
Input-output Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Machine learning model learns from the past input and makes future prediction as output."
"No input, no output. Meaning unless you're getting new inputs into your system, you really can't expect your comedy to get better."
"You need diversity of inputs for diverse output."
"Garbage in, garbage out. Faith comes by hearing."
"It's simple. If you put garbage in, you're going to get garbage out."
"What you put in is what you're going to get out of it."
"Expecting yourself to be able to just constantly do output with no input is, um, it's expecting too much of yourself really."
"Learning a language can be summed up in two words: input and output."
"Garbage in, garbage out... if you put garbage in, you're gonna get garbage out."
"There's always more. Why? Because you put something in, you get something out. If you don't like what's coming out, change what's going in."
"You can get Financial Freedom because there's very few things in life where you do the same input and your output increases."
"Get out what you put in, that's it."
"What you get out is exactly what you put in."
"If you're bringing garbage in, you're going to get garbage out."
"Garbage in, garbage out. If you don't do a good job at it, it's not going to give you good results."
"Do massive inputs in the beginning and then gradually start to do outputs."
"Your heart is like a factory. There is input going into the heart and there is output leaving the heart."
"All the arrows go in the same direction. It's an input-output model. Something comes in and it goes through the pipeline and it comes out the other side."
"Whatever you put in, you get out."
"Together, those two functions operate as a team. Input comes in into one function, you get an output and intermediate output, but that output goes right into the next function and we get the final output."
"If you can reduce the garbage in, you can reduce the garbage out."
"My goal very simply is taking the input I consume and turn them into output."
"The more input the more output so if you want more clients should do more Outreach it's pretty obvious but a lot of people don't actually see it like that."
"It's garbage in, garbage out, but we can put less smelly garbage into the equation."
"If you put in a static input the brain doesn't give you a static output it gives you a dynamic output."
"The model of functional programming isn't steps to achieve some solution; it's really mostly thinking of a program as a pipeline of input to output."
"What you put in is what you get out: garbage in, garbage out. Awesome in, awesome out."
"You can feed it the right input and then it's going to generate more and more and more."
"The same input always gives the same output."
"There are a couple of standard numbers, 0, 1, and 2 for standard in, standard out, and standard error output."
"Just see it as additional I/O, really is that simple."
"What you put in is what you're going to get back."
"Thoughtful quality input equals thoughtful quality output."
"You've got an absolutely fabulous I/O."
"Efficiency is really due to the ratio of what we get out compared to what we put in."
"The model takes text as input and it produces text as output."
"In every case, the neural network is this box that takes in some input and produces an output."
"Deep learning often uses deep neural networks to model the complex relationship between an input and an output."
"Deep learning... is a way to develop models that produce useful input-output relationships."
"You can only get out of the system what you put into the system."
"It's what you put in is what you're going to get out of it."
"Changing inputs by a multiple changes output by the same multiple."
"The more I put in, the more I got out."
"The behavior is the transformation of our inputs to our outputs."
"We haven't lost any capabilities because now we can recapture main I/O which is going to be an I/O unit by simply calling main."
"The quality of the output is going to be related to the quality of the input."
"Programming is reducing input to output in the presence of state."
"What seems to be happening here is the input is an image, and the output is text. It's a sentence. It's a phrase."
"What you put into them, you're gonna get back."
"Good in, good out; garbage in, garbage out."
"Garbage in, garbage out. You want good potting soil, you got to start with some good."
"Garbage in, garbage out. Good things in, good things out."
"If you have really bad inputs, you're going to get really bad outputs."
"It's what you put in is what you get out."
"From the control point of view, we can say that a system, when subject to a certain input, also called excitation, gives a certain output."
"A linear system is the system for which the output varies linearly with the input."
"When programming functions, you can have the outputs of one function become the input to another function."
"You've got some input, and the goal is to get some output, the solution, to that particular problem."
"What we want to do is represent a system by the way it transforms an input signal to an output signal."
"The better data you give it on the input side, the better the output's going to be."
"A scattering matrix is a matrix that really relates inputs to outputs."
"Gold in, gold out; garbage in, garbage out."
"What you put into it is what you'll get out of it."
"The process model specifies a sequence of processes that converts an input into output."
"The value of these select bits is going to determine which one of these input bits gets mapped to the output."
"What you put in your body is what you get out; what you put in your head is what you get out."
"It's all about what you put into it, you get out of it what you put into it."
"What comes out depends on what gets put in."
"A system basically is an interconnection of components, a meaningful interconnection which takes in one or more inputs."
"If you're going to give rubbish input, you're going to get rubbish output."
"You put JavaScript in, and you get JavaScript out."