
Generation Gap Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"Bill is tough; he runs a military system. It's a different generation. Bill is a great, great, great coach, three greats, but his interpersonal skills are horrible. That's the bottom line."
"Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them."
"GG's, in conclusion, the video was saying that we're washed, it's overtime to hang it up. #GenAlpha"
"Middle-aged people struggling with technology, it's fun, isn't it?"
"That's me screaming at the air like a like a boomer."
"The other reason is that this new distracted generation is reading at a 7th or 8th grade level and studies have shown that a distracted mind is much less likely to catch on to small details and nuance."
"Lucy is going to pull the football away and these Boomers will be homeless because all they have is their house now."
"Luke: 'I think that our parents have been too bad of gods and they've been gods for too long and our generation needs to take over.' He makes good points."
"I feel like it's time to drop whatever little things we have on the side and trying to be a parent because a lot of Our Generations, it's lack of parenting, lack of discipline, lack of the effort from our parents' side, you know."
"Warped tour...the last warped tour was 2017...so if someone is like 16 now...they legitimately might not know what warped tour is."
"That's a generation. I think in some cultures, yeah, that's a very honest answer."
"I tell this to my son because I'm not sure if it's a new wave of generation but eye contact seems to be lost but it could also tell a lot as well."
"Our generation I think is growing frustrated and tired of people in positions of power who don't understand the importance of digital media."
"A lot of this vocalness or you know vocer denial of being a feminist I see comes from younger women."
"There's never been a generation that has welcomed the news of judgment, never."
"It's generations disintegrating bit by bit by bit."
"It's a matter of conscious behavior that you young people are inheriting."
"Embrace Tech or die in a tar pit, to me it's just another one of these examples of these Rock Boomers."
"These aren't our parents at all. They look like some sort of clones."
"Foo Fighters are dad rock, it may sting, but can anyone honestly say the Foo Fighters are not dad rock? You can't because it's true."
"...getting up in the morning drinking hateration right now A A Certain generation thinks of critique as hateration let's just be honest about that."
"You can't learn stuff after you've been raised in a generation. We all know that. No, you can't make a decision later in life and say, 'Maybe I'll save my life with this piece of vinyl I'll strap across my chest.' Old dog, new tricks, that kind of thing."
"My daughter is like oh my god just the things she says and like her wall with the black lives matter's like there's just with the labels and the it's it's so interesting how different you know is there anything like in your you know arc you know our comedy has changed so much."
"Our kids, but like our future kids, but like this generations kids."
"Bun B said something that was profound. He said, 'When we were younger, our parents said the things that we were doing was outlandish.'"
"A new generation of excellent scholars began challenging old battles of prejudice against theory."
"My father was a remarkable man. There was a huge generational gap between my father and I, because I'm the last of the 14 children."
"I love your comparison, like once you become a parent, people are like, 'Well, you gotta get more structure,' and you try to put that on your kid, and your kid grows up just to find out like, 'You weren't like that when you were my age.'"
"Gotta love a guy who uses entry music that even the folks in my generation can remember and identify with."
"Nowadays, you're given a title of snowflake or millennial, and that is exactly what's dividing this country today."
"Now we got way more liberties than our parents had."
"They don't give a [ __ ] about the fan. They only care about one thing: themselves and the dollar bill. Period. But that's not just wrestling, that's just generation."
"Your kids shouldn't like the same music you like generally, you know, but as they get older, then they maybe they will."
"But the thing is, the generation do not understand the rank of the parents."
"I love that about the new generation, disrupting, bucking the system, teaching, hey, that stuff y'all did back then was toxic and wrong."
"If I could teach gen Z anything, it would probably be to shut the [ __ ] up and do what the [ __ ] I said."
"It makes you a boomer, yeah, you just stop understanding memes and you become racist."
"Will this new generation allow themselves to be manipulated in order to achieve the ends of desperate old men?"
"...it's the Elder generation's responsibility to craft the world they think that the kids need and any failures of the youth is a reflection of our shortcomings as much as it is theirs."
"The generation now will never know what it is to play on bad equipment."
"I'm a YouTuber for a living right trying to explain to a 50 year old man the internet [ __ ] that I do on a daily basis is like trying to [ __ ] speak Sumerian to a three-year-old Chinese baby"
"If this generation could really understand that, then you know, cuz you know what kills me, what's is when you see young kids in the comment and they're like parents just done and parents and parents I'm just like we the reason you're here."
"I think the generational Gap is a very serious thing."
"Music I do is different, you know. My parents don't really understand, I don't think."
"A stubborn and rebellious generation."
"We have a generation today that does not know how to differentiate between truth and facts."
"I think the generation today that's being educated in college and educated or out working, that generation today is the one that is sick and tired of the system."
"There was an entire generation who didn't get the instructions of the lord and as a result there was this terrible spiritual decline in the nation."
"Who's the disrupter who's going to communicate with me in a language that doesn't alienate people my age but lures in people their age?"
"The problem with your generation, you think you invented sex."
"Hip-hop hears you talk like this. Like, 'Oh, you don't want... You ain't (censored) with young shit. "Okay, cool. We gon' get your old ass up outta here.' That's how hip-hop operates."
"There's a lot of people, especially the older generation or parents, they don't understand social media."
"It was a humorous sight to see elderly men cursing at a robot."
"I'm convinced that the generation gap between a 55-year-old in China and a 25-year-old in China is one of the biggest gaps on the planet."
"Oftentimes a person will realize they're getting older when they realize how different they are to the younger generation."
"I feel like a 90-year-old woman trying to communicate with my grandson over Twitch."
"Me trying to explain a meme to my grandparents, my grandma: 'Why does the astronaut have a gun?' 'Cuz Grandma, it... you know what, never mind."
"I'm gonna show you Zoomers how we did it in the 90s."
"I got my grandpa an iPad... all he plays on it is solitaire."
"I'm Your Mother. You children are so disrespectful these days."
"Respect your parents, boomers. They passed school without Google."
"Many younger folks have no idea of the cartoons, toys, and generally the stuff we used as kids."
"My kids think Dr. Dre is the headphone guy."