
Peer Influence Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"It's not just about the media... it's about association, peer-to-peer representation as well."
"Going against your morals for money? Bad enough, I'm with this guy."
"You're not your friend, don't follow their example if it's not wise."
"Find and associate with positive high achieving peers."
"Know your limits and don't give in to peer pressure."
"I don't often get influenced by my peers in a way that like affects actual change... this is just about knowing yourself."
"Your income will be within ten percent of the average income of your 10 closest friends."
"My friend was like, 'Mouse, you should download the app.' Oh god, did you do it? I did it."
"Do not be deceived, bad company ruins good morals."
"She has truly set the bar so high everybody is just chasing her."
"It was people who thought just like you who told me to join the gangs."
"People are more likely to engage in radical protests when they think that protests will be looked upon favorably by their peers."
"You're around your friends and stuff on a Saturday afternoon and everybody's talking about financial success, they're like, 'Hey, let's make lots of money,' and you're like, 'Yeah, that's cool and everything, but I don't worship money.'"
"Being able to recognize that that's bad and changing your attitude, especially when there's a sea of confirmation that you can get from other people who also feel that way, it's hard to shake that."
"Listen up, girls, if the hottest guy in your school is flirting with you, there's a very strong possibility that he just wants to make fun of you." - Kate
"What do you do when everyone else is doing it, man?"
"Friend groups are forming, they want to impress each other."
"Everyone around me, like, hated the color pink, and like, didn't like anything that was popular. And it's like, you like Hannah Montana? That show's for babies."
"Not being in crypto is a financial crime. Get into crypto, get your friends into crypto."
"If one person jumps in and they make money, other people are gonna take notice and they're also gonna start jumping in."
"If your broke friends are making fun of your financial plan means you're right on track."
"I decided I'd rather be held back with people I liked than move ahead with people I didn't."
"Every time I've been put in a room or in a band with someone that I knew or felt was better than me, that inspired me."
"It's important to look at what you value and not be so influenced by what everybody else is doing."
"You're only as good as the company you keep. If you're opposite great actors, you're only going to be better."
"There's always that one kid that thinks swearing makes them cool, but it doesn't."
"These days, I know a lot of people shame little Tim, but there's a lot of hood [__] who look at it and say, 'If you ain't gonna do like Tim did, don't roll with me.'"
"Be careful of losing yourself amid the behaviors of others."
"Iron sharpens iron. You need training partners that push you."
"He radically saved me at the age of 13, I was starting to hang with the wrong people..."
"And so yeah I mean but dude where I went everybody was going to Brown and Yale and all that stuff you know what I mean so I was like yeah I mean like whatever."
"Don't let a bad influence like that influence your lives."
"Your worth comes from the validation of your peers and for a lot of artists that's like the only found that's the only thing that they they rely on it's it's what brings them happiness"
"Do not go along with the crowd unless you have concluded internally that the crowd is going in a direction that makes sense to you. The crowd will lead you right off a cliff."
"The biggest thing that they lose are that they're not cool."
"Social media is just a big high school. You got the cool kids and they decide what's cool."
"There's no such thing as peer pressure when you have many friends in many places."
"I know what I should do and I know I shouldn't care about other people's opinions, but we all sort of kind of still do."
"Don't let anybody's opinion really dissuade you from playing something you want to play."
"Let's not be those guys, let's lead and not follow."
"You guys are making this really appealing to do, okay?"
"Why would you make decisions based on other people's opinions that you don't even know?"
"Iron sharpening iron, yes, for the biggest challenge."
"The top players are continuing to get better because they're surrounded by better players."
"Some people take me seriously and some people don't. They mostly think of me playing with LeBron James Jr. I don't care what people think of Gabe Cupps."
"You don't worry about what everybody else says."
"If you put your money where other smart people are putting their money, then you know that you're probably giving yourself the best chance."
"I gotta say, I feel the same way as Ethan. I feel kind of dumb around a lot of you guys whenever I come around here, but you make me want to be better and you make me better."
"I just want to be around people who push me to be slightly better than I was at whatever it is."
"Don't be stupid, don't let no [ __ ] sit there [ __ ] with you bro and hype you, know what I'm saying?"
"Thank you for telling me to do that cuz I was thinking about doing that and I think it's time."
"I wasn't going to do it, but everybody kept saying to do it, and then I did."
"There's another way to be cool; you don't have to drink."
"Role modeling can actually happen between us."
"A purple achievement, that means I'm cool. Now I'm gonna tell all my friends at school, they're gonna be so jealous you'll see."
"Fear of missing out... There is a feeling of apprehension for individuals that feel that they have to know what other people are doing."
"You always want to be the worst musician in the room so you can rise to their level rather than being the best."
"Surround yourself with people at the same ambitions as you."
"After much convincing from his old friend Martin Scorsese, Joe Pesci finally showed up on the big screen again."
"You don't just need an anointing to quicken in a church service but anointing to keep your character when you are surrounded by people who don't have it."
"Your peer group determines so much about yourself."
"If everybody around you is quitting, maybe that's an indicator to you."
"So that's the bottom line. Just don't ape into projects just because other people are aping into it."
"You don't learn from your parents or teachers... you learn from your mates."
"The measure of a man is judged by the company he keeps."
"Juveniles confide more in their friends and their peers."
"Let your teammates make you better by forcing you to be better."
"If he's not wearing a mask, I'm not gonna wear a mask."
"It's not just what you learn... It's the people you're around."
"It's all about putting yourself around people that are doing it at the highest possible level."
"Educate yourself as to why it was wrong, don't just repress it and say, 'Well my friends say it's fine so it's fine.'"
"Take profits when you want to, not when others say."
"He asked us if we wanted to ride with him. 'Get lost, freak!' Addison yelled, but I did want to ride with him."
"Surround yourself with like-minded people who are already successful."
"It's just it's a problem of comparisons, just he surrounded himself with so much incredible talent." - Eric
"Players rise up to the level they're around, exactly what we're saying here."
"People trying to bring you down to their level."
"Don't assume because everybody's doing conferences you get up and go and do it."
"This is the new wave, I'm telling all of you right here."
"People listen to their peers. We wanted to use what we'd learned to educate people."
"The lesson here is: don't give in to peer pressure."
"Iron sharpens iron and this is a perfect case of that."
"Crime don't pay, be who you are, don't let the people around you turn you into who you aren't, somebody you're not, something you're not."
"If a guy does something that's messed up...what other men say is 'dude, stop'...it keeps him grounded in reality."
"Being with people who are as hungry as you are to learn will help challenge you."
"I feel like Tweek would never let Nairo live this down. Like, you gotta think of the social pressure."
"Women are going to behave how other women allow them to behave because they respond to shaming."
"Everyone has to be on the same page, and I think that if the way that's going to begin to happen is kind of like a peer pressure type situation of everyone being like, 'Yo, we're all holding each other accountable,' that's a good thing."
"The most dangerous thing someone could do is come into the firm, see everyone else doing it and think, 'I'll work here for the money but I won't do that.'"
"It's easy to get lost and end up in the wrong crowd."
"Surrounded by the best, it brings out the best in you."
"The point is like i look back at my life what things have i said are done and because my friend of color or my friend who's gay or my friend is this or that laughed about it i thought oh that's fine it's fine."
"When you train with other people who are good you just become better."
"You kind of want to avoid that, definitely all the guys watching."
"At the end of the day, when I accepted that, I realized that I was just trying to be accepted by a bunch of people that I don't even think are that dope anyway."
"I was able to avoid some of the pitfalls that people around me have seen all my friends fucking catch."
"Your video helped us change how we make our videos."
"Stop dumbing down your potential to fit in with a dumb group."
"You're an inspiration to me, I'm pretty sure anybody, I'll hear all the guys like just by them looking at you it's like dude you're for me you're an inspiration."
"The more people you have around you, the more they're gonna hold up your success."
"I thank the Lord for keeping me away from environments like that satanic demonic crowds doing weed and all that."
"They were actually low-key worried about people liking them and other people's opinions of them even though they said they didn't care all the time."
"This place has had a bit of a bad influence on me."
"Is it really worth it when the cost of their friendship is literally allowing yourself to become possessed by spirits that straight up want to kill you and trap your soul with them forever?"
"You're all friends with the same drug, so for them it was like alcohol and you know like partying in a sense for you it's probably video games."
"When you got the pressure brothers around you, it pulls the honesty out of you."
"If you have a group of friends that's dragging you down, get away from them. You won't rise up if you're around certain people."
"I am convinced that working in libraries helps me be much more motivated because the people around me are also working and so there's this kind of pressure to actually get work done."
"The people that you chill with is like when you see them, they see you and when they see you, you see them. So if you're chilling with the wrong people, people are gonna see your friends and be like, that's how you are."
"drunk 13 year old me thought this was a great idea because I was going to get some more booze in this cool 20-something chick wanted to hang out with me I thought I was super cool"
"If anybody's watching this and they're still drinking, go for the butt ice for the Natty Ice, butt ice in a bottle too, genuinely very good beer, woo ice cold take me to Heaven, woo yeah, go for butt, I totally over Natty Ice, yeah, I'd say 15's my limit."
"I always been like that. You grow up, you try to be cool. You around homies. That's how they feel about you."
"If you're not feeling self-conscious, you're among the wrong peers."
"If you go through life cultivating a bunch of bad [__] in your life, that also get after it, then you are empowered by your friends."
"Our biology conspires against us...our peer groups conspire against us."
"It's one of those situations where the girls may have said something like, 'Oh let's just go, we'll get it and then we'll think about it.'"
"...if you see another brother doing it then it also becomes an inspiration too so you don't know simply because you may not be exposed or the people that you hang out with don't do it."
"The people I used to hang out with, a lot of the time, were not good people."
"I think I'm making the right choice. It's just that it's hard to go my own path while everyone else is doing their own thing."
"Be careful who you hang around is really [__] true."
"If you hang out with a bunch of people that are in the bar every weekend drinking and their lives are going nowhere, that's where you'll be."
"I almost didn't want to watch it because everyone was watching it."
"People whose friends, that is, their peers who drink regularly or excessively, are also more likely to drink too much."
"I was friends with a lot of Christian kids they were fun they were safe and I wanted to be able to hang out with them"
"I just got better, you know what I mean? 'Cause I was always trying to impress Have and my new friends, like, you know what I'm saying? I wanted to be better. I wanted to be a dope writer."
"I don't need a cup of noodle anymore. Hanging out with guys that aren't doing [__], you just change. It's what happens."
"Yo, come on bro, what would you buy?"
"You gotta check your crowd, bro. So many people are stuck because the people around them are stuck too."
"When you're around smart kids in school I felt and acted smarter and when you're around a whole bunch of people who are dumb I felt dumber."
"I'm not doing In-N-Out. I know Anna's heart is literally crushed right now, but everyone's starving."
"...his buddies would keep stepping in and breaking it up and resetting us..."
"If I feel like I need to, I will. If I'm climbing with friends that are experienced and I don't really feel the need to stand on the edge, then I don't."
"Chad, we are never listening to you ever again. That was such a bad idea."
"They listen to their friends when they get to a certain age."
"Spend your time with people that are serious about improving and scaling their laser businesses and you will be able to do the same."
"Sometimes when I go into somebody else's home and I just see how they have stuff done or like rearranged, it just gives me ideas for stuff that I have in my own home."
"I love it, you don't commit until your friends commit."
"... spread the motorcycle safety awareness. I always tell my friends to ride safe. My friends don't always listen to me."
"Message to our generation is, man follow your dreams anything's really possible you just got to put your mind to it and make sure you find the right friends."
"Most people are broke, and if your broke friends are making fun of your financial plan, you are right on track."
"I'm constantly thinking about what John's going to say, what Greg's going to say, and I think that's throwing me off slightly. So I need to be more confident in myself."
"You have to second-guess yourself when everyone talks to you."
"Make smart decisions; it's okay to do them as long as you're comfortable doing them and not because of peer pressure."
"I started this... some friends wanted me to watch Avatar because I've been missing out all these years."
"Your likelihood of dropping out from science and math is not a function of your intelligence; it's a function of the intelligence of those around you."
"High-performance people hang around with high-performance people."
"Stand strong in a wicked world, to say no to wicked companions and evil friends."
"When you're a parent, you stay up at night worrying about the kids that your kids are hanging out with."
"I'm determined to make gouache paint work for me. All the cool kids can do it; I want to be one of the cool kids."
"It's one of those things like if you're not surrounding yourself with people like this, the journey is so much longer, it's so much harder."
"I'm glad that I didn't always follow the current of what my peers were doing."
"Sometimes we don't give things that are considered popular a chance because we don't want to be like all the kids who are doing it."
"Peer pressure on trips can be good and bad sometimes."
"Kids are meant to be initiated into the adult world by elders and adults, and now they're being initiated into the world by peers."
"Personal and peer support can be really beneficial for people to stay on track with their goals."
"Peer influence is a major part of the teen's life."
"I really want them to learn what it means to do uncomfortable things even with their peers."
"Children are raised by their peers much less than they should be; our world has changed, and that's not a good thing."
"If you don't know what it is and you have any friends who play video games, download it."
"Your group tells a lot about you, bro, so always watch who you sit with at lunch."
"You could be the best kid in the world, straight A's, you never get in trouble, but the moment you go out with the wrong group and they do something wrong, guess what? You're probably gonna be in trouble too."
"Now I know why all my friends were reaching out to me to say that I had to try one."
"She wakes up and she's like, 'I need to inspire my peers today,' and she did that every day."
"When everyone around you is trying to do well and trying to succeed, it makes you want to push yourself harder."
"Despite hanging out with girls who were rebelling, she was responsible when it came to her schoolwork and her work."
"If you can insert yourself inside of one of those groups where you are not the big fish in a small pond anymore, but now you're a little tiny fish in a really big pond, you will make gains and just progress like you would not believe."
"It's not peer pressure, it's just your turn."
"...are you doing this stuff because this is really what you want to do or you doing it because you're impressionable and you don't have a mind of your own?"
"Don't let other people stop you from being yourself."
"It's much easier to do the right thing when all your friends are doing the same thing."
"If your friends are putting you in a position where you drinking and you smoking and you high, they not your real friends."
"People's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group."
"All my friends are doing it is sometimes a very valid answer to engaging in social experiences."
"When he is on a team with players that are all ridiculously good, he's called up to their level."
"Peer groups play a significant role in people's development."
"Social media is our number one source of validation from our peers."