
Investigative Reporting Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Investigative reporters are something we really need right now."
"People who want to understand what really happened need to look at the report."
"I dig into news stories that others can't or won't."
"We need to grow investigative reporters by the bushel in this country for the sake of our democracy."
"There's such an important case for truly investigative journalism that is unafraid."
"This story that we have breaking evidence of government conspiracy... is now definitive, reported by The Intercept, one of the biggest stories of our lives, potentially the biggest story of our lives and one of the biggest stories in the history of the United States."
"Sit back and get ready because the details about this tragedy are absolutely infuriating, and the story only gets worse the further we dig into what happened."
"I think they probably have some very good evidence there." - Hugo Lowell
"I think this is the most incompetent police work that I have ever covered."
"This video is a rare glimpse of what's happening nationwide."
"We cover the stories the corporate media largely ignores, we try to get to the truth."
"Imagine if Mueller had just been allowed at the outset to release the introductions that he and his team wrote, summarizing the two volumes of their report."
"Shari's reports did not claim to prove the origins of the virus but rather floated facts about the virus laboratory."
"There’s been growing evidence over the past year that makes a lab leak look much more likely."
"Investigative journalism is about seeking truth."
"For the first time, the true extent of his ruthless killing spree can be revealed."
"The mission is to uncover urgent stories of public interest."
"Reflecting on the political landscape, Tucker Carlson criticizes the lengths taken to fabricate narratives like 'Russia Russia Russia' and praises the Inspector General for his comprehensive report."
"We've got photographs that Ray Epps and Stewart Rhodes are buddies and have been marched together as members of the Oath Keepers."
"Their book on Belgium's X-files shook the country."
"What does journalism entail? Ideally to find out what really happened."
"I had the opportunity to speak to some of my sources and I've been told that there were differences in the way that the victims were killed."
"Well, because the fans are gonna expect a scene where we watch Loki die only to find out he's not really dead. That's a good point."
"He's in Revenge mode just from the Durham report by itself."
"I think that journalism has the power to change hearts and minds real investigative reporting to be the what has been called the custodians of conscience."
"Congratulations are in order to you for exposing this, frankly."
"This case is one of the most intense unbelievable ones i've ever researched so i urge you to follow me on to part two and whatever parts may follow so that you can be along with me for the ride."
"Inspector Richie needed to know every point of view, even less favorable ones."
"I went to Great Lengths to make that report happen."
"Real journalism is the painstaking reporting that will fight for progress and reform."
"The media was very, very quiet with this... I went and I just basically put it all together."
"We have cases to talk about tonight, we have a weekly roundup for tonight, we have a lot of dirty stuff to get into because we have financial documents."
"I'm a reporter we're doing a story about Brian Vladek."
"The evidence that the inspectors collected on the ground in Douma did not support the narrative that the Syrian government was guilty of a chemical weapons attack."
"It might be one of the most consequential Twitter files because it shows you how the whole game was played."
"The evidence that's coming out for people who want to understand it I've been telling people four years ago that when it all comes out we're gonna find."
"I'm only as good as my sources...sometimes there's more to the story."
"The labor League story would not have been broken by Legacy Media. Navara media got access to that document, we broke that story."
"The winner of Reason Foundation's 2014 lani Friedlander prize not only has broken the biggest news story in a generation, he's following it up by co-founding The Intercept, a magazine that aims to shake up American journalism."
"You know they do say in reporting that if people start threatening to sue you and you have been exposing truth generally it means you're getting close to the truth and people don't want the truth out."
"And in that video, we uncovered that the source of these videos is actually a familiar face, Rick Lax."
"I think Tucker is an absolute investigative journalist."
"They stepped forward to say enough is enough. They came forward in our investigation to tell us about their experiences, the harassment they suffered at the hands of the governor."
"She's still cooperative and answers all their queries to the best of her abilities... but it sounds to me like Karina has long been in their crosshairs as a key figure who knows much, much more than she says she does." - Local reporter Tom Gasparali
"This is a story that must be brought to attention and must be reported on."
"The central question journalistically remains incredibly simple: are the emails true or not? If they are, it's a story. If they're not, that's also a story."
"It's a blockbuster report, eye-opening for a lot of people, it's appalling, tragic, infuriating."
"They're fantastic, they're really good, he does genuine journalism and he actually exposes the corruption that takes place in the system."
"They're trying to make you think that all these facilities are full, all these hospitals when they're not, and I'm going to show you. They're not."
"Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson set out to expose what they see as serious corruption involving Joe Biden."
"There's a concept that undergirds the journalism at propublica: the public interest."
"I liked most about it. It appealed to a lot of leftists because of a long-standing distrust of the U.S. security state which we were exposing."
"If there was a story about companies paying off press in some widespread scandal, man, that would make me so excited just to report on it."
"My understanding, as my job as a reporter, holds up my responsibility to the public outmatches my responsibility to protect the reputation of any particular scientist, scientific discipline, or government agency."
"The best journalism that I've seen goes and collects individual stories."
"The last time we covered Bilderberg in Switzerland, me and Josh got put into the airport jail."
"An in-depth report maps out the structures and methods of the Chinese regime's global foreign interference machine."
"Terrible case overall, the Polaroid all of it, I'm glad we covered it, I'm glad I got the details of it now."
"The article went on to state that the balloon which John had claimed was losing gas through a hole they had deliberately put in it was still floating around Mexico and could be seen on clear days..."
"In this business saying I was going to expose, we're looking at body language, facial expressions, word choice of all the players involved to figure out what's going on." - Cat Williams
"When the director of a major Hollywood film comes after little old me directly for rumors I've reported, it means I'm on to something."
"We are here to cover this administration, to cover this president, to uncover the truth."
"His journalism was distinguished by a deep commitment to unearthing the truth and exposing the consequences of acts, notably those of the United States and the United Kingdom in international affairs." - John Pilger
"No viable lead ever surfaced despite nationwide news coverage."
"It's not a conspiracy theory, it's solid reporting."
"The probe into Communications between Tech Giants and President Biden's aides."
"An anonymously sourced article from Seymour Hersh is worth any hundreds of others."
"To help shine a light on this issue, here is my full investigation into the crypto lender Celsius."
"This confirms a lot of the details that durbauer went into to go find out what exactly is causing the overheating on these AMD gpus which is then resulting in underclocking and the graphics cards performing worse than they actually should be."
"Doing some old-fashioned investigative reporting that frankly no one else is doing."
"If there's multiple reports, listen to them!"
"Real journalism, real investigative journalism, real infield reporting."
"I want to know everything I can possibly learn and report it to you."
"That should be something that should be reported on worldwide and should be, you know, the Academia should be looking at this."
"A special report on China's transplant industry reveals the mystery behind its source of organs."
"First, the investigator's initial report... was secretively re-edited to produce a version that sharply deviated from the original."
"I broke what's called the Balco steroid scandal in San Francisco."
"Turley weaves A Narrative of intrigue and Corruption laying bare the shocking truth behind the latest allegations against Hunter Biden leaving us questioning the very fabric of our democracy."
"Let's read into it. Six thousand pounds of an explosive chemical lost during a shipment."
"I want to congratulate the people who had the courage to publish this back then like John Solomon and Fox News."
"I really want to focus on what happened with Gertz because I feel like that's the juice."
"CNBC finally starting to do some hard journalism covering Bill Gates."
"I'm going there because I don't trust anyone else in the world to ask those questions in a forceful way."
"Credible sources tell investigative journalist Christopher Sharp about Pentagon's stifling of UFO whistleblowers."
"I know a lot of drama channels take a lot of pride and a lot of time in finding receipts finding things that they think are correct and just not just trusting like one source."
"Nightcrawler is a great example of how journalism should be done."
"The truth is not neutral. You get to the truth by doing the reporting."
"The media would have you think that there were hundreds of school shootings... NPR had a massive investigative report out this morning saying that's not the case."
"If you want a good example of good investigative reporting, look at the 18 month New York Times investigation of Trump's finances."
"It's about these reporters that did something nobody else was doing."
"Our job is to question authority, and I think that holding institutions accountable and powerful individuals accountable for what they do really goes to the core of what investigative reporting is."
"Investigative reporter ought to be doing first of all the stories that other people don't do won't do."
"Exposing the truth behind skincare brands: a turning point for me."
"Under Myer's ownership, The Washington Post gained a reputation for Fearless reporting and groundbreaking investigative journalism."
"Journalists, fact-checkers, investigative reporters, they have a stronger role to play than ever before."
"How do you fund investigative reporting, where maybe you don't write a story for a full year?"
"They report on important news that other media outlets just ignore."
"I debated making this report for some time but ultimately decided to proceed with the idea that perhaps my report may be a key piece of a larger puzzle."
"You have some people doing great investigative journalism covering news or writing very long in-depth oral histories and features about the industry in general."