
Hesitation Quotes

There are 668 quotes

"It's this window of hesitation that defines your whole life."
"I'm actually afraid to eat it. Long John Silver, I'd eat their chicken but that'd defeat the purpose because they're a seafood place."
"Keg knew the closer that she got, there's no way I'm gonna be able to do this."
"What could it hurt? What would be the reason not to?"
"Sometimes the topics of discussion I want to bring up I just don't think I should."
"I hesitate to use the word masterpiece, but this place might be."
"Some of you are hesitant about embarking on a new opportunity out of fear of being disappointed again."
"The moment you feel yourself hesitate, you have a decision to make."
"We were out there, a lot of it too, it's like, you know, I don't want to get into all the things that I could compare it to because it would be, you know, hypocritical."
"They're contemplating coming forward, but they feel like it would be a waste of time. And you're more than likely feeling the same way."
"There is a five-second window between the moment that your inner wisdom tells you to speak up and your mind killing it."
"Don't hesitate... there's too much hesitation."
"No it comes I mean I just I'm just really hesitant to put limits on things."
"This feels like somebody from your past who is contemplating uh trying to see if they can bring you back into their life but they're afraid you're still mad at them with the King of Swords in the reverse."
"They do and they don't because they're holding back."
"He's providing an escape to a better life. What is making us hesitate?"
"I was like uh I don't know what to say like everything I could think of saying right now seems kind of disrespectful"
"Why isn't John and Tony on the ground? Okay, I understand why you hesitate."
"Even though we know we need to do that, we are hesitating to really do that because we're scared."
"For those that hesitate when it comes to jobs like this."
"Every time they think about perhaps reaching out to you, they think okay maybe I better not for some reason."
"They don't know whether the... somebody there's a part of them that wants to back out entirely."
"I guess we're going to uh... yeah I think uh that might have been a little bit broken."
"I just want to start randomly putting up some of them if you don't mind but I just can't... myself from the top where I see them."
"They found that if they were hesitant at all, he'd get really weird about it."
"The heart wants what it wants, despite the hesitation to act on it."
"The potential is [pause] but yeah, let's stop waffling and round this video off there."
"If you seem like you are so, at a certain point, it starts to seem like he's almost afraid to let the other person talk."
"He hesitates so many times during that argument seemingly on the brink of changing his mind for the whole conversation."
"It's like I should probably go back and get them and all that jazz."
"I actually do want to ask, but your face says no."
"Make that step if one little thing is holding you back."
"We're pretty sure this is... I won't say pretty sure."
"They want to try this again, but they're holding back. They don't want to start a fight, don't want to start any more arguments."
"It's the number one thing holding me back from recommending it because the rest of it I kind of like."
"Making a decision, should I or shouldn't I? Needing more information before making a decision."
"I feel like a lot of people want to know more, but then they're also like, 'Okay, they're kind of standoffish.'"
"When you're ready to jump, just jump. Don't do the one, two, three; you'll think too much about it."
"Yes, I mean not you know, yeah well yeah yeah."
"I was trying to think of like, oh can I do this without robbing him immediately, but no, I don't think so."
"Nor asks if she really has to go."
"Everything in me was screaming and saying don't do this... but you're too far in, you can't do that in front of everybody."
"I didn't want to move the robber. It's just got sheds and sheds of sheep. I didn't want to move."
"I'm scared of setting down the sword a little bit."
"I can't bring myself to write in greater detail."
"Someone's pumping the brakes in regards to the relationship building."
"Every time that I heard that Yelp, I wanted to push the button and run out to save her. But right before I did, I remembered each time she was gone."
"I left there with the weird feeling like I don't know if I'd want to do one of these again."
"I say I don't want to go any further though because I don't like the vibes back there."
"This is someone who wants to try again but they know there is too many hurtful words, there is too many things left unsaid."
"They're kind of unsure of how exactly to approach you because it feels like they have a big crush on you."
"If somebody came up to you just handed you a pie and they're like go hit sigils in the face, you wouldn't even hesitate for a second."
"This person loves you and they just don't know how to tell you."
"Let's do a full week. The idea came into my head and I thought, 'I've gotta do that, I don't wanna do that, but I'm gonna--' (laughs)"
"He's a great salesman and he loves her, but he doesn't want to wife her up."
"You don't mean... not leave it all?"
"What happens instead is that we decide to never do that thing we heard or felt or experienced."
"They say, 'I'm not going to hesitate when it comes to you. As soon as the road is clear, as soon as I'm ready for you, for this connection, I wouldn't make it long. I'll be very fast and quick with my actions.'"
"I don't want to give you I'm not I'm not"
"It made me pause, flicker of unease threading through me."
"I stayed away from this niche for a little while because I thought everything had been done before."
"There's so many things I've got to tell you, but I'm afraid I don't know how."
"They want to reach out, maybe their higher self is keeping them from reaching out right now."
"Let's take the left," he responded after a bit of hesitation.
"Zeke just doesn't want to risk his relationship with Jimmy for pursuing Tina at least not yet."
"You're quick to think but not quick to act."
"They are thinking a lot about initiating contact or making a move."
"They feel like this connection overall is a gift to them, that it's teaching them a lot. I do feel like there might be a little bit of hesitation in terms of feeling like they might be rejected, like they might not be good enough."
"If they don't make a move towards you, this person's like I know I'm going to regret this for the rest of my life."
"Let's all say like one cool thing about ourselves. Wait, no, actually, wait, no, no, no, no, 'cause that's the second targeted thing just for me."
"His face blushed bright red. Because I'm scared, alright? I can't leave. I've stood at my door, my hands on the handle, telling myself to walk through. But I can't because my mind is telling me it's out there, waiting for me."
"There's something about it that scares you, like you got something good here."
"It's almost like the universe is daring you to take it on or daring you to peek at it."
"I never jumped before... But I am frightened."
"This person wants to tell you how they feel about you, but they may feel that it's too soon, or they may think that you think it might be too soon."
"Hey, why don't you come by later? I don't know."
"I'll do it if you do it, I'm not ready."
"They miss you but don't feel ready to reach out."
"This person feels like they're scared to come towards you, danger like they kind of afraid but they want to come towards you as well."
"It would be a pity to just leave."
"Yilia tells Patrick it's time for her to leave but he grabs her hand telling her to wait."
"I thought about escaping but realized it would be a grave mistake."
"Should I let it go? But I think I will regret it."
"This person is dragging their feet because they are possibly confused... it's almost like this person could even be hiding in plain sight."
"But that's what I don't want to do."
"Although we won it wasn't exactly a unanimous win there was a little bit of thought a little bit of hesitation."
"If it was me, I personally wouldn't touch it. I'd leave it just like this."
"Yeah I think I'm not gonna do it."
"I almost hung up right then. It took all I had just to say yeah."
"I hit it because I was scared, I was second-guessing myself over the ball."
"You're gonna love it deep down, but I think you're gonna have that kind of element of you that's like, 'It feels a little bit like, oh, I can't accept this.'"
"They're super interested in you, but their heart's heavy, and I think they think they'll let you down. They feel like they'll hurt you, or you'll hurt each other."
"There was no guarantee that he wasn't going to change his mind and come back."
"I've always liked you. I was just too nervous to do anything about it."
"Was there any part of her that wanted to kiss him?"
"Amane gives in and finally confesses that he likes her."
"Oh wow, it's a work of art. It looks so good. I don't even want to eat it now."
"Someone sees something for what it is but they're nervous about acknowledging it."
"Usually, Drew Timmy doesn't hesitate, but that's the presence of Mark Williams as a shot blocker. It caused hesitation, and he couldn't finish the play."
"They want to talk to you, flirt with you, ask you out, but they're nervous."
"It's like it's visceral cringe, I get why their friends are so tired of it, pull the trigger, the perfect moment."
"It's like you're never really ready to take action."
"I just want to eat the deep-fried Oreos and I want to go on the ferris wheel, oh, wait, the ferris wheel's too high, who said that?"
"Van Damme trying to regroup now while Van Dam, his second thoughts, it was almost as if he might have been headed back to the top."
"It's like a magic guys, like a click in the mind. I think regretted not going over and talking to her."
"Your person wants to talk to you but they're too scared to talk to you."
"They feel like they've gone too far down a path."
"I'm definitely not getting on that."
"I'm not going to do it because of the upheaval."
"I don't even check the stuff should I ask her now?"
"...I have to think about it obviously I would never."
"I've wanted to kiss you for years. And I never got a chance to. So I don't want to rush things, but I need to know, are you really okay with trying to pick things up back from where they were?"
"I'm not going to jump into a lake if I can't see to the bottom. If I don't know, I can't go. You never know, do you? Never know."
"I told my wife I'd go downstairs and check it out however when I got closer to the door I had an odd sensation of fear."
"See yeah, no that's that right there is what will stop me from doing anything any type of puncturing of the walls."
"The abundance of choice can cause us to hesitate and put off important decisions, sometimes indefinitely."
"I'm sorry like I don't know how I'm gonna take it but I have to do the full micro needling facial like."
"He's like, 'Are you sure that I want to kiss that?'"
"I thought about opening the door and asking him what he wanted but I was afraid."
"He already wanted to stroke the princess's head on automatic but then he abruptly removed his hand."
"I fell in love with you, but I didn't want to say."
"I'm not sure where that came from. What, no? I can't say that."
"That was my chance to enter the fairy realm but I turned back."
"It felt like I was just rambling on at that point so I stopped inquiring and kept quiet."
"There's no way I'm going out there."
"There's something about their ego being afraid to come towards you."
"So I try to guarantee things that I'm almost afraid of guaranteeing."
"Let's just get out of here before we find out," I told myself.
"I just haven't been ready pass me the UM thing about cool."
"Conscience does make cowards of us all."
"Hesitation causes more pain but brashness leads to mistakes."
"Now that it's here in front of me right now that this is really real, do I really, really want this?"
"They're holding themselves back because they feel like they're on the precipice of a new phase in their life."
"I didn't have the balls to leave them."
"You're thinking about saying something, aren't you?"
"I hated that idea, but the more I thought about it, I knew it was the right thing to do."
"you see but I am not this word marriage is like haunts me so I don't know why we need to rush it so much I don't want to get married anytime soon but I know you want me to get married anytime soon it will happen but when I feel I'm ready."
"She's in love with you. So much she's afraid to tell you."
"Honestly, I don't know, but it was..."
"Your person sees you as the empress, they realize how special you are, and yet, in order to move towards you and make this situation a reality, I feel there is just too much fear and too much hurt and pain."
"They're debating heavily if they should message you."
"I wish things could be different. I'm afraid to contact you. This person may have foot-in-mouth syndrome."
"This is coming through as indecision, but not stopping."
"I understand," Marty climbed the first few stairs then turned.
"I don't want to burden existence onto another innocent being."
"Players are going to start second guessing themselves."
"It feels like they're dragging things out, not in a hurry to commit, even though they have deep feelings for you."
"Tase him, no, don't. I'll stab you."
"But they may have been afraid of opening up their heart, their feelings, their emotions."
"This is a look, too. See, it's so hard to make a decision."
"If it was sharies, she wouldn't hesitate."
"Simply begin to have the concept, 'I like me now.' And as simple as that is, you get a lot of hesitation."
"Your person doesn't want to mess up the friendship or relationship definition."
"You don't have to do this, Dolly."
"I'm nervous to get back into it after this."
"I can't even pick up the phone and call you."
"Honestly overall guys, I don't feel like I'm quite ready to leave just yet."
"I won't, I mean, that's too crooked for them."
"If you ask me if he likes me, 'Do you like Danny?' He said yes but I don't want to say hi."
"He said their friendship was important enough to him that he would prefer being quietly in love with her forever to trying something and ruining it. And that's kind of where I came in I guess."
"Mo Wun confessed her feelings, Jein Wu hesitated at first, feeling unworthy of her love, but he also wanted to spend his life with her."
"If you've got something you want to try, don't hesitate as long as I did."
"I'm not fully walking away just yet. We will see how it pans out."
"I heard you scream and I hesitated for a second. I could have run to you but I hesitated."
"I really hesitated to enter trades today because one after publishing many videos of my failures, I do want to show some improvement in my trading."
"A crawl space that could barely fit a person, lying on their stomach, the dank smell wafting upward made me reluctant."
"I made you promise," Diana says, hesitating with her blade at Superman's neck.
"He thought about destroying Frieza once he saved Beerus the trouble of destroying planet Vegeta himself, though never went through with it."
"In my opinion, the greatest enemy to a wonderful Street photograph is hesitation."
"I was never going to be the first person to say something."
"It's almost like you're wanting to take a little bit of slow action, you're wanting to think things through before you actually take that next step with whatever this is."
"That's why you don't want to lose half of your money making possibility by waiting on the sideline."
"They have a lot to do, they may have a lot going on currently, and it feels like they are hesitant."
"I reckon I wanted to bring in really what to bring. I bought it. I watched everybody. I really, really wanted to bring in the Assi box, but like, no, I couldn't part with it. No."
"Your person is afraid they're going to scare you off if they tell you that they're into you."
"I don't want to be the one to make the first move."
"I'll stab you in the neck but I don't know if I want to call you that."
"They feel guarded, on guard with getting things to move forward."
"On the plains of hesitations lie the bones of countless millions who sat down to wait and died."
"I wouldn't want that. I would seriously, normally, yes. No."
"Hesitation is the seed that will not hesitate to produce a harvest of regret."
"To ignore opportunity for convenience is to seal your fate through hesitation."
"On the plains of hesitation lie the bones of countless millions who at the dawn of decision sat down to wait, and while waiting, they died."
"Hesitation is the seed that does not hesitate to produce a harvest of regret."
"A moment of hesitation can cause you a lifetime of regret."
"Hesitation is the delay due to uncertainty of mine or fear hesitation means you start questioning the action that the moment is prompting are you going to do it are you not going to do it are you going to follow the lord are you not going to follow the lord."
"Hesitation is linked to a negative outcome and here's the reason why I studied into this because most of us hesitate because we link our feelings to our decision."
"Suddenly she kisses him before saying goodbye and running away, leaving him speechless while she blushes from what she did."
"...and then hit it what am I doing popping it now let it sink look at this thing."
"I want to move forward, but my fears hold me back."
"I thought I would just feel so guilty to continue."
"...at first I'm like, 'No way, I can't do that,' because it just didn't feel right to me. I felt like I was, I don't know, you know, I don't want to make money off this, I don't want to take money from people who are suffering."
"The idea of doing this movie bothered me."
"It's very likely that the customer may not even want to go any further."
"Is there still a part of me that thinks I should go for it? Absolutely."
"It's like my sense, like every part of my brain is telling me don't go back to that thing, don't go get it, don't open it."
"I thought I'll just hang around for a little bit longer."
"He raised the rock over his head, 'On three,' he told himself, 'one, two—' 'No wait, Terence, don't do it,' came the voice of his sister from behind him."
"I was a kid in that moment. I was scared. That was an experience I had, but I also was fearful to really say anything because I didn't want to upset anybody."