
Elderly Care Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"We're a Health and Longevity Center, and what that means is we create care packages for the elderly filled with all the things that will give them the best chance at a long healthy life."
"We need to make sure our seniors who are most vulnerable are protected."
"It's the little things, right? I get like, I got a huge soft spot for elderly."
"Give your loved ones purpose. Regardless of where they're at at that moment, they still have that inner voice telling them they want to contribute."
"People were crying in front of their tablets because of the questions Memo Mate asked them."
"Nobody should go through torture and the loss of dignity, no matter how old you are and no matter how close to death you are."
"As a country, we must do better for our elders."
"Let's look after seniors with serious underlying health conditions and make sure that every American around them is practicing the best kind of hygiene."
"He's just an old man who wants to give us health care and education and that's it."
"Maintaining that autonomy as much as possible."
"The costs of an assisted living facility are quite large."
"We've even started an outreach community wish, someone wished for some real reindeer so we thought it would be absolutely amazing if we could bring them to the care home."
"What do I need to do to get you to understand that this is... I need to get a bus and drive around and go to every elderly home and pick him up."
"Invents hydrating gummies to help his grandma and other dementia patients."
"As long as I am president, we will safeguard our waters and our seniors."
"My mum had a fall, she's now in an old person's home, lost all faculty, can't have a conversation with her."
"Our seniors remain our most vulnerable population."
"We are arguing tonight whether or not we're going to pass something tomorrow so that old people can get a hearing aid."
"Let's settle this matter once and for all. Mama will be staying with us in the house."
"Sweden did this, made the same mistake. If they had just protected their nursing homes, their death rate would have been vastly lower."
"If we have a vaccine available, we should give it to elderly people, which is a very sensible thing to say."
"Everybody gonna be treated like I want my grandma to be treated."
"Protect the elderly. The average age of those who succumb to the virus is 78 years old."
"I try to record every sort of moment that I get at the window with mom because we just don't know when it's gonna be the last time."
"I've decided to donate all of it to an organization for elderly care. What, don't think I'll just stand by and let you do that?"
"That is dedication that is impressive so I just wanted to publicly acknowledge my admiration for that care team and the brilliant job they've done caring for their residents."
"Our seniors, part of the greatest generation, don't deserve them."
"People can handle the complexity. Like older Americans, people over 70 really are going to benefit from getting the vaccine. It's really important."
"Free VA Aid in attendance or housebound program... to help cover the cost of daily living expenses."
"Paxlovid is usually only given to people who are high risk or elderly."
"This country needs its safety nets. It needs to take care of its elderly people."
"Finding the best care solution for your parent is never easy."
"Omnichi Prison: where inmates are treated like seniors."
"I didn't know that she suffered, she was just my grandma. She would sleep on the couch, I'd spend the night at her house a lot. She was just the sweetest tiniest little thing you've ever seen."
"Let's keep elderly and the most compromised amongst us out of the hospital and not dead so that we can all go back and live our lives."
"During a window of 7 to 15 years in an elderly person's life, if you have a high omega-3 index, your chances of dying in that window are 35% less."
"Missing pensioner found by drone, highlighting the drone's role in search and rescue."
"In the evening of our lives, our children will not be at our mercy."
"This is not to cast doubt on the protectiveness of the immunizations especially for high risk the elderly."
"I wish I could my grandma got Men in Black now now she just now she just yeah she screams all the time and."
"If they're elderly with hypertension, regardless of their race, dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers are preferred."
"He's an old man, he likes being outside but he can't really walk too much, so I got him a stroller."
"Vibrating shoes could stop elderly falling."
"Helping the aged and the elderly goes a long way."
"Just cheer someone up so nip down to Argos, there's free ones stacked up, go and hand them out to the elderly, they love it."
"Lots of the elderly patients we meet say that they feel lonely."
"Even elderly people would have had to have taken the stairs."
"We want to watch what type of tape we apply to the skin, especially in the elderly."
"Machine intelligence ought to play a huge role in assisting the elderly."
"It's more than just delivering letters; it's about checking on old people, making sure that they're okay."
"PACE combines medical, social, and long term care services for frail, elderly people who live in and get health care in the community."
"When people look out for others, they look out for the elderly, they look out for those that cannot take care of themselves, this is something that signals class in any society."
"These jobs create positive social energy; it gives people a sense of satisfaction having helped, seeing a smile from the elderly person they spend time with."
"Stewie eventually became a certified therapy animal that helped transport elderly in a senior center near its home."
"Sensitivity, all the elderly population, they are very sensitive and we have to maintain their sensitivity, their information, their physical condition."
"Helping Hand is a charity on a mission to end the loneliness epidemic among the elderly."
"This interview might bring awareness because so many leave their parents in old age homes."
"We're making forays into cardiac rehab and working with the elderly population. The spectrum of who can benefit from it is huge."
"Taking care of the elderly is a very powerful company here without a doubt."
"The average length of stay for an elderly person in the hospital fell 20% in one year."
"We are horrible as a culture, we do not take care of our elderly."
"Curtis chose to perform social services by visiting the elderly as part of a school program."
"Traditionally, South Koreans relied on their family to look after them in old age."
"It is safer to assume sepsis in elderly with fever until proven otherwise."
"We find elderly people who have lost their partner and we pair them up with a rescue dog with the similar lifespan left so neither has to die alone."
"I get a sick rush from helping older people."
"We have elderly people who are all alone and we must have intelligent systems to watch after them."
"We're based out of the U.S. It's a non-profit organization serving old people worldwide to alleviate social isolation."
"I have assisted living homes for elderly."
"I'm really honored to be here today to share with you a decade of experience in treating the elderly with medical cannabis."
"These relatively small differences in temperature have enormous implications for the risks, mortality risks for people, especially older people."
"A gentle and kind girl is helping an elderly woman get a seat."
"This like so many programs for older adults was shown to be cost-effective and effective and preferred by providers and preferred by patients and preferred by families."
"Love on your older parents, like they need that for sure."
"No man or old man, ideally over 60, will be hungry in that village."
"Children still support most of the elderly in Vietnam. And in old age, they enjoy life, walk, visit a café."
"Developing robots to help care for elderly people does sound like the kind of thing where, when you first say the words, people are like, 'Oh no, that could never be done in automation,' but maybe it could."
"It's important to have family members looking after older people, but it doesn't always necessarily have to be the children."
"I wanted to use my experience in sales while continuing to work hard helping the elderly."
"Oh son, help your father in his old age, and do not grieve him as long as he lives."
"People are the best if you work at one of those things helping the old folks."
"Some of our help delivered food where they couldn't get out, a lot of elderly were really in bad shape trying to prepare a meal or they didn't have any way to get out, even prepare it."
"You're going to have to provide nourishment to elderly people to really feel you're doing something great out there in the community."
"I've genuinely helped an old lady in a wheelchair across the road."
"Cleaning and looking after my elderly parents, you know everyone knows what that's like."
"I like the visiting the elderly, we don't do enough of that."
"The Cardinal family had taken pity on an elderly gentleman who had recently moved into the neighborhood... they were of an upstanding stock and took part in a local help home initiative, spending time with the old and vulnerable."
"We need more elderly advocates in the VA."
"Medicare provided medical assistance and insurance for elderly Americans."
"A civil society does not just warehouse its aged conveniently where they're out of sight, but respects and cares for them with dignity."
"We need to understand issues to do with elderly people."
"I want to be able to interact with the seniors, attend some of their events, and just sit there and give them some company."