
Ingredients Quotes

There are 1781 quotes

"We're seeing people turn and learn their ingredients, which I freaking love to see."
"A leek is like a milder onion with just a soft hint of a garlicky flavor, it's got a beautiful aroma when you cook it in butter."
"To make a top-quality Bolognese, we need top-quality ingredients."
"I love the ingredient list. It was very simplistic, no fragrance or essential oils."
"The fragrance the basil in there the water crush the garlic and just a little bit of olive oil i'm sure."
"The freshness is what stands out a little bit of dried chili in there you taste the flavor of the kaukua the toasted sticky rice powder and the crunch of all those onions and cilantro."
"Niacinamide is one of my favorite ingredients in skincare."
"Giving respect to the ingredients is only going to be earned when you really see that and you understand that."
"Real food nutrition, ingredients you can understand."
"Eat foods with ingredients you can pronounce and recognize."
"So just looking at all of these, each of these oils have a combination of both oleic and linoleic."
"So the thing is a lot of the oil ingredients actually match most skin types."
"I monitor him our garam masala lilo an address."
"The secret to making my food the tastiest it can be is starting with the best ingredients I can find."
"The most important thing to remember is mint is made up of cheap cuts—brisket, belly, short rib—so it needs help."
"This refreshing gel cream moisturizer is formulated with niacinamide, hyaluronic acid, fruit antioxidants, and ceramides."
"Hot dogs begin their journey as a blend of beef, pork, and chicken trimmings. That's right, when you bite into a hot dog, you're actually dining on all the leftover parts."
"You know, one of the reasons it tastes so good is because there's just, you know, water, uh, stevia maybe, and then sugar."
"What's in this bad boy? Lemongrass beef as the base, and uh, gonna also have a nook chomp."
"Plant Ceramide Rich Cream: Moisturizer with shea butter, squalane, and ceramides for the moisture barrier."
"Well, this backsplash was called chopped dill."
"Their active ingredient serums like I think some have some nice combinations."
"Retinoids are genuinely a miracle ingredient in skincare."
"Active dry yeast is an important ingredient."
"Every ingredient deserves its shining Michelin star moment."
"Potato butter and salt, what more do you need?"
"The aroma of the fresh thyme with the mushroom, the cognac, the garlic, truffle... it's intoxicating."
"The baby's way is the way... Bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and salt. That's simple, right? You don't need to make it difficult."
"A product is only as good as its worst ingredient."
"Recognize that when you see that really long ingredient list you are about to eat toxic sludge."
"It's absolutely girly to have some help, you're gonna mix this with some spinach and a little bit about some Wawa cheese, they're gonna make all the difference in the world."
"Traditionally tahini is just sesame seeds, no oil."
"Peanut butter truly is the most versatile ingredient ever."
"We have access to ingredients but that's not where it stops."
"But regardless, you got a big batch of almond pulp cookies."
"Retinoids are the single best ingredient in the entire world of skincare."
"We used to do a rocky road bark which is just walnuts and mini marshmallows."
"You cannot review a product by just looking at the ingredients list."
"I feel like all of the recipes have so many like nice ingredients in, I just wouldn't use otherwise."
"The veggies differ depending on what I'm cooking for the week."
"This product has kaolin and bentonite, both of those are clays that, when applied to the skin, can help absorb some of that oil for you."
"But probably the most important piece to this recipe are the shallots you need to use shell it has so much come on camera they add so much flavor."
"For a little bit of color, I'm gonna take half a carrot, shred it."
"Cooking my own food, you know what's going into your food."
"Excuse me, back up, meat, cheese, grilled onions, grilled mushrooms, A1 steak sauce. Excuse me, I find that to be very, very good."
"Start with the basics and know what's important... know your ingredients."
"The sheer quality of the ingredient, this is not just your standard food court sushi."
"It just like sometimes simplicity at its best because all this is tuna, scallion, rice, and seaweed."
"Good ingredients are kind of the key to everything else."
"It's packed with 75 vitamins and minerals and whole food sourced ingredients combining the perfect amount of micronutrients, absorption, and taste to jumpstart your daily routine."
"That's what I mean, there's so many different varieties of rice."
"Just a couple of ingredients, quality ingredients."
"We don't wanna cook powder, no... we're gonna add in milk. In this goes, lot o' milk is in there, folks."
"This is truly a work of culinary art because it's so simple didn't have to do anything extra for it you just like a few ingredients throw them together do your thing and this is the end result."
"These were really, really cool, and whatever peptides and hyaluronic acid is in here, this did some work."
"Halloumi, red pepper, and diced onions, that's a perfect pizza."
"Affection and care are all ingredients inside love but you need to have a lot of freaking ingredients."
"You have to get your cured meat, your cheeses, your olives, your garnishes. All your garnish, that's all in the mix, man. So true, good."
"Azelaic acid booster with licorice as well as salicylic acid."
"That pizza was so good. I had olives and tomatoes and capers and some sort of vegetable that I couldn't recognize, but tasted really good."
"Eleven herbs and spices, believe it or not, are what was included in this."
"This takes meat, you can see the meat on the left."
"Are you ready for the kicker? This entire container of butter. Pioneer woman, what are you doing exactly? Like the amount of milk and sour cream and cheese and bacon already in this, it's feeling like a lot."
"There is something so wonderful about simple ingredients coming together, real ingredients."
"Astronaut ice cream is mostly made of sugar, like whipped sugar."
"It's all about buying clean ingredients, reading the label, and knowing exactly what you put in your body."
"You also want any topical treatments like lotions to have antioxidants and alpha hydroxy acids in them."
"If it just says fragrance, that's a huge red flag."
"The flavor is amazing, the freeze-dried strawberry powder is really coming through."
"Retinol palmitate is a vitamin A derivative."
"All of these are like the fundamentals and the most basic but most important ingredients."
"If you make pumpkin pie, the Libby's canned is 6.98 for a three-pack, cane sugar is 6.58, and French's fried onions are 7.44."
"Freshly grated nutmeg that goes inside, yeah yeah."
"Taking care of the moisture barrier with really good ingredients is important."
"Shea butter is composed of triglycerides, oleic acid, and linoleic acid... very well tolerated and a very good moisturizing oil ingredient."
"Eggs are one of the most versatile and functional ingredients in any dish."
"It has a licorice root extract which imparts a brightening effect."
"The flavor of pesto and the potatoes mixed in together, both of those together taste amazing."
"120 grams of bananas, 20 grams of banana cheese, and two scoops of protein."
"Retinol, vitamin B, vitamin C... can help reduce pigmentation."
"Hummus: Chickpeas, tahini, lemon juice, garlic. Simple and divine."
"Lovely and nice. Now what I want to do, I'm going to use a lot of ginger, so I'm going to be using a lovely fat chunk of piece of ginger."
"The idea that the only ingredients that are safe are the ones that you can pronounce or that you can recognize as coming from nature, it's completely false."
"Sunscreen ingredient least likely to cause any kind of allergy or irritation is just plain zinc and/or titanium dioxide."
"There's one key ingredient that you have to include and that's preserved lemons."
"Chicken and sweet corn soup with lots and lots of ginger... It's the ultimate comfort food." - Cora Cora
"Red sauce has to have tomato involved in it somewhere."
"Dessert was really unique. Chef took fresh fruit like watermelon, UFO peaches, cherries, basil, and a fresh spice called mago."
"It just blew me away in terms of texture as well as the ingredients in it."
"I loved how all the ingredients were really fresh."
"Almonds, pecans, and maple syrup, organic honey... at least it's clean ingredients."
"Most of the soups that I've had always start with a base of onion, celery, carrots, and garlic. That is like, that is the go-to to start it off."
"There's just something about the texture, the ingredients, everything about this serum I love."
"If you truly want brighter, smoother, even-looking skin, then this has other brightening ingredients in here that I love."
"Coffee is not actually made from coffee beans."
"The four important ingredients you need for a compost pile are a source of nitrogen, a source of carbon, water, and oxygen."
"They demonise particular ingredients for being toxic based on misinformation and misinterpretation of studies."
"You can't really generalise chemical sunscreen ingredients; they are a really diverse group."
"You have all the ingredients necessary to be very successful."
"Rather than prepping meals, prep ingredients that you can then make into meals."
"Mineral sunscreens are made with either zinc oxide and/or titanium dioxide."
"Pound cake is so called because the recipes once called for a pound of butter, a pound of sugar, a pound of eggs, and a pound of flour."
"I would be shocked if the first two ingredients are not sugar and corn syrup."
"Let's start with the ingredients."
"An ingredient list that doesn't feature highly processed refined oil is like finding a crispy $50 bill on a busy Chicago sidewalk."
"Sugar to help the crust brown evenly all over and olive oil to provide tenderness to the dough so that it ends up crispy without being overly chewy."
"I'm using bread flour here just to give the dough that little bit of extra structure that we're looking for for a New York style pizza."
"My palate picks up every single ingredient here, and it's magical."
"It's going to be the base sauce... ricotta, some peino, my field mozzarella, roast off some Chestnut mushrooms, a little garlic and Thyme."
"You keep it simple, you don't need much money, you just need good ingredients."
"Fruit snacks are made shiny using carnauba wax."
"This is a great mix of roots here, the carrots, parsnip, and the turnip."
"I think the ingredient-led revolution can introduce these conversations about what we're putting on our bodies, what we're putting in our bodies."
"Refreshing micronutrient complex enriched with snow mushroom, green papaya milk, green tea, goji berry, rice water, niacinamide, and vitamin E evens and refines skin."
"Simple ingredients make great things."
"The Big Mac consists of two beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, pickles, American cheese, onions, and a three-piece sesame seed bun."
"Gem is made up of a blend of 15 plus whole food ingredients that give you all the essential vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, superfoods, prebiotics, and probiotics."
"I was really surprised to find that five out of the eight foundations that I am reviewing today do have denatured alcohol in the first five ingredients."
"Basically anything you would put in an omelet, you can put in here."
"Azelaic acid is one of those ingredients that you can use during pregnancy and breastfeeding."
"I love the little pots of ingredients; it reminds me a lot of the Harry Potter video games."
"And it has a great ingredient list with propenol to moisturize the skin niacinamide to help support the Skin's barrier hyaluronic acid for hydration and green tea also for soothing redness and sensitivity."
"This dip is this like roasted carrots with cumin and chili powder and oregano and fresh lime juice."
"What's wrong with peanut butter, dates, and candied walnuts?"
"This is fresh has a right texture towards it I don't know what the Truffle was if I'm not wrong the Truffle is in the jelly oh yeah that's not jelly but it is but it is jelly okay so the Truffle is in the small pieces of jelly"
"This mixture by Alchemy for the skin contains pink lamb salt."
"The flavor oh the chilies the Tomato definitely taste a lot of tomatoes in there"
"Onion is always number first unless there is bacon."
"Remember, you're only as good as the ingredient you're using, my friends."
"The first thing you taste is the onion, and the bacon is like, wow."
"I make sure that they just don't have a ton of added unnecessary ingredients, especially the sugars."
"Wow. That is very very good. It's the quality of ingredients isn't it? Everything is a step above."
"Yeah I mean pizza is so simple. It's like if you use s*** ingredients you're gonna get sh*t. You know what I mean?"
"It's sweetened with fruit this is a coconut cashew one whole grain oats date powder coconut and cashews very simple ingredients you can see those on the back."
"Every once in a while a movie comes along with the ingredients to make something truly memorable."
"If relationships have certain ingredients they confer all of these wonderful things."
"It's amazing how just a couple of ingredients can make such a delicious meal."
"If you can Splurge maybe splurge on the chicken maybe go to the 99 cent store for all your other ingredients."
"In a large mixing bowl, I added my black beans and those cooked lentils, some minced garlic, and then some seasonings: cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, salt, and pepper."
"I mean, this thing's got OJ, two Snickers bars, a banana, potato chips, two raw eggs, and a generous dollop of Tabasco sauce."
"Read your ingredients and avoid highly processed food with added fructose."
"It's super flexible. Any cheese, any meat, any veggies you have on hand."
"The quality of the ingredients here is next level."
"Anchovies are one of the main ingredients in Caesar salad dressing."
"I'm actually going to cut the cheddar into blocks."
"I wish they didn't have organic sunflower oil in them but you know what otherwise for a cracker they're great ingredients."
"I might even get two I could eat this stuff by the Spoonful it's got great ingredients."
"That's what I like to see, a full bucket of onions."
"All it takes was gum to create that kind of consistency."
"I think if he didn't have the food coloring, I would have appreciated the ingredients like a little more maybe."
"Butter onions and garlic, glorious goodness."
"I offer a clean cocktail option with nothing artificial, made with real fruit juice."
"It's filled with a lot of stuff but what you're really tasting is the seasoned potato mixed with chorizo."
"That's coconut milk right? Coconut milk gives that nice coconut flavor, wow, beautiful wow."
"We found a gluten-free sourdough...the ingredients that they've put into it are so well thought out."
"I strongly recommend if you are thinking about using a chemical sunscreen, Google from reputable sources the ingredients."
"Glass bottle, they're made with real sugars, not HFCS, and all-natural flavors."
"The premier thing here is the pickles and the pineapple Spears."
"Worry about your technique, don't worry about so much the ingredients."
"The quality of your ingredients really matters and your technique matters."
"Then at half a teaspoon or 2 G of xanen gum, three large eggs begin to blend till smooth."
"Each individual ingredient and the proportion is so important and makes such a difference."
"Zanan gum, oh man you know bringing a little bit of that fine dining repertoire here today."
"Butter and onion, what's wrong with that, nothing."
"Alice's father wonders how he got to this point by using the bear broth and Suma reveals that he used honey and vinegar to season the dish."
"Just a little bit of onion, raw garlic, supposed to be healthy for you, and then we add the serrano pepper."
"Just something that can be made with super simple and cheap ingredients, and it's just all about the technique."
"The first fat: butter. Total success."
"Oh, natural ingredients, and it's made from eggplant and vegetables. That makes sense, so it's healthy!"
"One thing that I've found that is interesting is what it looks like when all the ingredients are right in front of you for a meal. You never think about that when you're cooking. You're just like, 'True, and that's there and that's that, isn't it?'"
"Some ingredients will lead you to ruin. While others will lead you to the perfect Pizza."
"These make a great sauce, they're salty, briny, and zami."
"We also love our B vitamins, we're talking niacinamide and panthenol. Again, these aren't going to cure rosacea, but niacinamide can help the skin create more ceramides, which the skin naturally needs."
"Cornstarch needs a bit of time to work its magic, so don't kill the heat immediately."
"Vinegar is often used to season foods in Chinese cuisine, and just a tiny splash will add some extra complexity and depth to our soup."
"Basically they make sure you're supposed to be dish soap with some brown sauce."
"Pure vanilla extract, not imitation, put that stuff away now."
"The point is you just need a sweetener. Alright, just look at what you have in your cabinet and use that."
"So what we have here is just the chanterelles cooked in their own juices with a little bit of a stock, a little bit of butter, chives, salt, and pepper."
"Everything starts off with the star of today's show; dry whole milk."
"The peeled tomato makes the difference."
"Mushrooms don't slice them too thinly. Okay, sometimes we just got a bit of bacon spaghetti, you sort of look for the ingredients."
"Onions cooked in butter is the beginning step of all classic French cooking."
"This contains 10% of matrixyl and hyaluronic acid."
"Good sauce with bacon make it salty you know add some flavor."
"The Glow Recipe Guava Dark Spot Serum contains five different vitamin C's, along with ferulic acid and tranexamic acid to help improve skin tone."
"Clean ingredients you can feel good about."
"These are like next level good. I think it's 'cause you use such high-quality ingredients as well."
"Eye creams can be beneficial for under-eye issues as long as you're deliberate about what ingredients you're looking for."
"There really is nothing in skincare that interacts in a terribly bad way that it's going to cancel out another ingredient."
"Does it have to mean, is this free of XYZ ingredient? What is this actually going to do for my skin? What is it going to do for my health?"
"It's a lot cheaper when you're buying single ingredients than buying prepackaged food at the store."
"The first example we've ever discovered of someone going through the trouble to prepare a blend of ingredients just to add flavor."
"There is no secret ingredient. It's just plain old noodle soup."
"It's so nice to come out and cook chicken for supper, go out, pick up some thyme, cook some lamb for supper."
"A bagel, cream cheese, lox, tomatoes, onions."
"All quality ingredients make a delicious meal."
"The four keys to a good homemade salad dressing or sauce are sweet, salty, tangy, and a fatty component. So if you can remember those, you can always make yourself an amazing sauce at home."
"This smells absolutely unbelievable. I don't know what it is, but onion, garlic, and mushroom – best combination ever."
"The first ones are made with lard that I home-rendered that I purchased from a local farmer."