
Feminine Energy Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"The feminine energy is understanding existence itself and understanding expansion and oneness."
"Stepping into your feminine energy and the fullest expression of femininity and creativity in a way that's really powerful."
"The feminine energy thrives on a constant feeling and reminder of love, security, and joy."
"Feminine energy can change the mood of the room."
"Being nurtured...there's a natural feminine presence that men are just addicted to."
"When you feel yourself with feminine energy you attract the good things towards you."
"You met this person because you needed more understanding of divine feminine energy."
"The feminine energy in this wants to be tied down if you're a female or identify with the feminine energy."
"It's so important that you allow yourself to release emotions. Another really healthy way for you to step into more of your feminine energy is to learn how to self-accept."
"The more that a woman fully embraces her feminine energy, the more that her man will naturally step into his masculine energy."
"We're always gonna have some feminine energy inside of us and that's like that's a good thing."
"Feminine energy is crucial in the void because the void contains all of the characteristics that are in the nature of feminine energy."
"Feminine energy is creation energy, intuition, being able to foresee obstacles that aren't right in your face."
"But you're saying is that those that pay attention to the natural aspects of them are much more deeply in tune with understanding the power of their feminine energy."
"She might be a good thing to have in the Supreme Court not because of her politics but because of the energy of the feminine."
"When you feel that something is off, when you feel that something isn't right, listen to it. Do not do this. This is your feminine energy trying to protect you."
"Being in your feminine energy will change your life, your relationships, the way you feel about yourself, your habits, the way you look, and the way you pursue your passions in your career."
"A woman who is Happy is a woman who is in her feminine energy."
"The key to embodying feminine energy versus actually just performing it it is doing inner work"
"Tapping into your feminine energy... when you learn to tap into it, you are going to experience a higher quality of life."
"Eris, the goddess of discord, symbolizes the rise of feminine energy and empowerment."
"You are undistorted feminine energy... if you're not going to love yourself, no one else can love you."
"I saw a woman taking power in the United States eventually, bringing balance with feminine energy."
"Trust your inner feminine, connect to your intuition, follow the signals, follow divine timing."
"My feminine energy has made me so much money, you would not believe it."
"Feminine energy is all about mastering self-love and self-care. It's about loving yourself to the point where you choose yourself in every single situation."
"Feminine energy is free-flowing, not restricted by any rules. It's all about receiving and releasing control."
"Your magical abilities have a special feminine tone to them."
"The libra new moon is the time, the space for you to tap into that feminine energy."
"Finding a bit more balance and harmony within those energies and getting more in touch with my feminine it's empowering and it's inspiring and it's very healing."
"The divine feminine is the womb of creation."
"The divine feminine is back and it's got a bat, you know, means business."
"The divine feminine has been rising into her true power collectively energetically."
"We've been programmed to hate that word, want to change that and tap into your feminine energy at the same time."
"It's a time of heightened feminine energy so do things that nourish that side of you luxurious baths self-care cooking being home connecting with nature creativity creates something."
"Realize your power, when you really get into your feminine energy and really learn to support, there are no limits."
"True divine feminine energy is a woman who is connected to her body, who is connected to her intuition."
"I'm leaning more into a feminine way if you like of softening the need to try and prove externally and recognize that actually my energy speaks louder than words."
"There's something magical taking place here, a strong feminine energy rising from the ashes."
"Express your divine feminine energy, embracing its magical intuition and nurturing qualities."
"Divine timing, that's what I meant. I just know, I'd be connecting, yeah, that's that divine feminine energy worth waiting for."
"Change is afoot, change... change, it's connected to this karmic feminine energy and a gift that's meant for you."
"This will be a victory with your divine feminine."
"You have this amazing mothering, nurturing, goddess energy inside of you, and it's so attractive."
"You need to practice getting into that divine feminine energy, especially if you're somebody that makes their own money or if you're a parent."
"We never had royalty, we just worshiped feminine energy."
"Your dark feminine energy inspires others to explore their pleasure, sensuality, and all senses."
"Your dark feminine energy encourages you to embrace drive, passion, and transformative energy."
"Your dark feminine energy knows how to express themselves in a way that is regulated."
"It's like you fall more into a feminine energy where it's like more flowy and it's more intuitive."
"Is it possible to maintain feminine energy while working hard and being busy? Yes, it is... if it's your passion, if it's what you love, if it's who you truly are."
"All you need to do is allow, to trust your own feminine energy, to be more in flow, to be more allowing."
"There's like a Regal feminine energy here. The Empress receives."
"There's an imbalanced female energy coming through and there's an imbalanced male energy coming through but I keep hearing that this masculine energy or this male energy is trying to do better."
"...Queen Clarion is just that girl and she has that sort of divine feminine energy that people talk about"
"The feminine energy is all about passion, sensuality, beauty, creativity, fertility, growth, abundance, prosperity, love - all things that you have the power to create within your reality to secure the future that you desire."
"You could be working on healing your feminine energy."
"...we're too much in our masculine and we don't know how to sit back and receive the kind of love we want into our life."
"Learning how to embody that Empress energy where we don't chase, we attract."
"It's tapping back into the feminine energy because I think the feminine energy is this free-flowing expression of self and that's why they say alcohol, it's linked to feminine energy."
"More and more people are going to see who and what this feminine energy is."
"You can't escape the matrix because every spirituality you go into, whatever religion you go to, whatever deity you go to, will always go back to the divine feminine or to the mother."
"Understanding is feminine energy."
"Embrace both masculine and feminine energies to balance and activate your gifts."
"You represented a divine feminine energy, surrender, flow, nurturance."
"It's like they saw you with this very pure light, like this very feminine, in touch with inner child magical energy."
"You are the mysterious, spiritual feminine energy that they need, that they can't create for themselves, that they have no idea what to do with or how to behave with, actually."
"Feminine energy is not about pushing forward; it's all about receiving, it's all about moving through a state of flow."
"The feminine energy is the energy of the healer."
"Intuitive feminine energy guiding towards something new, a creative energy."
"The feminine energy—it's more mysterious, it's more sensual, it's more empowered."
"If it lights up your soul and if it makes you happy, that is your feminine energy absolutely yes."
"Just divine feminine energy, so badass."
"Find passion and inspiration in reconnecting with your feminine energy and pursuing what ignites your fire."
"Feminine energy is the receiving energy."
"Recognize how to respond to a situation from the divine feminine energy, which means being patient, understanding, nurturing, loving, and caring even when you don't want to be."
"The Sacred Feminine Intensive helps you integrate the three flavors: goddess energy, mother energy, and sex kitten energy."
"Men need to feel proud that the luxurious feminine energy coming from you is something they contributed in."
"Love raises the vibration of that currency and makes it easier to receive it, that along with being creative. Creativity is miraculous for helping a human being to receive because creativity comes from the feminine brain."
"Stop rejecting compliments from men; allow yourself to receive them with appreciation and love and use them as building blocks to your own feminine Energy."
"I agree with that sometimes the society is confusing that if you are a girl you only have feminine energy and if you are a man you only have masculine energy we have both and we need a balance and the spirituality teach us how to keep a balance between both energy."
"Feminine energy is the egg, it is not the sperm."
"You also get a clear picture of how your body reacts to certain situations. So you learn to trust your gut, you learn to trust what your feminine energy is guiding you towards."
"Put all your focus on yourself. That's feminine energy."
"Step out of your comfort zone, be passionate, be in your fire. Embrace the powerful feminine energy within you."
"Highlight the erotic energy of the feminine."
"They see you as an empress. Someone's jealous of a feminine energy that has a lot going for them here."
"Your intuition it comes from your gut, it comes from your womb space, it is all about your energy as a woman."
"The more that you connect to that sensual, passionate, powerful, mysterious side of yourself, it becomes easier to set boundaries."
"Your light feminine energy is very pure, loving, and light. Just as the word describes."
"I realized this is it, this is what I want to help women do. Their feminine energy is what is going to connect them to the best possible outcomes and opportunities."
"Your Womanhood is special, your feminine energy is powerful."
"Our Womanhood is special, our feminine energy is powerful."
"Divine feminine energy... Stepping into your personal power, living a much higher quality of life."
"...feminine energy is all about listening to your body."
"Feminine energy requires security, trust, and rest. When we feel unsafe or unseen, we can't be in our feminine."
"Even if you don't have a mother figure, you can still be in your feminine energy."
"Fluidity is key. Feminine energy is all about fluidity."
"It's time for us to come back to a state of balance and restoration of our natural feminine energy."
"View the world from Curious excited eyes that is how you're going to embrace the light feminine energy."
"So there is no such thing as feminine energy without masculine energy you can have masculine energy without feminine energy but you cannot have feminine energy without masculine energy."
"Feminine energy can respond to a 'no' in ways that encourage growth and healing."
"Instead of resistance and control, feminine energy can respond to a 'no' in ways that encourage growth and healing."
"I'm leaning back into my feminine body. It makes such a difference in the way I have conversations with my guy. He's opening up again. Thank you."
"The more we can stop, access this present moment right here and right now and soak that in, the more you are amplifying that beautiful, radiant, amazing feminine energy."
"Your sensuality is essential in your feminine energy journey."
"Your diet is not just food and my girls who are always feeling that maybe struggle to be in your feminine energy or you struggle to love your body or to feel good with who you are what is it that you are consuming."
"Coming home after a long days at work to this embodiment of feminine energy and nourishment. It's so like life-giving."
"This course is for you if you want to learn how to use your feminine energy to influence people."
"I just feel like strength, I feel softness, I feel feminine energy from her."
"This is what divine energy for a feminine is supposed to look like, and you are radiating in that divine feminine energy. So do me a favor, don't stop."
"If there's an animal to imitate that exemplifies feminine energy, right, exemplifies confidence and independence, it's cats."
"When you give a compliment, when you give a smile, when you uplift another woman, sending out your feminine energy to another feminine energy source always bounces it back to you immediately."
"It's not your masculine energy that creates the money... We are able to make more than the doctors and the lawyers doing nothing except showing up in feminine energy and feeling good."
"The feminine energy is conscious it causes you to feel inside of your body it's like I asked women how do you feel get out your head and tell me how you feel that means you got to get in your body."
"When the feminine enters the room, it causes men to respond in a particular way."
"The divine feminine energy that really comes about in moments of like crisis and just like really shitty life events like this."
"There are so many trends online talking about feminine energy, soft life, like living a life of ease and not being stressed anymore."
"So much of this advice out there... it's not truly the divine feminine advice... it's just not the spiritual teachings that we need to follow as women in order to become truly more feminine."
"Feminine energy is like 75% a choice, a mental choice for a woman to be in."
"Dark feminine energy is all these feminine traits that were suppressed deep into the unconscious in order to conform to a certain idea that society had."
"Dark feminine energy resides in every woman, yet most women are completely unaware of this powerful force of nature."
"Feminine energy is the creator; it's the point of attraction, the nurture, and the love, the unconditional love that is behind everything."
"As you shift into your feminine energy and you begin doing inner work, you begin breaking the mold of the generational trauma, you begin healing the old wounds."
"Connecting to other women... ignites the feminine energy."
"Connecting to your feminine energy, you connect to your soul; that's where all the answers are."
"The feminine energy is mysterious, dark, it's deep, unpredictable."
"Activating your feminine energy can also make you more magnetic to others, especially those with strong, healthy masculine energy."
"Feminine energy is nurturing, it's supportive, it's calming, it's cooperative."
"The essence of feminine energy is spiritual and relational, nurturing, and connecting."
"You can appreciate feminine energy without sex. Sex is a cherry on top."
"If I have to dress like this to be in my feminine energy, please just take a gun and shoot me."
"When you radiate feminine energy, people need to be around you because you make them naturally feel safe."
"Magnetism has no choice to come when you are tapped into your dark feminine energy."
"Feminine energy is power. It's an amazing thing, all right. It will bring forth a greater level of peace, happiness, and you can still draw the line and set a standard of what is acceptable and not acceptable, all right, but still walk in your feminine energy."
"Love each other, be compassionate to each other, that's feminine energy."
"Feminine energy is intuitive feeling, senses, creativity, nurturing, experiencing, being, collaborative, expressive, and receiving."
"Feminine energy is just feeling your body and feeling what feels good and just doing it."
"Feminine energy is about receiving, so you're going to be receiving something glorious."
"Intuition is cyclical energy, it is feminine energy, it is nature."
"This is the most powerful feminine energy in the deck."
"The energy of a woman is the most influential energy you will ever come into contact with."
"All of us have feminine energy within us; it is not related to a gender in particular."
"Success is about a strong feminine energy, very creative, very passionate, very outgoing, very magical energy here."
"It's coming out into full power; it's free, it's expanded, it's ascended enlightened feminine energy."