
Bondage Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
"I just really believe, guys, as I was praying today, that people who don't even realize they're in bondage are going to get delivered and free."
"Your spirit's wings are basically bound, it's spiritual bondage because you associate pleasure with just keeping the narcissist calm."
"We have not received the spirit of bondage to fear."
"We are free on levels that we don't understand yet; we are completely and utterly free, and our only bondage is not realizing it."
"The only people who don't get free are those who don't admit that they are in bondage."
"Freedom is not the length of time between cycles. Freedom is when the cycle is broken and what used to bind you doesn't bind you anymore."
"Someone is definitely bound, stuck, stagnated, blinded to their own denial."
"Satan promises Liberty and as soon as you and I take that first step into the glittering world of sin the seemingly glittering world of sin we start to become ensnared and brought into bondage."
"May these bondages be broken from off of you today."
"The only one that keeps in bondage is you, not the individual."
"No more bondage, no more chains, no more shackles, I am free."
"Bondage to truth is to be always firmed in the form that the burden is light."
"If you aren't free in any area of your life whether it's Financial whether it's your uh physical body uh your healing whether it's your emotions if you are bound in any area you do not know the truth."
"'You are enough' is a message of bondage, not freedom."
"The joy that comes from bondage versus freedom, right?"
"No souls are more spiritually bound than those who falsely believe they are free."
"It's not saying what they did was right or wrong, it's just because you haven't given that forgiveness, you're just bound."
"And if you are bound, you can't do anything creative."
"When you are liberated, you will clearly see you have never been in bondage. The highest truth is nobody is in bondage, nobody attains freedom. It's all one consciousness and a play in that consciousness. You are that one consciousness."
"Deliverance from bondage is not a Deliverance to autonomy."
"It was bondage. What I thought was freedom was actually bondage."
"The reason God doesn't want us to drift into sin is because sin places us into bondage."
"Leather daddy only because his mask looks like it's made out of leather but it also looks like I can eat wacamole off of it and you know that he would put you in some good bondage like real high quality stuff."
"It is a devastating thing to be under the bondage of the fear of man and being a people-pleaser."
"You see, the absence of a demon does not mean you're still not bound."
"The law is a slave driver, it puts you under bondage."
"False doctrine renders Christ profitless and puts you under the bondage to the whole legal system."
"The misconception that we're in bondage is because of the very concept of a separate individual."
"Freedom is the most attractive thing to somebody who's bound."
"Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin."
"Shame and guilt is the biggest way that the enemy keeps us in bondage."
"What's putting you in bondage fear always brings bonding."
"Were we created, was life breathed into man only to be in bondage to these man-made structures?"
"Count up all the desires you have, all the iron chains that are binding you."
"Freedom is a road, bondage is a road also."
"If you have a sin that's holding you in bondage, if you'll come today, he'll start the process of freedom in your life."
"We can't afford to live in a fake sense of bondage."
"Fear makes you subject to bondage."
"When one gets enlightened, you don't feel that I was in bondage, now I'm enlightened, I'm free. Rather, you feel I was never in bondage."
"Why am I stuck? Why do I have these bondages still? I don't understand."
"The easiest way to stay in bondage is to stay in denial."
"Our true freedom... Christ is trying to say is that our freedom is exceedingly limited, and when we think we're exhibiting it, we're frequently only showing our bondage."
"He frees us from our natural bondage to sin and enables us freely to will and to do what is spiritually good."
"Don't you dare let anyone bring you under bondage."
"Jesus does not want you to live bound any longer."
"You can't preach liberation and live in bondage."
"The outcome of fear is always bondage."
"The most horrifying bondage is the bondage of religion."
"When we compromise obedience to God...it always ultimately leads to bondage."
"From excellence in Christ to exile, we can be trapped, we can become in bondage to a number of things."
"Covetous desire can take over someone's life and become bondage."
"Your image becomes your idol, and you will become a slave to that image."
"It's human memory which is a source of all bondage. What you call as karma is just memory."
"To walk in forgiveness is to walk in freedom; to walk in unforgiveness is to walk in slavery."
"It's so simple. Yes, we're in bondage. Yep, we agree. But God provides for people in bondage."
"I am freed from the law and I'm bound to Christ."
"He came to deliver them who through the fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage."
"You kept justifying yourself into bondage."
"God desires to keep you in bondage to sin, guilt, and shame."
"Unity is bondage. Absolute separation is absolute liberation."
"God wants us to know the ones who hold us enslaved."
"In Simon's case, his iniquity came from bondage to some type of immorality."
"God is Not persecuting them but sin is a persecutor, sin is slavery, sin is a shackle, sin is a task master."
"'Everybody's a slave to something.'"
"It's possible to be saved, but to still be in chains."
"Any form of freedom without restriction is bondage."
"The only thing that holds us in bondage is our attachment to this lower world."
"You are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage... a prison for your mind."
"The chains of hell are not physical; they are spiritual and intellectual and emotional. They are chains of ignorance."
"Israel groaned under their bondage and cried out for help."
"All of us are enslaved to something."
"All men are slaves to something too."
"If slavery is a system of bondage where a person is treated as property, deprived of their freedom and personal liberty, and forced to perform labor for another's gain, then mass incarceration is slavery."
"The root of all bondage and suffering is ignorance, lack of understanding things as they really are."
"That person could think that the very reason they can walk is because of these bonds which, in reality, are limiting them."
"Sin always hurts; it always shackles."
"Sin is bondage, and when we are blinded to our sins, we don't understand what type of bondage we're in."
"The mind creates bondage and it also liberates."
"Everyone who lives in sin is the slave of sin."
"Of whom a man is overcome, of the same he is brought into bondage."
"The creation groans in travail, subject to the bondage of decay."
"You will always be in some form of bondage until you reach that level of forgiveness."
"Man is in bondage, bound by space and time to the earth plane."