
Unseen Efforts Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The legacy that you build behind is based on things that no one saw."
"It's just very interesting to me how much work there is behind something."
"Your spirit team have literally been working behind the scenes."
"Everybody sees the results... they didn't see where it started."
"Even if you can't see it, every single day is progress."
"You really can't be in the training camps to see what these guys go through."
"Champions are built in the dark. Hard work will never betray you."
"We love Messi and Ronaldo but what we don't see is the Monday to Friday work they put in."
"Now to see if you can pour your heart into something that cannot be seen. It is very much real."
"Just because you can't see it doesn't mean you shouldn't train it just a compartment."
"I think he does a great job of... showcasing a lot of efforts that people might not know him and may not know he gets involved with..."
"People watch a lot of highlights...they don't see the thousand times when I play great defense."
"Sometimes the most important parts of the house are ones you don't see don't be afraid to get on your hands and knees and really make sure things are sealed up right."
"Keep moving forward; something is being built for you in the background."
"No one sees or knows about the effort, the commitment, the time behind and before your overnight success."
"There is so much more going on behind the scenes than what meets the eye."
"It's mostly work that no one sees."
"All of those great moments are all connected back to the moments that nobody saw."
"There's a great SP behind every shadow."
"It's about the in-laps, it's about the out-laps, all that stuff you don't see on TV."
"What a pro. I mean how hard he works, the communication, the way he is in the meeting rooms, the way he looks out for the younger guys. I mean that's the stuff you don't see."
"You work really really really hard and a lot of that work and effort has gone on over the long haul there's a time period of 20 years that's being highlighted here but also it goes on behind the scenes."
"People see the finished product, but they don't see the sacrifice."
"You never see that we definitely do make a difference."
"There's so much more to foster care and being a foster parent that you don't really see behind the scenes."
"People don't know what you do behind the scenes."
"All the Aussie boys, that dedication people don't even know about."
"It's the small things that no one sees that lead to the big results that everyone wants."
"You guys don't know how much work is going on in the background."
"If you want to get the seen, focus and work on the unseen."
"There's so much work behind the scenes that people usually don't get to see."
"It brings glory to God because even though no man sees it, God sees it, you're looking for His smile, His approbation, His approval."
"There's a lot of stuff cooking in the background you don't always see."
"It's about putting in that grind when the cameras are off."
"People see the success you have, what's sticking above the water, but that part that's below the waters what people didn't see."
"Just because you don't see any movement doesn't mean nothing is happening."
"The work that we put in when no one's looking."
"I know what they put into the job inside the building that people don't see."
"It's all about the details that people don't even see."
"We never left, we just worked on it in the background."
"There are far more people beneath the tip of the iceberg than you know about who are trying to get into the space."
"Even when you're not watching, I'm always working."
"I'm grateful I've got this work, and it's been all this amazing show, but maybe I imagine like... it's just that's the sound that people don't see of all the stuff we do."
"It's like an iceberg, 90 percent of the experience for all of us involved really is the work behind the scenes."
"Everything is working out behind the scenes."
"I must do what I can for her, though she thinks I do nothing."
"You never hear about how many times those people tried and failed before they became successful."
"Just because you're not seeing results happen doesn't mean results aren't happening."
"Even if it seems like nothing's happening in this connection, there is actually movement being made behind the scenes."
"You can never see in the head, but I really give with all my heart."
"Lisa is not only a great person, but there's a lot of things that go on behind the scenes that maybe we don't get to see."
"Behind every Standard Oil dealer there stand these thousands of unseen partners: workmen and technologists, scientists, salesmen, and executives."
"But you never saw my sacrifice or all the nights I had to struggle to survive."
"You are making a difference even if it looks like you're not."
"It's dedication, drive, and discipline, but it's also what you can't see."
"Her life required numerous unseen and unknown sacrifices."
"I burn my life to make sunrise, and that I know it'll never see."
"Don't think for a second He don't see all the times you fasted, all the times you cried out, all the times that you took the road less traveled."
"Just because you don't actively see something physically being done, doesn't mean that it hasn't been trying."
"I had your back the whole time, you just didn't realize it."
"The Hermit represents a lot of behind-the-scenes work, maybe people don't understand all that other good stuff."
"You never stop working, even when I don't see it, you're working."