
Exile Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"Mendicant was locked in an eternal exile and entombed beneath a vast desert on the Ark, with only one thought to think: atonement."
"We have seen our friends jailed to silence their voices, while others have fled into exile to allow their voices to be heard."
"So Dante was exiled from Florence and pretty much lived off the graces of those who enjoyed his poetry."
"Exile can expand you if you stay properly oriented while you're in exile; it can fix your mistakes...it cleans you, it renews you."
"Since Rome, and then leading up to the State of Israel became a thing in 1948, the Jews have been in pretty much a perpetual worldwide exile."
"Every time he finds a Hulk... he throws them out into the void of the multiverse."
"We can still go back in and get you exiled if you want. Thanks, but I'm fine with things like this. It's fun watching you shout."
"Imposing exile is a decision made in restraint, not anger."
"Amin lived out the remainder of his life in Saudi Arabia without trying to intervene again in Uganda."
"We've all been in exile in so many ways... religious people in exile from the communities."
"Dracula flees into Transylvania and exile. Ten years later, he returns and reclaims his throne."
"The Dalai Lama's journey into exile is a triumph of the human spirit over occupation and persecutions."
"I'm sure that here, even in exile, I can do much more for Belarusian people, for the sake of my country."
"The appropriate behavior, the scientifically non-political appropriate behavior, is to banish Mike Pence to an island in the middle of the Caribbean."
"There is this sense that Galadriel is not welcome back in Valinor, it's not just that she chose to stay, it's that she cannot return."
"A person can only be born in one place, however he may die several times elsewhere: in the exiles and prisons, and in a homeland transformed by the occupation and oppression into a nightmare."
"But in fact, the Judahite exile didn't last long. Within sixty years, the first of them began returning to Jerusalem."
"The last King was exiled for loyalty." - Elendil
"Imprisoned for 10.000 years. 'Banished from my own homeland.'"
"A group of Shinigami exiled from the Soul Society and manipulated by Aizen."
"Let him live with his little band of exiles. Let him deal with Tamlin in his own way."
"James died in exile in 1701 convinced he'd lost his throne because God punished him for his adultery"
"Ezekiel, a priest exiled along with other Jews from ancient Israel, is called to prophecy."
"It's very hard to look at the people who've been exiled and say that being exiled didn't damage their career."
"Take me to exile, far from Thebes, because I'm damned."
"But even Napoleon considered Elba as a holiday destination as only after 9 months he had enough and escape from his exile for a short return to power."
"The Land of Nod: a place mentioned in the Bible where Cain was exiled to after he murdered his brother."
"We were spirited away to the Free Cities of the east by loyalists. Here we have lived in exile ever since, dreaming of a day when we will cross the narrow sea and take back my father's throne."
"Although many nobles fled to Europe, where they belated with other monarchies to join in the effort."
"Ironically, however, this exile gave the capital-raised Yoritomo the chance to return to his roots in a way and become acquainted with the wild eastern backcountry."
"...he spent the remainder of his life in exile in Paris, a forgotten but still significant figure."
"Here we have lived in exile ever since, dreaming of a day when we will cross the narrow sea and take back my father's throne."
"Aquarius lost all her powers and was banished in disgrace."
"Victor Hugo was forced to reside in other parts of Europe."
"...the lord said I will remove Judah also out of my sight as I have removed Israel..."
"We are exiled gods, it was God who fell for a purpose."
"Snowden's asylum was renewed and he still lives in Russia to this day."
"The irony of the defeat of the Nazi war machine and the Japanese war machine is that it was driven in many ways by the talent and brilliance of the people that they exiled."
"The return of the Jews after centuries in exile."
"If a man was cast out from society for criminal Behavior or if by chance or cowardly design he outlived his Lord he suffered the horror of Exile this is the worst fate that can befall any member of a heroic Society."
"I don't consider myself an exile at all. I just prefer to live now in Paris."
"Anakin Skywalker, the so-called chosen one, has been cast away, thrown onto some backwater planet to be nothing more than a researcher."
"Moses spent 40 years in Egypt before he left, he spent 40 years on the back side of the desert."
"Exile isn't just a waiting place, it's a working place."
"How many other colors can exile any permanent with regularity? Exile. Right. White certainly exiles better than any other color by far."
"I am Destiny incarnate. Your punishment is exile, so says I, the Angel of Destiny."
"Eichmann thrived in Argentina, whose government proved sympathetic to those exiled."
"Robert the Bruce ended up in Rathlin Island after fleeing Scotland."
"France was certainly a land of Exile for artists, for the politically engaged, and for the Latin American left."
"But you know, my mom's life at that point was destroyed and she was exiled."
"Thomas Mann would become one of the first writers to be exiled from Nazi Germany."
"Toto complied with the order, relinquishing his titles and embarking on a Path of Exile."
"The author exiles himself to the other side of a creative chasm from which he is forced to navigate his way back."
"She was banished to the middle world of humans."
"Charles fled from the decisive royalist defeat at the Battle of Worcester on September 3rd, 1651, accompanied by a small party of supporters."
"Even in exile, my nephew is more honorable than you."
"Now who shall tell of the wanderings of Túr and the exiles of Gondolin in the wastes that lie beyond the mountains, miseries were theirs and death, colds and hungers."
"I will bring you out of its midst, deliver you into the hands of strangers, and execute judgments on you."
"Jerusalem actually develops as an urban center as the davidic Kings welcome Exiles."
"Jacob lived in Egypt 17 years. It's interesting this word 'lived' because normally when you're in a foreign country or you're in exile, the Hebrew will say 'and he sojourned in the land.'"
"The Devout Cult of sarr that founded the city initially called the Bastion of saren Ray expressly chose this site for its remote location because at the time they had been exiled for their extremist ideals by the sultanate of Assyrian."
"The new king gave everyone a chance to go home as free men after years in Exile."
"You want to know why we came? Two thousand years ago, the Romans exiled the Jewish people from the land of Israel."
"Courage, courage to exiled hearts."
"We are very confident that we know a few names of the four offenders, top of Inspector Birds list, living in exile but still fighting hard to maintain his position as the self-declared leader of the Comancheros."
"Exile... turned out to be nothing less than a blessing in disguise."
"You have until dusk to collect your things and leave this city. If you're found in Meereen past break of day, I'll have your head thrown into Slaver's Bay."
"Racial passing is an exile, sometimes chosen, sometimes not."
"...his entire political and religious outlook profoundly shifted during that five-year term, following which he was allowed to stay in Semipalatinsk in southern Siberia before eventually receiving permission to return to Moscow."
"...she was driven out of the Forbidden City by the Allied army of eight countries."
"...she regretted all this during her exile."
"The Kamakura Shogunate, the first government to be controlled primarily by the Samurai caste, was also the first Japanese regime to show significant interest in the island, using it as a penal colony for political exiles."
"I'm living in exile today, but that also puts me in pretty good company."
"After his defeat at Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to a remote island of Saint Helena where he died in 1821, or at least that's what the history books tell us."
"Unable to bear the shame and rejection that now follows him, Fang chooses to go into exile."
"Despite all the good that Luke himself and the Jedi Order had done for the rebellion and the new Republic, there would actually come a time in Legend's continuity where Luke was not so kindly asked to depart the new Republic and was sent to Exile."
"He was banished for not abandoning humanity, unlike the rest of you."
"I have wandered in many lands, seeking the lost region from which my birth into this world exiled me."
"He was banished to the outskirts of this province far, far away."
"…exiles who long for the future That lies in our power."
"Him who disobeys, me disobeys, breaks union, and that day cast out from God and blessed vision falls into utter darkness deep engulfed."
"Exiled on the island of Patmos by Roman authorities, John faced isolation and hardship due to his unwavering faith and his tireless work of spreading the message of Jesus Christ."
"This world is a land of exile, it's a valley of tears."
"The wisest decision I made was to go into self-imposed exile."
"Exile demands a change, a change of character, a change of newness, a change that is in likeness with the will and the purposes of God."
"Elizabeth represented something very different for a man born in exile."
"Conduct yourselves accordingly with fear, with reverence, all the during the time of your exile."
"Like these good figs, I regard as good the exiles from Judah."
"Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare."
"This began the period known as the Babylonian captivity or exile which ended in 539 BCE when the Achaemenid Persian king Cyrus II, also known as Cyrus the Great, conquered Babylon."
"With his necklace and his parents' prayers to guide him, he would make it through this exile."
"This is going to exile any number of target players' graveyard, so I can hit all three of my opponents with this if I want, which is fantastic."
"The king of the Isles will be driven out by force."
"The Islamic Republic sent death squads out for a good 15 years after the Revolution to assassinate anyone they saw as a threat in the exile community."
"I am Belak, called the Outcast. My circle expelled me, the fools. Why? Because I dared to expand nature's reach in ways they couldn't grasp."
"Take your wagon and get out of this country before dark."
"Exile is a concrete condition; it's also a metaphor."
"He is hunted, abhorred, hated, he is an outcast and exile, a descendant of Cain, cursed by God, anathema."
"By the Rivers of Babylon, in exile, the people of Moses and David lamented their holy city."
"A life in exile started remote opposition and writing beautiful words that earned him the Nobel Prize of literature."
"When Yves finally decides to swallow the fruit, she is exiled from Eden's Gibbous to Earth's waxing crescent."
"After his instinctive use of waterbending exposed him as a bender, Amon fled into exile."
"With Cain go wander through shades of night, and never show thy head by day nor light."
"Spending his remaining days on Saint Helena, Napoleon wrote his memoirs, glorifying himself as a liberator and tortured genius who was now being persecuted for his beliefs."
"By freeing oneself from the confines of one's homeland and one's native culture, the condition of being an exile can make a person an heir to all cultures in the world."
"Exile may in fact be a point of departure for thinking about cohabitation and for bringing diasporic values back to that region."
"Napoleon was forced to abdicate in April 1814 and was taken into exile on the Mediterranean island of Elba."
"Daemon comes out of it looking much better once you kind of stop and go, 'Well wait a minute, this guy was a political exile who is perhaps looking for status and honor.'"
"He was cast out, he's the true scapegoat, he went into the ultimate exile."
"James was never to see England again."
"Banished prisoner for 12 months, you have 48 hours to leave the borders of Araluen," Duncan declared.
"If we lose, we'll be killed. If we win, we can never go home."
"A devout Christian family... banished from their town."
"How can we sing the songs of the Lord while in a foreign land?"
"Fleeing into exile, Bo-Katan refused to accept defeat, determined to unify whatever Mandalorians remained."
"I want to go home, not live in exile for the rest of my life."
"You're not Lord Commander here, you're just another exile. And I take my orders from the Queen."
"This is the poetry of exile, the poetry of a man who thinks and he's a stranger while living on earth."
"The true artist is an exile, often despised in his own country, ridiculed, unloved."
"The whole book is about their struggle to remain faithful to their God while living in a foreign land."
"From his homeland, from the woman he loves, he lives constantly with the insufferable feelings of disillusionment and betrayal."
"He drove the man out; he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life."
"By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down and wept when we remembered Zion."
"The idea of exile, the idea of persecution had no meaning. I lived in a world of blissful innocence."
"Hopeless, alone, and broke, disillusioned with the other belligerent exiles, Dante lives the rest of his exiled life as he says, 'a party of one'."
"Many a writer before and since Dante was exiled, but no writer before or since Dante used the conditions of his exile to create a work of art unparalleled in the history of Western Civilization."
"God is your husband; you have been unfaithful; you're going into exile; God will not forget you."
"She knew she condemned herself to lifelong exile, nevertheless, accepted the challenge."
"The hand of exile has already sown the seeds of mourning and our chests have become constricted by the anguish that burns within them."
"Napoleon decides to act. After just 10 months in exile, he returns to France."
"The goal was to send him to a peaceful planet where he could live out his days without having to worry about threats or anything along those lines."
"Prevented from returning to my country and living through the hardest and the most unfair experience of my life, I want to thank my compatriots for all the demonstrations of noble love and support that they have given me."
"O, a kiss Long as my exile, sweet as my revenge!"
"I am Napoleon, and this is my island of exile."
"He was the only Vanguard Commander ever exiled from the city."
"Banishment be merciful, say 'death'; For exile hath more terror in his look, Much more than death."
"Jacob represents the attribute of compassion; Rachel represents the soul that goes into emotional exile."
"But how shall we sing the Lord's song in a strange land?"
"We are divine children in exile or we are extraordinary, we are unique, and we've been in exile."
"Like Lucifer from heaven, the five were banished from Kunlun forever."
"The Empire game table and its natural and red stained ivory chess set were owned by Napoleon Bonaparte during his exile on St. Helena."
"Men of science and men of art have been driven from old Vienna. Great men of music have been exiled from their ancient Bohemian city, Prague."
"Nowhere in the world has the European exile found more sympathy and help than in the United States."
"The audacity, how dare they! Everyone knows that he's been exiled to a private island in Hawaii where he's not allowed to make any more music."
"Afraid of the warrior becoming too powerful, he was labeled a traitor and banished from his homeland."
"You are the most beloved of all cities to me and were it not for the fact that my people have expelled me from you, I would never have left you."
"Be merciful, say 'death'; For exile hath more terror in his look, Much more than death."
"This is a message of comfort that is being provided here to the exilic community."
"We are in a spiritual Exile; we are in this world but our citizenship, our home, is in the kingdom of God."
"Knowing that he needed to protect the New Hope for the Galaxy, Obi-Wan went into exile on Tatooine to watch over Luke."
"Whenever Krond the Dawn-Clad attacks, if it's enchanted, exile target permanent."
"People just don't want their permanents exiled."
"I would rather have banished myself forever from my native country and wandered a friendless outcast over the earth than have consented to this miserable marriage."
"Just because they were exiled from Jerusalem doesn't mean that they were exiled from their God."
"Where'er I wander, boast of this I can, though banished, yet a trueborn Englishman."
"Tell him you have seen Gaius Marius, a fugitive, seated amid the ruins of Carthage."
"The path of exile claims him, not patterned gold; a frost-bound spirit, not the solace of Earth."
"Exiles can't take everything with them, so what to keep and what to leave behind?"
"He who had driven many from their own country into exile died in exile."
"I can never go back to my father's house; they would say I'm a sorcerer. I will journey forth into the world till I come again to my kingdom."
"Then at last his fellow countrymen will return from exile to their own land."
"Ingrata patria, ne ossa quidem mea habes - Ungrateful country, you shall not even possess my bones."
"Banished from death, you cannot die."
"Calling death banishment, thou cutt'st my head off with a golden axe."
"They shall drive you from men, your dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make you eat grass like oxen."
"We being a lonesome and a solemn people, wanderers, cast out from Jerusalem, born in tribulation in a wilderness."
"We are vital for the country even if the state forced us to leave the country."
"Stalin's wacky antics eventually got him exiled to Siberia."
"If you continue to be obedient, I will bless you; if you're not obedient, this house will be torn down and the people will be exiled."
"It's so dramatic, you know, you've got the killing, you've got the exile, and then all this communion with the sun."
"The victorious Autobots were rewarded with exile and new enemies determined to bring about their total destruction."
"This book is not just a story written in exile about the experience of the Jews in exile; it's really the story of exile in an existential sense."