
Dimension Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"As Rod Sterling would say, 'You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Shattered Throne!'"
"That sounds fine you know I'll head over to the battle dimension even though we were just there the other day figuring out what these strongest Minecraft boss was."
"You unlock this door with the key of remembrance, beyond it is another dimension: a dimension of nostalgia, a dimension of entertainment, a dimension of grief."
"He's able to open dimensional pockets to move great distances in the blink of an eye."
"Goku's sheer energy shattered his tides of time pocket dimension, leaving all in awe."
"So much freedom in the fifth dimension frequency."
"Your soul wishes to travel more freely between the dimensions of higher reality."
"Kamui allows the user to transfer objects to and from another dimension, trapping targets within."
"A simple way to add dimension to the painting."
"The best example I have ever heard to explain what an extra Dimension is is the analogy of flatland."
"You are traveling through another dimension, not only of sight and sound but of mind."
"Those who are not ready to go will incarnate into a new body on another third-dimensional planet."
"She brought this whole other dimension of emotion."
"Kawaki sent the entire village to a different dimension to protect them."
"Our universe is a complex dimensional space, and humans, limited by our cognitive abilities, can only perceive three dimensions."
"Using a crystal stone, he opens a portal to another dimension."
"do you see the dimension that's going on in my face like look at that but it still looks very dewy and Flawless"
"Nightmare literally lives in the dream Dimension and is obsessed with causing fear in his opponents."
"The universe is most likely the shadow of a higher dimension."
"The map is not only accurate in two dimensions but three."
"We are in the middle of this timeline split where these two Realms of the third-dimensional Earth and the fifth-dimensional Earth are still interacting with one another."
"This whole situation had taken on a dimension I didn't expect."
"We are to be functioning in the spiritual dimension."
"We may never know where or in what dimension those fields existed that we flew over, but she and I both know that we flew."
"Photography is a two-dimensional medium that's meant to be a graphical representation of the three-dimensional world we see with our naked eye."
"It seemed as if Carol had accidentally traveled into another dimension for a few hours, though she was never able to explain how or why she had ended up there."
"Time is part of the fabric of the universe, it's part of space-time, it's a dimension it can be stretched and warped."
"The Mandela effect is proof that we switch dimensions."
"People who claim to have been visited by beings from another dimension often describe them as humanoid but not quite human."
"Junior Miller adds a dimension to this pass offense."
"We're moving from the third to the fifth dimension together."
"Volcano Island takes place in a splinter pocket Dimension tangential to every other reality."
"Doctor Strange can travel through multiple dimensions including time in an instant."
"Spider symbology seems suited to travel between the different realities."
"It's almost like a dimensional travel."
"Now we have created our second dimension table."
"Contouring brings back dimension to our skin, especially after applying foundation and concealer."
"...their soul trapped in a different dimension of pain."
"It's just large. That's really the big defining trait of the car."
"There's so much there that you could connect to but somehow her, like, the apparatus of connecting to a different dimension made me think about, like, the way we connect with technology, right, to so many different things"
"A spiritual man's dimension is one of the things that make him spiritual."
"The dinosaur Dimension with the Talking Dinosaurs, I'm sure that has something to do with Planet of the Apes."
"The realm of the kingdom where he rules is the whole of you, and then when it flows out of your body as rivers, then it contains the whole dimension around you."
"But truthfully, higher than the third dimension, there is no arrow of time. If you were a being in the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, and up, you will see that the past, present, and future happen simultaneously."
"I'm not thinking fourth dimension, doctor."
"We haven't said anything about scale. How big is the solar system?"
"A portal split in the fabric of reality and dimension appeared out of nowhere."
"You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension, a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone."
"I think there's like dimensional travel and things like that which happen in the book and not in the tele movie."
"We don't just operate in the third dimension."
"If, as Childress believes, Kathy really traveled to a new dimension, how in the world did she get back?"
"Effective rendering of textures is extremely important in cartoon illustration. Rendering textures correctly gives dimension, credibility, and a lifelike quality to an object."
"Adding that kicker to edge out your subject adds so much extra dimension."
"You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of Sight and Sound but of Mind, a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are those of imagination."
"It's just gonna transform and give your look so much dimension."
"These days we even consider a fourth dimension which is the cost of things."
"The big bad of the show is Bill Cipher, a creature from another dimension."
"Your souls acknowledge the connection, even if not fully present in the 3D."
"Our minds are more extensive than our brains in a spiritual dimension as well as in a psychic and material dimension."
"Your stage does not determine your spiritual dimension."
"...there's something about this be that although the work that you're doing is very grounded in in three-dimensional it's very it's very pentacle heavy with pentacle energy this B is adding another dimension to it for me..."
"The SCP 5514 Mech weight is a problem for somewhere else, a whole other dimension."
"Time is a dimension much like space."
"SCP-3008-1 may not only be a nexus point of multiple Ikea stores in our dimension."
"This thing is 18 feet wide, literally 18 feet."
"The Doctor is not actually Gallifreyan. She's from another dimension."
"He literally could behold into the fourth dimension."
"It's like another dimension, it just goes out a little bit further than you'd expect."
"Values, as we're talking about, is the most important aspect, most important element to color in order to get the sense of volume and structure in a painting."
"Strategically placing some of these shadows will help you give a little bit of Dimension."
"The theory of its existence was first mentioned in the 1920s." - The Fifth Dimension
"Unity is something that we experience in our life, in that other dimension it might be possible."
"...the moral dimension trumps everything in the end."
"I love the look of it look how beautiful that black and brown looks in the middle of the flower really gave it some Dimension is so nice."
"Darkness is this Dimension, it's like the secret Dimension."
"It's like a switch was flipped and we are in another dimension right now."
"The more technology is out there, the more of a human dimension matters."
"We're only jumping realities, not traveling through time at all."
"Leaving out pieces is very important because that creates that soft dimension from her roots down to her ends."
"The dream world is a whole new dimension."
"The dimension here indicates the size of the embedding Vector."
"Omegamart is where it is in Las Vegas because, canonically, there's a portal to the Forked Earth there. Omegamart is built on that portal between dimensions because let's face it, interdimensional shipping rates otherwise are pretty darn steep."
"In the Fifth Dimension, everything is about well-being."
"Not only are these boards long but they are also quite wide."
"It's actually bigger on the inside than is on the outside."
"She let it through. She opened the portal guys. [ __ ] She like merged the two dimensions. This is such a good show. I am fascinated."
"Gilman was certain he was near the boundary between the known universe and the fourth dimension, and who could say how much farther he might go?"
"It almost felt like they traveled through a dimension."
"Moksha also means the same, but it adds the other dimension, one more dimension, which is freedom."
"They were able to bring a new dimension to the character."
"It is like another dimension of flavor."
"What if the end of the world is actually just our consciousness moving together onto another dimension?"
"Hello fellow node of the ever expanding infinite occupying this particular space in this particular time in this particular dimension."
"Adds a whole other dimension to the hobby."
"Gesture and perspective go together, placing the figure in three dimensions."
"Whenever you look at a computer screen, you're working in a six-dimensional space-time."
"Humanity's struggle for its rightful place in the Galaxy had taken on a new, more dangerous Dimension."
"Some even say there could be a portal to another dimension somewhere in the Triangle."
"I know. Well, we held hands to jump into the dimension."
"All knowledge is used all the time, this is only one dimension. Like I said at the beginning, this whole idea of scale degrees and their feelings is only one part of the musical puzzle."
"I'm doing some of the highlighter on my brow and above the brow bone for some crazy alien dimension."
"Orange base right now is only three thousand square feet."
"The beauty of video games is that it um it adds a dimension to friendship that nothing else does."
"...we're Spiritual Beings having a physical experience and this is a temporal thing temporal in time and this is temporary our true higher selves are in a whole another dimension."
"It sits on eight grey base plates so it's four wide and too deep."
"...the anomaly was a Nexus point, a juncture where different dimensions and realities intersected."
"This is just going to give me a nice dimension to it and nice and shadowy down at the bottom."
"That's another thing where it's fun to draw something flat but just by changing the angle you get a whole feeling for this dimension"
"That shading just instantly adds a dimension, just boom."
"What if I were to tell you there is another layer to the universe, and that science has not even brushed its surface? A dimension that lies beyond the parameters of everyday experience and rational thought."
"This connection feels spiritual, like they've stepped into another dimension regarding you."
"This helps me to ensure that I'm going to have the dimensional element to my painting."
"It's like what if they exist in a dimension that we can't perceive?"
"The singularity inside the human being is a dimension of the soul."
"They're embracing spirituality because they know that the human being has a spiritual dimension."
"This is going to look fabulous. It's gonna give you lots of dimension."
"and now we're in 15 Dimensions we've made roughly eight huts and so it's like a big blob it's not a surface anymore"
"A dimension not only of Sight and Sound but of Mind, a journey into a wondrous land of imagination."
"The bass detail and just sense of dimension is among the best I've ever heard."
"But I am saying that what is happening in the 4D or your imagination is just as real as what is happening in 3D."
"It waited for a visitor, one with reason to leave the interdimensional labyrinth of the webway beyond and step through a gateway to hell."
"That's just an absolute flavor bomb, and the tomato sauce just adds a whole other dimension to the dish."
"...this painting comes alive and seems less like a flat static picture and more like a 3D window into Rembrandt's reality."
"You cannot have a physical body in the third dimension without the presence of melanin."
"Every day I believe that what I'm doing is building the house I'm going to live in in the next Dimension."
"Wood doesn't change in its length, it only changes in its width."
"The inclusion of time as a dimension has catalyzed major advances in physics, particularly through Einstein's theories of Relativity."
"The whole Canon debate right the whole C conversation about Canon versus not canon versus whatever I told you guys forever the show isn't Canon just say the show is just in another dimension."
"If I were a spice, I would say sesame oil because when you add sesame oil, it takes you to the next dimension."
"Time is a dimension like space, you can go up or down this ruler from any given point, but you move in the dimension of time, you only seem to move, you stand still, time moves, do you get it?"
"They've opened up another Rift into their dimension or whatever the [ __ ] man, it's like two vaginas strung together for SpaceTime."
"There is a spirit world, just like there's a physical world."
"Heaven is a dimension, an energy space."
"Animals can sense them or see that maybe animals are perceiving a different dimension than us."
"There is something built in and ready... that is gonna be... the slowly changing dimension."
"What crazy dimension was this? This was the hole diameter. Enter, boom."
"Dear Mom, did you get my last letter? I might have addressed it to the wrong dimension."
"I was pretty happy with the results, the trees and shrubbery added much needed dimension to the flat ground pieces I made, and I believe that is the key to creation of immersive terrain scenery."
"We can move forward and look back we can't look forward to move back it's half a dimension."
"these encounters are an invitation to another dimension in god"
"The spiritual realm at the fourth level in the fourth dimension is dark."
"...if you don't want to Stack three die Cuts you could instead cut cut from craft foam and use that for the dimension."
"If these readings are accurate then the rift isn't just some unexplored region of space, it's a gateway to another dimension entirely."
"Welcome to a new dimension, a dimension where the only size that matters is the size of the heart."
"Art is a trick, you're taking something that's three-dimensional and making it two-dimensional."
"Wow, you guys are supposed to be R&D? Clearly a pocket Dimension activated and flipped all of your reality with ours... I mean, this is like one-on-one stuff."
"I like making use of the medium's translucency in combination with the whiteness and the lightness under that color to develop a wide range of values to develop dimension and a sensation of light and glow."
"Adding that dimension kind of like you said, depth and character to it."
"By adding the shadows, we have made it look three-dimensional."
"Putting the shadow in at the right time gives us a fantastic and three-dimensional effect."
"Stop leaving out the intelligence dimension in education."
"That's what makes your picture come alive, your shadowing, right, and your highlighting. That's where I ever heard that because if you don't ever have a shadow or if you never have a highlight, it's going to be flat."
"I know that's going to add a lot of dimensional element to this."
"what an effort and what an extra Dimension"
"Most of what they tell you without prompting has to do with the horizontal dimension. Religion often revolves around communion."
"Time and space are really only bona fide dimensions in this world."
"I need everyone to stand clear of the portal. Yeah, don't need anyone else to be accidentally beamed into another dimension."
"...we want it to have a nice profile you don't want it to be completely flat it needs to have a little bit of movement in it."
"It really felt like I was accessing her dimension."
"The place that you stood on is more than just a virtual reality. It's an alternate dimension."
"Haircuts are about creating dimension without you working very hard."
"Haircuts are about layering because it creates dimension without you working very hard."
"I love when my designs, in this case, a fake bake, has dimension."
"The universe is a four-dimensional spacetime."
"Wow the hair of my dreams like what look at this look at all of that Dimension."
"Time is just another dimension of space, like width, height, and depth. It is the fourth dimension."
"It's a completely different dimension."
"You are literally in a whole different reality, a whole different dimension."
"Man, I don't know what time I'm in, or if I'm even in a different dimension."
"The theory suggests that our consciousness will always remain in the dimension where we continue living."
"It's not a flat matte formula; it has that demi-matte finish that creates a beautiful finish and creates dimension to the skin."
"It gives it more dimension and a little more definition between the layers."
"I actually have access to another dimension."
"I understand that a near-death experience... happens on another dimension of the Consciousness."
"Time is the fourth dimension in our world."
"One of the best ways to create the look of dimension on an inked and stamped background is to do some in color and some in white ink."
"Here you can see the look of dimension we created by inking and stamping those panels."
"It's like I'm going into a different dimension."
"Using global dodging burn to give your images that three-dimensional pop."
"You've literally expanded a new dimension."
"We have been an eternity within this dimension, it was a great advantage to be immortal."
"It's not just about adding bass, you get a sense of dimension and space."
"It feels like it takes you to another dimension."
"God is saying to some people I'm about to take you to a higher level, I'm about to take you into a bigger dimension."
"The core concept of form is really about dimension."
"What I love about dimensional adhesive is it gives a whole new layer to your card."
"The detail is unbelievable. You really got dimension."
"We are entering the Fifth Dimension; it is happening, it is exciting, you are part of it."
"Kirby's stomach is an entirely separate and endless dimension of reality."
"Think of the fifth dimension as existing between the floor and a ceiling."
"It's so multidimensional that any way you turn, it just looks so beautiful."
"Hey guys, drink this space alcohol and come with me to the sixth dimension."
"Adding that bit of dimension to the floral really helps to bring it to life and make it stand out nicely."
"Time isn't a physical thing that exists in space; it's a dimension."
"Once this movie is approved and showed, do you think more people will like the second dimension?"
"When you're styling things, make sure that you're not just putting things all on the same plane; you want to style dimensionally."
"By just adding that little bit of extra layer there, it has this little bit more dimension."
"Sometimes when we're painting, you're just like, 'That is a flat tire,' but it's not; it's a thick three-dimensional tire that is going around."
"So the whole background and the owl himself, distress ink, and then a little pencil work on some of it just to give it some dimension."