
Cybercrime Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"To stop him, investigators need to rouse a confession from a graveyard of deleted computer files."
"The argument that Bitcoin having value automatically means that there will be hacks and cybercrime is delusional."
"Every 10 seconds someone becomes a victim of fraud or identity theft."
"The ecosystem appears quite resilient to law enforcement takedowns."
"As digital platforms develop, we're increasingly seeing organized criminals using crypto to launder their dirty money."
"Cybercrime is estimated to cost over 6 trillion a year by 2021."
"In the past few years, cybercrime has exploded, with some reports putting it on a par with the drug trade."
"In the black market, working credit card numbers go for as little as $1 each."
"In the past few years cyber crime has exploded."
"Ransomware: today, almost anyone can get their hands on ransomware technology for as little as $39."
"Darkside group really has perfected extortion as a business model."
"The dark web's largest illegal marketplace shut down by the US."
"Genuinely protect freedom of expression online and offline by removing ambiguous definitions related to cybercrimes."
"They created look-alike accounts on numerous platforms impersonating us trying to trick naive people into thinking that we're engaged in some really nasty and questionable Behavior."
"Thank you folks, good afternoon, my name is Normand Barbosa. I'm a computer crimes prosecutor from the US Attorney's Office up in Seattle."
"Your [expletive] is mine now: Hacker locks internet-connected chastity cage, demands ransom."
"They conducted these brazen attacks from the safety of their own country, but that does not mean that we should not and will not pursue them and hold them accountable."
"When you start showing up to people's homes, when you start doxing them, when you swat them or have the bomb squad show up, the goal is to terrorize."
"BEC's are the number one most costly form of cybercrime in the US."
"Financial cybercrime is exploding; the hackers, some of their teens, are making thousands if not millions and are rarely getting caught."
"Re-evil is demanding 70 million dollars in bitcoin."
"I just stole their credit card info, so not a total loss."
"Lots of money is at stake. In 2020, the total amount of ransom paid by the victims reached nearly 350 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency."
"First and foremost, you know, I'm a security practitioner, most of us never thought that we would get into a situation where we would be negotiating for essentially the life of a company."
"Pennsylvania woman created deep fakes deep fake pictures and videos to force rivals off daughter's cheerleading squad what kind of deep fakes this is the thing people were talking about."
"He was swatted by people who wanted him to give up his Twitter handle."
"The admin stole my identity and he's running around with my face doing horrible things in my name."
"This ring of scammers operating 24/7 on YouTube is pulling in excess of 1 million dollars per month from compromised channels preying on their own subscribers."
"Kevin Poulsen was indicted on 18 felony counts of computer related crimes."
"Cyber crimes will cost the world a whopping 6 trillion dollars a year by 2021."
"Cybercrime will be the number one type of crime that exists."
"Cyber criminals are already leveraging deep fakes for scams."
"FBI seizes notorious marketplace for selling stolen SSNs."
"But who are these cruel scammers and just how much money do they make from these scams?"
"Cyber crime is a serious threat to our country, to our personal safety, to the health of our economy, and to our national security."
"How Coinbase phishers steal one-time passwords: a fascinating look at cybercrime sophistication."
"This story is gonna be about how people allegedly believe North Korea tried to steal a billion dollars."
"Secret indictment listing David Pakora as the first foreign hacker to be charged criminally in the United States, stealing over a hundred million dollars in American Trade Secrets."
"Our message to criminals on the dark web is this: you can try to hide in the furthest reaches of the internet, but the justice department will find you and hold you accountable for your crimes."
"Global damages from cybercrime are projected to be 7 trillion dollars in 2022 alone, making it the third largest economy on Earth behind the United States and China."
"He hacked my Instagram account and proceeded to delete every single one of my photos."
"Hackers here behaved like real rock stars. They boasted about their success in their telegram channel."
"My mother's consciousness has been hacked by a guy in India trying to get Bitcoin."
"Cybercriminals who rely on malware like cackbot to steal private data from innocent victims have been reminded today that they do not operate outside the bounds of the law."
"Fighting cybercrime is an enormous task and one that requires us all—industry, law enforcement, and policymakers—to come together."
"There are a whole lot of psychos out there in cyberspace, and if you make them mad, it can have deadly real-life consequences."
"Stolen credit card numbers are some of the hottest items on the black market auctions."
"Cybercrime's not really sophisticated."
"This has opened up a whole new world of criminal behavior; hacking into accounts and changing passwords, SIM-swapping people to try to gain access to an account, or straight-up bullying and harassment."
"How does North Korea get its money? Well, according to investigators, it hacks and steals the money..."
"Cybercrime involves activity to impact the CIA create of an organization."
"Banking fraud has moved online right so actually you have these hackers or kind of stealing your data and running malware on your computers and kind of stealing your body back way."
"It isn't a virus, it's a worm. The worm eats a few cents from each transaction and when the worm's ready it zips out with the money and erases its drive."
"To help deal with this problem, police believe the hackers gave at least one of the handlers a special power."
"The Lazarus group's ambition, the sheer scale of the thefts they're accused of attempting, made them very attractive partners for Dark Web criminals looking to get rich quick."
"With identity theft being such a common theme in our lives, there are new victims every 14 seconds."
"Two billion dollars stolen by North Korea."
"Some police departments still don't have the training or software to properly investigate crypto crimes."
"And the cybercriminals could either abuse those accounts themselves, steal from them, or they could sell access to the data to other individuals or groups."
"It was basically the Crown Prince of ransomware."
"It just sort of every, their entire work had sort of, this is like their magnum opus of ransomware."
"Our evil was doing more to extort people than just demanding ransom."
"At the end of the day, our evil, the ransomware as a service, would provide not only the malware but also the decryption functionality."
"Our evil continued to infect companies and make millions of dollars from these ransoms."
"Fin7 had totally quit robbing banks and turned into a ransomware as a service business because of how profitable they saw our evil was."
"But while there, in hospital, digital forensics showed he was still conducting ransomware scams and laundering money using the hospital’s WiFi."
"Many criminal organizations use botnets to send online spam which is known to cost countries millions of dollars each year."
"Cybercrime is not a problem of Nigeria or for Nigeria. It's a problem from every part of the world."
"Hackers stole $600 million in cryptocurrency linked to axi Infinity; it was one of History's biggest heists."
"In 2022, North Korea's hacking gang was responsible for half of all cryptocurrency theft."
"Their haul was $1.65 billion, more than three times the amount made globally from ransomware last year."
"We see that working a case right now with a group called scattered spider and that's how they got into one of the elevated accounts."
"Knowing exactly how much money that someone has in their account is vital to making your SIM-swap more successful."
"Every little scrap of extra information they can get about you can potentially mean a massive payday for them."
"Cybercrime is a business there are buyers and there are Sellers and there are marketplaces and there are stores and shops and it is an underground Enterprise."
"Identity theft is an epidemic. It is an epidemic. People are very creative, they're very crafty."
"The government should have a department for cybercrime."
"Hackers can make up to one thousand dollars from selling someone's personal information on the dark web."
"These are true stories from the dark side of the internet. I’m Jack Rhysider. This is Darknet Diaries."
"Cyber crime is any criminal activity that would involve the usage of any computing device which would result as a security incident at the victim's end."
"Revenge porn is wrong, and obviously that person sending it is [__]."
"It was the beginning of a cyber nightmare so bizarre that not even Hollywood screenwriters could have imagined it."
"Victims often don't know they're victims until long after the fact."
"Cyber crimes happen when cybersecurity fails."
"Cybercrime is crime conducted via the Internet or some computer network."
"Most cybercrime happens online because you just have massive amounts of computers connected together, and they can communicate with each other real-time."
"With cybercrime, we’re focused mostly on the connections between systems."
"Cybercrime comes in many forms. The majority of cybercrime is financially motivated in some way."
"Attackers may try to steal data or information stored on a computer."
"If we can take over a computer system, we can control it to do whatever we want."
"Most cybercrime in Korea, most cyber crimes in Korea, are online fraud related."
"Cross jurisdiction requires country cooperation."
"Individuals have limited resources but a large reach."
"Organized criminal organizations have added cybercrime as an integral part of their operations."
"Cybercrime investigation is very much like traditional investigations; the same skills, the same knowledge are necessary for both types."
"They're psychological terrorists and given the fact that they blast out tens of billions of spam emails and Robo calls every year, their goal is quantity not quality."
"By 2021, the global cost of cybercrime will reach six trillion dollars."
"The most harmful damage was done by extremely intelligent criminals from the comfort of their homes and the anonymity that comes with working from behind a computer screen."
"It's most probably a victim because he was impersonated by the attacker."
"Cybercrime is illegal and there are consequences."
"The dark web is no myth; your stolen info, passwords, they're like hot property."
"Cybercrime and identity thefts are likely to increase."
"Cyber criminals have created their own AI chat bots."
"The Global cost of cyber attacks in 2024 is absolutely shocking."
"It's a terrifying situation for these organizations because they're completely shut down and the only recourse they have is to pay these ransomware groups."
"Business Email Compromise (BEC) is one of the most financially damaging online crimes."
"Worry no more, you can protect yourself from internet criminals."
"Once every hour someone falls victim to an internet scam."
"Computer crimes, this is a fast-growing and ever-changing area of the law."
"Identity theft is big business for scammers, amounting to around 52 billion dollars in losses in 2021."
"It is a cyber crime to take somebody's company's name and use it in place and take some money out of some people and scam them all."
"As a result, they are increasingly becoming a target for fraudsters, trolls, and hackers."
"These are very real threats and occur with frightening frequency."
"Boziak made millions of dollars in the international cyber underworld."
"Cybercrime today is more profitable than the illegal drug trade."
"Cybercrime makes more money than drug trade today in the world."
"This is the story of the first online bank robbery."
"Phishing attacks are when some adversary sends you an email that looks legitimate."
"With cybercrime increasing over 600 percent during the pandemic, 79 percent of businesses encountering at least one data breach over the previous 18 months, and 4.8 million theft and fraud reports received by the FTC, the protection of data is no longer optional."
"Ransomware encrypts your data and asks for ransom money before giving you the decryption key."
"There's a new victim of identity theft every 14 seconds."
"Cybercrime is changing the way that crime is happening."
"Cybercrime is very real, everyone knows someone it just happened to."
"Phizzer was the first virus we would conclusively prove that from the very beginning this virus was written for one motive only and that motive was money."
"The zero day market, the digital underworld full of elite hackers and horrific secrets, a world that sometimes spills into our reality causing massive harm but also a world that is inseparably intertwined with ours."
"Crime as a service or malware as a service is possible for an intruder to purchase an exploit kit."
"Online games are one of the best ways to launder money."
"So low of a cost to them that they could do that and have a very, very small success rate and it somehow still is profitable."