
Ethical Hacking Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"The certified ethical hacker certification helps reinforce the fact that ethical hacking is a unique and self-regulating profession."
"White hat hackers are the little angels of the hacker world."
"Getting to be in front of that many people, teaching ethical hacking concepts, has been both really difficult and really rewarding."
"Lifelong learning is essential for success in ethical hacking."
"Learning ethical hacking: start with the basics, then practice."
"iDefense had created an ethical, profitable system that gave hackers a first opportunity to monetize their hobby."
"Hackers are real they're out there and you could become one right now and what I've shown you is kind of a method to become a white hat hacker which is what you should be learn how to hack things so you can learn how to protect things."
"Don't scan networks that you don't have any permission for, only scan your own network, your own computers, your own servers."
"You wanna be a hacker, you wanna be an ethical hacker, part of being an ethical hacker is thinking outside the box."
"Your goal as a good hacker is really to help everyone like you and me to make sure that our stuff is protected."
"Be a responsible penetration tester and pick a stronger password."
"Certified Ethical Hacker version 11: The most advanced ethical hacker program ever launched."
"It's gamified but can teach you important lessons in terms of cybersecurity and ethical hacking."
"The intention was not to steal, only to highlight the woeful security."
"Hacking could actually be a powerful tool to expose wrongdoing or to shift power away from people in power."
"Now, as always what I'm demonstrating in this video is for ethical hacking purposes only."
"When I heard that ethical hackers get paid to hack into companies, find security problems, and help companies stick to a security problems."
"And there you have it, if you are an ethical hacker or a penetration tester, now you can extract plain text Wi-Fi passwords on a Target Windows computer."
"Red team always are winning. Ethical hackers offensive they always winning."
"...fortunately ethical hackers can earn money by reporting these bugs to bug bounty programs and make the web application safer for the users that rely on them."
"Ethical Behavior: Regarding third-party services, vulnerability reporting and hosting, we ask that you don't host proof of concepts or videos externally. They should be uploaded directly to the Integrity platform."
"You have overstepped a line. You need to access the minimal amount of data required in order to demonstrate the impact of vulnerability."
"It takes time to become an ethical hacker."
"So strap in, put on your white hat, and let's get ready to do some ethical hacking."
"I'm actually gonna be showing you real hacking techniques and they should only be used ethically."
"This video is intended only for educational purposes to allow us to apply these techniques during pen testing and to responsibly report any findings to the product managers in an ethical manner."
"There is a standard for responsible disclosure that says you need to go through this process to let the vendor at least have a reasonable chance of making the world a better place by fixing their stuff."
"It's a great course for people who want to follow ethical hacking or red teaming and stuff and get a job on that."
"The hacking community, although it's influential, you can still be a white hat and have a great career."
"There are two sets of hackers, black hats and white hats, and what I want to do is I want to channel that black hat energy, especially those kids borderline, right, show them, 'Wow, do you have a lot of opportunity on the right side of the law.'"
"As an ethical hacker, you're not necessarily replacing vulnerability scanners, but you really do work hand in hand."
"What we're trying to do is we're trying to find vulnerabilities before the bad people do and report those to clients ethically."
"We do ethical hacking so companies hire us to actually break in like the bad guys."
"If you want to become an ethical hacker, you should be well-versed in networking."
"You should be familiar with Linux because we are in Linux a good majority of the time."
"Hackers Academy is an online learning platform for individuals that are looking to become ethical hackers or security experts."
"They might do something which isn't technically correct, maybe it's not legally correct, but they're doing it for purposes that, in their minds at least, are ethical."
"Ethical hacking: hacking with permission."
"Python is one of those languages that I suggest you learn if you're interested in becoming an ethical hacker."
"We perform ethical hacking to protect you from the bad guys."
"This tool here should be used for security purposes, so you should use it to test your own environment."
"The goal here is not to actually perform hacks... we're learning how to become pen testers."
"With the exponential growth in cyber attacks, the necessity of being trained in ethical hacking is at an all-time high."
"Nmap is most beneficial in the early stages of ethical hacking where a hacker must figure the possible entry point to a system."
"Ethical hacking can be defined as any type of hacking that has been allowed by the owner of the target system."
"Ethical hackers may use the same methods and tools used by malicious hackers but with the permission of the authorized person for the purpose of improving the security and defending the systems from attacks by malicious users."
"Networking abilities are one of the most significant requirements for becoming an ethical hacker."
"To become an ethical hacker, one also needs to have fundamental hardware expertise."
"An ethical hacker must ensure that communication between members of the organizations do not leak to malicious hackers."
"The primary responsibility of an ethical hacker would be to gather the most vulnerable points of an organization that can be used against them."
"Ethical hackers are expected to carefully document the steps taken to uncover the vulnerabilities and detail exactly how they were able to compromise the client's security system."