
Racial Awareness Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Each one of those was like a dagger to me... it really kind of shocked my conscience and made me think more deeply about the subject of race."
"To be less white means to be less suppressive, less arrogant, less certain, less defensive, less ignorant."
"Real black voices are elevating these issues."
"To pretend not to see color is pretty convenient if you don't actually want to stamp out racism in the first place."
"Asian people have been quiet. But I think it's a different time now."
"This is what I know as a black man in America: I know the deeply harmful and hurtful usage of the word 'boy' and how it was used to humanize and degrade."
"You need to have those conversations. It's uncomfortable. Slavery was uncomfortable. We need to talk about it." - Juneteenth celebrant
"Trust me when I say that as a biracial millennial, the country's messed up history is always in the back of my mind."
"The truth about racial injustice in America can no longer be buried."
"I understand their argument that because I'm white, I don't really think about my skin color."
"Black people are calling white supremacy out by name. See, we're not letting them do the people of color remember whenever they start talking about people of color we're like, 'Nah.'"
"But to say white privilege doesn't exist, from historical context, to me, is respectfully absurd."
"This is a distinction that must be marked and celebrated especially now as our country finds itself in the grip of racial tensions that many of us thought had long ago dissipated."
"Black people are not here for other people's entertainment."
"She's a proven fighter for the backbone of this country, the middle class."
"Black folks, whenever you walk around, you are a target."
"Driving while black registered with a lot of us... even though white people were unlikely to encounter it directly, we inferred that something was there that we could not see."
"If you're black in this country and you don't know you at war right now then you are mentally lost."
"To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a state of rage almost all the time." - James Baldwin
"The reason I say that is that I am a walking example of the fact that there are still places and people that are taught that black lives do not matter."
"The best thing for people of color to do is to pretend like they don't know what they know."
"He's a fool and when you see Fox News praising anybody black we need to have a big old neon line, neon sign beware."
"Let's stop being ashamed, let's stop being afraid. We're in a system of global white supremacy. Once we acknowledge that, we can come up with ways to produce justice."
"Waking up is not simply understanding that racism is bad it is acknowledging that racism created generational wealth for white Americans and Rob black Americans of the same economic boost."
"It just seems like a heartless way to see life, and you pretend you don't see race, right?"
"We got to understand how these white supremacists think. We gotta stop being ashamed and afraid to stand up for our group."
"Nothing can guarantee our safety. What happened to her is another vile reminder to women particularly, black women, that nothing can guarantee our safety."
"The whole point of a racial slur is that you're trying to exclude and demean others."
"Seeing this made me rethink my views on race in a good way."
"Every white person in America is racist, you can still be a good person and be racist."
"I just had not simply considered your perspective in life. I think for a lot of black people in this country we've never had a the option or privilege to not consider that's right the master narrator's perspective on everything."
"What good does it do us to pretend like these things don't exist? That helps white people feel better but it doesn't do anything for the people that are working on these problems."
"Maybe as a black girl, I just know when something feels a little bit like a microaggression."
"White privilege is real black lives matter my son's voice.com."
"Educators must recognize school systems as racialized and political."
"I don't think we realize the mental exhaustion that people of color and people of different identities go through every day to try and stay ahead of people's assumptions about us."
"By being afraid to call ourselves racist we are failing to acknowledge how our biases contribute to systemic racism."
"His whiteness causes him to see everything in racial terms. If only he weren't so white, the scourge of racism would finally be lifted from this nation."
"The last burning embers of racism. That's where we are."
"The racial contract can block white people from realizing what's really happening."
"Life has shown us how dangerous it can be for a black person to not know the truth about themselves."
"You have white privilege, it's over with, it's 2020."
"We're living in two different realities as black and white people."
"If you are made uncomfortable by black skin, you had best not say, 'I don't see color.' You had best say, 'I have a problem because I haven't been around many people of your color, but I'm willing to learn.'"
"Making anyone's skin tone an afterthought at this point in time is either intentional or just lazy."
"Racism doesn't exist, right? Why do you guys always got to bring race into it? Because we wake up every day being black and being treated differently because of that."
"Every black person should feel entirely disrespected."
"If you're white and you consider yourself an ally, maybe it's time to actually sit and think."
"We cannot minimize that, black family. We cannot minimize that. That makes you in danger. You're in danger everywhere you go."
"This video's so different from the rest of mine, and I'm loving it."
"I think questions about race should just be left. If somebody wants to tell you their race, they will. It's not up to you to dig the information out of them."
"I hope this wasn't too rambley or boring. I just want to emphasize that I have not experienced what so many people of color have experienced and everyone's journey is different."
"Your precious little white businesses are going to be fine when people act like slavery ended... but don't take the time to learn about the long-lasting effects that racist policies in Banks and government."
"I'm a part of the problem. I'm raising white children. Like, I'm not standing for this. And I'm going to hold other white people accountable because it bangs differently coming from them than it does from any of us."
"We didn't have this white supremacist thing knocked out you all need to recognize a lot of your so-called Elders are collaborators."
"Black people need to stop falling for the [ __ ] okey doke, stop letting white people dance in front of you."
"She had especially as a white reader, the details that she put in not only was it commentary on living in an inherently racist society, but there were also these details of just like what it is to grow up as a Black teenager."
"White people acknowledged their privilege and gave something back to people of color."
"It showed me the power of community believing in children, believing in the black youth."
"Any white person who grows up in an institutionally racist country is going to have some impact on you whether you want to admit it or not."
"Black America has kind of woke up and said I'm not saving nobody no more, I'm done."
"Stop with the 'I don't see color' [ __ ] that's [ __ ]. Everybody sees color."
"Stop being afraid to acknowledge white supremacy."
"His story was widely circulated among African-American communities but remained widely unknown to the vast majority of Americans for a very long time."
"I genuinely don't know how to talk to people like this lol... do you think it's because of his race?"
"If they come out here and say I apologize for having this party then what they're saying is that well I'm wrong I'm admitting that what we're doing is racist."
"You don't even realize you a whole negro and escaping accountability is just not something that this world is going to Grant you the luxury of doing."
"White guilt has to happen. It's a developmental need."
"You can't negate someone's experience just based on the color of their skin."
"Black women and black mothers just like colorist black men, at this point, like a lot of them know better, they're just not doing better."
"Black people in this country, with what black people have been through now, I demand that America care. I demand that mainstream America care about black people."
"Check on your friends because mental health, especially people of color, it's serious."
"Black lives matter to me means my life, this my existence because the only life that I get the chance to live is black."
"Black lines have always mattered. Why is all of a sudden that black lives matter?"
"If you're white, don't use it. Say it so we can know exactly what's in your heart."
"For the longest time I didn't see skin color. I didn't see it, I didn't, I didn't notice it."
"We gotta see us as human beings man because as soon as we say anything about any other culture everybody comes down on our necks."
"There's a difference between saying 'I don't see color' and recognizing and empathizing with historical and social inequalities."
"Just because I'm white doesn't mean I have to be racist."
"This is a wake-up call from hell for a lot of black folks who wanted to play footsie with white supremacy."
"Black lives matter too, I think that's what people sometimes forget."
"The minute you can see the world through your own lens and recognize the world through a lens that is not centered around whiteness, that's when you have a balance of your double consciousness."
"2020 is a revelation for a lot of white people."
"Saying that you're colorblind or I don't see color isn't true respect, it's erasure."
"By saying you don't see color is like saying you don't see gender."
"Authenticity, hey man, you do realize that and I know that people don't say this is racist."
"Blackness is a superpower, but there are some situations where your blackness is not gonna save you."
"People of goodwill and bad have been unwilling to see black and brown men in their humanist entitled is the same care and compassion concern that we'd extend to our friends or loved ones."
"We've got to awaken from this colorblind slumber we're in to the realities of race in America."
"We should give people a taste of what it is to be Black and famous."
"We're not really being honest in this country about what it means to be black."
"Black people, we cannot afford this [ __ ] now. I can agree to that."
"Black lives matter it needs to like click this time with everyone we need like actual change if you are a black owned business or if you know of any definitely leave them in the comments below so I can check you guys out"
"You are educating white people on what it is to be adopted in this country."
"If you internalize even a fraction of what we talk about on this platform, you will be smarter than most white people."
"Just because we're black does not mean we don't know."
"So many white people are oblivious to the ways we support and sustain white supremacy in almost everything we do."
"There are only two types of black people in America: those who know that racism exists and fight it, and those who know that racism exists and go back to picking the cotton."
"What we saw with her was a really, really powerful explicit example of an understanding of racism in a structural way."
"Children don't see color. I'm pretty sure millions of children who were bullied from a young age over their race know all too well that kids see color."
"White people don't know this. People of color do. Go to my website and download those printed materials and then do what the directions say. They can change their own behaviors. They can change their own willingness to believe the lie."
"Black Americans understand how bad it is, we have fought for everything in this country."
"Are you really so threatened by the accomplishments and struggles of black people that you have to hide your children from them?"
"I'm the first person, black or white, who called attention to the fact that you were finding that there was the rate of people who were African-Americans are dying was three times that of white people."
"That sigh speaks for so many people of color who have to look at and deal with this [__] all the time."
"Race is not an issue for you but it's an issue for others."
"He's sounding an alarm and offering a bracing confrontation with the reality of our racial condition."
"As a person of color, I am hurt personally by the fact that she did not speak up immediately and instead decided to run away from the actual issue."
"At least he tells us that he's a racist, that's dope."
"There's this one topic they'll talk about racism they'll acknowledge discrimination they'll acknowledge all of that but when it comes down to doing something about it they retreat they become hostile."
"When black women are witnessing this in real time."
"Being aware of racism is being aware of that dynamic and saying those people we will not hold them responsible. We will instead try to change the conditions under which they live."
"There's a state of emergency in the black community."
"I know how racist we are I know the extent we can go to to not give houses not give jobs not give a damn seat on a bus to a black person."
"When I hear black people say it's not always about race you guys are some of the most misinformed this world has broken your effing back showing you how much everything is ran by race."
"When we forget that, we allow racism, white supremacy, and anti-blackness to suggest that the only queer people who exist are white queer people."
"I'm tired of black women being scrutinized for things we wear."
"Understand the power that you have as a white person to help change that."
"It's effective having an inclusive powerful message going out on primetime television which is telling people racism still exists it matters and we need to fight it."
"Donald Trump being the man who black people always knew who he was, that's why I use the hashtag we tried to tell you."
"Saying I don't see color it's kind of a stupid comment."
"White people in particular get aroused to get upset, say this is unjust, this isn't right, this shouldn't happen. There's like an awakening that happens, and so part of their racial identity development is seeing that awakening."
"I understand it's not black people's job to teach white people about racism, I get that now."
"You don't think that the kids are race into consideration and that's I guess why they're so confused by this."
"All lives do matter, I'm saying but black my black lives being a black man any important."
"To not be angry means you don't understand what it means to be black."
"Calling people out on racism when in reality they might be 90 years old and they might have a completely different frame of reference."
"This theory that every single white person in this country is racist, I think throughout the conversation and understanding a little bit more of my ignorance and the definition of it, I feel like I've shifted a little bit."
"at the very least I'm white so I'm gonna be fine like I I remember that specifically which is like that sucks that [ __ ] sucks"
"Black Lives Matter: A distinction with a profound difference."
"You can obviously be overtly openly racist but you can also have implicit bias and racial tendencies within you."
"It is not the easy thing to do when you have to sit here and prove your personhood every single time that you're walking around."
"Running while black is like a double consciousness."
"If you are not white, your best bet is to get your information on the subject from someone who is in your own shoes."
"Anyone who thinks they aren't racist hasn't seen Avenue Q."
"Those who demand that no one think about race refuse to see the elephant in the room."
"Remember, she's a black woman in Alabama. They don't give a damn about us."
"When are they actually going to make sure that they're not the only black person in the room to make sure that they are the lightest skin black person in the room and that the other black women in the room with them are darker skinned?"
"If you're not trying to understand how to defeat white supremacy, then you are just trying to find a comfortable place in it."
"Who the [__] are these little white children?"
"Somebody calling you racist is not like, it's not the end of the world. What it should be is a moment for you to take a step back and reflect on yourself to maybe question yourself to be a better person."
"Treating someone differently because of their skin color is not like treating them differently because they are from a city or from a suburb."
"If images and stories of police assaulting citizens is news to you, congratulations on being born white."
"If you don't see race, it means that you don't see racism."
"My time on Nickelodeon played a big part in how I dealt and still deal with racial issues."
"Have you ever talked to a Black parent about what they have to talk to their sons about?"
"If you don't understand the way in which black life has been discounted so regularly, then a phrase like, let alone a movement like black lives matter, won't make sense to you."
"White people have come to a realization that they don't get a pass anymore."
"This drama has dragged on for way too long. Young Hollywood's apology did seem authentic, and as hurtful as it was, I hope that maybe I opened his eyes to the fact that there is so much more to me as a person and an artist than the color of my skin and the texture of my hair."
"I didn't know how black I was until I started working, which I think, yeah."
"Stop thinking like a white man okay because they be doing all kinds of [ __ ] to black people you know that's how we got here in the first place."
"Just be honest, don't be in here with no 'I'm white and I say so,' tell the truth, my man."
"So that's the first thing. Second thing, because I was before all this [__] that came about, I was pro-black in 2006."
"You could easily say I had a lot of confusion with race because I didn't have a real look at everything that was going on."
"When people discover that they are actually mixtures of different races... they won't be racist anymore."
"People of color who know anything about their history know that it's way more complicated than that."
"The biggest privilege associated with being white is not to have to constantly think of what you look like to other people."
"...race is there in the Bahamas, but race isn't something that we talk about 24/7."
"Literacy education in schools must address race, racism, and anti-racism in an educative manner."
"I'm in favor of teaching racially accurate history."
"I'm trying to read some black authors and some scholars that I think do know a lot about the type of thing and educate myself where I can."
"People are smarter and more articulate and -- about race now than any other time in my life."
"Structural racism can't be ignored."
"A baby is born... a baby doesn't know that there are different races."
"Vanessa's parents explained to her about racism and how she would have to work harder than everyone else, growing up as a black girl in America."
"If Kyle did admit that his thoughts were based on racial bias and apologized for it, I think that goes a long way."
"What white people need to understand is that in families where their children are not white, they have to talk to them about how to deal with the police."
"It's frustrating as a black person to try to get some folks that don't really understand what it is to be a minority in this country to understand this whole black lives matter moment and movement."