
Filial Piety Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"The older generation holds on to the traditional notion that there are three types of unfilial behaviors, and not having children is the worst of them all."
"If you cannot honor your parents here on Earth, then you will not be able to honor the Eternal and divine father of which is much more important by the way. It is a step and intermediary to that."
"Honor the son just as they honor the father."
"Patriotism is not just the love of country; it's the extension of filial piety, natural and good."
"I carried my mother on my back for the entire Hajj."
"It is still right to obey your parents in the Lord. You make them a priority in your life."
"A young person who is filial and respectful of his elders rarely becomes the kind of person who is inclined to defy his superiors."
"The only significant expense I've indulged in is filial piety towards my mom."
"Those that have caused their parents to cry, let them bring tears of joy to those parents."
"He aims to satisfy his mother's wishes."
"If you do the right thing and take care of your mom, at the end of the day, you're gonna invest safely."
"...as children, we have to have so much respect for our parents."
"Even if your parents are bad, you have to be kind to them."
"The biggest of the major sins: shirk and being undutiful to one's parents."
"Give them mercy the same way they gave you mercy as they raised you."
"Thank God the only reason I didn't do it probably because I didn't want to bring disrespect to my mother."
"Family plays a central role in Chinese society, with traditional values of filial piety and respect for elders."
"If one of them reaches old age in your lifetime, that's the greatest gift that Allah can give you."
"I would love the opportunity to be able to take care of my mom and dad in their older years."
"Your Lord has ordained not to worship none but Him, and to be dutiful towards your parents."
"Look after your mother, you will get the same reward as a Mujahid."
"After the worship of Allah Almighty, there is nothing greater than respecting your mother and father."
"Make sure you do your filial duty until your mom takes her last breath."
"From now on, I'll do my best to make you proud and give back for everything you've done."
"Dutifulness to parents is among the best things that a person loves to see in their records."
"It's about a man whose mother, on her deathbed, tells him that she wants him to open a mosque in their local English town."
"You hold your mother's hand with the intention that Jannah is under my mother's feet, all of a sudden this is an act of ibada."
"Now, we're living a relaxing life together. I plan to make up to show filial piety by taking good care of my father from now on."
"Maybe I should spend a lot of time doing good things for my parents."
"If you have elderly parents and you're not able to earn Allah's pleasure through them, you will not earn it through any other means."
"Each and every penny, each and every minute, each and every toil and troublesome circumstance that you face, Allah will reward your mother, and you will be rewarded as a righteous son for doing this for your mother."
"Worship Allah and be grateful to your parents."
"Those who look after their parents, untiringly, they get their blessings and keep progressing."
"Be nice to your kids; they choose your nursing home."
"Hi Sir, I want to become a doctor like you, so that I can cure people's diseases and take care of my father."
"Filial piety... is a universal principle that is true in all cultures."
"There are three things in life that wise people say that we should be doing: generosity, the going forth, and filial piety."
"Remember that your parents have done so much for you in life... allow yourself to give rise to gratitude in your heart for your parents."
"To say that in all the virtues for human, to be filial is first."
"Empress, you are filial and devoted without any reservation."
"I am in my prime youth. But I worry you. I am not filial."
"I swear now. That my children only know of being filial to Great Qing."
"By taking care of your health and nursing it back to health, this is how you can be filial to me."
"I hope to be able to be more filial to my parents who helped me out so much."
"Our bodies and hair are inherited from our parents. That's the way of filial piety."
"12th prince is born a filial son. Quite extraordinary."
"The first exemplar is about filial piety that moves heaven."
"Being filial should be with sincerity."
"I'm a soon-to-be mother. Suddenly realized my father's hard work. So come here and be filial."
"Twelfth Prince is born a filial son. Quite extraordinary."
"You are sincerely filial and that's why you remembered them."
"Since ancient times, it is a matter of course for sons to be filial to their mothers."
"Using the emperor as an example, to promote filial piety."
"Among the different kinds of kindness, filial piety comes first."
"Being filial should be with sincerity. Practicing filial piety while your parents are alive is being filial. Practicing filial piety once your parents are dead is what people call falsely filial."
"The Story of Shaoxing Wine touched me, filial child must be a good boy."
"Prince He of the First Rank is so filial to your mother. It's really touching."
"I will spend my whole life being filial to her."
"Being good to our parents is not just some sort of like extra credit; it's something that we have to strive for because without doing it, our faith is not complete."
"Kindness to your father will not be forgotten, and will be credited to you against your sins."