
Aerodynamics Quotes

There are 748 quotes

"For those of you that are new to my channel, I worked for Mercedes as an aerodynamicist for the 2018, 19, and 20 Formula One seasons, and I now work as an aerodynamics consultant designing aerodynamic packages for different race cars and different classes all around the world."
"I was an aerodynamicist for Mercedes for the 2018, 19, and 20 Formula One seasons. I now work as a consultant designing aerodynamics packages for race cars in all different classes all around the world."
"Whilst I'm a professional aerodynamicist, I'm not a magician. Flows on a Formula 1 car are very complicated and you can't perfectly predict what's going to happen."
"How do you get a midsize sedan to give you over 50 miles per gallon out on the open highway? Well, clearly aerodynamics are very, very important."
"The Pacifica is currently the most aerodynamic minivan on sale in the United States."
"Reduction of air resistance by as much as 70%."
"Electric vehicles are a whole new ball game for us aerodynamicists."
"Designing a plane: balancing thrust, control surfaces, and wing placement for stability."
"When your wings naturally try to raise the airplane off the ground because that's what wings do, because it's in front of the center of mass, the front of our plane is going to rise first."
"By moving our wing backwards, we end up with a more stable plane."
"You want your center of lift to be behind your center of mass and everything will work out awesome."
"The airfoil up high is extremely efficient... more downforce with less drag."
"It's not a matter of internal voice about a wind displacement percentage of the wing ratio to its mass."
"What if a car's design could actually use the wind to its advantage? Well, that's where downforce comes in."
"Perhaps the strongest contender for aerodynamics innovation in the Can-Am era was Chaparral Race Cars, founded by Hap Sharp and Jim Hall."
"Like every racing car designer John Barnard was always trying to come up with ever more ingenious ways of making his car lighter, tighter, and more aerodynamically efficient."
"Share your truth boldly, it makes a difference."
"For M4, we pushed the envelope, executing aerodynamic maneuvers on the propulsion module and crew capsule on re-entry."
"The fastest configuration in the wind tunnel was actually 11.5 watts faster than the previous aero."
"Aerosocks: probably the best pound per watt Aero upgrader is in the world by some margin."
"The car was designed to just cut through the air... it all worked, okay."
"They're moving away from their original Aero concept towards the Red Bull one. It's just obviously the way to go."
"The fighter is equipped with a fuselage blended wing and four body vortex control strikes a fairly classic solution for the fourth generation."
"Aerodynamics becoming a big part of every car these days."
"Drafting means using someone else's aerodynamic effect to your benefit."
"So, there you have it brutes, the drafting techniques that make NASCAR strategy complicated and fascinating at the same time."
"Drafting reduces your aerodynamic drag, allowing you to travel at the same speed with less power."
"Drafting makes a significant difference even on steep climbs."
"We want to minimize drag in order to maximize our efficiency."
"Aerodynamics are so closely linked to design. Aimed you will not compromise design for aerodynamics."
"Aircraft stability is achieved when the center of gravity is located ahead of the center of pressure."
"The spoiler reacts, raising and changing its angle depending on the drive mode."
"The more the wing moves, the less turbulence you will feel."
"The art of aerodynamics: Little details making a big impact."
"The F-22 continues to have relatively low drag at supersonic speeds."
"It was observed that the overall airframe drag was considerably higher than expected... but nevertheless the prototype's overall performance met and even exceeded the official specifications."
"Look at the way it blows. It must be like this. Don't let its cuddly appearance fool you. It's one of the most aerodynamic fighters out there."
"It's interesting to see how the wind resistance has a profound effect on the car with limited horsepower."
"It's more efficient than a light year zero why not because they've spent any time at all designing an aerodynamic shape."
"Aerodynamics are the best way to get more range since it doesn't require more battery, and that's what Hyundai delivers with this car."
"The simulations are conclusive: losing just one leading edge along the horizontal stabilizer will send the plane into a catastrophic nosedive."
"While vortices do cause drag, they're also a useful tool to separate and seal in different areas of airflow."
"The narrow gap between the car floor and the track turns the entire floor into a giant downforce generator."
"A diffuser at the rear amplifies this goal, with its more pronounced upward curvature."
"In coming years the aerodynamic design regulations for F1 cars are set for major changes to encourage closer racing and overtaking."
"It's about reducing as much of the frontal area minimizing that sectional detail so that you've got something that's slipping through the air as smoothly as possible."
"Trail braking is the one technique which in and of itself is able to shave seconds off your lap time if perfected."
"One of the safest ways to overtake is on back straights using the car in front of you to break the wind resistance for you."
"This wing is very radical and of course it helps tremendously for downforce."
"Aerodynamics, I'm breaking through the atmosphere when I slam it."
"Ice and snow can interrupt the flow of air over the plane's wings, decreasing lift."
"Its sleek aerodynamic shape contributed materially to its excellent all-around performance."
"We wanted to clean up the front, reduce frontal area, and drag. As lightweight sports cars, we have to fight against the wind."
"This is F1, it's all about arrow in, like it's being demonstrated."
"The Sikorsky S97 holds a nose-down hover, something conventional helicopters can't do without drifting."
"Take a deep breath and process what's actually going on and then collaborate to have those conversations if need be, reach out for help and advice sometimes."
"The Works WXR Vortech bike: outrageously narrow for slicing through the air."
"The fact that here aerodynamics in design is not only accepted but embraced."
"Peugeot has gone a completely different direction, they've managed the airflow all over the top of the car and especially underneath it."
"The Viper just has a ton of downforce. So much downforce, not able to get to super high speeds but able to actually just obliterate all the track records out there."
"You have composite panels plastic panels that run from the front to the middle to the sides around the exhaust all the way to the back to smooth out airflow."
"A pointed nose cone will help modulate oncoming air flow behaviors and minimize aerodynamic drag better than a nose cone with a rounded or blunt head."
"Different spoilers giving different effects to the car... it's all about fine-tuning for your own personal driving style."
"Imagine if I was able to pair that with larger diffuser tunnels further down the car as a result of the narrower chassis. I would have a car with significantly more downforce and a reduced overall drag level."
"Every time we run the hard compound, McLaren flies. They must be generating more downforce than any other team."
"When a helicopter is in flight, there are four forces acting upon it constantly: thrust, drag, lift, and gravity or weight."
"The lower you can run your car to the ground, the more you can trap the air under the floor to create the vacuum with the Venturi tunnels, create more downforce from the floor, and therefore extract more performance."
"The second-generation Aero, it was already one of my favorite aero road bikes on the market, this one is clearly better."
"It's much easier to reduce your CDA by 10% than it is to add ten percent of power."
"Over 60% of your fuel at highway speeds can go to just pushing air out of the way of a typical SUV or sedan."
"If you can really optimize your vehicle for aerodynamics, you're going to get much better fuel economy."
"Redefine the aerodynamics and space flight."
"It handled incredibly well in aerobatic maneuvers, demonstrating remarkable nimbleness for a twin-engine design."
"Aerodynamics are incredibly important in cycling, much more so than bike weight in almost all instances."
"What people don't understand about downforce is downforce is essentially adding weight to your vehicle."
"The lift force from the whole wing is concentrated through the cross-sectional area of these two spars, and that is all that holds the wing on."
"The bike itself is much more aerodynamically shaped."
"Stalls occur when the wing exceeds the critical angle of attack."
"Aerodynamics was at the Forefront of everyone's mind."
"A larger prop is always going to be more efficient than a smaller prop all else being equal."
"Once the aerofoil has stalled, it generates a lot less lift and a lot more drag."
"...races like Leadville are not done on a flat Road there's climbing and descending and breaking and cornering but regardless there is no doubt that there is still some savings if not a lot of savings to be had by the improved aerodynamic position."
"Bikes are actually pretty aerodynamically inefficient up on a roof."
"Those little white golf balls have dimples all over them for aerodynamics."
"...they help planes fly high up in the sky."
"...creating crushing amounts of downforce to extract every possible morsel of performance from its special sticky tires..."
"the eqs is the most aerodynamically efficient car that's ever been production built"
"Conventional wisdom suggests that for an event with lots of climbing, the lightweight climbing bike would be best, but maths suggests the Aero, but it's not as simple as that."
"It's a common misconception that it doesn't matter riding an aero bike when you're drafting. It does. There's still a saving to be had."
"It's a design just as Sleek as before and with a drag coefficient of just 0.24 is still one of the most aerodynamic production cars in the world."
"Aerodynamics became a focal point of car design"
"Disc golf discs are essentially a circular wing, and the edge of the wing is what primarily determines the stability of the disc."
"An airplane is able to fly because its wings create lift that hold the airplane up."
"You can't just come into my life, explain the aerodynamics of a cow, and then leave."
"You can learn a lot about aerodynamics when you compare two great aircraft."
"The front end of the GT500 stands out over the base, it has this very widened front end on both sides, these super aggressive splitter across the entire front which improves downforce airflow"
"It's a product of being in traffic as well your car loses the front downforce when you're behind another car."
"The Sakara bird: a wooden figure sparking theories of ancient aerodynamics."
"As you increase airspeed, the angle of attack tends to go to zero at the maximum speed of the airplane."
"So your very likely getting if you had no control surfaces you'd probably be getting drag every bit as low as those refined wind tunnel models."
"Aerodynamics is like the worst girlfriend you've ever had. You never know what the worst girlfriend you've ever had is going to do. It's like they're going to be evil, are going to be sweet today."
"It's a very, very fat wing designed for slow flight."
"This is the most aerodynamic downforce of any car."
"They've done everything they can to make it very aerodynamic but yet still distinctively Lexus with its own unique design."
"I found them really cool-looking, I love them, and also these ones fulfill an aerodynamic function, they optimize the wind flow."
"It's spinning creating moving air over the top moving air has lower pressure which means it's pushed up by the higher pressure underneath and that is called the Magnus effect."
"Keeping your tumblewing in the air is mostly about the speed that you walk. Too fast and the tumblewing will go over the top, too slow and it'll fall. Finally, practice, practice, practice! Happy tumblewing flying!"
"The design of this car needs to be a little bit different to the LFA because, of course, this is fully electric, so a lot of it needs to be designed around the aerodynamics like this little double bubble roof."
"What makes airplanes, or basketballs, or people fly? It's air."
"Subsonic, transonic, supersonic... understanding the speeds of flight."
"Above that is an adjusting wing that functions both as an air brake."
"I’m using 150 grit sandpaper, and after a couple of minutes, you can already see the nosecone starting to take shape, and looking a lot more aerodynamic."
"The flat black corner air curtain air hits the front of the vehicle very clean."
"Spin which is kind of the king of all aerodynamics in my opinion, that's your lift."
"Modern wind turbine blades have a sawtooth edge along a portion of the blade, it makes the blades quieter and more aerodynamic which boosts efficiency."
"This was a big area of clear development that you can see, pushing a lot of clean air, a more volume of air underneath the wing."
"This might be one of those wouldn't you need more downforce than the weight of the car yeah maybe I don't know."
"The fan does work to help decrease drag or increase downforce depending on what you're going for."
"Now, if somehow you were flying in a vacuum and there was no air resistance, then the bomb would actually appear to stay directly beneath the aircraft until it hit the ground. Of course, there is air resistance."
"So ideally we’d want to get up to speed in the atmosphere where we can take advantage of all that air rather than carry all that oxidizer and propellant."
"There's so much arrow that it's actually reduced the coefficient of drag from 35 on the internal combustion Macan to .25."
"Cars want to be streamlined, they want to be smooth and slippery, rounded in the front and tapered to a point in the back. The worst thing you can have in a fast car is obstructions just sticking out into the air all willy-nilly."
"The Cessna Cardinal’s wing was a high-performance NACA 6400 series airfoil, the same one used in the Aerostar and Learjet."
"Early prototypes had a squared off wingtip but the tip Vortex was much stronger than thought so they had to install these large radius curves known as their cuckman tips."
"It makes down force on the car, making more pressure on the front tires, making the car turn as it gets in the corner." - Buddy Baker
"At the same time, it introduces a redesigned rear spoiler for increased downforce."
"Apple with its large fins and bulbous body has the highest drag while shark-like Twitter has the lowest."
"The reality is, these three options are all very very heavy. So the biggest noticeable difference is in the aerodynamics."
"Chapman realized as early as 1953 that... he'd need an aerodynamicist. Luckily, he found the services of a gentleman who was working in that capacity at the de Havilland Aircraft company... Frank Costin."
"Lift is the upward force created by the wings as air flows around them and keeps the airplane in the air."
"For me, that's a sweet spot. Anything above that, you're probably paying for arrow gains. You know, you've got to put the air up there."
"The back of the car follows the front of the car with this sort of shark fin design that centers out."
"So the idea being that the ground effect or the warmer once again a little stutter there from the engine."
"The warmer air close to the ground gives a cushioned feeling which would allow for more lift for the wings as they are close to the ground."
"It just goes against what your traditional Ries to think about but it's as time goes by I've just realized more and more aerodynamics does very little for you compared to vibration loss so by being more comfortable you are faster on the bike."
"It's all about keeping this vehicle aerodynamic but also keeping it with a more modern look with some ruggedness to it."
"An interesting and unique design that diverts the air to flow very dynamically."
"It's so flat. Yeah, the smoothness of this battery pack and the plastic ahead of it contributes to a 14% reduction in drag compared to a regular Kona."
"The aerodynamic tendencies of the 126 are another great thing that separates this car from so many other cars."
"That just proves aerodynamics, whatever dimpling pattern on the ball definitely has an effect."
"Downforce means everything on the track."
"Lowering your frontal area and also kind of getting yourself into a nice tucked."
"A spoiler at the front would be a useful addition to cut down the lift at the front by a further 50."
"Nobody thinks of fooling around with aerodynamics."
"These louvres on top of our front wing... helping with downforce."
"Deleting the rear window has major benefits for aerodynamics."
"The point is that all inviscid solutions follow the body and may come together at once. That's what we call a stagnation point and then leave the body, another stagnation point. They all kind of hug the surface of the airfoil."
"The conservation of angular momentum or vorticity stretching... If the spinning air can be converged and drawn inward towards its axis of rotation, it will spin faster."
"Bugatti says that if you took two identical golf balls, one with and one without dimples, and you were to strike them with the same impact force, the ball with dimples would travel about twice as far."
"Wind tunnels weren't quite good enough for extended research in transonic flow."
"Planes gain more lift and stay truer while in the air."
"The more slippery or the lower drag the vehicle, the better it is for everyone generally speaking."
"You want aerodynamic we want to make sure we have an aerodynamic brisket."
"These cars are so sealed up for aerodynamic reasons... you could light a match on the back stretch on the inside of one of these races, that's how still the air is inside these cars."
"That's what we're talking about, about downforce."
"The higher that BC number, the better that bullet will resist air drag, which means it's going to retain more velocity and more energy when it gets downrange."
"It's definitely unbelievable. You have the drag, especially with the wind. You have the supposedly most aerodynamic car in the world. I can't believe it. It's unbelievable."
"The more air that bleeds in under the flat floor, they're actually losing downforce."
"At speeds, you don't tend to get that eddying of air around and I think what happens, these little spoiler sections break the air, break it up so you don't get that sucking and you don't get the head wobbles at high speed."
"I guarantee you the crowds would go nuts because you have to think the average person has no idea that aerodynamics is defunct they don't even know what like type of ride is they just know that you hang below the track and that it was awesome."
"The whole reason that planes can fly in the first place is because of the very particular shape of their wings."
"Thrust and drag are tools that we can use to affect our kinetic energy state."
"In most aircraft, pitching for airspeed is best when you're on the backside of the drag curve."
"And at two miles per hour, still a light breeze as opposed to a genuine wind, the advantage of a lid jumps."
"In a high angle of attack, the burble from the wings would stream back and hit the horizontal stabilizer."
"You'd probably remember looking at this chart, and as you can see, induced drag increases exponentially as the airplane slows down."
"Swept wings improve stability, making it easy to get our model balanced in the right place."
"The best and most effective way to avoid the wibble-wobble effect is to use wing fences."
"Tip fins reduce drag and effectively make it look like the wing has a longer span."
"The Lotus 79 took full advantage of ground effect as the uneven air pressure was fixed by extending the venturi tunnels beyond the rear wheels."
"Ground effect was used for the first time over 40 years ago, kick-starting the aerodynamic revolution in Formula One."
"With a wingspan of three and a half feet, you'd expect some noise, but there's virtually nothing thanks to the comb-like serrations on the leading edge of the wing feathers that break up the turbulent air, resulting in quiet flight."
"What downforce is, is when the air pushes the car into the ground and it gives you more grip in the corners."
"When we talk about ground effect, it is also the reason you float."
"If a higher transition speed is wanted, then the aircraft needs to be pitched down and the angle of attack needs to be reduced, lowering the lift coefficient."
"No one has ever measured the pressure distribution on a paraglider, hang glider, or skydiver with a wingsuit in flight. Suddenly, all those things are possible with this little box of ours."
"So aerodynamics... I'm not an expert on aerodynamics but I'm sure it's quite aerodynamic if it's got that teardrop shape."
"The elliptec 2 face shield embraces your visage with a snug fit enabling unparalleled aerodynamics."
"Even though this is a very stylish SUV from Lexus, it's still very aerodynamic at the same time."
"The front is very aerodynamically designed, this has got a really low drag coefficient 219 CD which is very good basically As Good As It Gets."
"The winglets of the a350 optimize airflow, reducing fuel consumption and noise."
"The wings have to be made stronger to hold the plane in the air."
"So those are the two ways that your plane can lose lift: with a stall, too slow, or too high an angle of incidence."
"Swerve was a very challenging project done in 1972-1980. Swerve was, for its time, one of the most amazing aerodynamic design challenges that America faced."
"The center of lift moves rearward so it's rather like balancing a pencil on your finger."
"So smooth and it just moves through the air so well."
"Aerodynamically, the critical Mach number is very important."
"There is actual aerodynamic benefit there. These vents do actually function."
"The Maxima appears to have been shaped by the wind streamlined and sculpted offer a more planted stance than before with flared fenders side skirts and broad shoulders."
"Ballistic coefficient is basically the shape of the bullet and how well it travels through the air."
"They've done some really good engineering to actually get some air to come from the front of the nose."
"Aerodynamics have become critically important in NASCAR racing."
"...the ground effect revolution had started."
"He's leading. He's leading now, a lot of people don't understand on major speedway when it's just casual contact that upsets the air on these cars."
"Structural integrity and aeroflight are by far the most important things."
"The basic idea of lift is as it's spinning, you're rushing air over the top of the ball."
"Inside this block of air, the canopy moves forward at a constant rate no matter what direction it's facing."
"So let's get started, the Professional Awesome guys are incredible aero engineers."
"The sleek aerodynamics at the side get you as close to ground effect as you can get in a production car."
"This is a fully functional wing and it's actually able to produce more downforce than the standard wing."