keep your relationship with your girlfriend?"
"He didn't even make eye contact with the special prosecutor. Oh my God, who doesn't look at the prosecutor?"
"She is an awfully good witness. She appears to be telling the truth. She doesn't appear to be overplaying her hand in any way."
"Continued interruptions will result in you forfeiting your right to be present in this courtroom."
"Mr. Depp complied with the court's order to appear in person."
"Defendant has more than satisfied its burden of proof."
"I absolutely am, your honor. We won hands down, no further argument needed."
"You have to better judge: Is Courtney guilty? Is she innocent?"
"It just looks horrible right after she testifies she was such a lovable witness I just I don't love it."
"There's someone in court at the moment that's reporting on this stuff not whilst they're in court on the breaks but they also have a YouTube channel as well um rumple of the bailey or something like that check out that video it's very very good."
"He was described in court as the most arch evil person who ever existed."
"Safeguards personal liberties and property rights in court."
"Jurors are definitely not stupid... They're watching everything."
"The court's [bleep] pissed about all of this, the court is not amused."
"This is the one where you can plead the fifth and not incriminate yourself in court."
"This case highlights one of the most horrific stories to come before the courts of Hong Kong."
"It's not fair!" he all but wailed as he was carried out of court and into a cop car.
"Extremely emotional court hearing for four suspects accused of killing Kansas moms."
"A very emotional day in court and emotions are running high."
"All rise, this court is now in session."
"This court must balance that with preservation of dignity, order, and decorum, and the numerous procedural and evidentiary rules that control the presentation of evidence."
"It has been determined by this court, Mr. Brown, you are not the father."
"Court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lauren Lake presides."
"We wanted some justice. And we wanted that to come from a court."
"Good morning and may it please the court."
"She argued in court more that I had gifted her the property but in the end she hit loose."
"The court is not the place for pity, it is the place to hold the standard of righteous law high."
"So that anyone who comes to this court and quotes you as using that word in dealing with African-Americans would be a liar, would they not?"
"There's been this kind of that Court fetishism that has really been a millstone around the way liberals have thought about this stuff."
"To ignore what must have been excruciating sounds that came from that child is more than disconcerting to this court," Judge Dedra Richardson said.
"...here comes the Supreme Court I think to slap down the court of appeals."
"You must honor this court and they bothered Will trying to steal this stuff on his own."
"Piece together all this evidence gave us a prosecution case which we're happy to take to court."
"I'm fed up. Teresa is ungrateful, she's unsupportive, the negatives outweigh the pluses, and I've had it up to here, Your Honor."
"You are in another relationship. Yes, Your Honor."
"The court of appeals posthumously acquitted Fritz Moen."
"The court is only interested in whether the decision was lawful."
"I used what's called a Monte Carlo simulation. You simulate a lot of shots from all different locations in the court."
"You're gonna get released on your own recognizance which means you promise you're going to show up to court."
"If the defendant is domiciled in the forum state, then that court is going to have personal jurisdiction over the defendant."
"If you can't video conference, don't want a video conference, your phone doesn't work, you need to come to court."
"The state is asking the court not to change the bond at all. The state is asking for a total bond of $25,000."
"The moment Elizabeth saw Janet enter the court she began to scream in such a fearful manner."
"This area is not my particular area of expertise and I make this statement simply to help clarify the call logs for the benefit of the Court."
"...evidence of arrest charge and caution he was wearing a CO face mask and uh he stood there in the doctor members relatives of Ashling Murphy's family were standing at the back of the court and they were holding up photographs of of Ashling."
"You're right, that's why she's going to have to go to court."
"The prosecution's star witness, Gotti underboss Salvatore 'Sammy the Bull' Gravano, took the stand today."
"In the case of Jones v. Houston, when it comes to 6-month-old Sinclair Lyric, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Houston... You... are the father."
"In the case of Watson v. Mahoney, when it comes to four-year-old Kevin Watson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Watson, you are the father."
"Ramirez seemed to think Satan had hired him. Hired for what, you might wonder? More of his ranting in court might explain that."
"It's only in rare cases that such evidence would be admitted as similar fact evidence."
"I do have the results for you. In the case of Jackson v. Brennan... When it comes to five-year-old Makhiya Jackson, it has been determined by this court, Mr. Brennan, you... are the father."
"It is the truth that matters the most in a court situation."
"Give her back her tooth. It's really not funny, court is adjourned."
"First off, um, I want to say my heart goes out to my friend James Adam and his family. Um, also I want to apologize to my family and my friends for putting them through this stressful process. And I would also like to apologize to the court. And that's it."
"It's important that all cases that go to court have a realistic chance of a conviction so the threshold for evidence even for a charge to be bought is quite high."
"The first time I heard of squirrels is today in court, that's the first time, really."
"The public judgment has got to be a judgment on whether they believe what the court says, whether they believe what the court says is convincing in making that choice between principles."
"The job of a court of appeals judge, which I've been doing for 15 years, is about as isolated from the glare of publicity as you can get."
"...the federal courts ruled that these claims because they sounded like a regular claim for trespass that is based on state law..."
"Court date for the annulment was today, and the judge granted it."
"Experts in court are like guest lecturers, except the students are a judge and jury, and the final exam could involve handcuffs."
"I'm going to set the matters for August 15th at 9:00 a.m. for initial hearing before this court."
"Alas, the day finally came last week where the court appointed date of the dissolution of our marriage arrived."
"The literal rule ties the court very much to the wording of Parliament."
"I'll now call upon the agent of the Kingdom of Aglavail to address the court."
"Advocates should engage in dialogue with the court, not pyrotechnics."
"The resolution management conference is a non-evidentiary hearing in front of a judge to talk about the case."
"You do not have a right to interrupt the court."
"...the NCPA's cramped Public Interest Exception...are at odds with this court's precedence in First Amendment values."
"A Los Angeles court ordered him to turn over his Heisman trophy to the Goldman family."
"So you know when you get summoned for child support court now you're sitting on zone, bro the first time we sat on zoom I was on zone for three hours."
"Yeah, it's like... It's in, like, a month from... It's like the end, this... I think he has, like, a pre-trial hearing to decide if it goes to court."
"Which court deals with minor criminal cases in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland? Magistrates Court."
"There is no other court. And it is God who is justifying His people, and no accusation from Satan against them can stand."
"She denied murder and instead admitted manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility."
"Credibility is pretty much everything in most court cases because usually a judge has to decide who's telling the truth and who is lying, and that will ultimately determine who wins and who loses a court case."
"Don't threaten me with court, ma'am. Don't do that because I really don't care. Court does not scare me, okay? It really, really doesn't."
"The court agrees with the jury that in weighing the aggravating circumstances against the mitigating circumstances, scales of justice tilt unquestionably on the side."
"If I were called up in court and asked if evolution led me to atheism, I should have to say yes."
"Fundamental disregard for ensuring that she was fulfilling her duty to the court"
"wow so Will's defending himself in court defense against an agent of the government if that act is deemed a defense against tyranny a defense of Liberty."
"I was hoping that the evidence I gave in court assisted the jury in making their decision."
"A Reasonable Doubt is not a mere possible doubt could it be not good enough a speculative doubt speculation don't have that in the court don't have that in the J Liberation"
"The court is being pulled today whether it wants to be or not into the top political argument of our era."
"This is a consequential, pivotal role for the court, not seen since the Bush V. Gore decision in 2000."
"The court will impose fines as requested by the state in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars for all counts except the Grand Theft."
"The court salutes the courage of all the victims and their families and I hope they're able to thrive in the rest of their lives."
"You are one of the most disappointing men I've ever seen in this courtroom."
"Good morning and just before I bring the jury in I want to place on the record I did not receive any additional requests for jury instructions. So the instructions, uh, full set have been provided to you. Go ahead and bring in the jury. Please rise, jury."
"The court wouldn't believe that there would be prejudice either."
"Well, Your Honor, I really do hope, you know, this is not about me, this is not about Mr. Salinas, this is not about my mom, this isn't about anybody in this room except for my daughter Lily." - CANTU
"Now recommend to the court that the defendant Timothy R Jones Jr be sentenced to death."
"Unbelievable, this is the defendant Tony Wilson."
"These text messages can help you or they can kill you in court."
"The courts will decide where Neely is to play."
"...they cooked up this story and the Vasiliev notebooks have come back to us later. They were not available at the trial and had they been, they actually would have been inadmissible evidence."
"Judge Milan has ruled in favor of the defendant. The plaintiff's claim is denied."
"Racial classifications are wrong, and this court should overrule Grutter."
"Damages: money claimed or awarded by a court to compensate somebody for loss or injury."
"This is horrible evidence for the court hearing."
"this court might not come out too easily because it will potentially be it snapped okay"
"He applied for U.S. citizenship and a federal court in Washington state granted it."
"...one of his former friends would tell the court that Jason had an obsession with starting fires and would often talk about killing and hurting animals calling it an adrenaline rush, a high, a turn on, a love to mutilate."
"OST is sufficiently state-like for this court to invoke the laws and customs applicable in international armed conflict."
"I think Barton is a very important decision. It gave the Alberta Court of Appeal an opportunity to talk about some of the problems that have existed over time in jury trials in the sexual assault context."
"All rise, the Honorable the Chief Justice."
"Her court was her character loving the things she loved and raising her flair from music, games, plays, and vivid speech to an ecstasy of poems, madrigals, dramas, and masks."
"The court might add whatever conditions it feels necessary."
"Nevertheless it's a courtly holiday so as you're bringing a royal court together to hold a court or as peasants Organa gathering for the same kind of merrymaking and especially drinking than it is a thing."
"We went to court, she had her lawyer, I had my orders from God," he recounted.
"Using a court or a similar institution to settle a dispute is adjudication."
"The least esteemed Christian is more capable of honest, true judgment than the smartest judge in the Superior Court."
"She famously said in court, 'On the contrary, Your Honor, I'm trying my hardest to conceal my contempt.'"
"Keep me updated," she said, and before Hailstorm could deny her, she added, "and I’ll write you what happens at court."
"The court should reverse and remand with instructions to dismiss conclusively in this litigation."
"November 22nd 2012 the Supreme Court of Washington rendered their verdict Roger will finally have the rights to a new trial concerning what type of sentence he will receive return to death row life sentence or liberation in the near future."
"Steven P. New's motto in court is, 'I know who you are and I saw what you did.'"
"Well, there you have it. Maybe the most reasonable court appearance ever."
"Judge that told you to stay away, so obviously if you don't understand staying away..."
"This court has inherent power to Strike A party's filings accordingly Janelle respectfully requests that the court exercise that power strike the motion in his entirety and admonish McMahon and his Council that such statements have no place in civil litigation."
"The court did not take any action on the defendant request for next parte relief."
"...what the court must weigh is whether the exhibit will aid the jury in proper consideration of the case, which I believe it will."
"The court finds that that restriction is in the best interest and for the safety of a child."
"The court does find again based on the evidence best interest and safety of the child, any contact direct or indirect between the mother and the child would be detrimental."
"Courts must deal with the defense and the prosecution fairly. They must not be biased."
"They must deal with the rights of the defendant and respect the interests of witnesses, victims, and jurors."
"If the defendant fails to appear in court, it is a prosecutable offense."
"The Court's job is not to please either side in terms of its ruling on sentencing."
"...the defendant clearly... engaged in conduct... found to be criminal..."
"He later argued in court that he killed poppy in self-defense, but his story didn't hold up in the opinion of the jury and the judge."
"I went to court I'm saying I did all of that but by the time I got to someone's hit article I was wondering the paula Manta was using me as a meal ticket take care of her three kids and the bellhop out of financial trouble buy lemonade."
"Copyright will not save you, but having your copyright gives you a chance to actually fight in court."
"what's the next issue 27 40a is a video of a fire it's about uh 10 seconds 15 seconds long it I can just show it to the court it just shows uh is Mr Jack Kowalski testifying today yes he's about to go on okay."
"Order in the court, order in the poop"
"Yes, your honor, I would move for the admission of state's exhibit 184b."
"Well, that's fantastic, but how are you going to get out of court?"
"Children petitioner has met her burden of proof for plary order of protection and will be granted the remedies sought in her petition. Thank you, Your Honor."
"The court doesn't just judge it from what I read in the file and what I see from the witness and I also observe people in the courtroom."
"The court will grant bail in the sum of $10,000 for each of the accused."
"Jason Downey maintains his innocence during a number of appearances in court."
"The preservation of confidence in the court by not saying that this crowd just does whatever they feel like."
"I simply ask that you remember your role as jurors."
"I do think this is a win for the defense. The defense wants to do this, they're not just doing things flippantly, they have researched this."
"I need the court to understand that if your head stinks, that is not considered money."
"Especially after 69ine admitted in court that he paid one of his homies to take Ke out when he was in New York."
"On the 19th of July 2019 Stephen was found guilty of murder at Winchester Crown Court."
"In a word there, the defendant expressed... she almost seemed that she wanted to make eye contact with Chief Mat to make sure he looked her in the eye when he was saying those things that she clearly didn't agree with the ruling on this."
"I'm not asking that you forget it, just understand it cannot be relied upon for anything, and must be instead the reliance must be placed on what comes in court. Can you do that?"
"The gavel will come down in favor of the defendant."
"You came to court to testify about what you heard, what you saw, and what you know."
"All rise! All parties raise your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? I do. Yes, I do."
"In applying the Bruton rule, lower courts have considered the broader context without any evident difficulty, and doing so appropriately protects the defendant's confrontation right while working minimal prejudice to the government."
"This court room is focused on Zylin and how we can improve his life by ensuring that he knows who his father is."
"No one who listened to the victim personal statements in court today could fail to be profoundly moved by them."
"What did the lie detector determine? The lie determined... that he was being truthful, Your Honor."
"The state as all Council has a duty of candor and when Miss cross knew she was going to have to cross Mr Bradley she knew he lied and she had a duty of candor to the court."
"Following a humiliating court case for Richard and the HOA, they were ordered to pay the damages in full, all $265,000 of sweet justice."
"Your honor, those were my husband's last words."
"You need to have people need to be allowed their day in court."
"It's a terrific privilege to get to argue at the court."
"She walked out of the courthouse a free woman, claiming to be the happiest woman in the world."
"Your honor, they please the court counsel, this is Felicia, her family called her sugar plum."
"Don't go to court in Georgia on any traffic charge, criminal charge without an attorney."
"Be prepared when you go to court, don't wing it."
"The court may award actual damages, punitive damages, reasonable attorney's fees, and other preliminary equitable relief as the court determines to be appropriate."
"It was great seeing how the Japanese court system worked."
"Let's have the jurors brought in."
"It's always prudent to get independent legal advice if you're taking matters to court."
"We'll come back to see where we are with the services that I've just ordered."
"I have a duty to represent to the court what's in the best interest of children."
"King Viserys's last day in court was so moving."
"Your Honor, I'm really ashamed of what I did."
"It is profoundly disturbing that those representations would have been made to the court."
"We the jury find the defendant guilty of the crime of murder."
"I got court in the morning, do I look innocent? Like, would you give me a speeding ticket?"
"He walked out of the Old Bailey a free man."
"If this goes to court, we have more truth now than we did when this started, but do we have the entire truth?"
"Can these two sides reach a deal out of court?"
"Court will reconvene in the courtroom in 5 minutes."
"Imagine going to court with no trial."
"False abuse claims are the new court weapon."
"You have wits, Squire James; you should prove a boon to His Highness's court."
"I think I understand the court's ruling to be he can describe what he did and the steps that he took after he learned different pieces of evidence."
"Sometimes the truth comes out in court."
"At the court hearing, the court has mediation services available. These mediation services are voluntary but are highly recommended for most cases."
"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, trust you had a good lunch."
"When is pattern evidence of bias in court? Pattern is evidence of bias all the time."
"Dan Markell was a brilliant legal scholar so he did what he did best, he took it to court."
"You swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?" "I do."
"He's not a flight risk because bail really is all about securing your future court appearances."
"Here at LA Talk, we like to have fun with silly stuff that happens in court, and every once in a while, and completely by accident, I assure you, you might learn something."
"No further questions. Court adjourned."
"She was actually presented to the English court and everything."
"Come to order, court is now in session, the Honorable Judge Lynn Toler presiding."